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Chapter 1538: Afternoon with Butterflies

"Sir, the flower girl you mentioned is very special. Although humans in the sixth era regard her as a secret keeper, and humans in the fifth era do not consider her to be highly dangerous, if we really want to fight, we

Even in its heyday as a relic, it couldn't defeat her. It is a very ancient existence, very old, and can even be traced back to the time when the ancient gods had not yet left. However, she helped us in the Fifth Era."

Grace said, and then gave advice:

"My sister and I, after all, only possess the power in the fifth era, so we are not familiar with that ancient knowledge. Sir, the flower girl reminded us that if you want to explore the source of blood, I think those more ancient existences

, should be able to help you. Your bloodline must be very noble, just like your character."

Shade was a little embarrassed:

"Don't say that to me, but I think the issue of my bloodline should be taken seriously. If I have the chance, I will ask other people."

For example, "desire".

Although there are still some doubts about the special nature of his body, it comes from the divinity in the soul affecting the material body. But since Grace and Helen, who have seen many different gods, did not raise this possibility, Shade became more and more convinced

He doubted whether this body, which was born in the southern countryside of Delrayon during the college's background check and came to Tobesk as a refugee, had a blind and foolish life background in the first half of his life. It was really what he thought in the past.


"No, now I am absolutely sure that there is definitely something wrong with this body."

Shade had nothing to do until night, and he devoted the afternoon to playing with Helen and Grace.

He asked the Red Butterfly girls whether they wanted to stay in Fort Midhill, or go to other places such as Tobesk or Randall Valley. They could record road signs by touching the statues of ancient gods, and add

Shade can use the "Butterfly Summoning Flute" to summon them, so theoretically, Helen and Grace can go anywhere with Shade.

It can be seen that the twin sisters have already made a "date" plan, and the place they chose was Tobesk City, which they had visited with Shade.

It was also the first time for outsiders to experience the early spring in Tobesk, so after returning home with Helen and Grace, they first visited little Mia, who was taking a nap after eating cat food and stretched out her paws unhappy after being touched by him.

, and then the two sisters, who put on large beige sunhats decorated with artificial flowers, prepared to go out.

But what a coincidence, the client who had not shown up for a long time actually knocked on the door downstairs this afternoon before Shade was about to go out. Shade originally wanted to turn down the job, but the twin sisters felt that it was not with Shade.

It’s also fun to be a “detective” together:

"Instead of wandering around the city without any purpose, it's better to find something to do for yourself."

Grace in a white dress proposed.

So, Shade listened to the commission explanation about the "Prank Knocking Incident in Tom's Alley in the North of the City" in the living room on the second floor. This matter is not complicated. Tom's Alley in the north of the city is a common narrow alley in the city, but it is also

The warehouse for bulk cargo trading in the north of the city is located at the back door of the transportation company's building.

Since last week, the iron gates in the alleys, which are often not opened for weeks, have been knocked frequently from the alleys, but whenever people open the doors to look, they can’t see anyone knocking on the door. It’s so annoying.

People who died had approached the police to investigate, but the police at Ridwich Field didn't pay attention to this trivial matter where no one was killed and no major property was lost.

Therefore, the owners of the building with the back door on Tom Lane jointly spent a sum of money and sent representatives to find the city's "Famous Detective Hamilton", hoping that Shade could help with the investigation.

There was no problem with the details of the entrusted task. After signing the contract and sending away the lawyer who served as the middleman and client, Shade and the twin sisters started today's work together.

They seemed very excited. On the carriage heading to the scene of the incident, they discussed the details of the incident with Shade. After the three of them got off the car at the entrance of an alley that exuded a strange smell and seemed to be regarded as a garbage alley.

, they complained about the smell here again, and then pushed Shade and walked in together.

In fact, the incident this time was quite simple. Not long after they entered the alley, they saw a wraith with only the upper body remaining, appearing next to the wall in such a sunny day.

At the same time as the powerful resentful spirit appeared, the white mist instantly dispersed. At the same time as the long-drawn wailing sounded in the ears, a sinister wind of unknown origin blew through the alley, the light suddenly dropped, and everything around seemed to melt.

In this fog.

Suddenly, Shade thought he was back at Fort Midhill.

"The boundary of life and death in Mo Lake! It's the edge of life and death again."

The undead crawled towards Shade and the other three, so the fifteen or sixteen-year-old girls, who seemed a little afraid of ghosts, screamed and hid behind Shade, laughing while pulling his clothes and pulling them from his

Looking forward from the side:

"Oh, sir, it's a ghost!"

Helen also said this, which reminded Shade of her performance by the brightly lit stream when he and her reunited in the Sikal Mountains.

