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Chapter 1521 Carina Cavendishs Commission

When Shade got off the carriage at the door of the pawn shop and entered, the usually deserted pawn shop was empty, not even Old John was there. Only the bronze incense burner on the counter sprayed out water vapor with a strange fragrance.


The pawn shop is still the same as before. It looks like a garbage dump with mountains of garbage, but if you look closely, you will see that every item in the shop has value. The east wall is covered with various clocks and clocks, and the windows are filled with

Metal harmonica in box and dancing music box.

The old-fashioned steam engine that could be put into the museum that Shade had seen when he first came here was still in the corner. But the brass mechanical bird that was extra on the shelf and transformed through the gear mechanism interested him very much. He remembered Miss Carina.

There are similar things in my study room.

After he rang the bell on the counter, the old man in an apron walked in from the back door:

"Oh, I thought he was a guest, but it turned out to be you. Detective, wait a moment, I'm processing the potion ingredients in the back. You know, if the six-leaf coral grass produced in the Pontal River Basin is not processed, the smell will be...

It makes it impossible for people on the whole street to have lunch.”

"Am I not considered a guest?"

Shade whispered, but still waited for a while.

"This is the picture frame you wanted to have a watch on."

Ten minutes later, when the old man came back from the back door, he moved a picture frame and put it on the counter. The mounted oil painting was painted by Hella Oxenfurt for Shad. The young detective stood

Portrait of a deserted back garden in the snow.

When Shade and Luvia were playing cat together last night, Shade asked the old man to help install the watch and use special methods to process it so that the oil painting could be preserved for a longer period of time. He didn't expect that he would finish it so quickly.

"This painting is very good. I bet it was definitely not painted by a human. The emotion and soul power contained in it are enough for it to exist for the next thousand years. Detective, you really found a good painter."

Father John, who was very knowledgeable, said, and Shade nodded:

"The balance will be paid later. The gold and jewelry I entrusted you to sell before..."

That was the money that he and Yin Luna found from the sewers of the Randall Valley. It was the military expenses that the rebels raised from citizens before the unification of the United Kingdom of Kasenlik.

"It's sold. This kind of thing is easy to sell. You don't need to give me the balance of the frame. As a rule, I have to deduct five points for the middleman's fee from your treasure. This is a lot of money."

The old man said that Shade would naturally not mind. However, when he was about to leave with the bearer money order and the picture frame with the watch attached, Old John stopped Shade again.

"Why, you've made this big deal. Do you want to give me some products? The gas lamp holder on the shelf over there looks very nice. Can you give it to me?"

"Oh, detective, that was collected for 5 shillings. It is a second-hand item from decades ago. I just want to ask, have you heard about the Randall Valley?"

Shade paused in putting away his wallet, turned around and glanced at the door before nodding:

"Of course, how could I not know about such an important matter? Speaking of which, does the monastery have any information that can be shared?"

Old John raised his eyebrows:

"Of course, we have people there. Judging from the current situation, the church and the Godcaller together have prevented the disaster of the earth from sweeping the entire world. But the observation of the Priory is not optimistic. The end will definitely come, and

It will not disappear because of this. Even if the dirt on the earth is cleared away, the earth will become unstable. In recent years, various strange natural disasters have occurred frequently."

This was the same statement that Shade heard from the guardian. He didn't expect that the Priory would even know about such a thing.

"But all those of us living in this era can do is to do our best to change the tragedies that are destined to happen. Even if we cannot succeed, at least we must do something."

Shad said:

"This time, everyone in the Randall Valley has done a good enough job."

Old John smiled and nodded:

"You are indeed a good fit for us. However, your tone sounds like you were also involved in the Randall Valley incident?"

"I wish I had participated, like the audience at the opera house, watching the tragedy happen step by step on the stage, but I couldn't change it and could only usher in the final outcome. That would be too bad."

Shade sighed, this was also his true thought.

"But no one can be an audience. We are born in this world, and we are destined to be buried in this world. The snare of fate has been intertwined with our souls as early as when we uttered our first cry. We are all a stage.

The one above."

Old John sighed, and then promised Shade that if the Priory had any first-hand information about the end of the world and the disaster, he could tell him.

When Shade returned to St. Teresa Square in a carriage carrying the picture frame, he unexpectedly found Miss Carina's carriage parked in front of his house.

