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Chapter 1465 The answer

[Perhaps, you can let your cat out and let it distinguish it. Its sense of smell is very sensitive.]

While Shade was hesitating, "she" whispered in Shade's ear, but Shade refused without thinking:

"No, it's too dangerous. Although in the description of "Hamilton Detective Stories", little Mia is a very capable detective cat, those are all plots made up by Dorothy. I know that Mia does not have such great abilities.

.Tonight, it is my fault to take the risk of bringing it to this manor. How can I expose it to the devil?"

"She" smiled gently in Shade's ear. After eliminating the "cat power", the next thing Shade had to face was to choose which one of the remaining two animals was the hidden one.

The living devil.

【Want to try your luck? Rely on the blessing given to you by the God of Gamblers.】

"She" whispered in Shade's ear again, but Shade still refused:

"Although the blessing of the God of Gamblers is very effective, you can't just rely on luck at this time. The Lady of the Lake regards this devil's game as a test for me. This proves that the game itself has an answer, and the answer requires my thinking.

, it’s definitely not something you can guess by luck.”

He narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he thought of something. There is a possibility that the two remaining animals in front of him are not Shade's targets, and the demon is actually hiding somewhere else. After all, if the person who arranged the game is

Shade, Shade will also use this trick to deceive.

"Tell me again, the rules of the game that the devil just proposed."

Shade said to "her" in his heart. While the gentle whisper in his ears repeated, the devil's voice appeared again in the gray sky above his head:

"There are still the last ten minutes. Oh, look at you, you are so pitiful. Do you need me to give you some tips? I am a kind-hearted person, hahaha."

Shade used [Profane Cross] to approach the brown bear and black snake, but just like when facing [Night Watch], both animals showed similar uncomfortable reactions.

The Stone Mirror Demon - Goethe is very good at hiding himself, and his best trick is to disguise himself as other beings by reflecting himself. In this case, even if Shade has the eye drops of Priest August, he has [Night Watchman]

], it is difficult to distinguish which one is the real devil by relying on the confrontation of extraordinary powers.

But fortunately, after "she" repeated the rules again, Shade suddenly understood what method the devil used. The devil is good at word games, and the answer actually lies in the rules.

He did not identify it immediately, but whispered softly:

"I'll try that ritual."

As he spoke, he used his long sword to draw the basic formation corresponding to the mysterious ritual of [Magician's Escape Box] on the ground. He was not worried about being seen by the devil as to what this ritual was used for.

After all, the owner of the magic box was a man from the Fifth Era. The ritual matrix he drew at that time had no occult meaning at all.

Of course, the current location is in the demon realm, so Shade just drew up the ritual in advance and did not call Doctor Schneider for the time being.

After finishing the painting, in order to conceal his behavior, Shade pretended to put the black snake on the brown bear's back in the last few minutes and moved them together to the ritual array.

That ritual had no ability to identify demons, so of course nothing happened.

Shade nodded slightly:

"In this case, I can only take a chance and guess. There is a 1/2 chance that I won't be so unlucky."

"She" chuckled in Shade's ear, and the laughter echoing in the gray world turned into the devil's mocking words:

"You have finally reached this point. Mortal, you always try to prove that you are the one loved by fate, but you don't know that it is just the arrogance of the poor man before his defeat. In five minutes, you will lose."

"You are deliberately directing and distracting me."

Shade stared at the two animals in front of him:

"What is it that you don't want me to notice?"

The devil did not answer, and the disgusting laughter continued to echo in this gray world.

"But I don't know if you noticed that when the rules were made, I clearly had such a good relationship with [Desire], but I didn't ask that after this game, neither of us could attack each other to protect my own safety. I just

You made a ridiculous request that the loser cannot leave the manor. You are very confident in yourself, so you won't ask that we can't take action after the game. After all, you are better than me. But you don't seem to realize at all that I didn't ask for something similar.

The request represents what I think."

There was no smile in Shade's tone. On the contrary, if Luvia or Dorothy and Lesia, who were familiar with him, were here, they would know that Shade was serious:

"You are very good at playing word games, I've known this from the beginning. And now, you still want to play this way with me. Are you ready, Goethe, be ready to play with me after the game is over?

Did I risk my life?"

The laughter continued, and Shade still spoke:

"My compassion allowed me to save the squirrel, my curiosity allowed me to discover the story of the tiger and the folklorist, and my honesty allowed me to keep my promise and give the devil's servants their freedom. These together helped me eliminate the problem in advance.

