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Extra 2 Banquet Story

(The story of this chapter takes place in Chapter 1299, after Shade solved the murder case at Agelina’s birthday party and left Evernight City to return to Yodel Palace.)

Night, ten o'clock. Tobesk city, Yodel Palace.

The lively birthday party ends in an hour, but this will not disturb people's interest at all. Although the brutal murder occurred here, thanks to the quick detection by Hamilton detectives, this nearby murder was only for

The guests just had more to talk about during the banquet break.

The dance is going on, but the host of the banquet, Princess Agelina, is not in the banquet hall at this time.

The little princess took her personal maid and hurriedly came to the corridor where the lounge was located. As she walked, she looked at the maids guarding the last door:

"I'm looking for my sister. I have something to say about my father."

She said to the tall brown-haired maid who headed her, who hesitated for a moment and then nodded gently:

"Please wait."

The maid pursed her lips and looked at the door. She took a deep breath before mustering up the courage to knock. After a long time, the door opened from the inside, but there was no one inside the door at this time.

The voice came:

"If you don't give me a proper reason to knock on the door, don't blame me for letting you all lurk in Willendale to be spies!"

That angry voice made everyone who knew her tremble:

"Or, another damn guy was killed?"

"Your Highness Agelina is looking for you!"

The maid lady said immediately, and then Lecia's maids almost pushed Agelina in, who was already thinking about retreating, and closed the door directly before she wanted to exit in panic.

Agelina chose this lounge, and of course she knew what it was like inside. The gas lamp was very bright at this time, illuminating the empty sofa, the elegant desk, the red wine bottle on the coffee table, the bookshelf on the wall and the princess

We don’t know which generation of elders are portrait oil paintings.

This bright scene made the little princess swallow, and then looked in the direction of the bedroom with the door half open. This lounge was specially designed for distinguished guests to rest during the banquet. It not only had a living room, a bedroom, and even a bathroom

, cloakroom, smoking room. And of course Agelina knew where her sister was.

"Agelina, come in."

Lesia's slightly deeper voice came, and Her Royal Highness the Princess could only walk over slowly. When she came to the door, she saw a man's coat lying on the carpet at the junction of the living room and the bedroom. She looked inside again.

Men's and women's clothes were scattered everywhere on the woolen red carpet. I walked sideways through the door and continued to look inside. I saw the "Summer Night Collection" that should have been opened, casually placed on the bedside table, and the slightly...

The huge four-poster curtain bed is now surrounded by expensive gauze curtains.

The curtains were tightly closed, and the room was very bright, but I still couldn't see clearly what was going on inside the curtains. But I just saw the clothes on the floor, the glass goblet with lipstick marks that was knocked over on the bedside table, and that

The blurry shadow behind the curtain already made Agelina blush.

In the shadow on the bed, a man is sitting in the middle, facing the door. There are two slightly slender shadows. One is lying on his lap facing the outside, and the other is holding him from behind and putting his head on his shoulder.


The little princess, who was very inspired, felt at this moment that the three figures were all normal, but she seemed to be facing some kind of huge, vague, indescribable evil statue. The three figures clearly should not be looked at, but she

Instinctively I want to go and see what is going on there.

But fortunately, she still remembered her sister's terror, and remembered that Lecia was angry at this time, so although her face was red, she was sad, angry, heartbroken, and slightly excited because of the scene in front of her as she thought of what Hamilton had just experienced.

But she still maintains her humility as a younger sister.

"One day, I... If my sister can do it, I can do it too..."

Although I thought so in my heart, I greeted you respectfully:

"elder sister."

"You'd better be able to explain clearly the reason for the second interruption."

Just now, she couldn't tell which one was Lesia, but now Agelina knew that the one lying behind Shade and putting her head on Shade's shoulder was.

"If there is no legitimate reason this time... there is a kind of alchemical dust called 'foot itch powder'. When it is sprinkled into shoes, it will make the soles of the feet itchy all day long."

Lesia's tone didn't sound like she was joking, but Agelina felt inexplicably that her sister was not as majestic as before. This was probably because she didn't want to damage the image in Shade's heart.

"Oh, Lesia."

Shade, who was sitting cross-legged, said with some reproach. The girl behind her stretched her neck, put one hand around Shade's body, raised his head, and kissed him from behind. Such an action made the long hair fall from his body.

The sides of their faces slid down, covering their mouths like a curtain.

But Agelina could imagine what happened. She pursed her lips and felt her heartache:

"I just came back from my father's study. My father knew all the details of the murder and...about the three young gentlemen he liked."

"Very good, Agelina, you can feel at ease for a while now."

Shade, who was finally let go by Lesia, said, the little princess knew that he was looking at her from behind the curtain, and nodded with a red face, feeling that the room was a little hot:

"Father praised Detective Hamilton and asked me to tell the detective that the money order for the detective's fee and this commission contract will be sent to St. Teresa Square soon."

After all, Shade is not an MI6 agent.

"Lecia, your father is too polite."

"Yes, yes, you killed his daughter, and he still has to pay."

Lesia teased, and Agelina frowned slightly, because Lesia's voice was actually spoken by the figure lying on Shade's lap, facing outward.

