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Chapter 1570 The Knight Under the Blue Sky (please vote)

As the loud horn sounded, and amid the cheers of the crowd, Shade led the maroon horse and entered the competition venue with a sword. The Jazz on the other side also entered the venue wearing armor like him, and then

As the crowd chanted their names, the two waved to the audience together.

The sunshine this afternoon is particularly dazzling, but since it is not yet summer, the dazzling sunshine is not so hot.

Under this kind of sunshine, under the attention of millions of people, dueling with a guy who knew he was not a human but looked like a human, even Xia De felt a little hairy in the corner of his heart.

The two led the horses to the center of the venue, bowed to each other and then mounted their horses. His Majesty the King, who was sitting on the highest stage of the auditorium, did not leave because there were relics here. He picked up the small golden pistol on the small table in front of him.

, smiled and motioned to Queen Diana to cover her ears, and then pulled the trigger toward the sky.


Shade and "Sir Hells" waved their reins at the same time and carried out the first round of face-to-face charge. Both of them had full courage. At the moment of contact, the vibration and sparks generated by the two steel swords hitting each other were enough to

Proving the power of two huge forces.

Although Shade knew that the other party could exert greater power with ordinary people's physical fitness, he did not expect that the other party's power was so strong. He did not suffer from this blow, but his mount suffered because of sharing Shade's burden.

The strength of the attack was obviously stagnant.

If the next race is still such a head-to-head encounter, Shard will not have any problems, but the horse may retire early due to internal bleeding.

"That's not okay."

Shade thought in his mind, and continued to charge forward after staggering and separating from Sir Hells, and then waved the reins to let the horse turn.

At this time, the cheers and cheers from the audience almost covered up all other sounds. Dorothy, who was watching Shade from the high stands, breathed a sigh of relief. Although she was not good at cold weapon combat, she looked

It can be concluded that Shade is definitely not at a disadvantage.

"Actually, we should give him more confidence. He has completed countless adventures that in our opinion can be called miracles. Shade's physical fitness cannot be compared to even the young lady."

Tifa whispered next to Dorothy that this stand was very close to where Queen Diana and the King were, and was reserved for Miss Carina alone. At this time, Yin Luna and her team had left, so they could talk some more

sensitive topics.

"I know he's great."

Dorothy pursed her lips and turned to look at the black-haired maid. Her eyes uncontrollably glanced at her chest. The corners of her mouth twitched but there was nothing she could do about it:

"But it is an angel-level relic after all..."

The two watched the duel off the field together. Shade continued to dodge Sir Hells' pursuit on horseback, while the latter chased behind him.


The knight who was chasing Shade on horseback swung his sword at his back, but Shade in front seemed to be able to see what was happening behind him, and turned around and swung his sword to fight back.

The two long swords collided together, and sparks flew everywhere. At the same time, no one could clearly see the expressions of the two people behind the helmets. After this close confrontation, Shade did not continue to "escape" forward, but shook his head.

The reins change the direction of travel.

Instead, "Sir Hells" took the initiative to ride his horse to make some distance to the side. The two horses kept almost the same distance and kept pacing. Then they approached again according to the master's order, and then with another long sword exchange.

The voice is forced to bear the pressure from the master.

In a pure swordsmanship competition, except for accidents like Sister Devlin, there should be few people in the steam age who can be Shade's opponent. But obviously Sir Hells who was replaced also falls into the category of "accident", and the two swords are against each other.

After the collision, he actually withdrew his arms faster than Shade. When Shade thrust the sword again, Jazz raised his left hand and blocked his attack with his gauntlet, and then his right hand grew

The sword stabbed the lower part of Shade's helmet.

Shade also raised his gauntlet to try to block. After the two collisions, there were slash marks on Sir Hells's gauntlet, but Shade's armor was still intact.

The wrestling between the hand and the sword lasted for a while, and the two separated with a tacit understanding. They tested it again while riding the horse, and then approached again and slashed at their opponent with the sword.

People in the audience could only see that as the two horses continued to move, the swords of the two knights on the horses continued to jingle and collide, and no one could take the lead to cause an effective attack. But this didn't seem to be the case at all.

It’s not boring. The two men swinging their swords on horseback showed a sense of power and the force of the collision is something you can never see on a daily basis.

The surging emotions caused by the collision of steel are getting higher and higher little by little, and the cheers of the people are getting louder and louder with the high emotions and the desire to win the bet.

After all, the continuous swinging of swords is still burdensome for ordinary people's bodies, but it is not a big problem for Shade and "Sir Hells". Because they are wearing armor, no one can see their mouths.

