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Chapter 1584 Kingfisher Tailor Shop

Only the first floor of the Green Lake Hotel is the pub and dining area, and the second and third floors are all accommodation rooms. Although it is Tuesday morning, there are many guests at the table. Shade heard what he heard from the storeroom upstairs.

The heartbeat sounds come from them.

In order to disguise himself as a traveler, he specially carried a black suitcase. When he came to the counter, a very elegant middle-aged man wearing an apron, brown hair, a brown mustache, and glasses was sitting at the counter.

He lowered his head and took note of the account book.

"Hello, are there any available rooms?"

Shade asked, using Delarian with a Tobesk accent. The man behind the counter looked up at him, and then nodded slightly:

"Of course. Judging from your accent, I know that you are also coming from Tobesk City for the purpose of negotiating between the two countries. Are you a newspaper reporter? A biographer? Or a businessman?"

The man asked familiarly, and was about to register for Shade. Of course, he did not forget to hand his business card to Shade. It was a very finely printed business card, and the man in front of him was the hotel owner Solon.

Green, there is an advertisement for this hotel on the business card.

"I am a writer, and I came here to collect information on the legend of the Green Lake area, and I just happened to stumble into this negotiation."

Shade said, and then gave the registered name:

"John Watson, for four weeks, I need a room with a separate bathroom and cloakroom. After four weeks, if I need to renew the lease, I will tell you half a week in advance."

"Want to have breakfast, lunch and dinner with us? Just pay an extra two shillings a day. Of course, this does not include drinks."

"No, no, because I have to go out to collect materials, I probably won't eat here. If I eat here, I'll have to count the extra meal costs."

"Do I need to shine my shoes and dry my clothes?"

Considering that it would be very abrupt if he didn't ask for anything, Shade nodded:

"It will be included in the room charge. In addition, subscribe to a local morning newspaper for me. I hope to see it on the carpet every morning."

"I prefer the Green Lake Morning News."


Shade paid the fee, and when Mr. Green filled out the registration form, he smiled and said:

"I have traveled to many cities in the Old World. This is the first time I have to register my age, hometown, occupation and general appearance in a hotel like yours."

"I have no choice. The negotiations between the two countries will be held in the Green Lake area. The city hall has issued a notice to us through the industry association and the police to carefully register all hotel guests in the recent period."

When Mr. Green said this, he was also a little troubled:

"Sir, you are not the first person to complain about this matter. Originally, as the owner of the hotel, I was not responsible for registration at the front desk, but because of this matter, I have to stand here and take charge of this troublesome matter. Could it be that the police

Do you think that this alone can catch the rumored killers, agents and saboteurs?"

Shade nodded with understanding:

"But this is a major event involving two countries after all. Maybe there are some MI6 or Gray Gloves agents living here."

Mr. Green did not dare to speak, so Shade asked again:

"I noticed that the shop buildings on this street all look old, but the signs are all new, and you didn't put tables and chairs or post your own advertisements in front of the shop. Is this because of the negotiation?


"Yes, the city hall said that it wanted to show the best city scene to the big shots in Tobesk and Willendale. You came a day late. Yesterday at noon, the mayor personally came to our street and entered every shop to show you

I asked for corrective suggestions. The flashes of reporters’ cameras almost blinded me at that time.”

Shade clearly saw the corner of Mr. Green's mouth trembling:

"We are now forced to change our signboards and take back the furnishings, tables and chairs outside the door. It doesn't have a big impact on me, but Mrs. Jenny's flower shop next door is not. She used to bring fresh flowers early in the morning.

Flowers are placed outside the shop to attract customers.”

"After all, this is a special period. It will pass with some patience."

Shade comforted him, putting his right hand on the counter and looking out the door:

"Although we are negotiating in two cities, I think the negotiators should have residences in both cities, and it is impossible to travel back and forth. Speaking of which, where do the representatives of Kasenrik and Delarion live?

?I see it’s very close to the city hall. Do you live here?”

Mr. Green finished writing the last letter of Shade's registration form, shook his head and closed the pen cap:

"Of course not. Delarion's delegation has already arrived and is staying at Leo River Manor in the south of the city, which is very close to Green Lake. However, they will have to change their residence when Duke Carina arrives; as for the representatives of Kasenrik

Our residence in this city is arranged by the city hall. I heard the guests chatting yesterday and it seemed that they were going to live in Earl Hood's old manor, but they are still on the way."

"I remember there should be a local embassy in Kasenlik."

Shade said, watching Mr. Green take off the key from the key wall behind him, and asked the young man who was running errands and moving things at the door to help look at the counter for a while, while he took Shade to see the room:

"Indeed, we are a big border city after all. But the local Kasenlik embassy is very old, and the building is older than my hotel. Those southern elders hardly live in the embassy, ​​five days a week

I went to the club in Michaela Blast Furnace City to have fun. After all, Green Lake City can’t compare to the city to the south.”

