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Chapter 1445 Everyones Preparations

"You really don't need me to accompany you to Oxenfurt Manor tonight?"

Luvia sat next to Shade and asked again. Shade shook his head:

"You are here with Sirius, Tifa, Miss Swift and Miss Hayley Aurora will also stay. If you really need help, the witches will call you."

He was holding little Mia in his arms. He had just had lunch at noon, and the cat immediately became sleepy:

"When I come back from Oxenfurt Manor, I might need you to help take care of little Mia. This is quite hard work."

Luvia smiled:

"Sirius, you called me by name. Yes, in your opinion, taking care of your cat is much more important than dealing with demons."

Hearing the sound coming from the stage, Shade stood up and walked along the side stairs with Luvia. Seven or eight long brown lacquered wood tables were gathered together, and the tables for configuring potions and maintaining alchemical items were divided.


Miss Hailey Aurora, who wears gold-rimmed glasses, is not wearing the relatively serious formal dress today, but is wearing a purple mandala dress. She is holding the staff and looking at it with some trouble.

Items on the desktop.

There are three candles on the table, which are silver, gold and black, and Miss Hayley Aurora is working with the high-circle sorceress beside her, who accompanied the big witches deep into the center of the swamp during the Battle of Pantanal.

Miss Avril Lavigne discusses which candle should be used to "light" the staff:

"Different lights will give the staff different strengthening properties. The golden candle strengthens the teacher's control over 'light'; the silver candle gives additional effect on dispelling evil and curses; and the black candle can expand the effect of spell casting.

The range of influence. But unfortunately, it can only receive one kind of light at a time."

Seeing Shade and Luvia walking over, Miss Hailey Aurora explained with some trouble. Miss Avril first greeted Shade respectfully, and then suggested:

"I often hear young ladies praising that Mr. Hamilton's light is quite bright. I was also fortunate enough to see your moonlight during the Battle of Pantanal. How about you try using your light?"

Luvia on the side also encouraged Shade to give it a try, so Hailey Aurora tilted the long wooden stick that was as tall as a person. Shade held the diamond on the top with his left hand and stretched out the fingertips of his right hand:

"Silver Moon."

The weak moonlight at the fingertips touched the top of the long staff. For a moment, the silver moonlight seemed to fill the inside of the diamond. As the diamond emitted light like real moonlight, the originally smooth surface of the oak staff appeared intertwined into chains.

The traces of the three-strand rune chain are written in the language of elves to praise the moonlight.

"very successful."

Luvia smiled and said:

"It's a pity that Iluna can't come over to see us until evening. Otherwise, we can let her give it a try."

"The moonlight is so beautiful."

Miss Hailey Aurora was still staring at Shade's fingertips. She sighed softly and was heard by Shade. Seeing Shade looking at her, she turned her head slightly with a blush. This made Luvia's face change.

The smile became even brighter.

After bidding farewell to Hailey and Miss Avril, Shade and Luvia chatted while entering the backstage of the stage, then turned into the corridor, and decided to see what others were doing.

"You just said that after returning from Oxenfurt Manor, you would entrust Mia to me."

The purple-eyed girl looked at the sweet cat sleeping in Shade's arms:

"Then after you come back from Oxenfurt Manor, are you going to see about the Chosen One?"

"Of course, even if the devil is solved, what happens tonight is only the beginning. It depends on the situation. If it is not very dangerous, you can go with me, and Mia will be taken care of by other girls in the opera house."

"Are you finally willing to take me, a girl with no fighting ability, to a dangerous battlefield?"

Her words were definitely sarcastic. Shade knew that Luvia's fighting ability was definitely not weak.

From the backstage corridor, we entered the public dressing room No. 5, and then entered the performance hall No. 2 from the backstage. There are no less busy ladies here than next door. Miss Carina’s followers occupy this place, Tifa

He is leading them to prepare potions and inspect casting materials.

Although the group had already made sufficient preparations before setting off from Tobesk City, they still needed to make some more preparations before the war.