Even if I move, I can't hear their voices.

"Mr. Hamilton, you really surprised me. I thought that today's young people would no longer like long swords as before. They prefer firearms. After all, the era of knights has ended."

"Sir Hells" still played his role, waving his sword and saying to Shade.

The long sword reflected the spring afternoon sun, forming a so-called "sword light" that made this exhibition match even more exciting. Shade pretended to be breathless:

"You are not bad either. You have obviously reached an age where your physical strength is weak, but you are still able to compete with young people like me."

The knight smiled, suddenly raised Shade's sword, pushed his feet forward in the stirrups, raised his weapon with his right hand, and slashed diagonally downwards.

Shade had no time to accumulate strength, so he could only hold the hilt of the sword with one hand and press the blade with the other, and was forced to block the blow. His wrist was sore and he heard cheers, and at the same time, he took the initiative to withdraw to the side, ending the short period of fighting.

A round of confrontation.

"I still have a lot of things to do, and I can't grow old yet."

Sir Hells did not catch up, and was still talking breathlessly, as if he was taking a short rest. Shade knew that the next question would touch on the characteristics of the relic, but this was what he wanted:

"Sir, what else do you have to do?"

As the voice came, the whispering elements entangled Shade's soul:

"My brother is missing."

"Lo and behold, they're in contact again!"

At the highest point of the arena, on a high platform guarded by guards in red uniforms, Queen Diana held up a telescope with great interest and looked at the situation in the arena. At this time, His Majesty the King had temporarily left, and the Queen was the only one in the stands.

And several princes and princesses. The oldest among them is the seventeen-year-old Agelina:

"Mr. Hamilton's skills are really good. He saved my life at the Opera House last year."

Agelina said softly, and also set up a telescope to look at the situation in the field, her face flushed with excitement:

"I bet Mr. Hamilton will win."

"Rejed's Hamilton is still a bit young after all."

Next to Agelina, her fifteen-year-old brother, Hoynes Cavendish, who also has the Cavendish family's iconic red hair, said that Agelina ignored him and she believed in Shade.


Queen Diana had already put down the telescope at this time. She touched her belly subconsciously, and then asked her daughter with a smile:

"Agelina, I found that you have been very concerned about Hamilton recently."

"Sister Lecia has often mentioned him to me recently."

The little princess said immediately, but the queen did not care about the relationship between Lecia and Shade:

"Do you like Hamilton?"

She asked her question to her daughter in this way, and the expression on Agelina's face remained unchanged. Although she often appeared immature in front of her sister, the heirs of the Cavendish family were definitely not flowers in the greenhouse.


"Mr. Hamilton likes mature ladies like Aunt Carina."

She didn't mention herself, but her elders. After speaking, she lowered her head and glanced at her figure. They were both Cavendish, but the figure difference between her and Carina and Lesia was really big.


With a just right look of lament on her face, Queen Diana held her daughter's hand:

"Although your father has other arrangements for your marriage, you are free until you are actually engaged, Agelina."

She smiled and winked at her daughter. Agelina pursed her lips and nodded. She knew that this was her mother's hint to her that as long as there was no big mistake, she could try to contact Shade.

Picking up the telescope, Agelina looked at the confrontation in the arena again. She saw Shade and Sir Hells, who were very close together, raising their feet from the horse and kicking each other at the same time. Then the two of them rolled and fell off the horse at the same time.

Amidst the continuous "Oh~" sounds from the audience, the two horses ran towards the edge of the arena, while Shade and Sir Hells each rolled on the ground and stood up, preparing for a close swordsmanship competition.

“It is indeed excellent.”

Agelina heard her mother's voice, and she nodded slightly, the burning desire in her heart stronger than ever.

"Missing brother?"

Shade moved forward violently, standing with his feet extremely stable on the ground. Feeling the power of the earth, he thrust his long sword towards Sir Hells. After reaching the ground, he felt that he could completely suppress the Sir in front of him.

Jazz swung his sword to fight back, but he was only hit once and had to retreat quickly. He moved his painful wrist and continued to speak:

"Yes, my brother disappeared more than ten years ago. I plan to ask His Majesty for help in searching for him across the country. I think this should work."

Sir Hells said in a normal tone, and under Shade's helmet, his expression became a little more serious. He held the sword in both hands and lowered his center of gravity, raised the sword levelly and then thrust forward suddenly. He was ready to counterattack.

Sir Ers dodged to the side, but Shade's sword seemed to be sure to hit him the moment it was thrust out, and still stabbed towards his heart.