Under the guidance of Mr. Green, Shade went to the third floor and saw his room. The room had good lighting and a large area. Although the house was a bit old, it was very clean. Shade also asked about the room cleaning.

It is three times a week, and you can make an appointment in advance, but if you need help with laundry, you need to pay extra to "Mrs. Mary".

By the time he pretended to finish looking at the room and packed his luggage, it was already ten o'clock. Shade and Mr. Green said hello and left the hotel. Looking at the gray and hazy street, he put his left hand in his pocket and pressed the button with his right hand.

I put on my hat and started an adventure in a new city.

Although Green Lake City, located on the north shore of Green Lake, has a long history, it does not cover a large area. With the Green Lake Hotel as the center, walking south for half an hour, you have almost left the city limits and entered the rural area on the edge of Green Lake.

Of course, Shade did not go directly to the island in Green Lake without knowing anything. Instead, he first went to find the local island according to the address given by Mr. Edmond.

He could clearly feel that the architectural style and steamization level of Green Lake City were at least five years behind Tobesk. But because the population was still relatively dense, and talks between the two countries were about to be held recently, the city at least looked prosperous.

, what he saw in that alley full of garbage was just a glimpse of the era.

The address given by the old tower guard is a tailor shop located in the south of Green Lake City, on the east bank of the Duin River that runs from north to south through the city. This is not a very high-end clothing store, but a poor shop selling used clothes and providing tailoring services.


The shop is located on "Royal Mail Street". The street is named because No. 1 of the street is the local post office. As for the sign of this humble tailor shop at No. 2, it reads "Kingfisher Tailor Shop - also sells used clothes."

, mending, starching, ironing.”

The building where the store is located is a two-story building. Compared with the majestic post office that occupies the corner of the street in a right-angled shape, it looks very inconspicuous.

Next to the metal door of the store is a narrow display window, in which are two simple dummies wearing skirts and suits.

Although the store is inconspicuous, it seems that the business here is pretty good. After pushing the door and entering, the first thing you hear is the sound of bells like "Old John's Pawn Shop", and then you see the neatly arranged floor-to-ceiling sliding doors in the store.

Clothes hanger.

There is the smell of lavender in the air, and various styles of old clothes are hung layer by layer on the walls. Men's jackets, coats, hats, trousers, women's dresses, aprons, slim-fitting shirts and even waistbands, everything is available.

The light emitted by the rusty kerosene-style gas lamp was extremely bright on the foggy morning, and in this shop, which was only about two-thirds the size of Old John's antique shop, there were actually three apprentices working.

The shop owner didn't seem to be there. Only two of the three apprentices were sorcerers, one was a third-level female sorcerer and the other was a fourth-level male sorcerer. In addition to Shade, there was also an old man with a hunched waist in the shop.

The woman was choosing a hat, so Shade did not rush to explain his identity. After the middle-aged man with a four-ringed nose like a strawberry came over to say hello, he smiled and asked:

"Hello, I am a traveler from another city. I want to go to Green Lake to collect materials, but I don't have wet-proof boots and cloaks suitable for walking on the lake and waterside."

The middle-aged man with a tape measure hanging around his neck invited Shade to choose suitable clothes. During this period, the old woman who bought the hat also selected her own goods, checked out and left.

When the door of the store was closed, Shade stretched out his hand to stop the man from taking the cloak for himself:

"I'm looking for Granny Natalie."

Shade said, and the four-ring warlock raised his eyebrows:

"Excuse me, what's the matter?"

Shade did not speak, but stretched out his hand and drew a pattern in the air. The main body of the pattern was an equilateral triangle, with three corners connected to a small circle, and inside the triangle was a man with wings.

This is the symbol of the [Light-Guiding Hermitage], which Shade learned from the potion bottle he picked up behind the hidden wall in his basement.

Seeing this sign, the man nodded clearly:

"Please come this way."

He took Shade to the fitting room in the corner, which was more decorative than functional. Then he gently pushed the wall, and an entrance slid open.

The man motioned for Shade to go in alone, and Shade walked directly in. This looked like a passage modified from the side door of a building. After a few steps, there was a door. After knocking on the door, he pushed the door open and entered, and then came to the tailor shop.

The back of the building. There are no windows here, and the area is only about half of the front of the store.

There was nothing in the dark room except the gas lamp, the counter and two tables.

The silver-haired old woman was originally behind the counter, sorting out a stack of bills by the light of a candle. After Shade entered, she collected the bills and looked at Shade's disguised face:

"I don't know anyone from outside. It seems that he is a new guest. Who introduced you here?"

There was a Green Lake accent in her words, but Shade could still understand her:

"Mr. Edmond from Coldwater Port, he asked me to ask about the rotten fish skeleton."

"Oh, can't he be a little patient? He actually sent someone to ask me."

The old woman shook her head:

"It's a coincidence that you came here. Two days ago, I did find someone who could provide this material, but there were only five complete fish skeletons, which was still five short of what old Edmund said."

"There are still fifteen items left. You don't need to test me. This is the address note he gave me."

