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Chapter 1394 The location of St. Byrons

"You are already stained with my evil ways."

After taking a deep breath, Fiona whispered in Shade's ear.


Shade thought this was some kind of obscene metaphor, but he didn't believe Fiona would say such a thing.

"The ancient ritual you used is equivalent to giving a dragon a new 'birth'. When a dragon is born, its body will carry a unique scent that will last for a long time to help the dragon mother identify and track her children."

She seemed a little intoxicated and continued to sniff at Shade's neck. Shade could even feel the wonderful touch of the tip of his nose rubbing against his skin:

"That's it. This will follow you for several weeks. But don't worry, most people can't smell it. Moreover, this smell will make ordinary beasts and monsters that are not very intelligent instinctively stay away from you."

Little Mia is definitely not a "beast with low intelligence", because it obviously has no intention of staying away from Shade. Instead, it screams from the side, as if it saw Shade being held hostage by the female dragon.

Fiona obviously had more ideas and more words to say, but Shade was right, time was running out, and they had no time to waste on other things.

So Shade took Mia and left the tent temporarily, letting Fiona change clothes in the tent.

In order to show his gentlemanly demeanor, Shade deliberately turned his back to the tent:

"So, you know what I did while you were sleeping?"

"I just vaguely knew you were coming. I fell into a very long dream. Under the light of the red moon, the ancient dream guided me to further awaken the power in my bloodline."

The voice behind him was very soft, and Shade heard the sound of clothes falling at the same time.

"When I came back here half an hour ago, I was shocked, but fortunately I found the paint that can be used to paint in the night, and got the golden needle. It was that needle that guided me to find the dragon shell book "Dragon"

Book: Breeding and Growth.”

Shade said, and Fiona's reply was a little unnatural:

"Oh, it turned out to be that book. That's why the original book "Book of Dragons: Breeding and Growth" was lost, but there are still some copies. It was used to popularize knowledge to underage dragons."

In other words, for the hybrid dragon people, the book Shade found was actually a sexual education book for adolescence, so Fiona was a little embarrassed.

He heard the sound of clothes being lifted and shaking:

"This book should be very useful to you. We will take the slate away later. I will carry it and tie it to my body with a chain. Oh, I don't have enough ritual items in my hand. The ritual I used,

It didn’t have a negative impact on you, right?”

He said still a little worried, and then heard chuckles coming from the tent behind him:

"The ritual was perfect. I even gained some new powers. Did you use the Sands of Time we exchanged last time? I feel that my perception and manipulation of time have become much better. The red dragon does not have this talent. Oh.

, and, after waking up, I felt inexplicably familiar with the night. When we go out later, I will try my new skills."

The sands of time and pigments have brought changes to the ritual, but fortunately they are good changes.

"Before going to bed, it was still level 11, and after waking up, it was already level 12. This deep sleep has really brought a lot of gains."

While she was talking, Shade heard the sound of getting dressed. I wonder if Shade's imagination was too rich, he could almost "see" the order of Fiona's dressing.

"Teacher Olan Nord is the yellow moon, and I am the red moon. This dream of the red moon has further repaired the damaged mental power, and some of the forgotten things have been recovered."

She said softly, and Shade asked hurriedly:

"So, what is your purpose of coming here?"

"Meet the gods."

This time she said it quite clearly:

"Through the curtain of eternal night in the City of Night, when I reach the palace in the deepest part of the night, the monarch of eternal night will be sitting on the throne of God, waiting for me."

The rustling sound was like tying a button at the neck.

"What does Miss Feliana want?"

Shade asked again.

"A part of this city. Miss Feliana wants a part of Evernight City to be the address of the academy she established."

Fiona said, and Shade heard the sound of her wings flapping. Apparently, she also cut a small opening in the back of her clothes so that her wings could stretch out.

Shade had carefully observed her wings just now. The wings were not big, and the bones were not very hard. They should be able to be folded up well without affecting daily life and sleep.

As for Miss Feliana's idea, it is very similar to the legend told by Miss Daniste in the Sixth Age. However, it is currently clear that the Randall Valley in the Old Continent in the Sixth Age is in the Mid-Continent in the Fifth Age, so to speak.

It seems that St. Byrons on the Great Northern Ice Cap in the Sixth Age corresponds to the location of the Northern Continent in the Fifth Age. But most of the current Northern Continent is obviously a habitable area. Moreover, the Great Ice of the Sixth Age

Gai, it was nowhere near as big as the Northern Continent today.