However, the person in the carriage was not the red-haired duchess, but the black-haired maid.

"Come in, please. I'm so sorry. I thought you would come back later. Oh, Tifa, don't you have the key to my house? What are you waiting for outside?"

Shade invited her in. The maid asked the carriage to wait at the street corner, and then followed him with a smile:

"The key was left to us for cleaning. You cannot enter or leave the master's room at will except during cleaning time. This is the rule of the maids."

"Actually, you don't have to be so rigid. Besides, I trust you."

After a pause, he added:

"The relationship between the two of us is not..."

A white hand covered Shade's mouth. Shade looked back and saw a rather complicated expression in the pair of black eyes at the bottom of the stairs:

"We can't talk about this now, at least not today."

Shade nodded slowly. Although he didn't know why, he still took Tifa upstairs. He first put down the picture frame and prepared tea:

"Miss Carina, what exactly do you want me to do? Didn't she come?"

He also sat down and hugged Mia.

"Miss is not here, but it is indeed an important matter."

The maid sat on the sofa seriously, with a smile in her eyes, but her expression was a bit serious:

"Detective Chad Suellen Hamilton of Hamilton Detective Agency, on behalf of Duke Carina Cavendish, I send you an invitation to commission."


Although he didn't know what the witch wanted to do, Shade nodded as if receiving a client:

"It's an honor. Speaking of which, since the incident in Randall Valley, I haven't received a serious commission yet. So, maid, what kind of commission did the Duke ask you to bring?"

Tifa said:

"The Duke has ordered, detective, that you must find five legendary treasures by any means before sunset today and deliver them to the Duke."

"So which five legendary treasures are they?"

The beautiful black eyes blinked:

"His Majesty the King's crown can spout endless fountains of fine wine. The red color symbolizes the priceless Philosopher's Stone, the Holy Grail used to worship ancient gods in distant eras, and your heart."


Shade tilted his head and thought for a while, becoming more and more unable to understand what the witch wanted to do. But fortunately, the task was not difficult. No one except the doctor knew what Shade got from the devil:

"What does Miss Carina do with these things?"

He chose to ask directly, but Tifa shook her head:

"This is a commission from the Duchess, and it is also a trial given to you by the Duchess. Detective, just tell me whether you want to accept it."

"Since it is a commission, what is the reward?"

Shade asked again, Tifa was already prepared, or Miss Carina was already prepared:

"The reward is a treasure you cannot refuse. If you can bring these things to the manor before sunset, the Duchess of Saladir will never break her promise."

Shade thought for a while:

"Then I'll take it. For Duke Carina, the guardian of Saladir, I will do my best to bring back those treasures... However, I don't know that the beautiful maid in front of me

, can you give me some tips? After all, these treasures are too difficult to obtain."

he asked tentatively.

"Do you want me to betray the Duke?"

The loyal maid asked suspiciously, and Shade took one of her hands and kissed the white back of it:

"This is not a betrayal, but so that I can prepare those treasures for the Duke."

Tifa let him hold her hand and laughed:

"Okay, but the tips are not free. You can't impress me with just rhetoric. I gave you a tip. When you come to the manor in the evening, you have to pay me."

"no problem."

"Among the five treasures, the easiest one is actually the Holy Grail. Miss knows that you no longer have the Holy Grail in your hand, but you can go to the chosen one in Randall Valley. He can detect the area where Crazy Earth appears.

Let you make another Holy Grail."

"Well, that makes sense."

Shade nodded slowly.

So Tifa continued:

"Other treasures require your own efforts to obtain them. But the only ones that are truly difficult are the 'endless fountain of wine' found in fairy tales and the legendary Philosopher's Stone."

Shade nodded again:

"These two are indeed nearly impossible to obtain."

"As for the king's crown, although it is difficult to steal it, His Majesty the King will not wear it all day. Maybe you can use Princess Lesia to find out the frequency and occasions when the king wears the crown, and find the opportunity to borrow it.

Come out. You are a six-ring warlock, you have your own skills."

Tifa said with a smile, but in the last sentence, her expression was very serious:

"As for 'your heart', Shade, you need to figure it out yourself."

"I see."

Although Shade didn't actually understand what this commission was about, he still nodded:

"The day is indeed a bit stressful, but miracles will always happen. I will take over this task, and I hope His Highness the Duke will be satisfied."

This chapter has been completed!
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