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Chapter 1357 Rumors in the Academy

By the time Shade finally opened the door and walked into the warm Fertile Land Hotel in the city center that evening, it was almost five o'clock. Today is Monday, and he will have a meeting with the elf girl Emilia from St. Byrons later.

That's why Shade didn't go directly to the Wilde Opera House.

At this time, Luvia hadn't gotten off work yet. Shade, who braved the snow to enter the first floor of the hotel, hurriedly went to the counter to order a cup of hot tea. Since he didn't have lunch, he ordered another vegetable soup and a barbecue steak.

Then I sat down against the wall, listened to the bard singing, and really relaxed.

It was about an hour before it was time for dinner, so there were not many people on the first floor of the hotel. When Luvia entered the hotel, the snowy streets were already crowded with people, and there were also people inside the Fertile Land Hotel.

The sound was loud.

The purple-eyed girl immediately spotted Shade who was reading a newspaper. When she sat opposite him with her lady's handbag, she was curious about what he was reading.

"Randall's Evening News, the tidbits on page five."

As he said that, he handed the newspaper to Luvia, who looked at the photo on that page and laughed. The side faces were Miss Bernice and Shade in disguise. The location seemed to be the corridor of the Wilde Opera House. The two

People are holding hands, as if they are having a tryst, and they feel very intimate:

"I didn't expect it to be published in the newspaper. That lady is really boring."

She did not comment on this matter, put down the teacup and looked at Shade:

"How was your harvest today? The trip to Watson Manor shouldn't be a waste of time, right?"

"Of course not. I was very lucky and I gained a lot. I even met the demon's true form, and it wanted to entrust me with a task."

He told Luvia not to be surprised first, while he was thinking about the information he got from the long-haired Luvia yesterday, Sunday night. He failed to tell Luvia the news this morning, but at this time

You can tell part of it through the mouth of the devil:

"It's basically certain that the guy's arrangement with Oxenfurt is not only to influence Kasenrik, but also has something to do with the chosen one."

"The devil is connected to the chosen one?"

Luvia said, looking around to prevent anyone from eavesdropping, but she was actually not very surprised. After all, this was not the first time that the devil had interfered with the chosen one:

"What exactly does it plan?"

Luvia lowered her voice slightly, and Shade shook his head:

"I don't know yet, but there is a big problem with Stone Oxenfurt."

Otherwise, the long-haired Luvia from the past and sixth era would not have said "in order not to let Oxenfurt get the first step".

"The first pick is the guardian who still doesn't understand the situation, and the third pick is Miss Lassers. Do you think the second pick is him?"

Luvia asked suspiciously:

"But he is not a magician. I understand. Although he is not a magician, according to your statement, he can also use extraordinary power. This is correct."

"I will make a plan this week. If possible, I will let you look at him from a distance, but you must not do it."

"You can't contact him directly, you've said it many times."

Luvia said with a smile.

Shade shook his head noncommittally, and after the waiter brought hot tea to the two of them, he continued:

"Also, the day after tomorrow, which is Thursday, can you ask for leave? The two ladies from the Opera House want to go out of the city with me and go to the Night Temple to find something. I hope you can help me."

"Of course, otherwise there would be no point in my staying in this city."

Luvia immediately agreed to Shade, so Shade talked about how she met the ring warlocks of the Church of the Righteous God after leaving Watson Manor. She thought that Shade handled it correctly, and she confirmed it.

, Iluna should receive an order to go on a business trip to Randall Valley within this week:

"Although the intensity of the confrontation between the chosen ones of the earth is far less than that of the Pantanal, it is more dangerous this time. Even if the evil things in the Pantanal are out of control, they will only affect an area. This

If things are not handled well, the entire material world will suffer."

The purple-eyed girl did not continue, but looked at Shade. Shade nodded:

"The materials needed for the banquet ceremony, spring leaves, flowers, fruits, autumn flowers, stones, souls, the witches in the council will help me collect them. Once I know the details of the third ceremony from the Worm Order, I will set off immediately,

Go to Huntingdon to find the Lady of the Lake and seek enlightenment of wisdom."

