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Chapter 1250 Miss Elf

"Speaking of which, if I complete the last journey of the key in my hand this Sunday, I will be freed from the complicated housework."

Shade said while cleaning up the camp.

"Because of the [lazy] thaumaturgy you mentioned - Fiona's domestic servant?"

Luvia asked with a smile.


Shade excitedly fiddled with the bonfire and said:

"I don't know the specific effect yet, but even if you can't cook for me, you can at least help fold clothes, sweep the floor or clean the glass, right?"

Although Miss Carina's maids go to St. Teresa Square every Saturday for general cleaning, Shade cannot really ignore the hygiene at home during daily hours:

"So would you feed this thaumaturgy to a cat?"

Luvia asked again, and then she saw Shade shaking his head:

"Of course not. Feeding cats is not a task, but a kind of fun. I will not ruin my own fun."

The smile on the purple-eyed girl's face became even more obvious.

The two had dinner with the unicorn, and Shade even took out a bottle of red wine and clinked glasses with Luvia by the campfire. The unicorn also wanted to have a taste of the red wine, but Shade dismissed him as "underage and alone."

"Horned Beast" refused on the grounds that he could not drink.

But in Luvia's opinion, it's best for adult unicorns not to drink.

The starry sky outside the city was very bright. Shade thought that he and Luvia would watch the stars until very late, and then spend the night in the tent. Unexpectedly, it was only seven o'clock in the evening, and the familiar sound of the elf girl sounded in the forest.

of whistles.

Only this time, the little beast who was full did not run over happily again, but lazily called out in the forest:


The sound was also very penetrating, and the whistling stopped. About ten minutes later, the blond elf girl, still wearing the same outfit as last time, appeared in the firelight outside the camp.

She saw the light of the bonfire here in the forest, so she slowed down her steps, and waited until she was sure that the unicorn was safe before she dared to continue walking.

When she came to the fence, which was more formal than practical, she recognized Shade again - Shade had not disguised his appearance both times, but the last time he was in the dark forest, so she couldn't see clearly.

Then I realized that the female companion next to Shade this time was a little different from the last time. The lady last time was obviously taller.

"Miss, can't you keep an eye on it? It can't run into me every time it runs out. What if it runs into a bad guy?"

Shade complained to the elf, who stood outside the area covered by the bonfire and was too timid to answer the question, so Luvia waved to her with a smile:

"Come here, sit down and take a rest. We have no restrictions on its freedom. You can take it away at any time."

Luvia's affinity played a very good role at this time, or the unicorn's action of almost placing its head on Shade's lap made the elf girl have to come over.

She thanked the two of them softly again in Drarian language, and then sat beside the campfire in the direction of the unicorn's tail.

Facing this little beast, the elf girl was not so polite. She patted its back angrily:

"Why did you run out again? If the teacher finds out, we will both be in trouble."

"The punishment from the academy for leaving St. Byrons without permission seems to be terrible."

Shade said with emotion.

"Yes, it says in the school rules"

The elf girl stopped, pursed her lips and blinked at Shade. She looked only older than Agelina, but her actual age should be over fifty years old:

"You know I'm a student at St. Byrons?"

Luvia smiled and shook her head:

"Don't worry, we are also students of St. Byrons, but we are studying by correspondence."

"The local correspondence group does not have you."

The elf said nervously, she is a fourth-level warlock. Even if the alien ring warlocks are generally stronger than human ring warlocks, she cannot beat the fifth-level Shade and Luvia. And her words also proved that even if there is no

Since the unicorn escaped, she has been to the Randall Valley many times and even got to know the local correspondence group.

"We are not members of the local group, we are outsiders."

Shade said, taking out a badge from his pocket:

"Look at this, this can't be a forgery, right?"

The elf girl looked at the purple and gold medal in the light of the fire, and then opened her mouth in surprise:

"Feliana Medal? You are the one rumored to have received in half a year."

The "Feliana Medal" itself is a very useful alchemy item. Shade took a fancy to the "clean clothes" effect attached to it, so he carried it with him.


Shade raised his finger, signaling that she didn't need to continue. He didn't care about revealing his identity. After all, he also had a teacher in the college. And compared to the correspondence education magician who left his area casually, it was a formal student's punishment for leaving the college without permission.


In fact, if Shade was willing to threaten him like "Elf, you don't want others to know about your casual departure from school," he would have been able to get more good things from the girl in front of him.

But fortunately, he is still a good person.

