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Chapter 1499 Sha Des Magic Potion

As Shade stepped into the clearing amidst the sky full of red butterflies and flying snow, fire exploded in the air behind him. Then dozens of high-level warlocks took off at the same time, led by the thirteenth-level warlocks, towards the protected clearing.

Launched an attack.

The black mud from the ground flew up like a long dragon. The giant mud clones silently greeted the living people with flesh and blood, and the fossil creatures hidden nearby finally appeared in the firelight and shadow.

The magical rituals arranged in advance used ancient runes symbolizing the power of the five gods to evaporate the gurgling black mud on the ground. Ring warlocks holding various relics came from the distance of the forest to surround the open space.

That's not all. At the same time, a louder roar appeared in the distance. Sister Devlin soared into the air, Miss Danister riding a pure white unicorn, and another person Shade didn't recognize behind her.

The sorceress with the Thirteen Rings of Life appeared, chasing Hermons, the "Bloodweeper", and a stone statue that looked like an old man.

"The church has indeed summoned other thirteen-ring warlocks!"

Various spiritual lights illuminated Shade's back and head, but Shade ignored the chaotic situation outside the clearing and continued walking towards the table surrounded by butterflies.

The guardian ignored him and continued to face the filthy black mud Holy Grail on the table with the palms of his hands. The Holy Grail had almost taken shape, with bubbles exploding one after another on the surface. Each explosion was releasing the filth flowing from deeper parts of the earth.

, brought to the world above ground.

It's not that the Guardian doesn't want to stop Shade, but that he can't move now. He needs to maintain the filthy Holy Grail, and dealing with the final attack of the church outside the clearing is not without paying a price.

There was unexpected silence in the open space, as if this place was another space, with only the a cappella singing of the twins flowing in my ears.

Shade knew what he needed to do. Although the candidates this time were surprisingly strong, it was not the first time he faced such a strong enemy.

He did not want to kill the guardian, so he had to ensure that he could wake the guardian up. Since the effect of the fragments of the Heart of the Earth was not obvious, he would not pursue trying again.

After all, he has another way.

In this state, Shade could even barely use any of the myth locks once, but he did not do so. Instead, he walked in the direction of the guardian and asked:

"I know that although you are crazy, you have not become crazy directly. Can you tell me why you are trying to pollute the earth?"

Red butterflies kept flying out of his body, but new red butterflies filled in. Even though Shade was getting closer and closer, the guardian still couldn't recognize who he was.

"To protect the earth."

The person at the table used a man’s voice:

"The end is coming. This is the only way to preserve this land in the end."

"I don't know what will happen to the land. The people living on this land will disappear."

"The only thing I want to protect is the earth."

"I see."

Shade did not try to approach the guardian with the remaining fragments of the Heart of the Earth, but directly sat down at the long table. He glanced at the almost fully formed black Holy Grail in the guardian's hand, and then took out the one he held.

The last "Flower Holy Grail".

Gray snowflakes had covered most of the table at this time, and the flying red butterflies scattered around Shade, allowing the guardian to see his face. At the same time, Shade took out two bottle-shaped relics, and

They are the [pink vial of desire] and [the pepper shaker of the Lord of the Blood Feast].

【Are you sure you want to do this?】

"She" asked softly in Shade's ear. Shade turned his head slightly, looked at the stream of light and the exploding flames outside the clearing, and nodded slightly:


Shade opened the cork of the small pink perfume bottle and poured all the liquid that had filled up at some point into the Holy Grail.

After Shade summoned desire outside [Oxenfurt Manor], the perfume vial was empty. But as Shade continued to carry out various actions tonight, especially in Shade's desire for divinity, this bottle

It has been filled up for a long time, and even the liquid itself already has an ambiguous pink light.

He asked while pouring the thick and glowing liquid in the night:

"You can see the group of people outside who are fighting for the world. Isn't cooperation with them a better way to save the earth?"

The huge rock giant evoked by Miss Benanis with "Power of the Earth: Calling Stone Statue" collided head-on with one of the guardian's clones; five "Wise Pyroxenes" were suspended in a fan shape above Iluna's head, and five crystallized torrents

Sweeping into the night sky; "Iron Punisher" Professor Miller Stewart floated in the air, and the glorious shadow of the Gear Machine City behind him appeared in front of his eyes as the word of sublimation erupted; the one who came with Miss Danister

A strange sorceress with thirteen rings, holding an ice-blue orb in her hand, summoned a blizzard that could even freeze the earth.

"Them? No, not enough."