In a hurry, Jazz raised his sword and tried to block, but then he felt as if he had been kicked by an elephant, and his whole body fell backwards. Amid people's exclamations, he landed on his back and rolled with all his strength.

Before thrusting the sword downward, roll to dodge and get up quickly.

Of course, Shade would not let go of such an opportunity, and quickly followed up to continue the pursuit, making a continuous clanging sound as he swung his long sword.

"But I've never heard that you have a younger brother."

Shade said in a very steady voice, as if the person wielding the sword was not him at all. Sir Hells, who was tired of blocking, was retreating while fighting, and the balance of victory was tilting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hamilton of Lei Jed, you are not from Coldwater Port, so you probably don't know the past of my family. In fact, I was born as a twin, but when I was about one year old, my younger brother was stolen. This family incident

The scandal, even locally in Coldwater Port, was one that few people knew about."

Shade smiled, and nimbly dodged to the left, dodging the steel sword that tried to counterattack during the defense process. Then he twisted his right ankle and bumped his right shoulder forward with an almost impossible movement, causing He

Sir Charles almost lost his balance and fell down again.

"Is there a possibility..."

He wanted to continue drawing his sword, but suddenly frowned, and the knight's strength actually became stronger.

[He is suspecting you of questioning his identity, and the relic is showing some power.]

"She" reminded softly, so Shade's attack was suspended. He took a step back to see the situation, but Sir Hells had already taken the initiative to catch up. At this moment, the long sword in his hand really turned into an afterimage.

As he started to dance, with the potential energy brought by the twisting of Jazz's body, the sword dance-like offensive overwhelmed Shade, who was unprepared.

"The sword dance of the demon hunter is specially designed to deal with hordes of inhuman humanoid creatures. The sword master uses this sword skill to walk in the rain, and even the raindrops cannot wet his clothes."

Shade recognized this swordsmanship immediately. It was definitely not something Sir Hells could master.

Fortunately, there are records of this swordsmanship in the inheritance of the [Night Watch]. Although Shade cannot use it as skillfully as the person in front of him, at least he knows from what angle he should block.

The crowd's exclamations and cheers were completely indistinguishable. Ordinary people could not recognize the burden "sword dance" had on the body and wrists, and only thought it was some fancy swordsmanship. However, the ring warlocks who were ready to rescue at any time could

Everyone knows how dangerous the situation is.

But fortunately, although Shade could not stop every swing of the sword, even if the steel sword struck his armor, it would not cause any damage at all.

"Miss Carina is really willing to spend money."

Many people think so.

"Is there a possibility that the missing person is you, and you are actually your brother?"

Shade asked a complete sentence, and the sword dance that was coming towards him like a gust of wind suddenly paused.

"What's the meaning?"

Because he felt more and more that something was going to happen recently, this morning, Shade got up early and went to Fort Midhill to find Grace and Helen, and asked them about the [Faceless Man] who was also an angel-level humanoid relic.

The two sisters also knew about this relic. Although they didn't know much about him, because they were all related to the "twins", the Hongdie girls gave Shade a very certain conclusion:

"Although you can't make him realize that you doubt his identity, you can make him doubt his own identity, thereby making him temporarily confused. Since the faceless man steals other people's faces, it is easier to confuse himself. This is

The people of the Fifth Age have summed up how to deal with him. As for the story of what happened to him, this is another sad past."

At this time, in the central stand area, Miss Carina and Lesia appeared together. The Duke and the Princess came from the city together and got the news just now on the way.

The bright spring sunshine shone on the two people's very similar long red hair. After greeting Queen Diana, the Witch frowned slightly and said in Lesia's ear:

"You can't hear what they are saying at all, but don't worry too much. Although it is an angel-level relic, Shade has faced more dangerous things."

"If [the Faceless Man] goes crazy, can you beat it?"

Lecia asked. Miss Carina thought for a moment and shook her head cautiously:

"It's impossible to completely defeat it, but it's still possible to take you away. After all, there are so many people here."

Lesia knew what she meant:

"It's not convenient for me to come forward. After this matter is over, you have to get appropriate compensation for Shade. There are so many people here, why should he, an ordinary person, face such a dangerous thing? Even if the other party's characteristics have not yet been revealed,

There is no difference from normal people, but it is a relic after all."

"The church will provide appropriate compensation...it looks like it's almost over."

"It's me who's lost, but I'm actually my brother?"

