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Chapter 1374 Underground Cracks

On the high mountain where the Night Temple is located, Shade came twice, but only inspected the foot of the mountain and the inside of the cave, but never climbed to the top. After all, gold mines and statues of ancient gods cannot be directly located on the top of the mountain.

After being reminded by Mr. Erfurt, Shade also became interested in the top of the mountain, so after bidding farewell to his soul, he returned to the location where the three horses were tied to the tree. But this time he did not enter the cave, but walked along the

After walking a short circle at the foot of the mountain, we successfully found the way up the mountain.

Although it is said to be a road, it is actually just an area with slightly sparse trees. But since the scholars who came here alone can reach the top of the mountain, there is no reason why Shade can't climb up.

The road up the mountain is not easy. Maybe Shade and Mr. Erfurt chose a different path two years ago. From time to time, he needs to turn the cat into a toy, and then turn into a group of butterflies himself, or use Raglay's jump to cross the mountain.

Those places that are obviously impassable.

When Xia De finally arrived a few dozen meters away from the top of the mountain, it was already 5:20 in the evening, the sky was dark, and the setting sun had already appeared on the horizon.

The mountain is very steep, but there is a relatively flat winding path at the top of the mountain. Shade actually carries the cat to the top of the mountain, and then stares wide-eyed at the white forest sea in the distance and the brilliant scenery beyond.


"Spring is probably really coming soon."

He sighed softly, and then looked down again. There was an extremely steep cliff at his feet. If he hadn't known that there was a narrow platform below, no one would normally think of looking down from here.

However, probably because of the angle, although Shade could barely see the edge of the platform below, he did not see the remains of the arch, nor did he see the three ladies preparing for the ceremony.

"But what was the interesting thing Mr. Erfurt said?"

The relatively flat area on the top of the mountain is about the size of the bedroom on the second floor of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square. Since no animals or humans have come here for a long time, there are no traces on the snow.

Shade used flames to melt the snow on the ground, and then found a broken stone base under the snow. Judging from the style, a stone tablet should have been erected here.

"The style of the base is very old, and it doesn't look like the style of this era. But where is the monument?"

The broken stone tablet could not be found nearby with the naked eye, so Shade used "Feliana's Witch's Light" to melt the ground for inspection. What he did was indeed correct. About half a meter away from the ground, he actually found the broken stone tablet.

I found a buried broken stone stele. The stele had been lying for at least hundreds of years, possibly even thousands of years, so the stele itself was almost integrated with the soil on the top of the mountain.

Shade stretched out his hand to brush off the dust on the surface of the stone tablet, but as soon as he touched it, he felt the power of the miraculous element. The element was not very obvious, but it was indeed there:

"Mr. Erfurt's soul can exist in a special form, is it because he also felt something on the top of the mountain?"

The text on the upward side of the stele, that is, the front, can still be barely discerned, but it is not the text of the Sixth Age:

【May the sun shine on the earth,

May the earth nurture all living beings.

When the sun shines on you and me,

May the earth be with you and me.]

"Praise the sun, huh? It doesn't rhyme at all."

Shade said softly, not understanding what was written on it. So he dug out the stone tablet completely from the soil. He was originally worried that the backside could not be seen clearly, but he did not expect that the carvings on the backside were also very clear.

There were some complex patterns and decorative lines on the back of the stele. There was no text originally. But at the top of the stele, Shade saw two lines of text that seemed to have been casually carved with a knife. They were quite beautiful cursive letters, using

is the language of the late Fifth Age:

【This is a riddle, the power of the sun can open the channel.】


Shade raised his eyebrows, then looked at the next sentence:

【The chosen ones of the earth will definitely come here.】


He reached out to touch the mark and thought uncertainly:

"Fragment of a psalm?"

But it is a pity that only these two lines of text on the entire stone tablet were engraved later, and the rest are the original contents of the stone tablet.

"This is interesting. The chosen ones of the earth will definitely come here, which shows that this place is indeed very important."

Shade used the canvas to turn the stone tablet into a toy and put it away. The witch must be very happy to get this. Then she looked up at the end of the cedar forest, where the sun had already sunk nearly halfway:

"The power of the sun can open the channel of solar rays!"

The bright light emitted from the fingertips shone on the base of the stone monument, but nothing happened. Shade turned around in a circle, letting the light pass across the ground, but it only made the cat's eyes widen, eager to try to escape from Xia De

Apart from jumping off De's shoulder, nothing else happened.

