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Chapter 1333 The Night Temple and the Legend of the Gold Mine

Shade didn't know what the witch was thinking now. He pulled out the silver sword from the air. As Shade's power continued to grow stronger, the appearance of the [Moonlight Sword] also gradually changed. Compared with before,

Nowadays, the runes flowing on the sword have become more obvious.

The light of the big sword itself was enough to illuminate the surroundings. Shade bent down slightly, and the lady behind him leaned her head and put her hands on his shoulders.

Suddenly, it was unclear which animal took the lead, and then the animals that half surrounded the two people rushed towards them.

"Seal of Heaton!"

As Shade thrust his sword into the soil beneath his feet, light flashed on the surface of the golden hemispherical shield.

The moment the animals touched the shield, the golden stream of light exploded like lightning. Although the strange animals that rushed towards them looked scary, they were only more powerful animals. Under the explosion effect of [Heton's Seal],

He fell upside down and flew out, and a large number of them died on the spot.

“Much easier than imagined.”

Shade said to the witch behind him. Miss Benanis was still looking at the animals curiously:

"Although I really want to experiment and purify this place, then let's continue walking inward."

Mud and petals were sprinkled by Shade, and when he cast the spell this time, Shade's right wrist was still tied with the "Earth Amulet" obtained from the "Plague Merchant".

With that precious stone rune, the gushing spiritual energy is more active than before. In addition, this "crazy land" is not serious for some reason, so it can be completely purified easily. When the spiritual energy disappears, the Holy Grail of Clay

Floating up from the soil in front of Shade, the ancient rune engraved on the Holy Grail was "Preservation".

“Is procreation also the power of the earth?”

Shade asked curiously, and the witch of the earth nodded, and then added:

"The sage of Silver Moon also has the power related to promoting fertility."

Shade didn't quite understand the power of the Holy Grail this time, so he planned to study it later when he went back.

After the Crazy Land was purified, all the animals that should not have existed died, but it is expected that new "residents" will move in here soon.

According to Sister Devlin's map, there should be artificially carved upward stairs inside the cave. Shade and Miss Bernanice searched for a long time but could not find it. In the end, the witch hugged Shade and flew upwards, where she

After landing on the obviously artificial platform, I followed the platform and saw the stone steps that were almost unrecognizable from their original appearance.

The stone steps still exist, but the edges and corners have long been smoothed away, and the originally smooth surface of the steps has become pitted, almost blending into the cave.

Follow the stone steps and walk up the cave wall. After a while, you turn into a small cave inside the cave. Then you continue to go up, and you finally see the light above your head.

After avoiding annoying spiders and cleaning the animal excrement in the cave with flames, I finally arrived at the high exit of this mountain cave at nearly two o'clock.

I squinted my eyes that were not used to the light and walked towards the light. The view outside the cave was extremely wide. This was a long and narrow platform carved out of the steep cliff. Looking up, I saw an almost completely vertical cliff, about one or two hundred meters away.

At the top of the mountain, the smooth cliffs do not allow any means of passage; looking down, there is a slope with an angle of approximately 70 or 80 degrees, leading directly to the cedar forest below. If you fall from here unprepared, you will definitely lose your body.

The height here is extremely high. Except for taking the path through the cave, it is almost impossible to descend from the top of the mountain or climb down from the foot of the mountain using rock climbing.

"It's really spectacular. I didn't expect such a place to exist near the Randall River Valley."

Miss Benenice walked up behind Shade and couldn't help but sigh.

This long and narrow mountain platform faces the west. Looking into the distance, you can see the slightly gloomy sky in winter, see large tracts of cedar forest, and even see the winding winding past in the distance, embedded like a ribbon.

The Elrond River in the woods.

On the platform, from the entrance of the cave to the end of the long and narrow platform, there are magnificent stone arches standing every twenty meters, three in total. All the stone arches have been damaged, and only the pillars of one arch are still intact.

Only half of the columns and their bases still exist.

Traces of oil paint are vaguely visible on the pillars, but it is impossible to tell what was originally painted on them. The carvings on the surface of the pillars have also disappeared in the wind and sun, making it impossible to identify what was written here in the past.

"Sister Devlin said that at least around the year 800 of the Sixth Era of the Universal Calendar, villagers from nearby mountain villages would still come to worship. However, with the expansion of the city of Randall Valley, people in the mountain villages gradually

Once you go to the city, it's completely ruined."

As he spoke, he touched the base of the stone pillars of the arches with his hands, feeling the vicissitudes of time. It is difficult to imagine who built this place. These arches are not piles of stones, but used when digging this platform.