"Huh? Which one is the sister?"

The little princess was immediately confused, while Dorothy, who was lying behind Shade, said angrily:

"Lecia, what are you talking about...Shade, you have to take care of her too."

Following a crisp slapping sound, two gasping sounds less than half a second apart came, which made Agelina's face turn red. The two cotton socks under the gorgeous princess's dress rubbed together, and she

She lowered her head slightly, not wanting Shade to see her expression at this moment.

Of course, she was still very happy that the Hamilton Knights were able to "fight back," but she just felt that the room was getting a little hotter.

"Lecia, don't say such things."

Shade said.

"I understand, my knight, it's true that he struck so suddenly...is this the only thing that happened? Agelina."

This time Lesia's voice came from behind Shade again.

"Yes, the banquet is about to end. I want to know if you will leave separately later, or..."

The little princess hesitantly raised her head again, looking at the strange figure like a statue behind the gauze curtains, but what she got was not an answer, but two laughters. Lesia's laughter was crisp but with a touch of laughter.

She was joking, while Dorothy was shy and a little charming.

Finally, Dorothy spoke, and the voice came from the figure lying on her side in front of Shade:

"Your Highness Agelina, this hot night has just begun for us. Will you dismount and go home when you first become interested in riding horses?"

"What a strange metaphor this is, you mean I am..."

Shade immediately protested, but the figure behind him wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Young girl, I can give you some life lessons."

The figure lying on its side, letting the two people behind it behind their long hair fall:

"When you want to catch someone, you have to hold on tight and make him want to catch you."

The figure behind Shade raised his head, still speaking in Dorothy's tone, but with a faster breathing rate:

"Otherwise, he will be snatched away by others sooner or later. Love and war are both unreasonable."

Agelina thought what the writer said was right, so she kept it in mind.

Lesia said lazily:

"We will go to Aunt Carina's manor later. My father is also happy to see that my relationship with Aunt Carina has improved. As for her agreeing to rent a room..."

Lesia's voice changed from in front of Shade to behind her:

"Mr. Knight is really useful, and Aunt Carina also knows this."

The girls behind the curtain laughed together again, and Agelina, who was standing, just sighed at the charm of Hamilton Knight. Sure enough, she was not the only one to see it.

"Then I'll help Aunt Carina arrange the carriage team."

Agelina calmed down her mentality. Although she could only watch Shade being bullied by her sister, she knew that she could only endure it at this time. One day she would help the Hamilton Knights gain freedom, and then...

"Then, I'll leave first."

As she spoke, she wanted to leave, but was stopped by the figure behind Shade. This time, she could not tell whether the voice belonged to Lesia Cavendish or Dorothy Louisa.

"Agelina, my sister, I wish you a happy seventeenth birthday."

The voice said softly.

Inexplicably, although it was just a blessing, Agelina felt like crying. In Shade's opinion, the little princess was really manipulated by Lesia.


"Sooner or later, the years of youth will pass away, and no matter how beautiful the appearance is, it will fade away. Cherish the age of seventeen, Agelina, my sister, I often regret that I did not meet her when I was seventeen.

This man I’m hugging.”

Because the foreigners hadn’t arrived yet.

"I want to give you a birthday present."

"But you have already..."

"That necklace cannot express this blessing to my sister."

A gap appeared in the curtain, and a small glass bottle floated out. Inside was a transparent green potion that made people feel happy.

The figure lying on its side said in a lazy tone:

"Every morning, put a drop into the basin and wash your face with this water. It will greatly slow down your aging rate and you can still look like seventeen years old for many years. This is a magic potion learned from "The Secret of Agelessness"

The formula cannot be used by ordinary people without elemental resistance, but you are not far away from awakening."

"This is a gift for you, happy birthday. Shade spent a lot of time persuading me before I agreed to give it to you."

The figure behind said.

Agelina tightly grasped the warm glass vial, bowed slightly and turned to leave. The excitement, sorrow, and tearing feeling in her heart at this moment almost made her feel that her soul was trembling.

Lesia was right, she was not far away from her true awakening.

"Why do you say that? You gave it to her yourself."

Shade asked after the door was closed.

Inside the curtain, the girl from Winged Fruit sat up in front of Shade and hugged him. Her green eyes seemed to directly let Shade see her fiery soul:

"I want Agelina to know that I will always be her sister."

"You really are..."


The blonde girl behind her said with a smile.

The two girls sang together, they had the same mind, they were almost the same soul:

"Since Lesia wants all this, I am willing to help her because it is very interesting and this is the best material."

"I want it all because it's meant to be mine, and when I was born, all of Delrayon was calling my name."

"You are me."

"I am you."

"And you, Shade."

The two said together, hugging the same person:

"Please enjoy the night and the love we share."

PS: The author has been blocked due to pornographic reasons and cannot get access to a computer. The manuscript cannot be saved and used. The extra chapter will be updated temporarily, once a day. In this case, it can take up to two days.

To express my apology, the extras are free of charge. I will update them as appropriate when the author gets the computer.

This chapter has been completed!
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