Sir Hells repeated Shade's statement in a low voice, and suddenly struck Shade on the shoulder with his sword. Shade retaliated with almost the same move. The two swords collided with each other. Their helmets were almost touching the swords.


"What evidence do you have?"

"Think about it carefully, why do you want to look like someone else?"

Shade said softly, kicked Sir Hells away violently, and then launched a counterattack while the opponent was stunned:

"Because you have no idea what your lost brother looks like, so when you think you are your brother, you look like a faceless man. Although they are twins, there are still differences in appearance."

"Is that so?"

Jazz's tone was full of doubts, but it did not prevent him from parrying Shade's attack. The long sword in Shade's hand was swinging more and more powerfully, and even he felt as if he was slamming the sword forward forcefully.

One of the two moved forward and the other retreated. Sir Hulls fell into deeper confusion:

"Am I not an older brother, but a younger brother? But if that's the case, why don't I remember what I was like as a younger brother?"

"Isn't it easy to understand? You have been lost in a wrong identity for so long that you have completely forgotten who you are. Do you know what the farthest distance in the world is?"

"The distance between life and death, I have been worried about my brother...maybe my brother is already dead."

"No, no, the farthest distance in the world is - your brother is you, but you can't see him. Sir, I think you should understand."

Then there was continuous silence, only Shade's offensive became more and more fierce and powerful.

But Shade did not win so easily. Suddenly, Sir raised his long sword to hold Shade's sword, and slammed forward. The two armors separated from each other with a heavy collision sound.

Jazz said in a deep voice:

"What you said is very interesting, but I still can't completely believe you."

"I will defeat you, and then make you believe in me. It's time to end after fighting for so long. How about one move to determine the outcome?"

The last step of the method provided by Helen and Grace is to defeat the disguised [faceless man] in a reasonable way, and then the confused relic will leave on its own. It sounds simple, but this is the witch of the fifth era.

We, the knowledge we exchanged for our lives.

Jazz accepted Shade's challenge, and the two of them retreated under the gaze of thousands of pairs of eyes in the audience. Then they raised their weapons in front of them, bowed to each other, and launched the final charge at the same time.

This is like the last remnant of the era of cold weapon knights, resounding in this crazy and progressive era. Amid cheers and applause, the knights in armor, on this sunny spring afternoon, are celebrating the centuries-old tradition of

In the arena, under the witness of thousands of people, the final attack was launched.

The long swords collided with each other, and it was as if time stood still at that moment.

As the two charging men slowed down and turned to move in different directions, their leg armors made a rhythmic metallic sound as they walked. The sword in Shade's hand was lowered to the ground, and half of the sword in Sir Hells' hand was still buzzing.


The blade of the broken sword flew into the air, reflecting a dazzling light, and inserted into the ground in front of the auditorium on the east side amidst people's exclamations, laughter and curses.


The loud horn sounded to celebrate the birth of the new year's champion. Everyone stood up to cheer and applaud. The sound from the loudspeaker spread throughout the entire Edward III Arena:

"In the name of King Larousse III, the 1854 Tobesk Spring Equestrian Competition has ended. The champion who bears the honor of a knight is Hamilton of Rejed!"

The ribbons were blown far away by the wind, and the clouds in the blue sky slowly floated farther away. Shade took off his helmet with difficulty, wiped the sweat from his forehead, stabbed the long sword into the ground, and then hugged the helmet

Turn around and see "Lord Hulls".

The latter also took off his helmet, revealing a face that Shade had never seen before. He nodded to Shade with a puzzled expression, then turned and walked towards the rest area that was already filled with church ring warlocks.

Shade shook his head, grabbed his sword, then raised his helmet and sword high, raising his head to accept the enthusiastic cheers and applause of the audience.

In the tense adventurous life and tiring running around, enjoying life in this way is a very good choice for outsiders. He smiled and looked at everyone above him, watching the gentlemen laughing and applauding.

He watched the ladies waving handkerchiefs to him, watched the middle-class citizens talking excitedly to each other about this year's event, and also saw people crying bitterly with their betting tickets:

"Damn it, how could you win?"

The paper ball wanted to hit him, but was blown back by the gentle wind and hit his face again, making people laugh.

"What a nice young man."

Queen Diana said to Miss Carina, who raised her red lips with lipstick and looked at the young knights in the arena with her grandniece.

"Rejed's Hamilton! Rejed's Hamilton!"

The shouts gradually became one, and Shade raised his head to look at the blue sky, feeling that the deep sky was so close to him at this moment.

"Look at that cloud, does it look like little Mia?"

All I got was "her" gentle laughter.

This chapter has been completed!
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