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Chapter 1414 Ilunas Mission

Miss Sylvia obviously wants to send out an invitation for a private date.

Shade thought about what he was doing. At present, he just wanted to wait for Iluna to arrive, and then discuss the plan with Iluna and Luvia. If there are enough coins, it would also be good to divine sapphire earrings and hexagonal gems.


"It should be fine."

"Then, how about walking around the city with me? I haven't been to this city for a long time."

The young witch bit her lips and said, looking at Shade, there was something in her eyes that Shade couldn't refuse.

So Shade spent the whole Thursday morning shopping in the city with Miss Sylvia. They returned to Miss Bernanice's manor before lunch, and as the inventor of man-made fibers, Miss Sylvia also

She took Shade to her room, changed into black fabric, and asked Shade to help make some suggestions.

As a result, when the two of them were talking about the key point, Miss Sylvia was holding Shade's hand to evaluate sexual intercourse. Miss Benanis, who was not in the habit of knocking on the door at home, opened the door and walked in, asking them to eat.


Shade later learned that Miss Sylvia had not spoken to Miss Bernice all day.

In the afternoon, he and Miss Aurora went to the club in the city to discuss business. It was only then that Shade learned that the construction project of the Second Shipyard in the South of the United Kingdom Navy was actually related to the Aurora family.

It would even be better to say that the large shipyards of the Old Continent have more or less the presence of the Aurora family.

In the evening, the witches and Shade watched the opera together in the private box on the top floor of the Wilde Opera House. When the opera ended, Shade accepted the invitation to go to Miss Bernice's manor, and together with the ladies in pajamas, he went to the manor.

On the third floor, there was a night tea party in Miss Benenice's bedroom.

This is indeed very interesting, but doing these things at a time when the number of petrified plague victims in the city is increasing every day, the fallen elemental djinn patrols the wilderness outside the city, and the black mud flowing from the earth's distortion source is flowing on this land, Shade still feels a little bit

Something is wrong.

That night, when he sent Luvia back to the Fertile Land Hotel, he expressed his opinion.

The purple-eyed girl said goodbye to Shade outside the hotel and hugged him gently:

"That's why we said that you are always tense. Wouldn't it be nice to relax once in a while like today?"

"But I already relaxed yesterday."

Shade corrected, Luvia pouted slightly, and then reached out to straighten Shade's collar. Although the temperature at night was rising every day, from Luvia's point of view, Shade was still recovering from a serious illness, so he had to pay extra attention to his health:

"The story of Randall Valley is coming to an end. It is normal to relax before the final battle. Your high fever scares me. In fact, if you think about it carefully, you really don't have much rest time. Wait until

After this matter is over, I return to Tobesk. In the spring of 1854, we don’t have to do anything, and we don’t need to worry about the next chosen one. I will keep you company."

Standing on tiptoes, he kissed Shade on the side of his face:

"Go home quickly. Dorothy may be waiting for you at home. I won't be feeling well for the next few days, so you don't have to stay with me in Randall Valley."

She said softly, and Xia De looked at those purple eyes, feeling guilty again in his heart.

(Little Mia is running.)

"Long time no see, Shade!"

On Friday, the 28th day of the thin star month, early in the morning of the last day of February, when Shade came to the Fertile Land Hotel again, he immediately saw Iluna sitting by the wall reading the newspaper. After all,

As long as Iluna appears in the field of vision, it seems as if all the light is converging on her in Shade's eyes.

Iluna was now wearing a very southern-style plaid skirt with silver inlays at the waist, and a leaf-shaped hairpin decoration on her head that she got from someone unknown.

Because Shade had breakfast at home, it was already past eight in the morning. When Shade sat down opposite the seventeen-year-old girl, Iluna happily greeted Shade:

"Luvia just left and went to the Prophet's Association. She said that there was something going on at the Noon Association and she would not come back."

"Good morning, Iluna. Let's meet Luvia again in the evening. Did your trip go well? I heard that you encountered something wrong on the way?"

Shade also smiled and greeted, and noticed that the "Randall Morning News" held by Iluna contained news that people would soon notice the first Randall flower that bloomed next week.

The first Randall flower found blooming each year will be sent to the city hall and kept in a display case in the hall as evidence of the arrival of spring. Those who send the flowers will receive a considerable sum of money.

The local citizens are very enthusiastic about this urban tradition.