"Isn't it pure enough?"

Shade then stared at the cat standing on his shoulder. Mia barked with a bad feeling, and then Shade pinched its waist with both hands and lifted it up.

Facing the forest and the setting sun, Shade, holding Mia high on the top of the mountain, took a deep breath, and then shouted loudly:

"Praise the sun!"

He waited quietly for half a minute, and when nothing happened, he slowly put the cat down:

“It turns out that’s not the case.”

【What are you thinking about?】

"She" smiled softly, and her laughter calmed down Shade's anxious heart.

"Then give me some advice."

[There is plenty of sunshine here all year round. It is impossible to open the so-called passage just by receiving sunlight. Therefore, you should find a place where there is no daily sunlight. 】

"It makes sense - the power of the red dragon!"

Shade bent down, and then used force to lift up the base of the broken stone tablet. Nearly two-thirds of the height of the base of the stone tablet had sunk into the soil, and the bottom of the base was actually not soil.

It was stone, and Shade saw a rather ancient carving on the gray stone.

In the center of the circular pattern is a typical Holy Grail pattern, surrounded by flowers and plants. Although it was the first time he saw this pattern, Shade still subconsciously understood what it was:

"The Holy Emblem of the Ancient God [Mother Earth]?"

He stroked it gently with his hand, and then pointed his finger at the Holy Emblem:


The bright light illuminated the Holy Emblem, and then the Holy Emblem gradually melted into the light. Just as Shade was surprised, sunken marks appeared on the stone until the pattern of a palm was formed.

"What do you mean? This is"

Shade stretched out his hand and pressed it on the palm pattern. He felt as if he had touched some extremely heavy power, but he felt that he was just pressing his hand against the cold stone surface.

Suddenly, I heard a very heavy "dong~" heartbeat, but then I realized that it seemed to be my own heartbeat.

Some kind of power entered his body along the arm, and the "power of the earth·healing aura" was strengthened. And the power finally came to the eyes. Shade's eyes were very good, but at this time he felt that his vision had changed.


He hesitantly took away his hand, looked far into the distance from the top of the mountain, and then confirmed that this was not his illusion:

"But what does it mean? What about the secret passage? Could it be that..."

After his hand left the stone surface, the pattern on the stone surface changed back to the Holy Emblem. This time Shade held the cat with one hand and held the cat's tail with one hand.

After the flames erupted, the holy symbol illuminated by the flames melted again. But this time, what was formed was a sunken pattern of a small cat's paw.

Shade grabbed Mia's paw and pressed it, but Mia didn't show any abnormality.

He also thought that maybe he could dig this magical stone out of the soil, but when he tried it, he found that the stone seemed to be connected to the entire mountain. So he gave up his idea and dug the stone monument.

The base was moved back to its original position, and after confirming that there were no other noteworthy places on the top of the mountain, we followed the original path down the mountain.

After re-entering the cave, Shade did not rush up to join the three ladies. Instead, he lit up the light on his fingertips to examine the four walls of the cave. Then, he actually saw something on the rock wall at the deepest part of the cave.

A fairly obvious crack.

Although the crack was not big enough for someone who was too fat to pass through, it was wide enough for Shade.


Shade immediately walked over and was very sure that when he and Luvia inspected it in the afternoon, they never saw such an obvious crack. But now it has appeared clearly, which means that the crack on the top of the mountain is

The stone tablet is indeed effective, and the cracks can only be seen by touching it.

"The passage leading to the underground, the key to opening the door is actually at the highest point, no matter who designed it, it's really interesting."

He stretched his fingers into the crack to make sure there were no traces of strange elements, and then walked in with Mia, who already wanted to have dinner.

Inside the crack is a sloping downward passage with obvious traces of manual excavation. The passage is not deep, and the stone walls up, down, left and right are fairly smooth.

Shade only took a few dozen steps forward and already reached the end of the passage.

At the end is an ancient double stone door. On the door on the left is a pattern of many butterflies, and on the door on the right is a pattern of the Holy Grail surrounded by flowers and plants.

"Key to the Door."

Shade pushed the door directly with force, but after using the spell, he felt like he was pushing a mountain. This showed that the door was equipped with a very powerful force to prevent it from being opened in an incorrect way.

Direct contact with this door also led to another strange thing happening. In the dim environment, a flickering light actually appeared in Shade's pocket. Shade touched his pocket and found the diamond from Granger.

The antique key obtained by the count was actually shining at this moment.

This chapter has been completed!
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