"It's like I'm back in the fifth era."

When Shade and Luvia walked on the stage together, the female fortune teller joked:

"Before the witch emperors go to war, the palace witches and magic advisors help prepare weapons and spellcasting materials."

"The environment here is not as good as the courtyards of the Fifth Age Witch Emperors."

Tifa put down the small bottle in her hand and greeted them. What is very interesting is that most of the girls here are still wearing black and white maid dresses like Tifa, instead of wearing casual clothes like Miss Aurora's followers.


"However, my lady's palace in Saladir County can be compared with the palaces of the Witch Emperors."

Shade has always heard that Miss Carina is almost the real queen of the principality in Saladir County, so she has a quite magnificent palace. But he has never actually seen it, only seen the distant photos, and the palace was praised.

It is a "building that can only be owned by the Elf Kingdom".

"What are you doing?"

Luvia asked curiously. On the table in front of Tifa were potion bottles, alcohol lamps, test tube racks and some thaumaturgy-driven centrifugation, distillation, and calcination devices. Although the equipment was not as complete as Priest August's basement, it was

It's enough to handle most scenarios.

"Prepare the magic potion 'All Poison Spirit' for the lady. This potion can deal with most toxins and neutralize the conflicting poisons in other potions."

After more than 1,800 years of development in the Sixth Age, potion science itself has become quite mature and systematic. As long as you don’t drink too many potions, you don’t need to consider the toxicity in modern potion formulas. But when drinking multiple potions together, you need to consider the

Toxicity caused by pharmacological conflicts.

"Oh, I know this. Non-chemistry majors at St. Byrons will not be exposed to this kind of magic potion until seventh grade."

Luvia said, Tifa nodded, her beautiful brows slightly furrowed:

"The configuration of 'Wan Du Ling' is very complicated, and the potion is only valid for one week. We made some preliminary preparations in Tobesk and brought the potion precursors that had not been processed in the final step. I originally wanted to go with

Together with Martha, we prepared the potion this afternoon, but found that we had missed the most important colorless honeysuckle."

"Martha" refers to the young lady with long black curly hair next to Tifa. She is also dressed as a maid. Shade often sees her in the Carina Manor in Tobesk.

"Colorless honeysuckle is a plant that can only grow in the north. Can't you find it in the Randall River Valley?"

"Yes, maybe we can ask other witches, maybe they have extra, or go to the local black market. If that doesn't work, we can only use ordinary honeysuckle as a substitute, but that will reduce the efficacy of the medicine.


Miss Martha said, then Luvia looked at Shade:

"Miss Lassers hasn't come back yet. Anyway, it's okay. Let's go and ask the other witches for help. Or, aren't you familiar with the local area? How about taking the time to go to the black market and have a look? But in this case, it can't be done.

Other things."

"There is another way, just wait a moment."

Shade said, instead of choosing the first two methods, he closed his eyes and searched for the knowledge in his head.

The knowledge brought by [Witch's Reverberation] is quite complicated, and most of it is incomplete. Until now, Shade can't say that he has fully mastered [Principal Feliana] [Librarian Olanode]

Any one of [Ice Witch Chloe] [Witch Emperor Violet] [Immortal Witch Theresa] or [Long-haired Luvia].

However, in his impression, there seemed to be knowledge about "Ten Thousand Poison Spirits". When he searched in his head, he quickly found the answer:

"You can actually get the best medicinal effect by replacing ordinary honeysuckle. However, you need silver powder, Stryker high-efficiency catalyst and a little egg white for filtration. I will write you the recipe."

He found pen and paper on the messy desktop and started writing. Luvia looked on, and she did not doubt the authenticity:

"You learned this from our priest friends?"

"No, it is. I learned it from the witches of the past."

In fact, this is Luvia's knowledge.

"I have never heard that the 'Wan Du Ling' can be configured like this."

Miss Martha sighed from the side:

"Even if this is the knowledge of the Fifth Era and not our own creation, this recipe alone is enough to publish a good article."