"Don't worry, I will protect you."

So Shade also said, while raising his palms, the spinning light wheel with spikes appeared. But he hesitated, and finally threw out the silver ring of [Light of Confinement].

Things became much simpler after that. No matter how special the opponent was, he was still completely restrained from action by Shade, who was now in the sixth ring.

The twin girls clung to Shade's back in fear, and then followed Shade toward the undead.

"Moonlight Slash!"

Shade did not use all his strength, but only severely injured the enemy in front of him. Then he stretched out his right hand towards the weak soul:

"Guide to death."

Because of the direct touch, while the resentment of the resentful spirit was resolved, the story of this incomplete soul also emerged in Shade's mind.

To put it simply, he was dismembered and buried in an alley or a building adjacent to the alley. The knocks on the door every day were just due to the restlessness on the edge of life and death. After his soul revived, he instinctively wanted to find his broken body.

Lower body.

Originally, this soul had no ability to attack humans at all, and could only barely knock on the door and make a sound, but it was suddenly strengthened this afternoon.

It seemed like the "edge of life and death" hidden here had changed in the afternoon, but Shade understood that the characteristics of Helen and Grace's "disaster twins" had not completely disappeared.

Shade is just an ordinary detective. Of course he can't tell the client that this place is haunted, let alone directly tell the church what's going on here. According to his investigative habits, the next step is to look for the remaining half of the body, and then he will find two body parts.

Tell the police about it.

It has been at least more than ten years since the death of the wraith, so it is impossible to rely on [Echo of Blood] to find clues. This is not a basement that no one has set foot in for many years. Those traces have long since disappeared. As for the undead itself,

It doesn't know where the rest of its body is, otherwise it wouldn't be knocking on the door from door to door.

The stupidest way is to go to the police station to inquire about missing persons cases in the area in the past ten years, but the "timid" girls have provided other methods:

"Souls have a gravitational force, especially separated souls. This gravitational force will attract them to come together. Even the most distant distance cannot prevent them from meeting each other."

Helen grabbed Shade's arm and said, while Grace was on the other side of Shade. She stretched out her free left hand, and a transparent red butterfly flew out of her palm, and then landed on the incomplete soul.

The red butterfly seemed to become more solid after contacting the soul. It led the three people away from the edge of life and death. Then, it flew into one of the doors in the alley, and Shade also opened the door.

Sneaked in with Helen and Grace.

So, on this ordinary and peaceful afternoon, they solved the "Ursula Warehouse Murder Case" together. The murder itself occurred about 17 years ago, when two warehouse accountants had a dispute due to differences in opinions when doing accounting.

One person died as a result. When the body fell from the building, it hit a sharp object and broke into two pieces.

One of the pieces was buried in an alley that was always smelly. The other piece was too finely broken and difficult to handle, so it was buried in the corner of the warehouse.

Now, 17 years later, the murderer of that year has long disappeared, but at least the body has been found and the case has been found, which can be regarded as the solution to the disappearance many years ago.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for the words "haunted" to come out of the mouth of Shad Hamilton, a famous detective who emphasizes reasoning and wisdom. He only went to the police station to report the discovery of the body that afternoon and brought the police back.

At that time, I called in the lawyer who acted as an entrusted intermediary and explained what happened clearly.

On the other side of this alley is the busiest commercial street in the lower city in the north of the city. The church priest quickly came after hearing the news and asked the police to completely seal the alley. Shade did not directly disclose the haunted story to the merchants.

However, the actions of the police and the priest still allowed the superstitious people of this era to confirm their suspicions.

In short, Shade successfully received his commission reward and was thanked:

"But the guy who knocked on the door hasn't really been caught yet. I don't really believe in conjectures like haunting. If there is another person who knocks on the door later, you can come to me and I will deal with it for free."

But those businessmen who surrounded the priest and the police, eager to get a reassuring answer, could not care about him now. Whether Shade believed in hauntings or not was not important at all, because Shade did not live here or work here, but

Most of their assets are nearby.

"Sir, is your job always this interesting?"

On the way home, Helen asked Xiang Shade with a smile and her hands behind her back.

"Actually, most of my commissions are about looking for cats and dogs. And most of the commissions that detectives take on are related to cheating. Cases like today are only a handful."

In fact, the twin girls didn't care about anything at all. The important thing was to have more common memories with Shade. They did not go back in the carriage, but walked home. When passing by the North District Anthem Square, Shade still brought

They went to the Three Cats Inn and sat for a while, listening to the bard singing songs about heroes and love.

By the time I walked all the way back home, it was already dusk. The sun was setting in the west, and the dim sunset had already sunk below the horizon.

This chapter has been completed!
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