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Chapter 1542 [Earth's Core Furnace]

"Let me just say, your house is very abnormal."

Luvia said:

"Which door is this? There are three doors in the basement. Room 2 on the second floor is the [Hall of the Secret Keepers], and the corridor on the third floor is the [Soul Cemetery]. It's hard for me to imagine what will happen next."

"It's not normal here in Shade. It's now a recognized thing."

Yin Luna also said with a smile, while Xia De nodded and did not refute this.

In Luvia's dream about [The Past and the Sixth Era], she with long hair and Mia with silver eyes were both in this house, and in that doomsday scene, No. 6 Saint Teresa Square looked like

Still intact, that in itself says a lot.

Although he still doesn't know what this means, is it that this place is special, or is it that

Because it is a door installed using a ritual, if you want to use it, you must go through the three steps summarized by Shade, which are "spiritual runes", "spells" and "objects".

"Spells" and "spiritual runes" are both okay. Shade even swallowed the origin of the earth and can open the door without spiritual runes. And "item" corresponds to the "heart of the earth". This does not refer to the complete earth.

heart, but any broken pieces will do.

The guardian said that the current Heart of the Earth can no longer be divided. But when Shade put his hand on the handle of the trap door today, he clearly realized that his body could also be divided.

Considered to be the "Heart of the Earth".

No one needs to explain, Xia De also knows that this is still related to what he swallowed.

In short, he successfully opened the door:

"May the earth protect me standing here."

The trap door was opened, and a cotton-like white mist floated under the floor, but it strangely did not leave the scope of the door, as if the door was restraining it. It was impossible to see whether there were steps below in the mist, and it was even more difficult to see whether there were steps below.

You can't see if there is ground underneath.

But Shade knew that there would be no danger here, so he held the cat in one hand and jumped down first, followed closely by Yin Luna and Luvia.

The falling process was not very long, and Shade felt as if he had jumped from the second-floor window of the house into a pile of straw piled on the ground.

【Outlander, you have entered the "Earth's Core Furnace". 】

After their feet touched the ground, Luvia and Yin Luna also stood firm beside him. The thick white mist that spread around him gradually dispersed towards the surroundings.

The description of this place on the Stone Pillar in the Heart of the Earth was "a scene very similar to the center of the earth", but what was finally displayed in front of the three people was a dilapidated stone house surrounded by a small circle of ground magma.

It is not accurate to say that it is a stone house, because there are no walls at all in the direction facing Shade and the others. This house built with three walls and a curved roof, although it is very hazy in the fog, you can still see almost

All building materials are black stones with a color similar to "Heart of the Earth".

Two thick and unpolished stone pillars support the roof with traces of connection so that it will not collapse. Looking closer, you can see that there is some ancient charm in the dilapidated feeling. Although it is not as magnificent as the palace, it almost looks like the "guardian" of the palace.

The "Hall of Secrets" and the "Silver Moon Library" that seems to be located in the star realm under the moonlight are incomparable, but at least this place is better than the "Time Corridor" which only has functional effects and does not even exist as a building, and the "Space" which only has a few worn-out road signs.

"Maze" is better.

There is a huge stone furnace in the house that is connected to the magma outside. The structure of this furnace is quite simple and can be opened from the sides and top.

"According to the information I have learned, any alchemical item that is made of more than 50% metal and stone can be strengthened here. Or, any alchemical item that is made of more than 50% metal and stone can be strengthened here.

Throw it into the furnace and it can be fused into new items."

Shade said, the function here is as simple and direct as this:

"According to the guardian, the source of power here is the ancient gods and the earth. 'Smelting' is just a concept here, and its essence is to temper it through the power of the earth, allowing the earth to give metal and stone power. It can even be said that,

The power here is the power that comes from the earth itself."

"Can relics be enhanced?"

Luvia asked curiously.

"You can, but it's best not to. The guardian said that doing so is very dangerous. But for the relic derivatives whose whisper element is not very strong, it should be no problem."

Shade replied, Luvia nodded, and Yin Luna continued to ask curiously:

"So what's the price for using this place? I don't think it can be used casually, right?"

Any space left by the ancient gods has limitations, that's for sure.

"What is consumed here is quite strange. It is not a specific substance, nor is it some special power, but... experience."

