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Chapter 1442 The Eve of the Earthquake

In this way, on the sixth day of the Windy Moon, Margaret Anjou officially completed the mission of Vanessa Benenice, the "Witch of the Earth", and became the witch's apprentice. And Randall Valley

The contradictions and conflicts between the Masons' Association and the Angevin royal family were finally resolved through various exchanges of interests, mediation, and the "help" of cultists.

Shade sighed in his heart, wondering what would happen to him at Oxenfurt Manor at this time tomorrow night.

However, before Xia De could say his sigh, he heard "her" voice:


The wine glass in Shade's hand rippled, and then the whole house shook. But fortunately, because there have been many earthquakes in the Randall Valley area recently, people were not too panicked.

Everyone evacuated to the outdoor courtyard in an orderly manner. The thinly dressed ladies relied on their male companions to keep warm, while the servants brought warm towels and a few clothes to distribute among the people who evacuated to the courtyard.

Miss Benenice refused the coat sent by Margaret and handed it to a young girl whom Shade didn't know. The young girl was a little at a loss.

"Look over there."

Miss Sylvia said suddenly, and at the same time, the crowd also noticed something unusual in the night sky.

So Shade looked up at the eastern sky. Under the dark night, it was like a transparent curtain hung in the sky, or like a flame that was constantly moving and solidifying under the night. Dreamlike colors appeared in the distance of the sky.

The winding and beautiful appearance even looks like a transparent colorful mountain peak under the night sky.


Miss Lassers said softly:

"I have lived in the Randall Valley for so many years and I have never heard that we can have aurora here."

Other guests in the courtyard also noticed the strange colors in the eastern sky, and the discussion about this scenery diluted the coldness of the late winter night.

"Precursor of a major earthquake."

Miss Benenice said with certainty:

"Even if I close my eyes, I can feel the restlessness of the earth. It's almost like there is an active volcano under our feet, and the volcano will erupt soon."

"In about 30 hours."

Shade said softly:

"I just met the guardian, and he told me that the fourth stage of Crazy Land will appear in the early morning of Saturday."

"30 more hours?"

Miss Sylvia narrowed her eyes slightly:

"Time is really tight. Let's return to Bernanice's manor. There is no point in staying here any longer."


There were quite a few guests who wanted to leave at this time, and the most important part of the banquet was over. People were so panicked that it was not suitable to continue. Shade and Margaret said hello and casually

He left with the other three ladies.

However, they are not going back in the carriage. Miss Sylvia plans to open the teleportation gate and leave directly. For short-distance teleportation in a city like this, as long as there are no other people within a hundred meters, there is no need to worry about being detected.


Of course, Miss Sylvia has been able to do this kind of short-distance space teleportation before, but only with that strange enlightenment [weaving] can we guarantee the safety of 999/1000. Moreover, the teleportation location needs to be advanced in advance.

Arrangements don’t just happen.

A group of four people came to the deserted back garden. As the black-haired young witch raised her right hand and shouted a spell, amidst the sound of broken glass, a vortex of overlapping gold and black appeared in the back garden of the manor.

In front of the low wall:

"Let's go."

Miss Sylvia, Miss Bernice and Miss Lassers walked in respectively, Shade followed at the end, but before entering the vortex, he turned his head for the last time and crossed the brightly lit manor under the shadow of the moon.

The mansion, looking towards the eastern night sky with aurora:

"Finally, it's the end again."

"She" smiled softly:

[The current world, the sixth era, 1854 according to the universal calendar, late winter, the windy moon.

The colorful aurora reflects in your pupils, and the cold night wind howls to you of the coming disaster. Running around in this city where ancient bloodlines spread, you finally get a glimpse of the final destiny in the conspiracy of demons and cultists.

The truth. The bloodline of the kingdom has completed its mission, and the girl who is looking for her father has also seen the end of the road. Next, is the last chapter of the story of the river valley. Foreigners who have their feet on the earth, when the lions and brown bears are running in the river valley

In the mountains and forests, when evil men in black robes wait in the shadows, and when loveless people with a heart of stone in their chests pray silently, what choice will you make in the end? 】

"When you say that, I feel nervous immediately."

Shade murmured softly, then turned and walked towards the portal. With another sound of glass shattering, the black-gold vortex shrank and disappeared, leaving only the silent night, as if frozen in the time of this catastrophe.

