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Chapter 125 The accident that arrived as scheduled

 It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when I arrived at the club, and now it is even closer to dusk. In the hazy mist, the carriage slowly set off. Shade was thinking about his next plan to spend money and repay the money. Miss Bayas was probably there.

I thought about what I had gained after reporting the important information. So the two sat across from each other in the carriage, but they just chatted for a while.

Once some sensitive topics were discussed, such as Lakeview Manor and the small-scale earthquake in southern Nolan, or the management of the detective agency, Shade would immediately mention the other party's identity as a "nominee police officer" and force Miss Bayas to

Take the initiative to prepare new topics.

The detective was in a good mood and even planned to take little Mia out for a big meal tonight. He had never had so much money before in this world. Although he knew he had to save, it was okay to celebrate occasionally.

"But we can't forget the task of 'picking up the goods' tomorrow night."

Shade thought to himself as he looked out of the carriage window. Because he had memorized Tobesk's map recently, outsiders knew that the street he was passing was called Hammerhead Street.

From the way the street is named, we know that this street is not a main street in the city. In fact, it is close to the Tobesk East District slum. If it is night, even the rickshaw drivers are not willing to take this road.

The style of the steam age was displayed in front of Shade through this small window, and the air with a burning smell rushed into his lungs, reminding him of the characteristics of this civilization.

Metal pipes are attached to the walls on both sides of the not-so-wide street. The shops facing the street draw branch lines from the pipes into their houses, while the apartment buildings draw steam and gas directly from the underground main pipes.

Barefoot children were playing on the street, and dejected beggars were lying on the straw mats by the wall without a care, but there was nothing in the wooden bowl in front of them.

Occasionally, the middle-aged gentleman who passed by this street hurried past with his hands on his nose and a disgusted expression. The shouting of the coachman reminded people in front to pay attention to avoid, and the sound of the horse's hooves trampling on the uneven ground was particularly special.

There is rhythm.

Although the impact of this scene was not as shocking as the first time Shade stepped out of the house and saw the era, it still gave him a different feeling.

"I noticed you were looking at the kids on the street."

Miss Bayas, who was extremely bored during the carriage journey, asked, her hands holding down her skirt, which was a very ladylike sitting posture.

"I just sometimes think that some people don't have to worry about hunger as soon as they are born, but some people have to spend their whole lives..."

"Get rid of hunger?"

Miss Bayas asked, Shade did not take his eyes away from the window:

"Poor people cannot get rid of these problems in their lifetime. They can only use their lifetime to help the next generation or even the next generation get rid of hunger."

Miss Bayas did not expect that Shade would actually say such a thing. She didn't know how to continue, but she also understood what Shade meant:

"Detective, instead of thinking about this kind of thing, it's better to do something practical. For example, I participate in volunteer work at Sun Church every week so that I can help these children."

"But you can help one or two, or dozens, but what about the rest of the children?"

"But we are only mortals, we are not gods, we can only do what we can do."

Miss Bayas obviously has her own opinion on the matter:

"If the goal is too far away, it's better to just look at your feet. Even if you can't reach that distant goal in your whole life, at least you are always moving forward, and you are also driving others forward. In this way, one day, someone can

Reaching the finish line. Detective, what’s that look in your eyes?”

Shade looked at her in surprise:

"It's nothing, I just didn't expect to get such an answer from a young girl. This kind of idea is amazing."

Maybe this is what Miss Anat is looking for, the chosen one who is qualified to stand in front of the final door. If Shade was only in awe of her because of her identity before, now he sincerely admires her idea.

Foreigners have to see so many things before they can understand this truth, but a young girl in this relatively ignorant world actually has such an awareness when she is less than eighteen years old.

"Really? This is just my own idea, it's nothing... Detective, your opinion is actually quite good."

Such a compliment made Miss Bayas feel a little embarrassed.

This era seems prosperous, but society needs to change. The beauty of the steam age, whether in my hometown or here, this prosperity is based on a certain foundation.

The stranger has seen more and understands more things. Of course, he will not speak out his thoughts for the time being, which will only make others look at him strangely.

Miss Bayas's idea is actually quite good, but in this world of mysterious and extraordinary existences, although the power of mortals is insufficient, the power of gods may be enough.

After the carriage exited Hammerhead Street, it continued to drive west. On this boring Wednesday summer evening, under the hazy mist, it seemed that even the city was about to fall into drowsiness.

Perhaps because he had experienced too many things at the Lucky Southern Cross Club, Shade felt a little sleepy in the silence between chats. Miss Bayas opposite him seemed to have the same feeling, so they both fell into a drowsy state unknowingly.

In the dream, Shade once again stood on the field ridge under the sea of ​​stars and looked up at the silver moon. He thought that in the illusion created by the "Innocent Creator", there was only one silver moon in the night sky. Just as he was thinking about it in his dream

He expressed some opinions, but the voice ringing in his ears forced him to wake up:


The "other self" of the ring magician is the price of contact with the mystery. There is another voice in the head, which is a sign that they are different from ordinary people. The "other self" does not need sleep, and it is difficult to define what kind of existence they actually are.

Some theories believe that it is the other side of the soul. But in short, ring magicians do not need to worry about encountering accidents while sleeping, because there will always be "another pair of eyes" watching out for them.

Although the murmurs in Shade's head were weird, it also had all the functions that the "other self" should have. Therefore, when a warning of danger appeared in his ears and the life ring in his soul rotated, Shade got rid of that

A wonderful state of lethargy.

"Ha, I knew I would definitely run into trouble when I went out this time!"

Far from being surprised, he was actually a little happy that his expectation came true.

When he opened his eyes, he was still sitting in the carriage, but Miss Bayas was gone, leaving only the women's handbag on the seat. The four-wheeled carriage stopped moving and looked out from the half-open window.

It seemed that he had stopped in a remote alley. The dusk light could only barely shine into the narrow alley, and the pungent smell in the alley made him almost choke.

Shade probably didn't fall asleep for a long time.

"what happened?"

[You and your companions were affected by the spell. She was taken away about 10 seconds ago.]

"What's going on?"

The murmuring voice did not respond. Instead, there was a conversation outside the window, a conversation between two men:

"Were they the ones who entered the room in the club and conducted the search?"

The voice was rough and powerful, and the accent was clearly not local.

"Yes, I saw it with my thaumaturgy. The man in the car was an ordinary detective, and this woman is a ring warlock from the Church of the Righteous God. I saw her when I escorted the Silver Eyed Man away from Lakeview Manor."

This voice has a local accent and seems to be that of the coachman.

This chapter has been completed!
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