The guardian shook his head slightly. He did not stop Shade's actions, just like Shade did not stop him from making the dark Holy Grail.

"Since you look down on them, do you also look down on me? Since the first time I set foot on the land of Randall Valley, you have already known me, and even entrusted me with the mithril cube as a gift.

The last insurance. Isn’t this enough?”

Shade asked. After pouring the pink liquid, he rotated the pepper shaker, then pointed it at the Holy Grail and started shaking it, sprinkling the pepper on the liquid in the Holy Grail.

It was obviously just pepper, but Shade smelled a very fragrant smell.


He clearly heard the growling sound of his stomach and felt quite clearly that he was really hungry. Looking back, even though he ate dinner on Friday just eight or nine hours ago, it seemed like a month had passed.

long time.

The guardian continued to shake his head:

"You are special enough, but not enough."

The mixture of pepper and pink liquid caused a strange change in the color of the liquid. But it was not a disgusting change. On the contrary, the originally transparent and luminous liquid actually appeared after being mixed with strange condiments.

It has a pleasant amber sheen.

The luster was quite attractive. Shade just took a secret breath and smelled the fragrance of Luvia's hair, Dorothy's bacon for breakfast, Tifa's hard-boiled eggs, and Lesia's high-end perfume.

His stomach continued to growl, and Shade was glad that he and the Guardian were the only ones here at this time, and the people outside the clearing were fighting together, and they had no time to pay attention to the two of them.

"Since you can sense special souls, you should be able to sense even more bizarre souls among the other people outside the clearing now."

Shade said, and then he felt that the speed of sprinkling pepper was too slow. So, he directly unscrewed the lid of the pepper pot and poured all the pepper into it.

In the sky, a dark bolt of lightning flashed across the clouds, followed by deafening thunder. Although it has been snowing tonight, this was the first thunder:

"Have you noticed the soul that seals the ancient evil spirit?"

Shade asked.

"It's still not enough. Although it is powerful, it is also dangerous."

The guardian said expressionlessly.

Shade put the empty jar aside, then put his finger into the liquid of the Holy Grail and stirred it gently:

"Have you noticed that the chosen one carries the power of several ancient gods and controls the balance himself?"

"Strange enough, but not powerful enough."

The guardian said.

Shade continued to stir the liquid in the Holy Grail, and he couldn't help but swallow a sip of saliva. Because of his excessive hunger, he felt his stomach burning at this time, but his desire had not yet reached its peak, and he still needed to endure:

"Have you noticed the nun whose soul is burning with the original flame?"

"She is strong enough, but what she cares about is the initial flame, and she doesn't care enough about the earth."

The guardian continued, and Shade stopped stirring, picked up the Holy Grail in front of him, took a deep breath, and finally asked:

"Have you noticed the girl with beautiful purple eyes?"

The guardian looked at Shade silently. He didn't see anything different about Luvia.

Shade looked at the liquid mixed with the essential oil of desire and the "fish bait" of the Lord of Blood Feast in front of him. He was quite sure that no one would dare to mix these two substances together in any previous era, but he couldn't.

What is certain is whether you can get the results you want after drinking it.

Because the power of the church severely delayed the energy and concentration of the crazy guardian, the filthy Holy Grail in the guardian's hands still had not taken shape.

"There was a lady in the water who asked me to perform the drama of desire. I thought it was time."

Shade smiled at him, then held up the Holy Grail and drank all the liquid in one gulp.

Dang rang~

The Holy Grail fell on the long table, and Shade grabbed his own throat with his right hand. His face turned from red to white, from white to black, and from black to red. His left hand was propped on the table, with an indescribable look in his eyes.

Looking at the guardian with a fierce look:

"So, you think we are not enough and only you can save the earth?"

The guardian's face was illuminated by the light spots sprinkled by the red butterflies in the sky. He did not notice that after the power of the red butterflies was sprinkled on the filthy Holy Grail, the Holy Grail was actually disintegrating. After hesitating for a moment, the guardian nodded slightly to Shade:


Then he saw Shade lose consciousness and then fall on the table. When Shade's head hit the table, it even bounced a few times.

He didn't understand why Shade drank those "poisons" that could poison any existence in the material world.

Around the open space, although the people in the battle still couldn't see clearly the face of the "God Caller", they had been trying to pay attention to what was happening at the table during the battle, and looked forward to the "God Caller" who contacted the guardian one step ahead.

"Can stop unclean souls.

Most people were shocked when they saw him "passed out". But then, a ray of light penetrated the clouds and fell from high in the sky, covering the unconscious young man.

This chapter has been completed!
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