It was carved out of existing stone.

"In the worship of the moon, 'three' is a very important number."

The witch looked at the scenery at this time and said to Shade:

"Passing through the three arches also has the meaning of passing the test of three moons. If I guess correctly, the most important location of this ruins should be on the other side of the three arches. It is dark when you pass the moon."

The ground of the platform was quite flat, and it did not look like a relic from the previous era. Shade and Miss Bernanice passed through the ancient arch together, but could not see anything at the end, it was just a flat open space.

The sun caused the shadow of the remaining pillars of the arch to fall slantingly on the ground, silent and extremely impactful.

"I originally thought that I could at least see a sacrificial altar or a statue of a god."

Shade said, turning his face towards the afternoon sun:

"I didn't feel anything."

"Wait a mininute."

The witch looked at her feet. After lightly stepping on the ground with her right boot, the wind from nowhere swept away the dust on the ground, but there was no pattern on the ground either:

"I thought there would be a holy emblem painted on the ground."

They searched carefully on this long and narrow platform, but had to admit that except for the remaining pillars, there was really nothing here.

Fortunately, Shade also has experience in this situation:

"It seems we have to wait until night. Since it is a dark night temple, there may be clues at night."

Miss Benenice also thought that we should wait until night, but before that, Shade actually had other ideas:

"Look at this."

As he spoke, he took out the mithril cube from his pocket. So far, the cube has given Shad three stories, namely "Church of the Forgotten", "St. Perry's Cemetery" and "Mason's Chamber". This

The Night Temple is located in the mountains. Although it is not within the urban area of ​​Randall Valley, it still belongs to Randall Valley, so Shade wanted to try his luck.

I didn't have high hopes at first, but I didn't expect that when the mithril cube was held by Shade in the afternoon sunshine, the detailed characters actually appeared on one of its surfaces.

However, the content displayed by the cube is very different from Shade's conjecture——

[Randall Valley Gold Mine——

Legend has it that there is gold mine that is easy to mine buried under the Randall River Valley, and even the founding of this city is related to it. However, no one has been able to find the source of that wealth so far. Ancient nursery rhymes are spread among the villagers.

, that nursery rhyme really pointed out the location of the gold mine: where the moon sets, under the deep night. But greedy people will be swallowed up by desire. Gold mines may not be able to redeem our souls. 】


Shade rubbed the surface of the silver cube with his fingertips, read out the words on the silver cube with "her" help, and then looked around in surprise:

"What I'm contacting now is obviously the Dark Night Temple. How come there are rumors of a gold mine? The gold mine is where the moon sets, under the deep night."

The witch was also greatly surprised and almost immediately looked at their feet:

"Although I am not a local, I have heard of the legend of the gold mine that has been circulating in Randall Valley City for a long time. Didn't the man who founded this city in the legend also make his fortune from the gold mine?

Moreover, there are rumors in the city recently that Stone Oxenfurt has found a gold mine in the mountains."

"But we all know that it is fake. It is actually to cover up the unknown silver mine offshore and prevent others from preempting it before mining. I even asked Margaret to entrust the Sussex Higher School of Medicine to investigate the truth.

Is there really a gold mine locally?”

As Shade said, he thought of another thing:

"When I found Oxenfurt's ring at the bottom of the river, I also picked up a piece of gold ore. Now that I think about it, since the gold mines of Oxenfurt and Prince William are fake, where did the gold ore come from?


Miss Benenice also had a look of surprise on her face:

"Speaking of which, this is the river where you picked up the gold ore."

"The Elrond River flows through the section east of the city."

The two of them looked up at the "ribbon" embedded in the cedar forest not far away. There was the Elrond River. After a moment of silence, the witch blinked:

"There are rumors about a gold mine in the city, but it's actually a story made up by Oxenfurt. As it turns out, the gold mine actually exists, but the silver mine is most likely false. It's true."

"dark humor."

Shade said a very appropriate word:

"Especially for Prince William. I even suspect that, evil, I mean Oxenfurt, he knows that there are real gold mines locally, and he is playing tricks on Prince William."

The witch shook her head slightly:

"If Oxenfurt really knows about the gold mine, his cooperation with the prince will definitely be smoother, so I am inclined to think that he does not know."

Shade also thought that he didn't know, but even if the Stone Mirror Demon didn't know the location, he was convinced that the gold mine really existed.

Miss Benenice then suggested:

"Since it's still a long time before dark, let's look for it and hope to gain something. If we can really find a gold mine, I will buy the Royal Opera House in Willondale!"

This chapter has been completed!
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