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Chapter 1245 The growing Iluna

The soul already had a strong tingling sensation at this time, because the [Night Watch] in Iluna's hand was also pointed at him. He is not an evil spirit, but the nature of the crazy earth has changed the nature of the soul, and the [Night Watch] noticed it

Its malice:

"You only have one chance. Do you know where the missing Mr. Thomas Granger has gone? Where are Mr. Granger's correspondence with your family hidden?"

After Shade finished speaking, Iluna immediately started counting down:

"three two"

"I don't know where he went! But I know where the letter is! In the cracks in the basement wall, those cursed letters led to us becoming like this! Damn Thomas Granger, died

There must be no peace!"

The baron cursed loudly, as if he had collapsed, shouting loudly and constantly cursing Mr. Granger.

"Take us to the basement."

Iluna said that the seventeen-year-old girl felt a little regretful. Although she followed, she could not play a big role, but it was a good thing that it went smoothly:

"Get those letters and we can let you go, but then you have to tell the truth."

Although Iluna agreed, she would report it to the church later, and the church would deal with these souls.

Shade withdrew the [Chain of Sin], but did not cancel the [Light of Imprisonment]. He could directly contact the spirit body on his own, and carried the bound soul back to the first floor from the third floor with Iluna.

During this period, none of the escaped souls appeared, obviously they were extremely afraid of the two of them.

The ghosts could just move through the wall in the manor, but Shade and Iluna were unable to pass through the collapsed basement entrance. They had no choice but to dig, and with the help of Shade's witch's light, they managed to melt out a tunnel that could

Passage in and out.

The basement of the manor is very large, and there are actually wine barrels and some wine-making equipment stored in it. Under the guidance of Baron Farmer, Shade discovered the stack of faded letters in the crack of the east wall with the moonlight on his fingertips.

.The crack in the wall was actually a cracked hole inside the wall. In addition to the letters, there were some jewelry and coins. Shade and Iluna took them out and found a dried baby's body inside.


Of course, it is also possible that it is the corpse of an aborted baby, which has been too long to be identified. The corpse was lying in a pool of black mud. When Shade tried to reach out and pull the corpse out, the black mud actually started to squirm:

"I see, the source of the crazy land is here!"

Withdrawing his hand, he raised his sword and stabbed into the wall. However, the black mud quickly wrapped the body, and the body immediately "melted" into the cracks in the wall.

Before Iluna and Shade could react, the corpse emerged from the ground beneath the bound Baron's feet and quickly climbed onto its back.

In five consecutive crisp sounds, the five silver haloes all shattered into pieces. The baron's soul began to harden and petrify, and like the corpse on his back, it melted into the soil under his feet, following closely behind.

The sunlight gun that arrived couldn't catch up with him even though it blasted a big hole in the ground.

"Let him run away!"

"It doesn't matter, he can't leave the confines of the manor."

Shade carefully put away the letters with brittle paper:

"It's time to finish. I have seen the source of the pollution on the earth. I can cast a spell to purify the land here. Let's go to the courtyard. The other party will not allow us to purify the land. It will come to us on its own initiative."

The two of them returned to the courtyard on a winter night from the mansion. When they passed through the corridor on the first floor, many ghosts hiding in the dark stretched out their heads from the surrounding walls and looked at the two of them, as if countless heads were hung on them.

On the wall. They tried to stop the two from leaving, but they obviously lacked the courage, so they could only watch as the two climbed out of the window.

After returning to the courtyard, in order to prevent them from making too much noise and being discovered by the ring wizards in the church camp by the lake, they returned to the dilapidated Angel Fountain at the back of the courtyard.

The night wind was cold, but the stars were bright. Shade tightened his collar, and then handed the [Night Watcher] to Iluna:

"I'm here to cast a purification spell, Iluna, this time it's up to you."

As she spoke, she smiled at the seventeen-year-old girl. Iluna nodded with a sullen face, having already made up her mind that even if she destroyed the entire manor, she would never disturb Shade's spellcasting.

This has nothing to do with justice, evil, or crazy order, it is just an innocent girl who wants to show herself. The elimination of those souls has nothing to do with those souls themselves.

Shade crushed the prepared normal soil, and after all the surrounding light focused on him for an instant, the Holy Grail of clay filled with khaki aura was already formed.

It was the first time for Iluna to see Shade use this spell. Feeling the majestic and warm power of the earth, she vaguely felt that she seemed to understand something:

"When I was training in the Holy See, the teacher said that my talent for the power of the earth was also very good, but not as good as that of the sun."

But now is obviously not a good opportunity to feel the power. When the Holy Grail of clay entered the ground beneath his feet, and the spiritual energy spewed out covering it in all directions, the things in the manor finally began to sense it.

