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Chapter 1295 Cafe Menu Transaction

Shade did not recognize the wrong person, and what he saw in front of him was not an illusion. Because he had used the Mystery Lock [Sleeping Princess] to save the witch, and had borrowed her power many times in the Mystery Lock, Shade was very familiar with Fiona.

·The power of Miss Drago.

What is in front of him is undoubtedly the girl he met in the Library of Cadiz. From the Forest of Thousand Trees in the Western Continent, to the Valley of Death in the Mid-Continent, and now to the City of Eternal Night in the Northern Continent, Shade and Saint Worship for the third time.

The founders of Lens met.

"Miss Fiona Drago?"

He called the young witch's name again, and the pronunciation was in standard Fifth Age language, but the red dragon witch dressed as a maid still just asked repeatedly:

"Welcome to the Dragon Maid Cafe, what do you need?"

Her expression was a little dull, and she couldn't feel the real expression in her eyes. Seeing this situation, Shade could only reach out and touch her forehead, wanting to investigate the situation more carefully:

"Oh, the last time we met, we were still at level seven. In just four years, we are already at level eleven? Miss Feliana and Miss Olanode are really."

Then came a huge force:


The witch grabbed Shade's hand and tried to push him down to the ground, but at this time Shade had scattered into a bunch of flying red butterflies. The witch's tail swept over and swept away the two butterflies that could not dodge.

At the same time as it turned into a red light spot, most of the red butterfly group had gathered at the white table closest to the door. Shade sat down at the table:

"Sorry, please give me the menu."

Miss Drago stood there dullly. It took at least half a minute before she came over, handed the menu to his hand, and then stood quietly waiting.

The red cover of the menu has the name of the store embossed on it. When opened, there are pictures on the left side of each side and text introductions on the right side.

The content on the first page clearly reads:

[The golden crispy pancake blessed by the Great One, the God of Wealth "Golden Slug", after eating it, the eater's wealth will increase within 72 hours. 】

[Pancakes may have a sticky texture like slug juice, which is God’s blessing.]

The price is written below:

[You need to pay 30 ounces (about 850.49g) of gold, or sacrifice 1.5 pounds (about 0.68kg) of any body to the night. 】

The price is actually quite appropriate, but I don’t know how powerful the 72-hour wealth fortune is.

Shade turned to the second page, and the following content was equally astonishing:

[After drinking the soul black coffee of the Demon King, you will degenerate into a high-level evil spirit demon. 】

[Not everyone is qualified to drink this drink, garbage souls please do not order it.]

[You need to pay for your own soul, or a satisfying story.]

The picture was of bubbling coffee, and the page was so detailed that Shade could see thousands of crying souls stretching out their arms in the coffee, as if it were a black lava hell.

Shade blinked and turned to the third page:

【Philosopher's Stone Macarons, available for takeaway.】

[Made by the great sage, this exquisite dessert will not cause obesity or tooth decay if eaten too much. 】

The picture is of a very common colorful round cake, and little Mia likes this sweet dessert very much. Although it has no descriptive function, I think it is a real philosopher's stone carved into a round cake, the pinnacle of alchemy.


Of course, the price is also high:

[You need to pay for 10 gallons (approximately 45.46L) of Yuehua Water.]

Shade did some calculations. With the speed at which the "Moonlight Water" was produced through the ritual in his attic, even if Agelina, who celebrates her 17th birthday today, reaches the age of Priest Augustus, he would not be able to get it together.

So much material.

Knowing that he could not waste time, he did not read every page of the menu carefully, but turned directly to the last page. Sure enough, just as he thought, the "Dragon Maid Cafe" does not only sell snacks and coffee

That's it, everything in the store name is sold here.

[Hybrid dragon maid-Fiona Drago, an eleventh-level witch and eleventh-level warlock, a mortal lost in the Evernight City, paternal line of the red dragon royal family, and maternal line of mixed elf.]

[Beautiful mortal women understand time, but do not understand the greatness of the night.]

The picture on the side is a very beautiful and detailed portrait of the Red Dragon Witch. She is wearing a black and white maid's dress, with her hands clasped together hanging on her chest, her big red tail hanging on the floor, bypassing the looming black at the bottom of the dress.

Small leather shoes, with the tip of the tail stopped behind the foot, and a small package placed by the foot. In the background is this cafe, but compared to the detailed portrait of the maid herself, the cafe seems a bit simple.

[Permanent control rights require payment of light.]


There is no quantity written here, so Shade doesn't know the specific amount. But no matter what, he can't let Miss Fiona stay here. Not only because this is his friend, but also he needs to know the current situation.

