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Chapter 1403 The fossil is an ascetic in mud and linen

"It's not the fountain, it's the black mud, it's the black mud!"

Even the bonfire on the ground was shaking constantly due to the strong earthquake, and the horses tied to the trees were frantically trying to break free of the ropes and try to escape.

In the swaying firelight, Shade finally realized that it was black mud. The turbulent black mud sprayed into the sky like a fountain from the top of the low hill, and then the thick black mud flowed down from the top of the hill.



Roaring sounds appeared under the cloudy starry sky. From the land where the black mud flowed, dark stone arms stretched out from the soil under the hills one by one, followed by numerous fallen earth elemental giants.

The spirit appears here.

Those fallen earth elemental giants were taller and larger than the ones the three of them encountered in the evening. And as they took heavy steps towards the area under the hill, the crazy earth actually followed their steps towards the area.

Spread outside.

Before the three Shads took action, the church's camp had already launched an attack. The team that came this time was dominated by the Church of the Sun. Dozens of Central Warlocks jointly used one of the basic spells, "Earth Wall", from the mountain.

A huge wall was summoned from the bottom of the hill, which temporarily blocked the steps of the fallen earth elemental giants from walking outward. Then the church's follow-up team also launched an attack.

Because the Crazy Earth was too dangerous, the church's team did not enter the hills. They just defeated the elemental aggregates summoned by the earth one by one on the outside of the hills.

"There's someone at the top of the hill."

Miss Benenice said to Shade, squinting her eyes and looking at the blurred black figures in the night:

"This time things are still not simple. The cultists and people from the Blood Spirit School are probably over there. But how did they get up there? No one saw them. "Notes of a Puppet Operator"?"

"None of this matters anymore."

Shade shook his head and said to Luvia:

"You and Miss Benenice stay here while I go over alone."


The girl with purple eyes wanted to retort, but the witch pulled her:

"You should trust Shade more than me."

She said to Shade:

"Luvia and I are on the outside, assisting the church in blocking those monsters that want to move farther away, and are here to prepare for you. Don't be brave, if you find something is wrong, just retreat quickly. I will take you two with me

Escape is quite easy."

With that said, he took off his gold ring and handed it to Shade:

"You need this more than I do tonight."


Shade smiled and nodded, waved to them, and then ran into the night as the two watched worriedly.

There are lights of battle everywhere in the dark night. Although the fallen elemental spirits are very slow and not very aggressive, it is not easy to completely defeat them.

Fortunately, it was probably because most people in the church were unable to enter the areas contaminated by the Crazy Earth, so Shade could directly enter the hills by choosing locations where the fighting was not fierce.

There seemed to be explosions everywhere, and black clouds obviously obscured the starry sky, but the light of divine magic made the area as bright as day. The closer he got to the bottom of the hill, the more Shade was sure that this matter was definitely related to the cultists.

Inseparable from the relationship.

When he and Goethe, the stone mirror demon, met for the first time outside Watson Manor, they accidentally broke a statue of an evil god. The blasphemous power he felt at that time was very close to what he feels now.

Looking up at the hill that was mostly covered by black mud, he suddenly saw a huge and terrifying shadow standing behind the hill. Shade was not sure what it was, so he could only walk through the forest as quickly as possible.

, to face another challenge that I cannot handle.

In addition to Shade who was constantly moving forward, there were some strange black shadows patrolling in the forest. After entering the battle zone between the church and the fallen earth elemental giants, Shade also noticed that the church still sent a group of soldiers this time.

A thirteenth-level warlock.

But this time it was no longer the "Earth Shaker" Granger, but the Thirteenth Ring Warlock of the Church of Nature, whom Shade had met during the Battle of Pantanal, and an old friend of Sister Devlin.

'Nightmare Witch' Miss Maria.

She did not join the battle, but floated above the forest sea, looking at the top of the hill, as if she was on guard for something. Even if Xia De glanced at her unconsciously below, she did not lower her head to observe Xia De because she was inspired.


This means that tonight there will be something that even a thirteenth-ring warlock finds difficult.

Continuing forward, we officially entered the area where black mud was flowing. The black mud continued to erupt for ten minutes. At this time, it still maintained a fountain-like appearance on the top of the hill, so that if Shade wanted to continue going up, he could not find it at all.

Get to a safe enough place to stay.

