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Chapter 147 Fast Sleep

 Shade panted and squatted beside Miss Louisa. He waited for a while before taking back his trembling hand. Regardless of healing his scratched wrist, he poured water from the small bottle he carried with him through "

After the "full food" was processed, four-fifths of it was poured on Miss Louisa's face, and the rest was lifted up and fed to her.

The weak girl slowly drank the water with a strange silver light. Her lips were a little chapped, but her consciousness was completely clear:

"It's like a brief nightmare suddenly awakened... Detective, does my face look scary?"

His voice was unusually hoarse, and his green eyes revealed a haggard look.

"It's okay now, you have to trust my thaumaturgy."

Shade comforted him in a low voice. He looked around uneasily. There was something wrong with this place.

Helping Miss Louisa to stand up, the blonde girl put her hand into her pocket and took out the small mirror while taking a big breath. After confirming that her face was still the same as before, she almost started sobbing.

At the door of Dais' house, when Miss Louisa looked at the first person through the crack in the door, the whispers had already repeated the elements of "whispering" and "blasphemy" in Shade's ears. At that time, he thought that Louisa

The young lady also discovered this, so he wanted to fool the things in the house, but when the second and third people appeared in front of the door in turn, he was absolutely sure that Miss Louisa had been tricked.

She is no longer Miss Louisa.

Neither of them expected that [Drowned Man's Scale] would go out of control and not be controlled. Unlike the lucky Professor Manning, something terrible happened in this alley.

Because he didn't know what was in the house, Shade didn't dare to reveal all this directly in the alley. When he and Miss Louisa came to the entrance of the alley and saw that "she" wanted to drive him away, he suddenly attacked the stranger.

A changed girl.

Fortunately, after being infected by the fish scales and losing her will, Miss Louisa seems to be unable to use the power of the Ring Warlock, otherwise it would definitely not be so easy to deal with this matter.

"What did you just see?"

Shade got some water and dripped it on the scratch on his wrist. The blonde girl was a little weak, which was mainly due to mental problems. She helped Shade stand up and looked at his scars apologetically:

"I can't remember clearly. The last memory I have is that I put my eyes to the crack of the door, and I saw...oh!"

She covered her head in pain.

"Don't think about it, don't remember it. Open your eyes and look at me!"

Shade said hurriedly. Miss Louisa squinted her eyes and looked at Shade. The silver moonlight swayed in front of her eyes. This was [Cyndia's Silver Moon Gift].

"I'm afraid things are worse than we thought. Leave here now, this is not something we can handle. Go and notify the Zhengshen Church. I suspect that something terrible has come to that house... Than

There is something even more terrifying if the relic is out of control.”

It is never a joke for relics to get out of control. Even if the person who lost control is not a girl, she was just touched by the person who lost control, which caused such consequences. Professor Manning, who also experienced relics getting out of control, is one of the lucky few.

Miss Louisa, who was still not very conscious, was supported by Shade. The two of them walked along the street by the river towards the intersection, thinking of finding a carriage. The closest one to this area was the True God [Ms. Creation]

Church. Miss Louisa is quite good at reporting accidents to the Zhengshen Church.

But after walking for a long time in the thick fog, he still didn't see the intersection. The alert Shade stopped. First he saw Miss Louisa squinting her eyes, almost unable to open them. Then when she saw the surrounding scenery, she almost turned back.

We arrived at the alley where Dais' house was.

"Is it the original location?"

he asked in his mind.

[Dense fog blocked most of the sight and blocked my observation. 】

“Are there many features nearby?”

Shade changed his mind.

[This fog is very strange and seems to be able to block the perception of the "other me". Now, take a deep breath and get closer to these fogs. 】

So Shade opened his mouth wide and took a deep breath, without coughing even though he was choked. This inhalation analysis was very effective, and he got the answer:

[The elements of whispering and profanity are strong, and the latter has more elements.]

"How come there are more blasphemous elements? Is the ichthyosis also attracting some evil god?"

He said in disbelief, and then patted Miss Louisa's wrist:

"Miss Louisa, wake up quickly, it seems we can't get out."

After all, Shade is still inexperienced, and he needs the help of the blond writer.

"Can't get out...Oh, Detective, I'm so sleepy...so sleepy."

The mental trauma she suffered cannot be cured so easily. Even if she tries hard to keep her spirits up at this moment, she will still inevitably slide to the edge of coma:

"Detective, there is no need to stop me from sleeping. I have a little talent. I can replace other people's sleep for several hours in a few seconds."

This was all a lie no matter how hard it sounded. The blond writer leaning on Shade forced a smile, then closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Shade pursed his lips and watched all this. After confirming that she was unconscious, he took a deep breath and called out the life ring behind her:

"If you really have no choice, you can't be stingy...I want to see what it is..."

"Detective, I have an idea."

The comatose Miss Louisa suddenly opened her eyes, and then left Shade's arm. She twisted her neck, yawned, and looked at the astonished stranger in front of her with her beautiful green eyes energetically:

"What's wrong? I told you, I'll just take a nap."

Her face was rosy and her eyes were bright, completely different from how she looked a few seconds ago:

"Detective, thank you for taking care of me. I'm much better."


If it weren't for her tone and demeanor, Xia De almost thought she was being controlled by something again. He asked hesitantly:

"Excuse me, when we first met, you said you didn't want me to choose..."

Miss Louisa touched her earlobe:

"Don't choose Chemistry College. You looked really interesting at that time. You seemed like you had just come to this world. You were uneasy about everything but angry. But you just woke up from your ignorance and you could understand it. Do you believe that I am who I am now?


She smiled and Shade nodded, but still had doubts about the so-called "rapid sleep".

The blonde girl pointed in the direction of the alley where Dais' house was:

"Based on past experience, I think what happened this time is that little Sophie's ichthyosis is deeper than we thought. This disease not only infected her family, but even attracted evil gods or void evil beings.

Watching. Since there is no way to go in other directions, the exit must be here."

"Wait, you mean we have to deal with something in the house?"

Shade looked hesitantly in the direction of the alley. He had been avoiding entering that alley again.

"'It' just wanted to drive you away instead of transforming you, which shows that no matter what it is, its power in the material world is not particularly strong. Even if we can't deal with it, at least we can find a chance to escape.


She threw the pages of her manuscript into the air, the pages burned, and the figure of the match girl appeared in the enlightenment light. The elements seemed to be able to dispel the surrounding fog, and with the appearance of the match girl, the surrounding vision became clear.

As expected, they were at the entrance to the alley of Dais' house.

"Detective, follow me closely, I will take you out safely."

This chapter has been completed!
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