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Chapter 1504 The Feast of the Earth Mother Goddess

Mortals cannot watch, nor can they welcome, they can only bend down and bow, feeling that the great ones have passed through the dense forest and arrived at the edge of the clearing.

The old man with the lantern walked in the front, followed by the young man in silver robe, and finally the lady in black robe.

The guardian wanted to get up from the end of the long table, but his body could not move.

"I haven't participated in this kind of feast for several thousand years."

The three gods sat down at the table. The kind old man placed the oil lamp on the long table, and dots of fireflies appeared on the table and in the forest. The weak yellow light was not very bright, but it was enough to illuminate


The black mud disappeared silently under the rays of the sun, green grass and flowers spread out around the long table, and the earth temporarily returned to normal due to the power of the gods.

As for Shade, who was burning with divinity, due to the battle with the [Stone Heart Demon] just now, there was not much divinity power left. So he did not use the power of divinity, but to get the best banquet.

, while taking out the ruby, he also flicked away the remaining [Emperor’s Banquet Copper Coin].

"What follows will be an unparalleled banquet."

Coins and gems clattered onto the table, and the spread of gold and silver utensils and sumptuous delicacies soon covered the table. Fireflies gathered above the table, and the gaps between the plates turned into golden candlesticks. Dazzling

The candlelight gave everyone a warm light at the end of the night, which was really too long.

The lady in black robe did not speak, and her fingers shook slightly. The original simple stone round pier seat transformed into a gorgeous armchair with a hollow pattern on the back and densely carved armrests.

The simple long table is slightly raised, and the originally flat tabletop has lines that are almost indistinguishable to the naked eye, until the pattern of the sun rising from behind the mountains is formed on this huge tabletop.

The snow has stopped, the black mud and snow have melted, and under your feet is the land covered with green grass and flowers. Red butterflies dance like a tidal wave in the open space accompanied by fireflies, and flowers grow on the ground flowing through the black mud.

Eighteen-year-old Helen Grace walked out of the forest, smiled and saluted the gods at the table, and then sat next to Shade.

After waiting for a while, Iluna, who was wearing a wreath on her head and holding a scale in her hand, and Sister Devlin, who was holding a black sickle, also walked out of the forest. After the same respectful salute, they chose their seats at the table.

Immediately afterwards, Luvia and Siris said goodbye to the witches and walked out of the forest together. In the other direction, a middle-aged man from the Church of the Sun and an old woman from the Church of Nature also came to the open space.

The four of them saluted the gods at the table together, and then sat down at the table.

At this point, of the twelve seats at the long table, only the single seat at the end opposite the guardian was left unoccupied.

The silver-robed god took out four flowers, representing spring flowers, gifts from friends in the fifth era; flowers representing summer, coming from the flower girl's flowers watered by Iluna's blood; flowers from autumn, which are

Flowers that represent fertility and desire; flowers from winter, given by the woman who died in winter and had a heart of stone.

"Flying Flower Curse."

With the last power of divinity, four flowers flew out from the hands of the god, and instantly turned into thousands of petals, flying around the open space. Then the petrified forest returned to its original appearance, with tree vines entangled around the thick trunks.

, flowers bloom on the earth and in the woods.

The old man holding the lantern looked around with a smile, and he let little bits of light fly out of the oil lamp.

As a result, the animals that died tonight in the nearby area were restored to life under the influence of miracles. Then they walked through the woods together, and at night came to the open space by the river illuminated by fireflies and red butterflies, and then lay quietly in the open space by the river.

On the grass, watch tonight's banquet.

The dark clouds have dissipated, leaving only the stars hanging upside down above the head. Although the three-wheeled moon is not as bright as when the silver-robed god first appeared, it is still so beautiful in the night sky.

So, surrounded by dots of light, against the background of green grass and flowers, beside the long banquet table, under the gaze of everyone, the guardian sitting at the end of the long table pressed his left hand on the heart of the earth.

On top of the broken pieces, his right hand held up the wooden wine glass in front of him.

The people and gods at the table also raised their glasses together, and the guardian said loudly:

"The guardian of the earth chosen by fate hereby declares——"

He looked at the gods and humans at the table. At the same time, the stone in his hand shone with light, and the huge golden Holy Grail phantom appeared above his head. And in the thick steam mist behind him, thirteen rings

The life ring slowly appeared.

Pale golden light emanated from his body, and thousands of overlapping voices of prayer came from nowhere. The wind started blowing in the forest, and the tree crowns rustled in the wind, like ancient souls.

Listening to the oath.

"I will use everything I have to protect the land under my feet until the end."

The soul that was originally solidified by the black mud became completely transparent at this moment. And in that soul, four small flowers with exactly the same shape but different colors floated out from the chest.

