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Chapter 1506 The oath under the snow

He wasn't lying when he said he was fine. Shade felt like he was waking up after a long sleep.

Apart from the heavy weight of the cat pressing on my waist, there was no other special feeling.


The sobbing girl responded with monosyllabic words, but her arms still hugged him tightly, as if she was unwilling to let go for the rest of her life.

Although today is Sunday, after experiencing the major earthquake from Friday night to Saturday morning, there were many things to deal with in the post-disaster Randall Valley. Therefore, in the morning after Shade woke up, only Luvia was in the manor.

, Siris and Tifa. Even Miss Carina and Miss Rita Swift, who had nothing to do locally, were assigned post-disaster and post-war exploration missions by the Witch Council.

As for Tifa, she was left behind by Miss Carina to take care of Shad.

When Sirius and Tifa entered the bedroom, Luvia was still holding Shade tightly. Finally, it was the black-haired maid who persuaded Shade not to sit up now, and the purple-eyed girl was willing to let go of him.

Sirius briefly checked Shade's physical condition, and Tifa ordered the maids to bring Shade's breakfast. The witches will not be back until noon, and they will all be very happy to know that Shade is awake.

Mia was by his side, so Shade didn't have to worry about his cat. But Dorothy or Lesia were still waiting for his safe return at home in Tobesk, so Shade thought of going home first.

"I'm remembering this for you. Miss Sylvia sent us back from outside the city and immediately went to Tobesk to explain the situation to you."

Luvia held Shade's hand, not caring that Shade was thinking about other girls at this time.

After breakfast, Sirius and Tifa left time for Shade and Luvia. Shade, who was a little bored in the room, wanted to go outside to breathe fresh air, although the girls thought it would be better for him to lie down.

Okay, but Luvia agreed to Shade's request and accompanied him around the courtyard of the manor.

Because they were worried about Sha De's health, they made Sha De wear a thick winter coat before allowing him to go out. After carrying Mia out of the door of the manor house, Sha De saw white snowflakes floating in the sky, and the ground of the manor was covered with snowflakes.


"The snow hasn't stopped since early Saturday morning."

Luvia said, after confirming that Shade did not need an umbrella, she and Shade walked into the courtyard together, leaving Sirius and Tifa standing at the door of the mansion watching them.

"Where's Iluna?"

Two sets of footprints were left behind them. The snow scene in early spring was still beautiful. After the big event, they walked in the snow with the cat and Luvia in their arms. The hearts of the outsiders were filled with an indescribable sense of happiness.

He asked the girl with purple eyes, who followed Shade. She did not look at the snow scene, but looked at Shade:

"Probably in the church. I met her at the Wilde Opera House last night, and she had a brief chat with the Guardian. But the Guardian doesn't want to talk too much with anyone other than you, so when you recover,

I still need you to see the guardian again."

"The identity of the chosen one of the earth ultimately falls on the guardian."

Shade smiled and said that he was quite satisfied with this. This was simply the best result that Shade could think of:

"As our ally, the thirteen-ring warlock will be very helpful in the next adventure."

"It's not as good as you think."

Luvia shook her head slightly, and looked at the courtyard fountain in the snow with Shade. The Earth Witch's manor was very artistic, and the fountain statue located on the central axis of the courtyard looked like a lady covering her chest and singing loudly.

"Iluna told me that although the dirt on the earth was cleaned up, the Heart of the Earth was also seriously damaged in this incident. The guardian vaguely revealed that he will not be able to leave the Randall Valley easily in the future, and the Heart of the Earth needs him to maintain it.


"Can't leave Randall Valley?"

Shade shook his head noncommittally:

"I originally thought we could have a powerful helper. That's fine. Although the Guardian regards us as allies, I always feel that his way of thinking is strange. Being able to confine him to one place is also a good thing."

Shade's trust in the Guardian is far less than that of Iluna and Sister Devlin.

"But there is also good news. First of all, the righteous god of the sun has issued an oracle, and believers do not need to overly explore the identity of the god-caller."

Standing on tiptoes, Luvia patted the snow on Shade's hair, with a smile on her face.

This is indeed good news for Shade. After what happened in the Randall Valley, the "God Caller" has saved the world, and the church's temporary suspension of excessive exploration of his identity is one of the rewards. Of course, they originally

Not found.

"Any other good news?"

Shade asked again, and Luvia continued to help Shade arrange his scarf:

"Iluna secretly entered the heart of the earth again through the Butterfly Cemetery under the Night Temple. On your behalf, she discovered the gold mine when she had a detailed discussion with the guardian."


Shade looked at her slightly surprised, and Luvia said softly:

"Mr. Lyman, your friend, the gift he left for you is not just the key to the heart of the earth. Holding that key and entering the tomb corridor again, there is the old god [Thousand-Eyed Phantom Butterfly]

In the room with the Holy Emblem of the Righteous God [Old Man with the Lamp], you can see the fork in the tomb. Following the fork, you can enter the gold mine veins that have been excavated in a small part."

