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Chapter 1206 Puppet Show-'The Dragon Fights the Evil Cat'

Of course, although Shade gave the command verbally, since the cat might not be able to understand human speech, or could only understand very simple commands, Shade shot silver moonlight in the direction of the dragon and asked the two to

Zhang Wanxiang Impermanence card leads the way.

Of course, the cat could understand such an obvious instruction. After all, it often chased the light from Shade's fingertips when he was at home. So Mia immediately chased Shade with him, stepped through the forest, and entered the city, knocking down the city.

After seeing the architectural model of the site, I climbed up to the tallest building and squatted on it to watch the "dragon" hovering above the castle in the distance.

This cat showed its rare "ferociousness" and aggressiveness at this moment. After all, although it is usually very timid, it is never afraid of creatures smaller than it or close to it. Although the giant dragon can

It flies and is made of wood, but it is still on Xiao Mia’s “not afraid of” list.

Instead of being angry at Mia's entrance, the dragon-riding puppet was very happy. It said loudly to Shade:

"Knight riding a cat, this is our final battle. The Demon King riding a dragon challenges you. For the sake of everything, attack me! If you lose, I will destroy the city!"

"Don't call me a knight on a cat!"

Shade shouted, but the puppet didn't care at all:

"I know that the church calls me a sage-level relic, so do you think my abilities are only these? If you lose, I will really destroy the city!"

Shade still doesn't know the characteristics of this relic. He just knows that it can hold a puppet show, so he doesn't talk much with it at this moment. He rides Mia and rushes to the heights of the castle. Although the castle is too big for a palm-sized puppet.

It's very high, but for Mia, it's just a pounce away.

Shade didn't know the other characteristics of the puppet, but Miss Benanis knew it. To confirm her condition, Rathus had already handed over the [Fish Training Ring]:

"Oh no."

The witch, who was kneeling on the cards, patted her forehead with the palm of her hand, and sighed in the worried eyes of Miss Lacers:

"I hope there won't be too much noise this time."

Outside the Wilde Opera House, the gray skies in Randall Valley City in winter did not affect people's mood. The peaceful city was running as usual. On the third floor of the Prophets Association in the city center, Luvia held a tea cup.

Talking to a woman who also has brown hair, standing by the office window:

"President Anji, has this city always been so peaceful? It's been two days since I've been here, and it feels like this place is really different from the busy Tobesk."

Ms. Khalida Angie, the local Eleventh Ring Warlock in Randall Valley City and the president, also looked at the city outside the window with her teacup in hand:

"Although the cult of the evil god [Stone Heart Devil] has been operating secretly in the local area since last spring, the city of Randall Valley is famous for its good security, and the crime rate here is relatively low in the entire Kasenlik Kingdom.

Anat, you are a guest from afar. You are the next generation of fortune-teller trained by the association. But don’t be busy with work these days. You can take a walk in the city. Take advantage of that weird and difficult-to-remember fortune teller.

The Order, we haven’t contacted each other yet”

Before the sorceress finished speaking, the whispering elements swept over like a shock wave. Without any preparation, the two prophets saw the thick gray fog in the sky changing its shape. In the surprised gaze of the two people, a huge piece of

The gray cloud turned into a giant dragon and a puppet boy riding the dragon; another huge gray cloud turned into a giant cat and a man riding the giant cat.

The originally gray sky was completely covered by black mist from an unknown source. In an instant, it seemed as if night had arrived in the Randall Valley. The gray mist dragon hovered over the city, and the giant cat with a ring on its tail was entrenched not far away.

The rooftop of the Kingdom Bank of Kasenlik.

The clouds and mist made no sound, and the two rushed toward each other silently. The moment they crossed each other in the air, the giant cat's claws hit the terrifying dragon steadily, and the sphere of gray mist spewed from the dragon's mouth was hit by the giant cat knight in front of him.

The square "shield" blocked it.

The huge wind pressure caused by the aftermath of the gray fog swept towards the city like a storm. If the Cat Knight had just dodged instead of blocking, this blow would have destroyed an entire block.

In the first confrontation between the two, the cat-riding knight had the advantage. The gray fog dragon hovered in the sky again, and the gray fog giant cat also landed on the roof of the building again. The dragon opened its mouth, and the giant cat also opened its mouth. Although there was no

However, Ms. Anji and Luvia, who were watching this scene, could completely imagine the sounds of "roar!" and "meow!"


The tea cup in Luvia's hand fell down at some point, and the black tea poured on the floor, staining the uppers of her cloth boots. The dragons, puppets, cats, and knights made of gray mist were all blurry, and the details could not be seen clearly.

, but one incident involved both "cat", "knight" and "ring on the tail". How could she not know what happened?

The president of the Prophet Association was extremely shocked:

"What's going on? Could it be the relic that turns people into puppets that the Church of Creation is tracking?"

While speaking, the giant dragon spat out the gray fog ball again, but it was dodged by the leaping giant cat, and then blocked again by the flying shield. The dragon and the cat once again intertwined in the air, and the claws of the "ferocious" giant cat and the dragon's claws tore at each other.