"The chosen ones have their own destiny. Our special preparations may not be important. Your focus should still be on the devil. Maybe in the end, you will have to stop the devil alone so that the chosen ones can perform the ceremony.


After so many things happened last year, Luvia has already understood Shade's power.

"If this is best, Iluna can assist the chosen one. Of course, the premise is that the truth about the chosen one is completely consistent with my current guess. This way!"

He suddenly waved to the door of the hotel. Even though her pointed ears were disguised, her face was still pretty. The elf girl had already arrived.

"Good evening, you two."

Miss Emilia Siam Nord showed great excitement every time she was able to leave the college and come to the Randall Valley. This is not because she likes this city more than the college, but simply because she sneaked out.

But no one could detect her excitement.

"Good evening."

Shade and Luvia also said hello, and Shade called the waiter to order food for the three of them. Because he had already known from Miss Olanold that it was a complete rumor that elves do not eat meat and only eat vegetarian food, so he

I ordered a sumptuous dinner for the elf lady who passed through the valley.

In fact, they could go to a better place in the city to eat, but Miss Elf specifically asked not to go to such trouble.

"How's it going in the Randall Valley? Is there anything new here?"

The blond elf asked the two of them curiously, and Luvia handed over the newspaper. Emilia took a look at it and said in surprise:

"I didn't expect that Miss Vanessa Benenice would finally be involved in a scandal. Speaking of which, when I first met you, it seemed that it was her."

The young elf pursed his lips and read the newspaper, then looked at Luvia, who was sitting with Shade and who obviously had a special relationship with him, and then stopped talking.

"Miss Benenice is also our friend, a very good friend."

Luvia said, Shade looked at her in surprise, and then nodded:

"We're going to borrow a horse from her later, and I'll take you outside the city."

"Oh, no, no, I can just leave the city by myself."

Miss Elf immediately shook her head, but Shade's attitude was very firm:

"Something big happened in the city. It's not as safe as it used to be. I'll send you outside the city in a while, so don't refuse me."

The blonde elf girl wanted to say something else, but seeing Shade's expression, she just muttered a few words that she was being treated as a child again, and did not object anymore:

"So, what happened in town last week?"

After dinner was served, Shade and Luvia recounted the accident at Lake Eldron last week from a third-person perspective, and Shade also talked about his experience at Watson Manor during the day.

Of course, for everyone's appetite, he did not explain in detail what the Watson family's dinner was like:

"Big things are about to happen in the Randall Valley. I think the college is also planning to send professors here."

Shade concluded at the end of the story, and the elf girl, who was fascinated by the story, nodded in hindsight:

"It's really amazing. There are such stories among the ring wizards outside the academy. I heard that Miss Denister is leading a team to Randall Valley City this time."

"Wait, why is it Miss Denist again? I mean, I heard last year that she went on a business trip at the end of winter. Why is she going on a business trip again now?"

Shade then remembered that he shouldn't know about Pantanal.

The elf girl picked up the fish with a fork and pretended to be mysterious and said to the two of them:

"I heard that the Serksess Medical School also sent the provost of the Thirteenth Ring Road here. I also heard that the three major colleges sent people to the Randall Valley to find the founder of St. Byrons.

The legendary Miss Myrna Feliana."

It seems that the students are well-informed, but not well-informed enough.

"But isn't Miss Feliana from the previous era?"

Luvia asked, holding a spoon.

"Yes, yes, I don't know the specific situation, but there are rumors from the classmates in the college. I heard that the lady came to our time somehow and is looking for her thirteen disciples. That kind of

What interesting stories will happen to noble, beautiful, intellectual, elegant and gentle ladies in our time?"

The elf girl said in a daze, probably imagining something impossible to happen.

This week, Emilia is still helping Shade to find the statue of the ancient space god in the academy. Unfortunately, St. Byrons is too big. Even if she can enter and exit the place normally, she has not been able to explore it until now.

