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Chapter 1526: Rainy morning


Thunder streaked across the sky above Tobesk. The first rain of this spring started on Tuesday evening and continued until Wednesday morning. But this is a good thing. Every rain in spring is still a struggle for most people.

The era of food and clothing is very important.

At 8:30 in the morning on Wednesday, raindrops hit the windows and made a rhythmic sound. Although it was a bit cold outside, the mansion in Carina Manor was still warm and dry as usual.

The gas lamp was still on even during the day, leaving the dim early morning scenery outside the house. When the witch walked into the restaurant with the maids after washing, she immediately saw Lesia sitting at the dining table, poking with a fork.

Pancakes with frosting on the plate.

Carina Cavendish's brisk steps paused instinctively, then with a smile on her lips, she continued walking into the restaurant and sat down opposite Lesia.

Her Highness the Princess, who had arrived early in the morning, also looked up at her, looked at the witch's outfit, the gorgeous red dress, the diamond earrings on her ears, and her fair and rosy skin, and then said lazily:

"As much as I hate to admit it, you look several years younger."

"Little Lecia, you say this as if I were very old."

The duchess smiled and said to her grandniece as the maids pushed the dining cart to bring her breakfast.

Shade left around seven o'clock, and when she asked Tifa to help her put on makeup and hair in the bedroom, the witch of course noticed that she seemed to be getting younger and more beautiful. Therefore, facing her this morning

It takes longer to apply makeup in the mirror than in the past. Even if the witches are unparalleled in beauty, no one would not like to become younger and more beautiful.

Not only her appearance, she was also quite proud of her decision and actions yesterday, but she didn't know how to show it "normally". When Tifa put the cup with hot milk on the table

, Miss Carina finally thought of a question:

"Lecia, why do you appear here at this time? Is there something important?"

Lesia glanced at her with a scrutinizing gaze:

"Yes, someone stole my things. To be precise, I received a letter from Miss Luvia Anat this morning. She asked me to come here to take a look. At that time, I guessed what happened here.


Although she didn't know exactly what Shade had experienced yesterday, at least she asked the maid in the manor where Shade slept:

"So, how do you feel?"

Her Royal Highness the Princess asked in a frivolous tone, and the witch thought for a moment:

"Don't talk like that, Lesia, where is Princess Cavendish's demeanor? But honestly..."

He tapped his fingers lightly on the side of his face:

"very nice."

Raindrops were beating on the glass window of the restaurant. Miss Carina nodded after speaking. When she looked at Lesia, the smile on her face became even stronger:

"In other words, pretty good."


Lesia made a very unladylike sound. In fact, it was the same as what Miss Carina said to Shade yesterday. Her great-aunt had already contacted her through Dorothy, and the two parties reached an agreement.

The witch made some concessions in exchange for her consent. After all, Shade promised Lesia to let her know about this in advance.

"Of course it's very good. My vision has never been wrong."

Lesia said and looked at the newspaper on the table again:

"So, we will be a family from now on."

On the front page of the newspaper, the Kingdom's minister of state, the Marquis of Volster, announced this year's fiscal reform and stimulus package. The page facing outwards read about the upcoming border negotiations with the United Kingdom of Kasenlik.

And the events of the 1854 Tour of Torbesk.


Carina nodded, but immediately reacted:

"Lecia Cavendish, weren't we family before?"

"You know what I mean."

Lesia said that since the matter had already happened, she would not say anything more. After all, it was still uncertain who would suffer in this matter. However, she was a little curious about other things, so she lowered her voice and asked, from behind the newspaper

He stuck his head out:

"I heard from the maid here that you... entered the room at four o'clock yesterday afternoon, and you didn't even have dinner."

This topic made her blush a little:

"So...you guys...until midnight?"

Blush also rose on the witch's face, and the crazy memories of last night's fierce, passionate, rough and gentle also came flooding back:

"Of course not. Shade has just recovered from a serious illness due to the incident in the Randall Valley. How could I ignore his health? Moreover, our knight is too... brave. Although I

He is twice as high as him, but... it seems that he really learned a lot of skills from you guys... It was only until midnight, and then he hugged me and rested together. It felt really good

Warm and reassuring.”

"It's amazing that you are able to... without the immortal leaves."

Lesia covered her face with a newspaper, not wanting others to see her expression:

"I don't know what kind of thaumaturgy Shade has learned, but his physical fitness is really astonishingly high."

This sentence made the maids present think of the astonishing scene of "giving their heart" yesterday afternoon.

"No wonder you like to be with that writer lady..."

The duchess was muttering.

Lesia then looked at Tifa behind Carina:

"I thought you would find someone to help. Knights serving the royal family sometimes need the tenderness of princesses. Don't just think about yourself."

The black-haired maid had an expressionless face and acted as a personal maid.

Carina looked behind her, then shook her head slightly:

"This is not what you said. I remember that you didn't like sharing since you were a child. However, I told Shade last night that I don't care about my apprentice and personal maid, as long as he doesn't take the final step and occasionally flirts.

