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Chapter 1494 Luvia and Siris

The witches and the thirteen-ring warlocks did not hide their traces, but the crazy guardian who walked alone and brought more filth to the earth continued to move forward as if he had not seen them.

Gradually, other nearby teams of the church also gathered together, either using blessed holy symbols or special relics to maintain power in this most polluted area.

But even so, most people had to dodge in the face of the spreading black mud. When the black mud came into contact with the earth, it produced different changes. The big floor turned into rock, and everything on the ground that was not made of stone

All matter was converted into stone. Even those trees that were gradually turning gray, a few of them burst into flames due to contact with the black mud. This is also the cause of most of the forest fires tonight.

In addition to the church forces, other sporadic figures have also appeared in the snow. However, no enemies above the eleventh ring have appeared yet, so the church has not contacted or eliminated them for the time being.

But the crazy guardian must not be allowed to move on like this. Even though Sister Devlin and Iluna were strangely absent at this time, the "blind keeper" Christian K from the northern diocese of the Church of Dawn

Old Mr. Lane took the lead and stepped in front of the lone figure.

The guardian's footsteps stopped, and the black mud under his feet continued to flow behind him, but not to the front.

He still closed his eyes tightly, and the thirteen-ring brass ring slowly appeared behind him. However, it was different from ordinary life rings. One-third of the life rings were actually transformed into pitch-black obsidian. This is who

A phenomenon that has never been seen before.

However, considering that the life ring comes from the soul, and the erosion effect of the Crazy Earth on the soul is almost irreversible, this phenomenon is understandable.

"Blind Keeper" Mr. Christian Klein is an old man with gray hair. He has no eyeballs in his eyes, but he looks at the opponent in front of him like a normal person. The thirteen life rings are also from him.

appeared behind them, and the two "looked" at each other in the wind and snow. After a while, the spiritual runes on the two life rings flashed at the same time.

"In the eyes of blind and foolish people, there is the end of destruction!"

A dim gray mist appeared in the night sky. In the distance, Luvia and Siris, who were driving in the snow, looked up at the same time:

"Words of sublimation!"

The girl with purple eyes was wearing a cloak to protect her from the cold, and her hair on her forehead was covered with frost, but she still made an accurate judgment:

"This word of sublimation is not the power of the earth. It seems that the church has already started to take action!"

"Can you stop it?"

Sirius also wore a cloak and walked hard in the snow. She asked worriedly. Luvia shook her head:

"If Shade and Iluna were here, even if they couldn't really defeat him, there would definitely be a way to force him to escape, but it's hard to say with the current situation."

She raised her right hand, and a transparent shield appeared diagonally above the two of them, allowing them to continue moving forward against the gray snow. Although the "Power of the Earth·Field of Fertility" had already begun to take effect, as it continued to move towards the guardian

Moving forward, the dirty and twisted earth is still affecting their bodies and souls.

Not only that, Luvia actually had an even stranger feeling. At this time, she was leading Siris Lassus, in the gray snow at night, on the outskirts of the Randall Valley, heading towards the crazy guardian.

She always feels that this scene is not the first time it happened. And when she tries to explore this sense of familiarity, she will feel endless sadness.

However, Luvia did not have time to explore her own special feelings, because a third set of footsteps besides the two of them appeared in the snow. When Luvia and Siris looked up, what they saw was Erath.

Mr. Si appeared in front of them as the guardian of their image.

Sirius did not call for his father, but subconsciously took a step back. Luvia narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the sky in front of her. The space distortion phenomenon symbolizing the "Language of Sublimation" still existed. According to Shade's side

Based on the information given, she easily made a judgment:

"What is entangled with the church is the original body, which is a clay clone."

Obviously her level was lower than Sirius, but it was Luvia who stopped in front of Sirius, and neither of them thought there was anything wrong with this.

In the dark night, those purple eyes seemed to be shimmering with light. Seeing that the guardian blocking the road did not move, Luvia took the initiative and asked:

"If you can still speak, what are you going to do?"

"She can't come any closer."

The guardian pointed at Siris, and Luvia frowned slightly, because the other person's voice was very rational, which was different from what was expected:


"For the earth."

The solid soul of a middle-aged man walked towards the two of them from the snow, leaving a series of footprints on the snow. He felt very oppressive:

"The earth is destined to fall apart. For the sake of the earth, the dark mud will cover the entire material world. I know that she is the only person who can reverse the form of my soul, so I cannot let her get close to my body."