Check completed.

However, at least Emilia brought the news that Miss Denister is coming here, and it has been confirmed that she will leave school on Wednesday afternoon:

"I went to the library yesterday to return books and saw a new notice on the notice board at the entrance of the library recruiting student administrator assistants. Normally, only three student administrators are needed, and now we are temporarily recruiting three more.

Assistant, and starting from Wednesday afternoon, the treatment is not bad, it must be because Miss Denister is temporarily away."

The elf girl said very familiarly:

"Miss Denister has very high requirements for student positions in the library, but the salary is also the highest. I submitted the application in the afternoon, hoping to get it approved."

After the meal, Shade again presented a brand new collection of poems written in ancient Elvish language. Emilia looked very embarrassed because she felt that she had not been of much help.

Therefore, when Shade proposed this time that he wanted to buy some "elf water purification" materials from her, the elf girl agreed immediately:

"No problem. When feeding unicorns, you need to mix some elves' purified water into their dinner. I'll skip some, and no one will find out."

It seemed that this was not the first time she had done this, and Shade hoped those little beasts wouldn't mind.

"Then, can I still send it here next Monday night?"

The elf girl asked again, but Shade shook his head this time. His time key was opened on Monday morning, and it was already the middle of the starry month. It was only half a month before spring officially arrived, and he had to complete the time as soon as possible.

In the mission of the key, the [Dark Night] spirit rune helped him a lot:

"Is it okay the day after tomorrow? That's Wednesday. I'll pick it up outside the city so you don't have to go into the city. Besides, we need the materials very urgently."

Emilia thought for a moment:

"Of course, but I can only come back after the sun goes down. Then Wednesday night will be the same valley woodland where we first met."

"No problem, it really helped me a lot this time."

Shade said with a smile, thinking in his mind that the fact that he could only come at night might have something to do with the opening hours of the secret passage.

Shade did not stay in the Randall Valley for too long that night. After sending the elf girl outside the city, he went to the Wilde Opera House and talked for a while with Luvia, Miss Benanith and Miss Lassers.

Then, he handed the Holy Grail of "Preservation" and "Memory" whose functions he could not understand to the witch, and asked her to help identify it, and then returned home from the Church of the Forgotten.

Of course, he did not take the old photo of the Watson family back home, but left it in the Church of the Forgotten and pressed it with a stone next to the stone statue of Mr. Lacers.

Because Dorothy had an appointment in the morning to spend the night at home, the writer was already in St. Teresa Square at this time. When Shade heard his voice and came downstairs happily, Mia went upstairs.

Dorothy put down the pen in front of the desk in the study, rubbed her wrists and came to the living room to greet Shade:

"Are you back? You have guests visiting you this afternoon."

"Huh? Who's coming to find me?"

"Client. I received the lady and wrote down the information."

She handed Shade a piece of paper:

"It's not a big deal. I'm looking for a lost cat. I happened to have nothing to do in the afternoon, so I took little Mia out to take a look, and then I really found the cat."

He also praised Xiao Mia:

"Little Mia is really smart. I saw the lost cat on the street corner, but the cat was licking its paws and basking in the sun on the roof. I was originally thinking about how to get it down, but little Mia suddenly

She screamed, and the cat was so frightened that she fell from the roof into the snowdrift below."

Dorothy smiled and gave Shade a hug:

"It seems that Mr. Detective's cat is really powerful."

"So good."

Shade also smiled and stroked the cat's head, and little Mia looked very helpful:

"I actually came back in the afternoon and sent a letter to Priest Augustus asking him to meet in the evening."

"The priest will be here soon?"

Dorothy was a little surprised, and then said immediately:

"I will go to the bedroom in a while and close the door. Don't say that I am here. Oh, I will go downstairs first and hide my shoes and coat. There are also manuscripts and notebooks in the study. Really, Xia

De, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

This chapter has been completed!
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