"This is a student jointly trained by the Prophet Association and the college. She came to the Randall Valley on a business trip. I didn't trust her, so I used some methods to follow her. We are all Tobesk of the Kingdom of Delarion.

The members of the regional correspondence group are all Wuhuan. Shade Hamilton and Luvia Anat."

Shade briefly introduced the identities of the two people, and then looked at the elf in the fire with some seriousness:

"As your seniors and seniors, we really want to warn you not to leave the academy casually. The ring wizards outside the academy can really 'eat people'."

The elf girl immediately nodded in fear:

"I heard that for correspondence magicians like you, it would be no problem for the next one of the same level to beat the three of us."

"This statement is a bit exaggerated. What do students in the college think of correspondence students?"

He asked again curiously, and the elf girl said hesitantly:

"Murder and arson, robbery and theft, fire and smuggling. That's about it."

It's a coincidence that Shade has actually done all of these things.

"Ahem, please introduce yourself. After all, we have met twice. Tell me briefly who you are."

The elf girl nodded nervously:

"The elf of the Moon Creek Clan, Emilia Siam Nord."

Her name "Emilia" is the same as Iluna's middle name, and this name usually means hard-working, pragmatic, solid, diligent, cautious, patient, beautiful, straightforward, and lovely.

"I am a fourth-year student in the academy, but I will definitely become a fifth-year student at the end of this year. I am the elf responsible for taking care of this little beast. This child always likes to wander around. It probably discovered that I sometimes disappear suddenly in the academy.

Only then did I discover the way to get here."

But her method shouldn't be [Space Maze], otherwise Shade would have sensed the existence of the statue of the ancient god long ago.

"We will keep it a secret for you."

Luvia said, looking at Shade:

"This gentleman and I have no intention of prying into your secrets, but please take good care of this child."

She pointed to the unicorn and said in a soothing tone:

"There have been some problems in the Randall Valley recently. The underage unicorns are not very powerful yet. If we are really in danger, you will definitely not be able to get there as soon as possible."

The elf girl nodded with some shame, and Shade also added:

"A curse is spreading across the land of Randall Valley, and illegal organizations like the [Blood Spirit School] have also come to the local area. Before you met me on Tuesday morning, Unicorn and I had seen them nearby, but

They were scared away by me."

This is not a lie.

The elf girl also knew about the [Blood Spirit School], so she nodded nervously:

"I will be optimistic about it. She is now at the age where she likes to travel. If it was in the old times, they would leave the group and go on short trips, but now they can only wander around St. Byrons. Although St. Byrons is very

Big, but not big enough to satisfy its curiosity."

It can be seen that she is also very aggrieved.

After speaking, he hesitated for a moment and asked Xia De softly:

"Sir, since you are not a local, do you have any channels to purchase the 'specialties' of the New World?"

"Specialty" generally refers to goods that are illegally smuggled, which is a "slang" among magicians. Shade knew immediately what she wanted to do. One of the disadvantages of a magician in school compared to a magician studying by correspondence is that once

Some materials are out of stock in the college, so they can only wait for the college to restock them, and they have no channel to purchase them themselves.

Like Dr. Schneider, he was able to "cash out" the college bonus through the channels of current students because he contacted the students in the college and provided them with materials at low prices.

"Do you have a list?"

Shade asked. The elf shook his head slightly, then took out a pen and paper and wrote a few lines:

"These are enough, I can buy them at 30% higher price."

“Weather vane bluegrass?”

Shade saw familiar materials. This kind of material is generally used in space thaumaturgy or rituals. It seems that the elf girl also has [space] spirit runes.

"No problem, today is Friday, so how about delivery here next week on Tuesday evening?"

He suggested, and the elf didn't expect Shade to be so forthcoming, so he nodded happily.

"However, since we have helped you, you must also do something for us."

Luvia said with a smile, Shade couldn't say this, otherwise it would sound like Shade was threatening him. Although Luvia didn't know what Shade wanted to do, seeing how enthusiastic he was, she must not only be

I'm just interested in elves.

"Okay. I can't tell you how to get back to St. Byrons from the Randall Valley!"

"We don't want to invade the academy either. This idea is too crazy."

Shade smiled and shook his head:

"Help me look up some information about the local past in Randall Valley and the curse of the 'Crazy Land'. Go to the college library to check, any information will do."

He could not directly ask Miss Daniste, who had already suspected the relationship between Shade and the "God Caller".

This chapter has been completed!
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