"So, the reason people in the Sixth Age couldn't find gold mines was because the old god [Thousand-Eyed Phantom Butterflies] hid them with their magic?"

Only then did Sha De understand, and he immediately laughed:

"It seems like I'm really going to get rich this time?"

"Getting rich is not enough. Iluna brought back some gold ores. After inspection, Miss Benanis believed that the formation of those gold mines was related to the power of the Heart of the Earth. For the stability of the earth, it is best not to fully develop it.

It is a gold mine, but it is still possible to dig out a small part. This is why people in the Fifth Era did not dig out all the gold. In fact, a small part is still a lot."

She flipped up her hair, which was also dyed white by snowflakes, and then hugged Shade's arm:

"Miss Benanis said that it is definitely the largest gold mine discovered in the history of the material world. Next, the Witch Council will reveal the parts that can be mined while maintaining the stability of the illusion, and then sign a contract with the church.

Mining agreement to jointly supervise the mining progress. Although as a result, the share of gold mines that must be allocated to the Stonemasons Association and the Anjou Royal Family has been reduced again and allocated to the Witch Council, but this is the best choice. Break the Illusion

From now on, you can find gold mines without entering the tombs, so you don’t have to worry about miners destroying your friends’ tombs.”

Shade nodded. Although he didn't care much about this income, it was better than nothing.

They turned right along the footpath beside the fountain. Because the servants of the manor had cleaned this place, it was not difficult to walk. Not far ahead, between the hedges, was a swing dyed white by snowflakes. Shade was very curious.

, who chose to place such props in the courtyard, either Siris or Miss Benanis.

"The battle on Saturday morning."

The topic finally came to the most critical part. Luvia looked at Shade:

"Obviously, although you have concealed your identity from the church, the witches have already learned who the so-called 'God Caller' is."

"In fact, after the Battle of Pantanal, they probably already guessed it, but they just had a tacit understanding and didn't say it."

Shade took a long breath, and the heat exhaled from his mouth, turning into white smoke and drifting in the wind. Although it was already early spring, the Randall Valley should still be cold for a while.

"It doesn't matter if they know it, they will know it sooner or later. Moreover, there are more dangers on the way to pursue the chosen one. This time, three gods even appeared. It's hard to imagine what will happen next.

I think that letting the witches gradually know some secrets, according to you, will also help the parliament fall under my control."

Shade laughed while talking about the joke, and Luvia also smiled and shook her head.

It doesn't matter if the witches know that Shade is the "God Summoner". After all, no one knows that Shade is actually the god.

The two stopped at the swing. Shade thought about it for a moment and asked:

"At lunch, I'm sure they'll ask some questions. Oh, do you want to try the swing?"

"Xia De, I'm not a little girl anymore."

Luvia said with a smile.

Since she didn't refuse, Shade understood what she meant. He summoned a flame to melt the snow on the swing board, and then dried the board. After shaking it gently a few times to make sure it was firm, he came to the back of the swing and signaled to Lu Wei

Ya sat on it.

The purple-eyed girl is obviously a little embarrassed. Even though her relationship with Shade has become extremely close, she is still embarrassed at this time:

"Don't tell Iluna about this, I will be laughed at."

She grabbed the cold chains on both sides with both hands and sat down. Then Shade pushed forward gently behind her, and Luvia rocked forward.

They did not discuss what happened on Saturday anymore. After all, there was still a long, long time ahead, and there were countless days and nights to slowly tell those stories. Luvia Fiocci Anat, now just wanted to

Enjoy this moment of rest and imprint the scene of playing with Shade on the swing in the snow in your memory forever.

Although there are still many difficulties ahead, at this moment, she believes that fate has given her the greatest favor. Ever since she became a ring warlock, she has always had a vague feeling of worry in her heart. In the falling snow scene, she was temporarily left behind.

.If possible, she really hopes, really hopes, that this moment can be longer, even if it is just a second.

"Will we go on together?"

Even the soft words in the snow, Shade heard clearly. He looked at Luvia's back on the swing:

"Yes, of course. This is my original promise. I am a very faithful person. This is why my new mystery came from this. When I have time, I can tell you this story. This is directly related to Zhou

Things related to the final battle on the early morning of June 6."

Shade said, he was behind Luvia, so he couldn't see the smile on the purple-eyed girl's face at this time:

"A vow under the snow? Shade, you are becoming more and more knowledgeable about romance."

His body moved back and forth on the swing, and he looked up at the sky. What his crystal purple eyes saw were falling snowflakes, while what his other pair of purple eyes saw was a completely different future.

PS: Modify the details of the previous chapter.

Thaumaturgy - [Heart of Stone] has been changed from being associated with "Echo" to being associated with "Vibration".

This chapter has been completed!
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