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Chapter 1371 Tiger in the Forest

"I can extract the memory of this land, and the best location is right here."

Miss Lassus stood among the sun, moon and stars and made gestures.

"When can the ceremony be held? Are there any additional preparations required?"

Shade asked again, and the young girl thought for a moment:

"This place is really suitable for extracting the memory of the earth. It's as if someone deliberately left a memory. I have all the ritual materials with me. I can prepare a little and let Vanessa assist me. Probably."

She turned to look at the already setting sun above the cedar forest:

"After dinner, the ceremony is still a bit complicated. Besides, I didn't expect to be able to carry out the ceremony directly this time."

"Let's help too."

Luvia suggested:

"Although I don't know what Xia De is mysteriously trying to do, I think if it succeeds this time, it will be of great help to him."

So the four of them got busy again. Miss Lassers didn't mind sharing the knowledge of the cult with Shade and Luvia, but Luvia did not let Shade help, but asked him to continue looking for the statue of the ancient god of space.


Shade thought it made sense. If he couldn't find it this time, he would have to waste a whole morning on horseback next time.

So he said goodbye to the three ladies for the time being, and returned to the dark cave with the cat who had woken up from his nap. It seemed useless to just continue searching, so he simply left the cave, wondering if the entrance was in the cave.

Places other than places, such as the hollow of an ancient tree or the basement of a hunter’s cabin.

The cat, which had eaten and woke up, seemed to be more lively than usual. In the forest, Shade tried to put the cat in the snow and let it run on its own, which was satisfactory to Shade for raising the cat for so long, but

She has never wanted to chase cats outdoors. But Mia only took two steps on the snow, then immediately turned around and jumped on Shade's shoes, meowing to express her dissatisfaction.

So the cat continued to stand on Shade's shoulder and followed Shade into the cedar forest. Shade first went to see the three horses, fed them the fodder prepared in advance, and then walked towards the Ellon River.

Direction, plan to conduct a more careful search from the river towards the cave entrance.

In fact, there is no good scenery in the vast white forest. After getting used to the scenery here, I miss the life in the city. As he stepped on the snow and looked around, Xia De actually still felt a little small in his heart.

Looking forward to, looking forward to the sudden appearance of people like cultists to prove that this place is really important.

But then I felt that my idea was stupid. Maybe the first confrontation with the devil went relatively smoothly, which really made me a little too arrogant.

Shade was criticizing his recent thoughts and actions in his mind. Suddenly his ears twitched and he turned to look at the trees behind him. He heard the slight sound of something stepping on the snow, and the sound was near them.


Mia also made a threatening cry, and apparently heard the sound. But when Shade was alert and ready to pull out the moonlight sword, what appeared from the falling snow forest was actually an enlarged version of Mia in a sense.


The fur color is light yellow, with black horizontal stripes all over the body. The head is round, the ears are short, there is a very obvious white spot in the center, and the eyes are bright; the limbs are strong and powerful, the tail is thick and long, with black rings, and the end of the tail is black. No matter from which aspect,

Judging, this should be judged as a tiger, and it is a tiger that is hungry and anxious at the end of winter.

This animal obviously came deliberately for Shade. Shade did not lower his footsteps, so he was discovered by it. And just as Shade thought, the second after the two sides looked at each other, the tiger was already on the snow.

He made obvious attacking moves.

"How good is the natural ecology around here? Last time we met a wild bear, and this time we met a tiger."

Shade thought in surprise, and raised his hand to wave forward, but he didn't expect that Mia was even more excited than him.

This cat has never been afraid of things smaller than itself. In addition, it is also very good at bullying and intimidating other cats. The cats downstairs at Carina Manor, the Three Cats Hotel and the Blackstone Security Company have all been affected.

"Persecution". This time, the originally very smart cat obviously made a mistake and mistook the big tiger in front of him for a cat, so he jumped off Shade's shoulder, then stood in front of Shade, facing the tiger

Made a "roar":


Seeing this picture of it protecting himself, Shade was very moved. Also because he noticed Mia's movements, the moonlight wheel that had formed in his hand was not thrown out immediately, and the tiger was better than Shade thought.

Even more embarrassing, after hearing little Mia's cry, he turned around and ran into the cedar forest again.

"You did great. Oh, Mia, don't chase me!"