The phantom light of the golden Holy Grail above his head enveloped him, and four small flowers slowly floated into the rim of the Holy Grail. For a moment, the golden light rushed into the night sky, but it also illuminated the flowers of the four seasons scattered around, presented by Shade.

, and the wreath on Iluna's head.

In the shadow of the Holy Grail, the four flowers disappeared, and ancient runes were vaguely formed. Shade, who still possessed the last trace of divine burning power, interpreted the runes as "earth".

"May the earth be with you and me!"

The guardian loudly expressed the wish in his heart at this moment, and the stone in his left hand instantly resonated with the huge phantom of the Holy Grail above his head. The life ring belonging to the thirteen-ring warlock gradually rose into the sky until it overlapped with the Holy Grail.

White skylight shot down from the starry sky, covering the strange soul at the end of the long table. A ritual halo composed of thirteen different-colored light points appeared among the flowers and green grass on the ground.

The huge ritual array encompassed everyone at the long table, but then the ring continued to shrink until it reached the feet of the guardian. Thirteen light spots rose from the ground toward the top, and the pure white light pillars turned into gold.

Color, the thirteen light point ritual matrix merged with the Holy Grail behind it, and then the golden shock wave spread to the surroundings.

This power, which seemed to have traveled from eternity, gradually spread to the entire Randall River Valley. From the sky to the depths of the earth, the black mud faded away little by little. Even the heart of the earth deep in the ground was at this moment.

of resonance.

As a result, when the life ring on the guardian's head completely overlapped with the phantom of the Holy Grail, and then the brass ring melted and turned into a dark golden Holy Grail, the gods and men at the table who raised their glasses drank the wine in their hands at the same time:

"Respect, the ancient god [Mother Earth Goddess]!"

The power of the earth was activated due to ancient rituals. The gathered power strengthened the body and soul of every mortal present. But in addition to the arrival of the original power of the earth, the madness of the earth also materialized.

When all eleven wine glasses were put down, the mortals saw that in the empty seat opposite the chosen one of the earth, a pitch-black figure made of black mud was sitting.

The madness and distortion of the earth is essentially a natural phenomenon, and there is no embodied substance. However, due to ancient rituals, while the feast gathered the power of the earth to entertain the guests, it also attracted the origin of distortion.

The concept of "Crazy Earth" is now embodied in this dark human figure. After sealing it, the earth can regain a short-term peace.

Therefore, the chosen one of the earth wanted to ask the gods at the table for help, but Shade held out his hand to stop him.

He already felt a little dizzy at the moment, but he still endured it and reached out to touch the last "Flower Holy Grail".

Without him having to say anything, the black clay figure in the twelfth position turned into a jet-black liquid, flew into the Holy Grail, and turned into a bubbling jet-black mud.

Shade, who maintained the last bit of strength in his godly form, looked around at the people and gods around the table.

The female "Stone Heart Demon" has an expressionless face, and the old man holding the lantern looks at him with an expression that is hard to describe. Mortals cannot see through the face of the god, but they all understand what great things he wants to do.

The girl with purple eyes suddenly remembered the "sacrifice" that Shade drew at the end of the three divination cards yesterday evening.

She wanted to stop her, but Shade had already picked up the cup and drank all the mud.

At this point, the madness originating from the earth's own distortion has completely disappeared. Although the distortion will still occur again, although the scars remaining in the earth still exist, at least tonight's matter is over.


Throwing away the Holy Grail of clay that shattered because it contained a substance that shouldn't be contained, Shade covered his neck and coughed desperately as if he was poisoned.

The female-looking evil god shook his head and turned into a dark spot of light and flew high into the sky. The dilapidated stone statue on the seat slowly dispersed into dust.

The kind old man also shook his head, but seemed to have some approval. The holy white light spots also escaped from the whole body, revealing the original appearance of the linen ascetic monk. He looked around with a smile, and then opened his arms and faced the starry sky.

, escaped into spots of light and flew into the cold night sky.

"Go on bravely."

Only the voice of God echoed in Shade's head.

At the end of the banquet, the most important guests left. The figure in the silver robe coughed a few more times and turned into silver spots of light.

Accompanied by red butterflies, the cluster of light spots flew into the night sky and towards the moon.

The night has reached its final moments, and the silver-robed god's original seat is empty, with Siris Grand Lassus' despairing look on his face.

"This is a myth."

At the table, someone didn't know who was praising softly. But no one could hear the sound of tears falling on the green grass blades and breaking the dewdrops.

PS: Thank you to the reader @大 Fat佛仙, the leader of the reward. Thank you for your support!

This chapter has been completed!
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