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Chapter 1485 Teachers

Fiona, who was kissing Shade, froze when she saw the scene in front of her.

The witch sitting on the left side of the table is wearing lace-up women's long cloth boots, and her yellow hair is spread behind a spring green dress. The front of the skirt is decorated with complex lace, and the sleeves of the skirt are embroidered.

Covered with dense elven runes.

This half-elf witch with pointed ears wears yellow and silver crescent earrings on her left and right ears respectively. As Fiona's teacher, Miss Bryony O'Lanold is holding a white porcelain tea cup and blinking.

He stared at the two people who suddenly appeared in front of him. After a pause, he took a sip of tea, but his eyes were always looking at them.

The witch who is as beautiful as a purple rose sitting on the right side of the table is wearing black ladies' short-heeled boots and a gorgeous purple dress. Her golden hair is tied up in a simple style on the back of her head.

There is a book-shaped ruby ​​earring on the side ear.

Miss Mana Feliana was holding a notebook in her right hand, and beside her stood a maid with long brown hair who was bending over to report the situation to her. She also looked suspiciously at the two people who appeared in front of her without warning and kissed each other.


In fact, there were not many people on this floor of the glass house, but at this time everyone was silent and looked over. The sound of the stream outside the house was so loud, and the chirping of birds was so gentle, that when Fei

When Oona saw the bright and cheerful scene in front of her, she wished she had just been left in Evernight City.

"It turns out that home refers to here, and it really makes sense. I don't have a home in this era, but from Fiona's point of view, home is around Miss Feliana and Miss Olanode."

Shade sighed in his heart. He wanted to talk to the two ladies he hadn't seen for a long time, but his mouth couldn't speak yet. Therefore, the only cat whose mouth was not restrained, "meowed" to break everyone's awkward silence at the moment.

, but the cat’s meow now makes this scene even more ridiculous.

Fiona heard the cat meowing, and her thoughts that had been stagnated by fright returned to normal. She pushed Shade away violently, but immediately regretted her actions.

Xia De didn't care too much and said quickly:

"If the soul is contaminated by the filth of the land beneath our feet, is there any way to get rid of it except the heart of the earth?"

Miss Olanold gave the answer calmly, as if she were in class:

"It's very simple. If it cannot be purified and removed, just transfer the filth contaminated by the soul to another person."

Shade nodded immediately and then asked:

"About the Great One [Stone Heart Demon], what do you know?"

Miss Feliana looked at Shade's face, and felt like she was back in the Forest of Thousand Trees, back to the blazing bonfire:

"I hope you will read the notes I gave you carefully. When facing the god you mentioned, in addition to those precautions, you also need to know that he extremely hates the power from the sky."

Shade took a deep breath and finally said:

"It's really, really nice to meet you, Miss Feliana, Miss Olanold, me."

He held the cat in one hand and stretched his other hand forward. The half-elf witch subconsciously held on to the armrest of the seat and tried to stand up, but found that Shade and the cat had been taken away by the white mist.

She sighed softly and let go of the armrest of the seat. Miss Feliana on the other side of the table smiled and teased:

"Don't be so impatient, Brienne, otherwise you won't be just like our little Fiona?"

Hearing her name being mentioned, Fiona could no longer care about her melancholy and regret.

She stiffly retracted her embrace of Shade, patted the white dust on her body, then lowered her head and turned in the direction of the two teachers. The sunlight passed through the gaps between the branches and leaves of the tall trees and shone through the glass on her body.

But the young girl couldn't feel the slightest heat.

The joy of escaping death was overwhelmed by embarrassment and confusion. After stammering out a few phonetic words that he could not understand, he said:

"Teacher Feliana, Teacher Olanode, I'm back safely."

"Little Fiona, she's in such a mess again."

Miss Feliana said, and after Miss Olanold adjusted her mood, she also added:

"Not only are you in such a mess, but you're already at the twelfth level? Look, you've learned how to demonstrate to your teacher."

Her tail swung uneasily behind her, and the young witch lowered her head and didn't know how to explain it.

Then, the soft sound of the porcelain tea cup being placed on the table made her feel that her heart was beating faster. But fortunately, this little emotional joke did not continue.

