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Chapter 142: Their respective origins

 Afterwards, Shade spoke openly about what Professor Garcia had discussed with him in private. The other four were also very happy that Shade could obtain such a powerful thaumaturgy. As for his application to view "Sublimation" in advance.

I don't have much opinion on the requirements of "Tome". I just think that Shade underestimated the difficulty of obtaining spiritual runes after obtaining the profanity [Gluttony].

When the potion was finally brought up, Shade just speculated that it had a special purpose, but did not say how it was to be used.

The preparation of potions is a precise job, and it is very time-consuming and expensive, so Miss Louisa initially suggested that Shade should not choose the School of Chemistry.

After asking the old priest, Priest August, who was in a good mood, agreed to help prepare the "Price of Growth". Those materials can be found in the local black market, but there are not many people who know how to prepare potions. The old priest even only accepted Shade's simple materials.

The fees don't add up to much, so they don't need to be considered by the detective who suddenly "suddenly got rich".

"The Price of Growth" requires some time to prepare. Shade wanted to use it early Thursday morning, so the priest promised to write to him to pick it up next Tuesday or Wednesday.

But the potion went well, but no one in the group had the [Time Key]. This kind of relic is only useful to ring warlocks who hold the [Time] spirit rune. Dr. Schneider got one a long time ago, but it was

It has already been submitted to the college.

As for Shade's question to everyone if there was a way for ordinary people to gain power, the four of them shook their heads. If this kind of thing could be done easily, then Ring Warlocks wouldn't be so rare.

But Miss Louisa is indeed a writer, and she provided Shade with a brand new way of thinking.

The blonde girl looked at Shade and asked thoughtfully:

"What exactly do you mean by power?"

This sentence suddenly made Shade realize it, and he even wanted to hug Miss Louisa to express his gratitude. However, in order not to be hated and misunderstood by the sorceresses in the same group, he did not do so.

Personal power does not necessarily only refer to force, other powers are also powers. Especially to fool children...especially to convince children. Even if the girl cannot have mysterious power, it is not easy to realize it in the minds of outsiders.

There is a lot of knowledge.

"It's really a great help. In addition to the newspaper advertisement, Miss Louisa, I owe you a lot. When I get this month's money, I will definitely treat you to the most expensive opera in the city's opera house.


His promise made Miss Louisa feel confused:

"I would be honored...oh, the fairy tale you asked for."

She handed the pages wrapped in newspapers to Shade:

"Remember to return it to me next Saturday and don't damage the corners of the paper."

"no problem."

Now I owe even more favors.

There was not much to do in today's study meeting. After congratulating the doctor on his recovery, the other four people said their goodbyes and left. Of course, Shade did not forget to confirm the doctor and the old priest's Sunday night schedule. Fortunately, they

Don't even know Duke Lucas.

Now Shade can safely participate in the card game.

After leaving the clinic, Priest Augustus continued to walk with Schade. On Roentgen Avenue, when he passed by a group of Tobesk University students wearing school uniforms, Schade mentioned that he wanted to find an opportunity to thank Louisa.

Mademoiselle, and asked Priest August if he knew the hobbies of the blonde writer.

"She doesn't seem to have any hobbies... I guess writing, she also likes opera, and she seems to be very good at music."

The priest thought, but his tone was uncertain.

Shade nodded and whispered while looking at the afternoon Tobesk street scene. It was only four o'clock, and the summer days were very long:

"It sounds like Miss Louisa's background is really good. These hobbies are not something that poor people can cultivate. I just found out not long ago that Miss Louisa's father is a professor at the local university in Tobesk."

Priest August nodded:

"Yes, she comes from a very good background. In this way, Louisa can be regarded as the only normal person among the five of us."

"What does it mean?"

Shade asked curiously, so when the two of them walked through the intersection together, the old priest explained:

"Lotusa is a native of Tobesk. She comes from a wealthy upper-class family. Her father is a professor at Tobesk Higher School, and her mother is the youngest daughter of the late Viscount Cade. Louisa has two brothers, one

My sister, after successfully completing her education at a women's college, moved out to live independently and make a living on her own, and then her talent was discovered by a doctor. Her parents are both in China, and she has a very good relationship with her family. In contrast to me, an old widower who has never been married in his life.


Point to yourself.

"Bill, an orphan."

Schneider Psychological Clinic pointing back.

"Annate, whose parents died young and has no relatives."

Pointing in the direction of the fortune teller who claimed to be out of town on business, Shade knew that she actually wanted to "encounter" Miss Bayas.

"And you as an ex-tramp with no memories of your past."

This time pointed at Shade.

"Dorothy Louisa is the happiest of the five of us. She seems so happy that she shouldn't be mixed up with the unlucky guys like us."

The priest concluded, took out his pipe from his arms, and seemed to want to take a puff.

Shade nodded as he listened to the news. This was the first time he heard about the origins of other people in the group.

But he still doubted:

"But I always feel...Miss Louisa seems to have some kind of story. She seems to be very familiar with the aristocratic stuff, and she has an indescribable, probably very unique temperament about her."

Shade said hesitantly, and the two of them stopped and waited for the porters in front of them who were carrying a leather sofa to cross first.

A smile appeared on Priest August's face, which relaxed his wrinkles. He held a pipe in one hand, patted Shade on the shoulder with the other hand, and said cheerfully:

"I can't explain this, but Louisa's mother is just a daughter without inheritance rights, so she is not a noble, and she doesn't seem to have any connection with her grandfather. Are you interested in Louisa? Yes, they are both at this age.

young people."

The priest joked.

"No, that's not what I mean, it's just...forget it, we can't delve too much into other people's secrets."

Shade shook his head and gave up the topic.

It was still early, and after learning that Shade would be free today, Priest August invited the detective to go with him to Dawn Church to pick up the house deed and title deed. At the same time, he asked people from Dawn Church to survey the house and make sure that the closed area could be opened.

This matter was not troublesome at all. The two of them walked back to St. Teresa Square together first. Shade went home and got the detective's suicide note and the death certificate that the priest August had prepared in advance. Then the priest took Shade with him.

Arriving at the Dawn Church in Dawn Square, I greeted acquaintances and walked through the magnificent main auditorium of the Dawn Church. The priest prayed under the Holy Emblem for a while before taking Shade around the magnificent corridor and marking the

In the office of the "Document Storage Room", I found a middle-aged priest who was spending his afternoon drinking tea and reading novels.

The name of the novel is "Explorers in the Eye of the Storm". It is a maritime novel describing the exploration of routes in the New and Old Worlds. Because it involves the life of sailors, there are many colored parts. It is very interesting to see this kind of book in a church.

This chapter has been completed!
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