Lens also needs this future principal.

"Miss Maid, I want this."

He put the menu on the table and said to Fiona. The red dragon girl lowered her head and looked at the menu:

"The customer purchased a maid, through which channel do you want to pay?"

"Well, what payment channels do you allow here?"

Shade asked rhetorically.

So Fiona turned around and walked towards the counter, then took out a black glass jar. This kind of glass jar is often used to store materials that cannot be exposed to direct light, and there is one in the basement of Shade's house.

"Please use this."

She opened the lid of the glass jar, and Shade subconsciously glanced inside. The darkness that seemed to lead directly to the bottomless abyss immediately made him feel dizzy.

All the light around him converged into the jar at this moment, and the room immediately became dark. Shade noticed that the night outside the door was even a little bit impatient, so he immediately stretched out his finger:


When the bright silver moonlight lit up, the black cylinder immediately gave up the ordinary light around it. From Shade's fingertips, several silver filaments connected to the depths of the black cylinder, and the light was quickly absorbed by the black cylinder.


“How much do I need to pay?”

Feeling the rapid depletion of spirit in his body, Shade asked Fiona who was standing aside. Not only did the places where the tree father gave him tests, there was no concept of time and space, and it was almost impossible to recover spirit and physical strength.

The maid did not answer, but stood there quietly looking at Shade's hand. Shade knew that he could not waste too much time, so he simply called out the life ring and released the "Light Technique" with the strongest gesture.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of lighting technique is enough to make the moonlight wash over half of the city, but at this time, it only caused hundreds of silver bright lines between Shade's fingers and the black cylinder.

The rapid consumption of spirits did not bring any signs of optimism. The black vat continued to absorb the light, and Shade just waited attentively. He was not worried that this was a trap. He knew that honesty was the most important thing in this kind of place.

While waiting while his sensory soul was being consumed, Shade also discovered that in this state, the light was connected from his finger to the other end. He could manipulate the light to "transform" more easily than usual, that is, to change the light into other forms.

This ability allowed him to develop several different transformation forms of the basic thaumaturgy of "Moonlight Slash" when he was at a low level. And taking advantage of this precious state, Shade thought about himself again

A thaumaturgic variation of attacks.

The first thing that came to mind was the "sun in the palm" that Iluna showed to Miss Carina not long ago, so gradually, the moonlight changed from Shade's fingertips to appearing from the palm, as if he was holding up the round silver moon:

"But it has no offensive power."

Thinking in his mind, he thought of his thaumaturgy [Confinement Halo], so he worked hard to turn the silver ball in his palm into a ring suspended in his palm.

This process was quite difficult and took nearly five minutes to complete. Looking at the dense silver filaments overflowing from the ring in his hand and connecting to the black cylinder, like a moldy donut, Shade felt that compared to the actual attack power,

The mental attack produced by this appearance may be stronger:

"A simple ring still has no attack power. Even if I put it above my head, I won't be able to turn into an angel."

He continued to think, and then controlled the jagged light blades to appear on the periphery of the ring. But this simply caused the [Confinement Halo] to change its shape and would not enhance its attack power. This is like using ink.

Painting a "king" shape on Little Mia's forehead will not turn Little Mia the cat into Big Mia the tiger.

Changes in appearance are not enough to produce fundamental changes.

But Shade can no longer think about it, because the rapid withdrawal of light has made his own spiritual deficiency to a very dangerous level. The [Pink Vial of Desire] cannot be brought here, even if Shade is partially exempt from the spiritual

The rule of irrecoverability, but the slow recovery speed, is not enough to offset such a terrifying consumption. And considering that we don’t know what will happen next, the current situation is quite dangerous.

【So, give up this witch? 】

she asked with a smile.

"How can it be?"

As Shade spoke, he actually put his glowing hand directly into the black vat. The darkness swallowed up his hand, but the glimmer of the silver moon protected Shade's hand from disappearing completely. The darkness of nothingness made Ling Ling

The withdrawal became even faster, and even the life ring behind him was crumbling. But at this moment, in the middle of the flowing light stream, there were some more burning golden embers, and as Sha De's fingers moved on

His skin was horribly cracked, as if it were burnt, and golden light shined through the cracks.

The cracks quickly spread to Shade's entire arm, and the light of the divine ember completely illuminated the mouth of the black vat. Shade also stopped casting the "Light Spell" at this time.

The darkness seemed to be afraid of the divine light. In just a few seconds, the container itself began to tremble. With a subtle noise, spiderweb-like cracks clearly appeared on the surface of the black glass jar.

This chapter has been completed!
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