"what happened?"

Miss Olanold asked. Fiona secretly raised her head and glanced at her teacher. Although she still had a smile on her face, there was no smile at all in her tone.

The followers of the demigod witch and the thirteenth-level witch had already tacitly exited the second floor of the building built by the witch magic "Feliana's Rest Cabin". Fiona stood there cautiously and began to talk about herself

Various "unlucky things" encountered after entering Yongye City.

Her narration is not long, because she actually spent most of the time unconscious or sleeping in various places. The four 40 minutes and the last 3 minutes spent with Shade are the parts worth telling.

Although she was not the thirteenth level herself, she was a true demigod when she left Eternal Night City, so she remembers all the details very clearly.

After everything was said and she even described her feelings with a blushing face, Miss Olanold asked Miss Feliana for advice:

"Teacher, this"

"The contract has been reached. Although the gods gave additional conditions in the end, they have indeed fulfilled their promise, so the area in the far north belongs to us. And according to Fiona's description, the sunlight they noticed at the last second


The gorgeous demigod witch paused for a moment, with a thoughtful look on her fair face, then the half-elf witch beside her raised her hand and fiddled with the topaz crescent earring on the left side of her ear, and nodded gently:

"It's a pity. I prefer the scenery of this river valley. It will probably be very cold in the northern part of the Northern Continent."

"Although the scenery here is very good, the problem of the land beneath our feet is also very serious. Especially after Shade asked for advice, this place cannot be used as a school site. But fortunately, we do not need to solve this problem."

Miss Feliana said lightly, and then said to Fiona:

"You did well this time, Fiona."

The red dragon girl pursed her lips and didn't know what to say, but Miss Olanold said it for her:

"Now that we've finished talking about the unimportant things, let's talk about something important - what's going on between you and Shade?"

The two witches looked at the girl with the tail, and the latter said softly:

"I'm really useless."

"According to what Fiona said just now, Shade probably paid a price to appear for the last three minutes. However, the method Shade used was very interesting, and Fiona became a demigod. I guess, Fiona

At some point in the future, he left part of his power to him, and he brought the remnants of this power to our time."

Miss Feliana said, and then made the recent arrangements:

"The scenery of this river valley is indeed very good, so we will spend this spring in this city before going to the northern continent. I think I need to negotiate with the god of eternal night to determine the scope of the future college.


"Shade has taken a fancy to some things in Yongye City. We can help him get them."

Fiona whispered, and the blond witch who put down the book nodded:

"But it's really a pity that this time, I just saw him again and had no chance to do anything else."

Fiona also felt it was a pity. If she hadn’t only had three minutes, she would have

"We will meet again in the future."

The half-elf witch on the side said softly, and then asked her student:

"Is this the second time? How did it feel to kiss Shade?"

Fiona kept her mouth shut, thinking it was better not to say anything at this time.

"I noticed that the power of time in you has increased to a degree that surprises us."

Miss Feliana smiled and interrupted her student's "accountability":

"You need to rest for a while. I will arrange new tasks for you probably this winter."

"no problem!"

Fiona said immediately, and then asked:

"Excuse me, what need to be done this time?"


Pressed under the desk paper, the small wooden key floated towards the red dragon girl, who took it over:

"Time key?"

"Yes, it corresponds to the early fifth era."

Miss Feliana nodded:

"We will use some special means to allow you to communicate with the witches of the past in the past."

"That is also a demigod witch who is good at the power of ice and snow."

Miss Olanold added.

"You want me to gain some knowledge about building castles in the snow and ice?"

Fiona asked curiously, but Miss Philiana shook her head with a smile:

"That's our job.

Fiona, Shade has left footprints in the past. Although those footprints are very vague, at least they did exist. When we connect the footprints between the present and the past, we may find some remarkable things.

Secret. Your target, the ice demigod witch Chloe, in the year 910 of the Fifth Era. To find traces of Shade, this is all your mission."

Miss Olanold thought about it for a moment, and after exchanging glances with Miss Feliana, she said more important information:

"There are some things that I cannot tell you in advance, but since you have truly touched the mystery of time, I think it is time to let you know. We are not the only ones who do this."

This chapter has been completed!
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