It's hard to find the right word in Drarian:

"To put it simply, when we set foot on the earth, we will definitely be contaminated with the breath of the earth. The farther we go, the more places we go, and the more things we experience on the land, the stronger the breath of the earth we are contaminated with. And if you want to use this place

, this is what is consumed.”

"Across the land?"

Luvia tilted her head and asked, while Yin Luna's statement was simpler:

"Step count?"

"Well...not accurate, but it can be understood this way."

Shade was shocked by the seventeen-year-old girl's simple and straightforward answer, but what she said was indeed very close.

He held the cat's butt in his arms again:

"Little animals like Mia, who are very young and rarely go out, and are unwilling to go to the ground, will probably never be able to use this place. But we have gone through so many things, and we have used some important items to strengthen them, or try to

There should be no problem with the new alchemy formula."

No one will tell them how many "breaths after traversing the earth" they each have, but the "other me" can sense how many times each can use this place.

This is a common experience for the body and soul, and the stranger’s soul is less than one year old in this world. But because he has experienced too many things, the number of times he can use it is the most among the three:

"121 times."

"94 times, almost 95 times."

Yin Luna said.

"Only 48 times."

Luvia said regretfully, but Shade guessed that this was her "other self" who had not judged her.

"It's really generous. I thought everyone only has two or three opportunities in their lifetime."

Yin Luna sighed, and then she was quite eager to give it a try.

"Although we don't quite understand the ancient god's intention of setting up these spaces, it is certainly not to embarrass us. We are still young and will accumulate more opportunities in the future."

Shade said with a smile, and used the metal rod standing on the side to open the lid of the furnace with great effort.

The sound of stone rubbing against stone was not very harsh. When the cover was moved aside, fiery red light immediately illuminated the faces of the three people. The heat coming from the faces could even affect the souls:

"In addition to strengthening or fusing alchemical items, the earth can also temper our bodies and souls."

"Put your hand into the lava? Or just jump in?"

Yin Luna asked.

"It's not that scary. Just drink a small cup of magma. It doesn't consume the breath we have acquired after traveling across the earth, but there are consequences. First of all, there is a limit to the power of the earth that our souls and bodies can carry, so this kind of tempering

There is a limit to refining. Secondly, doing so will seriously affect the nature of the body and soul itself, making them biased towards the power of the earth."

"Contaminated core spirit rune?"

Luvia frowned. This was something that all ring magicians tried to avoid.

"It cannot be considered pollution. After all, it is not a harmful force. But it will definitely have a serious impact on one's own system. However, like Miss Benanis, a ring warlock who originally focused on the power of the 'earth' does not have to consider it.

That’s the problem.”

As he spoke, three small clay holy cups rose from the hot magma in the furnace, and each cup contained squirming lava:

"It's okay to drink a small amount. Although the improvement is small, the concept of 'building blocks' contained in the earth can stabilize those disharmonious parts of the soul and body."

As he spoke, Shade picked up the floating cup, tried to take a sip, and then angrily threw it into the furnace:

"Really, it's the same as [Dark Dungeon], and it doesn't work for me."

Luvia and Yin Luna were amused by his appearance, and they both drank a small glass. Yin Luna didn't feel anything about it, but the girl with purple eyes felt very good:

"My soul is getting hot. This feels better than taking a hot bath in the cold winter!"

【The power of "Cornerstone" is repairing Luvia Anat's "other self".】

"She" reminded softly in Shade's ear. Shade blinked and then took off the Detection Witch's badge from his neck.

"I want to try the effect of strengthening alchemy items."

he said.

"Strengthen? Or do you want to add materials for smelting?"

Yin Luna asked curiously. Shade thought for a moment and took out the part of mithril Sister Devlin gave him yesterday from his pocket.

"Let's try this."

In fact, the "Philosopher's Stone" is a better smelting material, but Shade is not willing to spend it here. As for the property of "showing the story of Randall Valley" that this piece of mithril itself has, Sister Devlin said, as long as the mithril

Silver itself is no longer divided, changing its shape or adding it to other materials will not affect this property.

As for the badge itself, it now has the properties of "Detection of Witches" and "Blessing of the Death Angel". Shade will be happy no matter how it is enhanced.

So the rope was untied, and then the round emblem and the mithril were thrown into the furnace by Shade.

This chapter has been completed!
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