Shade very much doubted that this knowledge itself would only appear in the future after 1854 of the Sixth Age. However, the current time of the Sixth Age has not yet reached that year.

After settling the matter with Miss Carina's followers, Shade exchanged a few words with Tifa. After accepting a kiss on the side of the cheek as a blessing for tonight's operation, he left here and continued at the opera house.

Wandering around.

"When Tifa kissed you just now, the other maids were laughing."

Luvia said, very interested in this:

"I actually want to know what Miss Carina thinks of your relationship with her personal maid/apprentice."

"Well, this question is really hard to answer."

Shade thought carefully for a while before giving the answer, and Luvia did not ask further questions:

"I always think that sometimes Miss Carina is too tolerant to her apprentices. Maybe it's because they have a good relationship, and Tifa's methods are stronger than we thought."

"Louvia, don't talk about me, how about we get back to the topic?"

Shade asked, returning to the backstage corridor with Luvia again. Everyone had something to do, and there were quite a few girls walking through the corridor carrying boxes or potions.

Shade also curiously asked the accountant of the opera troupe pushing the dining cart if the dining cart also contained potion ingredients. Then he learned that she was going to the basement to deliver afternoon tea to the four great witches.

"Back to the topic. What do you think is the possibility of God descending tonight?"

Luvia asked, immediately talking about the most serious topic.

"Nearly 100%. It's not that I have no confidence in the church, but this is my sixth sense."

Shade said, Luvia nodded thoughtfully:

"Then the next question is, are you ready to eliminate Oxenfurt, then eliminate the guardians, and then use the flowers of the seasons you collected to have Miss Lassus perform a ceremony?"

Shade slowed down slightly and looked at her:

"Did you misunderstand my plan? I never thought about making Siris the chosen one."

The purple-eyed girl smiled and asked:

"Why? Because the Guardians are more useful to us? Or because you figured out how to reverse their madness?"


Shade frowned slightly:

"In my opinion, there is no difference between the act of letting Siris become the chosen one and the act of leaving the entire Golden Dawn to her after Mr. Larsus left without saying a word more than ten years ago. Although I appreciate it,

And I admire the guardian, and I know that Mr. Lassus may have had difficulties back then, but I despise this kind of behavior."

"Shade, Shade, it's because of this that you provoke more and more girls."

Luvia sighed softly, and added before Shade tried to explain:

"However, I still like you very much, my knight."

She moved slightly closer to Shade, and the sleeping cat muttered "meow~" in its sleep. It was not disturbed at all by the voices of Shade and Luvia.

The two continued to move forward, this time arriving at the performance hall occupied by Miss Sylvia's followers. Miss Sylvia herself had no apprentices, and had only been a witch for the shortest time, so she did not have many followers, but here she still

Very lively.

Most of Miss Sylvia's followers have space talents, or at least can use a space-type ability. When Shade and Luvia found this place, most of the girls were maintaining alchemy props and preparing potions on the edge of the stage.

, but the five girls with the highest ranking used yellow and red paint mixed with gold powder to draw a huge ceremonial array of five-pointed stars on the stage.

Densely packed runes were filled into the gaps of the five-pointed star, and I don’t know if it was done intentionally. In Shade’s eyes, the five-pointed star actually looked more like a spider web pattern. Shade didn’t even have to look carefully.

You can also feel that the space is experiencing a subtle shift due to the formation of this ritual matrix.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Hamilton."

The person who greeted Shade was Miss Sylvia's personal maid and Miss Sylvia's female assistant as the princess's personal doctor. She was 26 years old and an 8th-level sorceress named Miss Decker.

"Good afternoon, Luvia and I are just taking a look around. Do you need any help?"

"The lady said that you can prohibit all special space phenomena except yourself within a certain range. Then can you activate thaumaturgy so that we can complete the next step?"

PS: The morning update is over!

I wish everyone a happy Year of the Rabbit and everything goes well in the new year!

This chapter has been completed!
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