"So, what is the bargaining chip Miss Feliana offered? Since she wants to trade with a great man, the bargaining chip she offers should be amazing, right?"

Shade asked, and then he continued to hear the rustling sound. Carefully distinguish it, it was like the sound of fabric scraping the skin, and at the end of the sound, a very elastic snap sounded, and Shade picked

Under the eyebrow, this is where the elastic end of the stocking hits the skin.

Then the other one repeated it.

"That's the only thing I haven't remembered yet."

Fiona said in a regretful voice. As she spoke, the voice got closer and closer until she walked out of the tent and came behind Sha De. The red dragon girl reached out her hand again and hugged Sha De from behind, who had his back turned to her.

Quite soft to the touch:

"You promised that you would enter the deepest part of Eternal Night City with me, and then leave with me, right?"

"I'm not leaving together, I'm sending you away safely."

Shade corrected that after using so many time keys, he had never been able to voluntarily leave the scope of the mission location set by the tree father.

"Yes, you agreed."

She said in Shade's ear, and Shade felt that his ears were a little red for no reason.

Turning around to look at Fiona, the new clothes she put on were the same as last time. She wore a dark blue jacket that looked a little small over a women's shirt with lace vertical stripes on the chest. The lower body was dark.

A red short skirt that reaches the knee, her legs are covered by black fabric, and her feet are a pair of small brown leather shoes.

The red dragon girl's right foot was raised, and the toe of her shoe was still touching the ground.

"Where are the wings?"

Shade asked curiously. Seeing Shade looking at her, Fiona put her hands behind her back and turned around in a circle with some embarrassment, so that Shade could see a small exposed area on her back:

"The wings can be folded completely and then unfolded when needed. This requires a consumption of spirit, but the consumption is very small."

When she finished turning around, she saw Shade and Mia staring at her tail. The girl who had been so bold just now turned red:

"You can't put your tail back, you can't put it back no matter what."

In short, because it took too long, Shade only had less than ten minutes left at this time. The two quickly packed up the camp, and then Fiona took the golden needle from Shade's hand, and then used great force to directly

It was pierced into the center of the compass she had been carrying.

The compass itself was stuck in the gear obtained from the clock shop, and the teaspoon obtained from the cafe was strung on the golden needle by Fiona.

After finishing these, she used the metal mechanical parts left in the small package to process the compass, and modified the original simple compass to look like a gear machine. Then she bit her finger and wrote on the compass.

Draw rune symbols representing the four directions.


After chanting softly, the red moonlight on the fingertips shone on the compass. Under the curious gazes of Shade and Mia, the shadow of the golden needle appeared on the surface of the compass, and then the shadow rotated clockwise, while the teaspoon rotated counterclockwise.

The traces that were originally engraved on the surface of the compass, which Shade thought were scratches, lit up one by one until a star map was formed on the surface of the compass. And the gears of the unknown clock also began to change under the influence of the light of the star map.

After a sudden rotation, Shade seemed to hear the click of a clock every time.

After waiting for three full minutes, the shadows of the rotating teaspoon and the golden needle stopped completely and overlapped.

Together they point to the southwest, which is the corner of the art gallery's foyer:

"Do we have to walk to the southwest of the city? Although we have this cat now, we don't have enough time."

Shade asked.

"use this."

Fiona took out the black curtain again:

"The compass points out that direction, so as long as we unfold the curtain in that direction and use the compass to locate it, we will be able to reach it. This is an alchemy item made by Miss Feliana, and it can't go wrong."

She has great confidence in Miss Feliana.

Fiona forced two telescopic metal rods into the gaps in the floor, and the horizontal rods were placed above the metal rods. Then, the curtains were hung on them, forming the style of a curtain door.

The compass, which was made from materials collected through hard work, was placed under the curtain. The light of the compass added some color to the starry sky to the dark night curtain.

"Get ready to go, this is the last stop."

Shade was wrapped in chains all over his body and carried the stone slab half a man's height behind his back. He held Mia in his arms with one hand, and took the initiative to hold Fiona's hand with the other hand. Because of Mia, this time

They didn't buy any more permanent candles.

"Yes, the last stop."

Fiona took a deep breath, and then together with Shade, who was holding the cat, they rushed towards the black curtain blown by the unknown wind.

This chapter has been completed!
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