The cat, which was originally unwilling to even take two steps on the snow, actually trotted after it. Shade hurriedly wanted to stop it, but then he thought that it was just a tiger. He was fully capable of protecting Mia, so he might as well let it

The cat runs on the snow.

Of course, due to safety considerations, although Shade had two fewer legs than Mia, he still ran quickly in front of Mia, one step ahead of her, and followed the tiger that seemed to be fleeing:

"Help me see if Mia is following me."


"She" said softly.

So in the snow-covered forest, the tiger was running in front, and Shade was chasing after him. Behind him was Mia, who was running very fast. One person, one cat and one tiger were chasing each other in the cedar forest. The tiger didn't do anything either.

Knowing what was going on, once he started running, he had no intention of stopping. In order to give Mia more exercise, Shade kept chasing forward.

After just five minutes of running, Mia's continuous exercise time had already exceeded the maximum since Shade first saw it in midsummer last year, but the cat seemed to be running very happily.

For the sake of Mia's health, Shade originally didn't plan to run for too long to prevent the sudden large amount of exercise from harming the cat's health. But unexpectedly, the tiger stopped first and headed south in the cedar forest.

, after crossing the frozen Elron River, I probably felt that running like this was not an option, or I realized that it was not the cat that was chasing it, but a human being, so I stopped suddenly, then turned around and pounced on it.


Shade had a serious look on his face, but he did not use any magic. Instead, after confirming that it would take half a minute for little Mia to catch up, he also pounced on the tiger.

A man and a tiger collided together like this. The tiger probably had no experience fighting with bare-handed humans. Instead, he was knocked down by Shade who used the "Red Dragon Power" spell. They were torn together and rolled in the snow.

Get up. Although it is quite dangerous to fight a tiger hand-to-hand, for Shade, as long as the other party's claws don't tear his chest and throat, there will be no problem.

After Mia also appeared, she happened to see Shade wearing the "Psychic Crystal Ring", riding on the tiger, and hitting the tiger's head with his fist. His strength was not a big deal, but the thaumaturgy [Psychic Explosion] was there.

If used at such a close distance, let alone a tiger, even a spiritually powerful ring warlock may not be able to withstand this blow.

"Look, Mia, this is not your kind."

After subduing the tiger without killing it, Xia De stood up panting. His clothes had many scratches from the tiger's claws, and his body was covered with snow that had stuck to him when he rolled around on the ground:

"Look, this is nothing your little paws can compare to."

Shade grabbed his cat with one hand, then held the tiger's paw to show it. Then, he showed Mia the tiger's thick tail, powerful limbs, and terrifying and sharp teeth.

This tiger probably has indigestion recently, and the taste in his mouth is quite strong:

"Look, this is not your kind. No matter how bold you are, you can't challenge a tiger in the future. Do you understand?"

The cat being carried by Shade didn't make any sign, so Shade didn't know whether it didn't understand or was just pretending to be stupid. But Shade believed that his "dangerous creature education" today should still be quite useful.

At least the next time Mia sees a tiger, she will know that it is not an existence that it can mess with.

Because he believed that the cat's amount of exercise had reached the standard today, Shade did not let it touch the ground on its own. After letting the cat stand on his shoulders, he thought about how to deal with the tiger.

The wild bear he met last week was killed by him directly. But this time, Shade did not take action again. Instead, he thought about it and took out his Rhodes card deck from his pocket.

Of course, he was not crazy and wanted to play cards with a tiger, but wanted to try his luck:

"I'll randomly draw one, and if it's greater than 7, I'll let you go."

Thinking about it, I turned over the top card and saw that it was Flower 12.

"You're lucky."

Shade shook his head, moved the tiger under the tree, and then fed it a few drops of holy water. He patted the tiger's face with his hand, and the tiger soon woke up, but this time it clearly showed a look of fear.

.Even though this wild animal is not as smart as little Mia, it can still feel Shade's terror.

Shade stood up and took a step back:

"you can go now."

The tiger stood up against the tree trunk, stared at Shade and took a few tentative steps to make sure he didn't want to chase him, then he quickly ran away.

"The clothes are ruined."

Shade looked down at his clothes, thinking about finding a place to change out of them.

He turned around and walked towards the direction he came from, thinking about what else he might encounter in the forest. He wanted to catch a few rabbits and let little Mia try to race rabbits, but with all his messy thoughts, he walked along.

After walking for less than five minutes, he raised his eyebrows in surprise again, then turned around and looked behind him.

This chapter has been completed!
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