.Lecia, you are still young, and you cannot give men whatever they want."

But in fact, the above reasons are all lies. This was actually done to "retaliate" for what the maid and her lover did in the bedroom during her "business trip" to the Pantanal at the end of last year.

"Just figure it out for yourself. I hope you won't regret this decision."

Lesia shook her head. She knew how powerful the black-haired maid was:

"Also, I'm curious about what you asked Shade to do before four o'clock yesterday? I heard from Luvia that he had spared a day yesterday to prepare to help you, so why did he end up on your bed?"

"I asked the knight, the duchess who served him, to offer treasures. The endless fountain of wine, the Holy Grail, the philosopher's stone, the king's crown and his heart."

Thinking of this matter, the witch couldn't restrain the bright smile on her face:

"Later late at night, I lay in his arms and listened to his heartbeat and listened to him tell the story of the origins of those treasures. You see, it was fate that gave me instructions. No, it was fate that followed my ideas."

"You're so boring."

Lecia said, and then thought about how she had left clues step by step last year for Shade and Dorothy to find, and finally met in the sea of ​​flowers at home:

"But, do you really want to take away so many good things from Shade?"

She asked again, and the witch shook her head coolly:

"Of course not, I just asked him to find it for me to see, and I didn't ask him to give it to me. Do you think I sold myself? Oh, little Lecia, this is not the thinking of women in the new era.


Lesia smiled and continued to read the newspaper, ignoring her.

Miss Carina lowered her head and scratched the fried egg with a table knife, and then said:

"However, I did leave three of the five treasures. The Philosopher's Stone and the Crown were taken away by him. He might have some use for them. I kept the relic [Bottle of Dionysus] to commemorate this incident.

; He said he could still make the golden Holy Grail, so I kept it. It had the ancient rune of [Youth] on it, and there were records about it in the council’s materials and Shad’s [Secret of Immortality], saying

Maybe it will allow me to prepare an elixir of immortality in a certain sense, which is of great research value; finally, and most importantly, I left it last night..."

She met Lesia's probing gaze and blinked:

"His heart."

The corner of Her Royal Highness the Princess's mouth twitched:

"Is Shad going to the Randall Valley again? You should hurry up and eat. After dinner, follow me into the city."

"He said he would first go to Dawn Church to find his priest friend, and then go to Randall Valley to deal with the last thing. Do you want to invite me into the city? What, do you want to communicate with me? Go shopping for clothes together? Or,

Go to the opera house?"

The witch was in a really good mood today. She glanced at the scenery outside the window:

"Since it's raining outside, I think we can plan more indoor activities."

"Of course it's not about communicating feelings. Luvia wants to meet us. Yes, the three of us. Dorothy Louisa has something to do and can't come. That purple-eyed fortune teller is not easy to deal with at all. You stole it.

Have you figured out how to deal with other people’s things?”

"Isn't it the same for you?"

Carina Cavendish said, but she did feel a little uneasy in her heart.

Although Luvia Anat's ring magician level is far lower than hers, and her background is not as good as the girls of the Cavendish family. But facing this diviner, she always feels that he is definitely not as simple as she seems.

What's more, although Shade didn't say it, the epic story of his choice to pursue the Chosen One initially seemed to be related to the mysterious soothsayer.

"I know that you are a witch in the Witch Council. Even if you think that fate allows you to make key decisions, with Shade...will your identity as a witch be okay in the future?"

Lesia suddenly asked again, and the witch nodded:

"At least, I don't feel anything wrong. Apart from being in a good mood, I'm no different from usual."

Before Shade left this morning, she even tried to enter the parliament with Shade. Of course, there was no one in the parliament at such an early time, but experiments have proven that a further relationship with Shade will not affect the witch's power.

She even discussed with Shade in the parliament, prohibiting Shade from taking his relationship with her any further and revealing it to anyone except Lesia, Dorothy and Luvia. Moreover, when meeting other witches, the two of them

Keep a certain distance.

The superficial excuse is to prevent the Chancellor or other witches unknown to Shade from discovering their relationship if they are too close. But the real reason is that once they are discovered by Sylvie Aurora, Vanessa Benanis or Ai

Ma Sylvia knew that it was okay to do this, and she didn't dare to think about what would happen.

"You'd better hide the smile on your face. I don't know what will happen when I see Luvia later."

Lecia said, and then there was silence on both sides of the dining table for a while. The Cavendishes each ate their own breakfast. Only the occasional footsteps of the maids and the sound of rain outside the window continued.

But in the end, Her Royal Highness couldn't help but be curious, raised her head and asked again:

"Did you try yesterday..."

She made a rather complicated gesture with her hands. The witch looked at it for a while before understanding it, and asked in surprise:

"You've actually tried this?"

Lesia had a look of contempt on her face and lowered her head to continue today's breakfast. The duchess looked at her and suddenly smiled, feeling that the days to come would become more and more interesting.

This chapter has been completed!
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