The news provided by the guardians about the Randall Valley disaster, the resurrection of the fossil, and his own problems in the early hours of Saturday morning were still passed on to the Witch Council by Miss Benanis, who then contacted the Five Gods Church and passed the news on.

Just like what Miss Benanis said, if she hadn't found Shade and repeatedly showed that she had close relationships with men, it probably wouldn't be long before the church would secretly search for the witch and collect the suspect's body.

The identity is locked in her body.

As for Shade, after returning to the witch's manor on Thursday night, he told the witches about his meeting with the guardian again tonight. Because before that, Shade had told the witches based on what he had seen in the past and the sixth era,

They speculated that something would go wrong before the Chosen One Ceremony, and told their speculations. Therefore, the witches in the manor were not very surprised by the result.

The upcoming Battle of Randall Valley will probably be no less intense than the Battle of Fort Midhill in late autumn last year. Because of the outstanding performance of the Great Witches in the Battle of the Pantanal last year, this time

The Witches' Council has negotiated with the Orthodox Church and hired witches by the church to join the ranks of protecting the city, just like the spiritual cult in the Tobesk Darkness Incident, and the help of the guards during the Battle of Middleburg.

The narrow Apna Library.

It was Friday night when Shade went to the manor, and the turmoil and disaster came in the early morning of Saturday. Even though the witches had to assist the church and there was a shortage of manpower, in the end Miss Aurora, Miss Bernice, Miss Carina and Syl

Miss Via still decided that at least one person would wait outside Oxenfurt Manor for news about Shade tomorrow.

The final candidate is Miss Sylvia, who has mastered the power of space. In this way, even if the entire manor is pulled into subspace by the devil, Miss Sylvia can still find a way to rescue Shade.

Therefore, in addition to Sister Devlin, Ms. Marilyn Handel, Joy Barton, and Dr. Schneider, there will be one more friend who will appear near the manor tomorrow to help Shade.

But Shade actually felt that maybe he alone would be enough.

That night, the lights were brightly lit in the Benanis Manor, and everyone discussed the plan very late. Although Miss Benanis strongly invited Shade to spend the night in her manor, Shade still chose to return to his home in Tobesk.

This is not because the environment of the manor is inferior to that of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, but that only by sleeping at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square can Shade feel that he sleeps peacefully.

There were no girls staying at home tonight, so Shade packed up the relics and materials that he would bring to Randall Valley tomorrow, then washed up early and went to bed to rest.

Little Mia lay peacefully next to Shade's pillow. Although he felt sorry for the cat, Shade decided to take Mia to Oxenfurt Manor tomorrow. The time key from the autumn of 3028 in the Fifth Epoch is still there.

This is the last chance left, because I am not sure whether I will still travel through Eternal Night City, so it is necessary to bring the lighting equipment cat with me.

Shade knew how cruel it was to let this weak, pitiful and helpless cat go with him to a manor where demonic power was entrenched. Therefore, the night he fell asleep with many worries, he once again had a rather bizarre dream.


In the dream, he was holding a candlestick and walking alone in a dark corridor similar to the Night Manor where the vampire god held a cocktail party. In front of the door at the end of the corridor, Shade's own body lay.

He stepped forward to take a closer look, but the corpse stretched out his hand and threw Shade, who was looking at it, into the bottomless abyss in the door behind him. As he continued to fall, Shade saw the bottom of the abyss again.

Something is glowing.

That was Mia, Mia who was as majestic as a big tiger. She was wearing the golden armor sent by Miss Mia San Gold, and her tail was wagging like the sun falling into the abyss.

Golden Mia flew towards the falling Shade, but instead of saving him, she slapped Shade on the chest with her claws.

The claw in the dream did not feel any obvious pain, but the strong fright still made Shade wake up:

"Oh, my God~"

The foreigner woke up from the nightmare and suddenly sat up from his bed. Panting heavily, he looked at the scene in the bedroom and recalled the dream. He saw the soft cat rolling away from his chest because of his action of getting up.

Falling onto the quilt around my waist.

After the cat struggled to stand up, it looked at him with an angry look.

Not sure if it was because of the dream just now, Shade looked at the cat's big amber eyes staring at him, and for a moment he felt that the eyes were somewhat inexplicably charming.

"Oh, what was I thinking?"

He was stunned for a moment, then slapped his face hard, and looked at the window again. It was almost still dark outside the curtains. At the end of winter, the night was still very long, and even though it was already six o'clock in the morning, the night was still so thick.

This chapter has been completed!
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