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Chapter 132 Receiving the goods

 After sending Miss Anat away, Shade spent the morning studying [Origin·Silver Moon], and then had to admit that this card may not really have any mysterious power.

He even put the card in front of the cat with the attitude of giving it a try. But the orange cat just sniffed it and walked away in disgust.

He went out for lunch at noon, and then spent time reading and continuing to translate Miss Louisa's book. His progress is not bad, and he should be able to translate the entire content before the group meeting tomorrow afternoon. In this way

, you don’t have to worry about delaying Miss Louisa’s affairs.

While looking through the textbook, Xia De suddenly realized that he might actually be able to complete the exams in certain subjects during the exam week at the end of this month.

Although he is not the kind of memory expert with a photographic memory, the foreigner is proficient in examination skills and is even more proficient in completing studies in just a few weeks that take others half a year.

What's more important is that the study of these theoretical courses, whether it is the classification of plants from other worlds, or the introduction to alchemy, or even stargazing and divination, is what Shade is very interested in.

With interest, hard work and some skills, Shade is full of confidence in passing several exams by the end of the month.

Of course, his best subjects should actually be "Introduction to Ancient Languages ​​(Fifth Age 0~2000)", "Introduction to Ancient Languages ​​(Fifth Age 2000~4000)", "Introduction to Ancient Languages ​​(Fifth Age 4000~5793)"

》.Three courses introduce most of the important languages ​​of the Fifth Age, involving more than 30 types of languages.

The course only requires a simple introduction, and proficiency requires reaching higher grades. But Shade flipped through the books several times and confirmed that these languages ​​​​were no problem for him.

He understood it completely. Although he could not speak or write, the first-grade exam did not include speaking and writing. As long as he could simply classify the language and translate some simple sentences, it was enough.

"In this way, except for tonight's delivery and the weekend's game, there seems to be no major events recently."

During his free time, while looking out the window and relaxing his eyes, Xia De thought in his mind.

The newspaper advertisement was only posted yesterday, so of course no client came to the door today. So I spent the whole day reading. Because I had a large income, I still took the cat out for dinner.

It wasn't until the time for Miss Carina's delivery mission was almost up that she set out.

The trading time is midnight. This is probably like the fact that undercover agents have to talk on the roof. It is an established practice. Otherwise, it is actually 10 o'clock at night. After all, there is no decent nightlife in this era for people to be on the street late at night.


The trading place is on the Disk Bridge across the Terrareal River, which is only thirty minutes away from Saint Teresa Square.

Shade deliberately put on a mask and a robe from the cabinet, and left home at eleven o'clock.

With the arrival of the Thunder Moon in July, the city will not feel cold even in the middle of the night. When we arrived near the bridge, it was only 11:20 minutes. Shade stood against the wall of the street that was about to enter the bridge entrance.

After a while, I looked around and found that only a few pubs were open.

But he did not enter the tavern in this suspicious costume. Instead, he made a large circle nearby, bent down from under the river embankment, and entered under Tower Bridge.

This is the home of homeless people, and they all slept on their own straw mats and newspapers so late at night. Some people noticed the arrival of the strangely dressed guy, but no one paid any attention to Shade.

Huddled in the dark corner, Shade held his pocket watch and hid next to the man with a peculiar smell. He waited until 11:50 before suddenly getting up, taking a step forward and wanting to leave, but after thinking about it, he fished in his pocket again.

He handed out a small one-penny copper coin and threw it in front of the man. After receiving a low voice of thanks, he walked from the stone steps of the river embankment to the bridge entrance.

It was exactly twelve o'clock when I stepped onto the bridge. Far away in the thick fog of the night, I saw a carriage parked on the left side of the center of Tower Bridge. Three old-fashioned kerosene lamps were hung on the rear of the carriage. This is

The agreed signal.

The vision in the thick fog was affected, and the three kerosene lamps looked like the eyes of a giant beast crawling on the bridge.

The masked detective took a deep breath, then choked on the air and coughed. He patted his chest before walking over. Looking at the four-wheeled carriage from a distance, it seemed that no one was inside.

But when I got closer, I saw the coachman standing on the side of the carriage, between the edge of the Tower Bridge and the carriage.

The other party is dressed very much like the coachman who pulled the trigger of the Gun of Kindness yesterday, only he is taller. His skin is dark, like the marks of being exposed to the sun, but in recent weeks, Tobesk City has often been filled with heavy fog.

There shouldn't be that much sunlight.

The other party saw the strangely dressed stranger approaching, but he just looked at it without saying a word. His sharp eyes scanned Shade up and down. After Shade came closer, he coughed and asked:

"Did you bring what the lady asked for?"

The man nodded hesitantly, then flicked the cigarette butt in his hand under the bridge, and the light spots swirled and disappeared into the thick fog:

"I brought it, but you need to prove your identity."

"no problem."

Shade recalled the contents of the piece of paper with the transaction information written on it. The code words this time were much more normal than those on Old John's side:

"The lady said that the blue pansies on the shores of Lake Scythia were Queen Diana's favorite."

The two were less than five steps apart. Shade could clearly see that the expression on the other person's face softened a little, and the man dressed as a coachman nodded:

"That's no problem."

He bent down and entered the carriage. He came out in just ten seconds and gave Shade an object the size of two palms wrapped in newspaper.

The thing was very light. Shade took out the folded copy of "The Threepenny News" with yesterday's date. The outside page of the newspaper was a follow-up report on the child abduction incident.

What was wrapped was a dark red lacquered wooden box, with a bright red Manzhushahua specimen placed on the lid. This was probably the way it was contained.

Shade clicked open the silver lock, but he couldn't open the box no matter what. This feature fit the description of "only women can use it."

"Is it this one?"

But I still asked worriedly, in case the box was simply stuck with glue.

The murmuring voice reminded me in my ears:

【You have come into contact with ‘Whispers’.】

When the ring magician comes into contact with a [relic] with familiar characteristics, he can get direct prompts. Miss Carina has said about the characteristics of this dressing box, so even if Shade does not have such a special soul and "another self", he can still know what to expect.

Whether what you got is genuine.

This chapter has been completed!
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