The blonde girl wanted to say that she no longer had such thoughts at this time, but it was obvious that the guardian would not listen to her.

Behind Luvia and Siris, five-ring life rings and seven-ring life rings appeared at the same time. And behind the clay incarnation, a life ring made entirely of black soil also appeared.

But fortunately, it is not the thirteenth level, but the nineth level. But even so, this also means that the opponent is a high-level warlock.

Dark mud flowed out from under his feet, but due to the existence of the "fertile field", a vacuum zone of black mud was formed around Siris and Luvia.

"Mr. Lassus" closed his eyes and raised his palms up to his chest. Then, on the surface of the flowing black mud, dozens of tentacle-like fluids rushed into the night sky, and then surrounded Luvia and Siris.

The edge of the vacuum zone hovers.

In the first tentative attack, the black mud turned into a spear and was thrown at Siris's head, but the round shield turned into memory threads representing happy moments completely resisted the damage of the spear.

But this is just the beginning. The hovering black tentacles are moving all the time. Black clay figures holding various weapons appear in the black mud under the control of Mr. Lacers. What is even more dangerous is that the self-guarding

In the hands of the reader, dark memory threads also appeared, and they were obviously more dense than Siris's memory threads.

The two girls stood back to back in the snow, and the thaumaturgic light on the two rings of life shone in the sky in this small forest.

Siris put his right index finger against his temple, and under the inspiration of [Memory] and Miracle [Hero] on the life ring behind his back, a golden thread of memory was pulled out from his temple. After landing, the memory turned into

The lady with only the outline of her body clearly looks like the witch of the earth, Miss Benanis.

The witch in the memory raised her hands high and waved her arms, and with a clear voice, she recited the ancient secret texts that belonged to the witch in the snow. The normal soil that had not been transformed deep in the ground broke through the black hardened earth, almost summoning the guardian.

The black tentacles that came out were exactly the same, and they were entangled with them.

Behind Siris's back, Luvia, who was considered weak in combat by the girls of the Golden Dawn, bit her right index finger and drew a complex hexagram symbol with blood on the palm of her left hand.

The surrounding black mud was briefly restrained by Siris, and in the center of the life ring behind Luvia, the core spirit rune [Destroyer] flashed with an aura that could even be called crazy.

Due to various reasons, the girl with purple eyes was left behind by Shade and Iluna most of the time. But in fact, as Dr. Schneider said when he first met Shade, Luvia's fighting ability in the group may be

is the strongest.

Luvia took a deep breath, completely inhaling the cold air into her lungs, and at the same time waved her blood-stained left palm at the guardian in the black mud:


If Shade were here, he would find that although it is not exactly the same thaumaturgy, the high-five action is almost exactly the same as the slap he received for eavesdropping in the past.

With one palm strike, the place where the guardian stood exploded. The sound of the explosion even startled Siris. While she was controlling the witch transformed from memory threads to fight, she turned her head and glanced back, and then looked

The small half of the forest facing Luvia had actually disappeared. The explosion did not produce much smoke and dust, and she could clearly see that the trees, weeds, and black mud had disappeared without a trace, leaving only a

Flat ground covered with white ash.

"He wasn't hurt."

Luvia said softly, a little out of breath when speaking, but once again smeared her blood on the palm of her left hand. And Sirius also saw at this moment, in the black mud in the direction she faced, the image of her father was condensed.

The real soul rises from the black mud:

"Reshaping the body from black mud? This ability is really troublesome."

The guardian did not concentrate on manipulating the black mud, but once again released the dense black threads of memory. Luvia wanted to switch directions with Sirius, but the young blonde girl decided to face it on her own.

The milky white memory threads floated and released in the snow, and were eventually completely intertwined with the black memory threads. When the two came into contact, it was like some uncontrollable chemical reaction had occurred, and the black memory threads and the white memory threads multiplied rapidly.

, and finally seemed to turn into a fine two-color network.

Crazy visions and gibberings from the twisted earth were introduced into Siris's mind through interconnected memories, but at the same time, those memories belonging to Siris Grand Lassus also entered the earthly incarnation of the Guardian.

In the consciousness, it directly affects the guardian's body.

This chapter has been completed!
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