The three-story mansion in the darkness seemed to flicker under the starry sky for an instant. As the dark clouds from nowhere came again to cover the moon, a layer of pale green light covered the surface of the manor's walls. Miserable.

Screams came out from the mansion almost immediately, and the souls were encountering something extremely terrifying.

Five blue wise man's pyroxene floated out from Iluna's pocket and floated in an arc above her head. At the same time that the divine eyes were almost shining, she saw the dark power gathering at the window on the third floor.

To a terrifying extent.

The sudden strong wind swept up the black sand and dust, obscuring the vision. Under Iluna's solemn gaze, black mud first flowed out from the window behind the banquet hall on the third floor, and then erupted like a waterfall. The black mud formed in the air, and the black mud formed

The giant snake opened its huge mouth from the third-floor window and pounced on the two people on the ground. The body of the pitch-black snake was clearly wrapped around the stiff faces of the hundreds of souls in the manor that the two of them had just seen.

The scream almost pierced the eardrums, and the giant black mud snake was thicker than Shade and Iluna's waist combined.

Behind the seventeen-year-old girl, the life ring turned into a dark golden scale. She raised the sword in her hand and pointed it at the snake:

"Law-Stand still!"

The dark golden scales radiated light, and the black mud in the sky stood still for a second as if time had been suspended. What greeted them next was a torrent of azure glow:

"Light of the wise!"

The five wise man's pyroxenes suspended above Iluna's head emitted a torrent that could penetrate the soul. The blue glow converged into one, and hit the long black mud snake that stretched out from the mansion. In an instant, blue light

Debris and splashing mud splashed in all directions. Under the influence of the power of the chosen one, the black mud retreated steadily.

"Sunshine Gun!"

The exploding golden thunder spear flew out of the hand, penetrated the blue light stream, exploded at the front end of the black mud, completely shattering the front half of the black mud snake's body. The black mud scattered, and the manor itself let out a long howl like a dream.

The scream even made Shade, who was controlling the spellcasting, worried about disturbing the Zhengshen Church on the shore of the lake.

But this is still not over. The black mud scattered in the courtyard automatically gathers together, as if giving birth to the next monster. But this time Iluna will not give them a chance. The "death" obtained by the death of the chosen one

The power of "Eye" made her divine left eye glow slightly. The concept of death changed the appearance of everything in her field of vision, but it also allowed Iluna to see the only weakness of the wriggling black mud.

Holding the sword in one hand, he quickly rushed forward, and the color of the sun covered the body of the Night Watchman's sword. This was quite similar to the prototype of the high-level thaumaturgy [Sunshine Great Sword].

Black Mud wanted to fight back against Iluna, but before he could get close to her, he was evaporated by the traces of light around her. Under balance, all things are equal, and Iluna doesn't care who her opponent is, as long as she sees a weakness, there will be no

The unkillable enemy.

He raised the sword and lowered it, and the shadow of the golden sword neatly evaporated the black mud into two pieces, while also revealing the mummy of the baby wrapped in the center.

The corpse trembled under the hot sword light, but was eventually nailed to the ground by the night watchman. Black Mud tried to get close to and assimilate the metal sword, but under the power of the angel-level relic that specifically restrained evil and negative energy, it instead

Being driven away.

The black mud completely dispersed and scattered all over the courtyard like black rain. The half-petrified souls rolled out of the black mud as if fleeing for their lives, but they could no longer escape back to the house.

After contact with black mud, the petrification process is irreversible. The great witch Miss Benenice was cursed just by feeling the breath of the crazy earth. Naturally, these simple souls cannot resist the power of the crazy earth.

The power of the chosen ones suppressed the black mud, and the [Night Watch] completely destroyed the baby's mummy. The gushing khaki spiritual energy finally covered every corner of the courtyard at this time, and the black mud gradually melted in the spiritual energy, and the Baron

Only the soul with a normal head was left, and it was revealed in the deepest part of the black mud.

The Clay Holy Grail emerged from the ground in front of Shade. This time, the cup was not big, at least not as big as the one obtained from "Saint Perry Cemetery". The rune on the cup body was [Sweetness], and its specific function was still

Ask Shade to do the experiment after he returns home.

He walked towards Iluna holding the still glowing cup, and looked with her at the Baron who was struggling to say something. Shade didn't give the other party a chance to speak, and directly stretched out his hand and pressed it on the spirit body's shoulder. Petrification

The soul feels soft and soft like a sand sculpture:

"Guide to death!"

Soul wanted to resist, but was forced to show his most precious memory to Shade. Pictures flooded into Shade's mind, and scenes of past memories flashed through his mind.

This chapter has been completed!
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