"Oh, we encountered some minor problems along the way, but we solved them all. That town is really mean and dares to mess with us."

Iluna answered lightly.

"Can you leave the church today? I thought the local diocese would arrange a task for you immediately."

Shade said again.

"It was my own request to walk around the city and check out the situation."

She put the newspaper aside casually:

"It's useless for me to stay in the church now. I don't want to attend those annoying but necessary meetings. Then I can just read the minutes of the meetings. So, while the church is holding a meeting today, I will go out and walk by myself.


As he spoke, he sighed:

"On the way here, in addition to the haunted town, we also encountered the Crazy Land. Yes, on the way here, even a boatload of us couldn't completely solve the problem. Even if I am the chosen one of balance,

I can only ensure that I will not be affected when I step into that area, but I cannot reverse this distortion. Compared with the earth, my power is still not enough."

"I heard that since this week, five different cities have reported news about the Crazy Land."

Shade also added, and Iluna nodded:

"Actually, there are seven cities, and two of them are in the countryside, which are too remote. If this continues, sooner or later the entire Old Continent will be infected with the curse of the earth. But fortunately, there is a solution, and now we are waiting for the final ceremony to take place.

From this point of view, my mission this time is simpler than the previous two. When I was at Fort Midhill, it was like participating in a large-scale battle; when I was in the Pantanal incident, I was in that dirty swamp.

We have to march in a hurry. Now we just need to stay in the city and wait for the news, which is really good."

"So, what do you think of Randall Valley? Compared to Tobesk."

Shade asked with great interest, and Iluna thought for a while:

"It is said that the weather here is always very good, but when I came here this time I learned that the weather in the Randall Valley is as bad as Tobesk! Moreover, the thick fog here smells of rotten eggs and rotten cabbage leaves."

She was very dissatisfied with this.

"This is the impact of the Crazy Land. When I first came here, there was no heavy fog here."

"I really hope to see the river valley in spring. The scenery here is very famous."

Iluna said again, secretly taking a look at Shade's expression:

"The church knew that I wanted to hang out casually, so they showed me their unfinished list of tasks."

As he said that, he pointed to the small bag placed against the wall:

"If I have time, I can take care of it. I can understand the customs and customs of the Randall Valley, and at the same time earn a reward for myself. I think I have nothing to do anyway, and I am going around the city. Why not take a look at the problems of this city?


She continued to look at Shade quietly.

"Then let's go together."

Shad said:

"But I plan to go to Huntingdon tonight to visit the lady in the lake. Therefore, I can only stay in Randall Valley until about evening."

Although the "Lake of the Cherubim" where the Lady of the Lake is located is generally only open when the sun has not yet set, Shade believes that he should be an exception.

"no problem."

Iluna controlled her joy:

"Then let's discuss where to go as the first stop. Although there are many ring warlocks from other places to support the local area, there is still a lack of a team of ring warlocks that combine mid-level and low-level rings. Therefore, most of the tasks in my hand require

It’s difficult for the team to deal with, but it’s not something that can only be solved by a high-level warlock. Why don’t I choose it?”

She took out the rolled parchment from her small bag, glanced at the tasks that required going to a town far outside the city, gave up on the boring haunted rumors, and finally selected one:

"This seems to be something that needs to be investigated. Let's go take a look. There are reports in the city that flower girls have disappeared recently."

"Oh? What's the specific situation?"

Shade also became interested.

"As you know, most of the children selling flowers on the street are girls from poor families. It is difficult for such children to go missing and attract official attention immediately. This time it is a local baron. Let me look at the last name. Yes, it is

The daughter of Baron Burnset wanted to try the job of a flower girl, so she went to the street to sell flowers accompanied by her maid, and then disappeared together with the young maid. The disappearance of the noble lady,

Only then did the local police department launch a thorough investigation, and thus became aware of a series of recent similar incidents."

Iluna said, and Shade frowned slightly:

"It won't be another child trafficking case like what happened in Tobesk City last summer, right?"

Shade was shot in the street because of that incident, so his memory is still fresh.

"no no."

Iluna shook her head:

"Missing children usually come back in about a week. Apart from slight symptoms of malnutrition and blood loss, their bodies have not suffered any other injuries. Even their clothes are still the same as before they disappeared. However, they will lose their memories of this week.

, because the flower girls are not very old and are not suitable for powerful memory recovery to avoid damaging the brain, so there is not much progress in the investigation yet. "

This chapter has been completed!
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