, but obviously the cat was faster and tore off the dragon's front claws. The boy puppet's sledgehammer was first hit by the gray mist spear thrown by the cat knight, and then the puppet model in the shape of a giant sword swept across the straps.

Pants Boy's puppet was swept off the dragon's back by the giant sword.

The next second, it was silent again. The scene of "a giant dragon fighting an evil cat" in the sky completely disappeared, and the black clouds covering the sky dispersed, as if everything just now was just an illusion. The scene just lasted for less than half of the time.

Minutes, and the sun was blocked, making the field of view very dim, and the violent wind made it difficult to open one's eyes, so there should not be many citizens who saw the "fighting" above the city. Tomorrow's newspapers will probably announce that this was a short-term and localized incident.

Severe weather phenomena.

Luvia was still looking at the sky in shock, completely unable to understand what Shade, who was supposed to visit the witch this winter afternoon, was doing. President Anji had already taken out his divination deck, shuffled it hurriedly and drew

Five cards were dealt:

"It is indeed a relic related to puppets."

Luvia heard the sound and looked at her quickly, but she was not very worried that she could divine Shade's identity.

Sure enough, the president of the Seer Association of Randall Valley City, a well-known fortune teller, also used the next four fortune telling cards to get an answer that was difficult to understand:

"The ring wizard we just talked about, huh? Is it related to butterflies, princesses, unicorns and the earth?"

(Little Mia is running.)

Wilde Opera House, third floor boxes.

"I won!"

The opera in the performance hall was not over yet. As the soprano sang, the puppet Shade's moonlight sword knocked down the child puppet on the dragon's back. He immediately jumped off the cat's back, holding the moonlight sword in both hands.

It hit downwards and pierced the puppet's body when it landed.

Then, there was a popping sound, and a large plume of thick white smoke rose up in the box, enveloping the model site.

Not only Shade on the ground, but also Miss Lassers and Miss Bernice high up there could not see anything at this moment.

When the smoke dissipated and Miss Lassus and Miss Bernanis returned to normal human size, they found themselves sitting on the sofa in the box. The model field on the ground had disappeared, but it was only on the other side of the coffee table.

The tall puppet stage was standing quietly. The red curtain of the stage was open, and the puppet wearing blue suspenders was standing inside, supporting the puppet stage with both hands, and its two calves were shaking impatiently.

The background behind it is the castle just now, but the background is made of stick figures, which looks particularly funny.

What's even more funny is that the puppet has one hand hanging in a sling and a bandage on its head. It looks like it's seriously injured. Miss Lassus looked around hurriedly:

"Where's Mr. Hamilton?"

"Hamilton? I just wanted to ask, isn't it John Watson?"

Miss Benenice looked at her suspiciously, and then both heard Shade's voice:

"Oh, Mia, let me go!"

Looking down, she noticed that the cat who had helped a lot was standing on the coffee table, and the cat's two little paws hugged Shade's puppet. Mia lowered her head and widened her amber eyes.

He looked at the puppet Shade, as if trying to figure out how he became like this.

"Mia, if you dare to lick me, I swear I will let you know and I will be angry too!"

Shade warned his cat loudly, but this did not make the cat let go. Instead, the cat showed a slightly aggrieved look. Shade didn't understand why when he looked at Mia when he became smaller, he could see that it had

Such rich human expressions.

Although the puppets on the puppet stage lost, they were still in a good mood and hummed:

"The foreign knight riding a cat finally defeated the devil riding a dragon. As a result, he won the hearts of the princess and the maid, and he has been with them ever since."


Mia, who was staring at Shad, screamed, as if she was thinking about how to check Shad at this time. And this scream also reminded the puppet, so it changed its words:

"A foreign knight riding a cat defeated the devil and won the hearts of the princess and the maid. From then on, he took his loyal cat and lived happily with the princess and the maid. This is really a good story!"

It clapped alone. Listening to its tone, even though it lost, it did feel that this was a pretty good story.

"Wait a minute, why are they all back to normal and I'm not back to normal!"

Shade protested loudly.

"You need to get your cat out of the way. The [Metamorphosis Ring] on its tail can achieve the transformation of life forms, but it also resists and affects the transformation of other life forms. It is by your side, and I am worried that when you recover,

Your body will be affected by this relic."

The puppet said with a smile, happy to see Shade in embarrassment at this moment.

"Oh, Miss Lassers, please help me."

The young girl held back her smile and went to hug the cat, but the cat roughly pushed her away with its paws.

"Give the ring back!"

Shade reminded her again, and Miss Lassus was stunned for a moment before she thought of the "Fish Training Ring". Although she didn't know why Shade used the word "return", she still took the ring back from Miss Benanis and handed it to her.

To the cat.

The cat's tail swung flexibly and passed through the ring. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Miss Lassus finally picked up the cat from the coffee table. Miss Benanis frowned slightly and looked at this scene, as if she had encountered

Things that cannot be understood.

This chapter has been completed!
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