I got three answers. Without these, I would still be focusing on choosing one of the five instead of starting to think about your tricks."

He took out a small bottle filled with water from his pocket, and the liquid was splashed into the air. Then, under the influence of the spell "Manipulating Water Flow", a thin curtain of water was formed in front of Shade.

"You just said when you were making the rules, 'I will reflect myself into the shape of any animal.'"

Shade looked at the water curtain. Although the burning forest could not illuminate the dark courtyard, the silver sword light of the [Night Watch] in his hand could still illuminate the water curtain, making the water curtain almost become a mirror.

Reflections of the snake and the brown bear:


Shade's eyes were still looking at the two animals, but his left hand reached into the water curtain and grabbed the 'Stone Oxenfurt' who was riding on the back of the brown bear in the mirror reflection:

"Just like what you described, you didn't turn into an animal at all, you turned into their reflection in the mirror!"


Cracks appeared in the gray world, and large areas of gray peeled off. The firelight of the normal world illuminated Shade's pale and blood-stained side face, and also illuminated the huge ancient stone mirror that Shade reached into.

Petrified rose vines decorate the surface of the black stone frame, and ancient evil demonic runes write the story of the devil. The blood of innocents stains the mirror, and the souls of the fallen wail on the frame.

"Stone Oxenfurt" clapped his hands and laughed in the mirror of the devil's body:

"It's so wonderful. Could it be that the last time I saw your arrogance, I was also contaminated with the sin of arrogance?"

Shade turned his head, his hand wearing the [Demon Hunting Seal] entered the mirror, and strangled the demon by the throat:

"The game is over, I win!"

The demon was still laughing, and the skin on its neck was smoking due to corrosion, but instead it grabbed Shade's hand with both hands, allowing itself to be corroded by the power of the [Demon Hunting Seal], while making him work harder

grabbed his own neck:

"I abide by our contract and will not leave here before the sun rises. Stone Oxenfurt's soul also belongs to you. But you dare to approach me so close, don't you realize what you are doing?

?Maybe you have a lot of preparations, but at this moment, you have failed!"

The devil's domain is collapsing, the black snake is dead, the tiger, the lion, two squirrels and the brown bear are running away in panic. The burning forest in the normal world reflects the entire manor in red, as if this is a burning hell.

The strong wind mixed with the gray snowstorm welcomed Shade, who returned to the real world again. Helena Oxenfurt watched all this silently from the window on the third floor of the manor. Miss Sylvia was rushing towards the manor wall at full speed, and was caught by the black

Oxenfurt, whose soul was pierced by chains, was dragged towards the door of the manor by Ms. Handel. This story seemed to have come to an end.

Although it calls itself "arrogant", the Stone Mirror Demon also understands that Shade must have the confidence to deal with it. This time, it did not hold back like it did at Watson Manor, and its dark eyes stared at Shade, wearing a robe.

The image of Stone Oxenfurt is melting and deforming.

Shade's left hand broke free from the demonic hands that had become insubstantial due to the deformation. The strong wind caused the Rhodes deck in his right hand to fly out. Fifty-four Rhodes cards flew around him and slid past the card in front of Shade's eyes.

Rotated one hundred and eighty degrees, that is [Origin·Darkness].

It takes time to use the relic and for the relic to take effect, but at most ten seconds, the doctor will appear:

Amidst the flying cards, the dazzling firelight, and the distant mountains and cities that looked like a doomsday disaster, Shade held the [Night Watch] in both hands, a weapon from the witcher of the Third Age.

In this distant sixth era, it once again penetrated the demon's body.

The long sword pierced the mirror, and the mirror began to shatter. The sword blade penetrated into the deep darkness in the mirror, and Shade heard the sound of his hands clapping again:

"Do you know who a mortal's greatest enemy is?"

"Eight seconds left."

The power of the night watchman collided with the demon's body. Shade, who was already in poor condition, could only grit his teeth to keep the sword and himself from being bounced away by the counterattack.

"When mortals peer into the abyss, the abyss also peers into you."

"Six seconds left."

The stone mirror cracked due to the power of the Night Watch, and Stone Oxenfurt in the mirror completely disappeared, and the darkness reflected another person.

"I come from the reflection of mortal hearts. I come from the darkest secrets that I don't want to be seen."

"Four seconds!"

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