Originally there were some trees with bare branches growing on the hills, but at this time those trees had turned into gray stone sculptures. Although Shade was able to resist the twisted pollution from the earth to a certain extent, if it is really polluted for a long time,

He still felt strong discomfort:

"This time in the crazy land, there is another strong level of pollution."

The church's ring wizards were only on the periphery, so there was no one to stop the monsters on the hill. No matter how cautious Shade was when climbing the hill, he still inevitably had a conflict with a stone giant during the climb.

"Raglai's Leap."

He took a step forward gently, and then appeared behind the stone giant wrapped in earthy yellow light and charging towards him sideways. He originally thought of running away, but he didn't expect that the enemy he had dodged stopped after he stopped.

He immediately turned around and charged towards him a second time.

If he chased and ran away like this, Shade was worried that the noise would be too big. When he reached the top of the mountain, he would be chased by at least ten fallen elemental spirits. So he simply stopped, but this time he did not take out the moonlight sword.

, but opened his arms.

Just now when he was dealing with the enemy with Miss Benenice and Luvia, he had a vague idea, and now it was time to implement his plan.


The bulky monster was already very close to Shade during the charge, and Shade took a step forward again before disappearing. Only this time, he did not appear further behind the elemental djinn, but appeared directly in front of the djinn.

On his back, he opened his hands and hugged it tightly:

“Fossils to mud!”

Although "fossils into mud" is a basic spell, Shade's "fossils into mud" is still a little different from others. This was when he tried to go deep into the source of black mud to explore the divine power, suspected to be in the Randall Valley

The existence of the incarnation of the earth gives him strength.

Normal "fossils to mud" can only have an effect on natural unprocessed stones, but Shade's "fossils to mud" can have an effect on any stone that is no larger than himself.

He originally just had the mentality of giving it a try, but he didn't expect that after his body came into contact with the elemental giant, the back of the elemental aggregate really "melted" quickly.

Although Miss Benanis said that there was no real "fatal point" for this monster, he still stabbed his hand directly from behind the colossus into its chest:

"Feliana's Witch's Light!"

In the first few seconds, the fallen elemental giant just slowed down suddenly. Then, the stone on its chest faintly emitted a red light as if it had been heated.

Finally, with the appearance of the first crack, dark golden light completely emerged from the chest. The cracks continued to spread to the whole body, and the huge aggregate of elements turned into a pile of rubble in Shade's hands.

Shade patted his muddy hands, a little suspicious that the original "Randall Valley Earth Incarnation" gave him this spell just to deal with today's scene.

Continuing forward, because of Shade's caution, although he encountered two more enemies, and even the second time they were two enemies together, he successfully defeated the opponents without making much noise.

At the end of the petrified forest at the lower part of the hill is a path that winds towards the top of the hill. For some reason, after approaching the petrified forest area, there are no enemies blocking the road.

But it was not that there were no other people here. When Shade came to the edge of the woods and was about to go to the top in one breath, he saw a man with bare feet, wearing a linen robe, and holding a dirty brass oil lamp.

The tall, thin man stood on the edge of the forest with his back to him and facing the top of the mountain.

"A monk from the church? Why are you here?"

The ascetic monk's feet were completely stained with black mud, but even so, there was still no sign of petrification of the limbs without the use of any spells or thaumaturgy.

If it weren't for the fact that this was a genuine living person, Shade would really have thought that the Guardian was waiting for him here.

And when Shade got closer, he could clearly sense the strong miraculous element in the other party. That warm and heavy power undoubtedly belonged to the God of the Sun and the Earth. In fact, Shade felt that this unknown ascetic

The power in his body is purer than that of the thirteen-ring warlock "Earth Shaker" Pierre Granger.

He hesitated for a moment, but still walked over quickly. He made up his mind that as long as the other party did not take the initiative to talk to him, he would pretend that he had not seen the other party. However, when he came to the ascetic monk, the other party

Still spoke:

"Are you the Godcaller?"

The ascetic monks speak Kasenlic language with a strong southern accent, which even sounds a bit funny because the stress of each word is placed later.

Shade could only stop, nod and want to ask the other party's identity, but this time he saw the other party's simple clothes from the side, and saw the old kerosene lamp he was carrying, although it looked shabby, a bold

The idea suddenly occurred:

"When I was at Fort Midhill, I once met Ms. Shirley Winster, the 'Sister of Thorns' from the Church of Nature (Chapter 778)."

This chapter has been completed!
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