Shade put the note on the counter, and Granny Natalie smiled and nodded:

"I am older and more wary than when I was young. I hope you can understand. Edmund seems to have met a very good young man. What should I call him?"

"John Watson."

Shade said, and then continued to ask about the materials:

"I heard that the local area is the origin of rotten fish. Why can't I buy this material? Isn't now the time to catch that magical fish?"

"The growth cycle of heterogeneous organisms is different from that of ordinary organisms. It takes about ten years for rotten fish to mature from fry. Old Edmond's timing was not particularly good."

Although she said this, she still took out a black bottle like a small nail polish bottle and handed it to Shade:

"Since he specially sent you here, I'm afraid it's really urgent. You can sneak into Green Lake by yourself, use the pills in the bottle as bait, and try to see if there are any fish that slipped through the net after the last fishing season. I'm afraid this is not the case.

It's easy, but at least you can be more proactive than waiting for news on the black market."

"I have to dive again..."

Although he said this, Shade still took the bottle. He asked about the price of this bait, but Granny Natalie said that there was no charge. Mr. Edmond gave a large deposit when he entrusted the purchase of the skeleton.

After temporarily dealing with the fish bones, Shade began to deal with his own affairs. When he came to a new city, he naturally had to put out a long-term commission to acquire currency relics. But unfortunately, Granny Natalie did not have such a thing here for the time being.


In addition, Shade also didn't forget to ask about the abandoned Green Lake Town in the center of the lake and the Edwards family. Hearing Shade's question, the old woman was obviously stunned:

"Are you also planning to explore the secret of immortality?"

"No, no, I'm just curious about the Philosopher's Stone. Although I don't really believe that an ordinary family can refine the Philosopher's Stone, but maybe there will be something to gain. I found out some information from Mr. Edmond.

Information, and it was he who recommended me to try my luck here."

"Almost every year, there are people who want to do the same thing as you. In recent decades, there have been a lot fewer such people, but I have never heard of anyone being able to discover any secrets."

She shook her head:

"Almost all local ring warlocks have been to that island. There are only two outliers there - the perennial white fog, and the intermittent fog that makes people lose their sense of direction. In addition, there is an old Edwards house on the island.

The valuables and clues have long been dug up by the Zhengshen Church and the ring warlocks who landed on the island. You probably won’t find anything if you go now.”

After all, what happened to the Edwards family happened more than a hundred years ago, and many people know about it. Even though most magicians believe that an ordinary family will not have any secrets, but few good people still keep secrets in a hundred years.

took away most of the things.

Shade also expected this to be the case, but he still wanted to visit the island so that he could have some written content in his report to Miss Danister:

"Are there any taboos on the island? For example, what can't be done, or when is the best time to go?"

"If you lose your sense of direction, just stand still and wait for nature to recover. Walking around will cause some strange things to happen. If you want to go by boat, you can find fishermen willing to send you there in the fishing villages around the lake, but those rural fishermen

It's generally believed that the island is cursed by the devil, so you'll have to pay more. Other than that, there's nothing else to note."

Grandma Natalie said, and then sold Shade a map of the island for 1 gold pound. The map was drawn by the ring warlock who landed on the island five years ago. Although the accuracy is not high, it is enough for Shade.

Go find the Edwards family's old home.

"Recently, negotiations between the two countries will be held in this area. The Church of the Five Gods attaches great importance to security issues. Ring warlocks like you from other places should be more cautious in their actions."

When giving the map to Shade, Granny Natalie specially warned:

"Since old Edmund trusts you so much, I think he probably thinks that you are also a fellow traveler with us. Since last year, there have been more and more strange things in the material world, and the supervision of the church has become more and more strict. If it were not necessary,

, we don’t need to cause trouble for ourselves.”

Xia De nodded, and then came to the catalog of relics sold here to see if there were any relics suitable for him. Because of the special nature of the relics, it is best not for a ring warlock to carry and use too many relics at one time. Xia De

There is currently no shortage of functional relics in Germany, but since you are in a new place, you always have to check out the new shops.

While Shade was looking through the product catalog, Granny Natalie said again:

"Last week, someone placed a long-term commission with me, wanting to purchase special metals such as fine gold, mithril and orichalcum, and offered a very high price. As usual, I ask, what do you think of this business?

Are you interested?"

Shade shook his head. Although he had a piece of orichalcum that he got when he helped Miss Carina collect the relics at the Opera House, he had no intention of selling the piece of metal. He didn't need money urgently now.

"I'm telling you this for Edmond's sake: the other party has information about the Edwards family."

Granny Natalie said with a smile again, and Shade raised his head in surprise:

"What? Information? Oh, I'm sorry, I really didn't expect it... Do you know the other party well?"

"I know what you want to ask. Yes, I have known her a long time ago. Although the lady has a weird personality, she is still very honest as a transaction partner. You were introduced by me, and she will not lie to you.


"Does the other party know a lot about the Edwards family?"

"At least more than me and most people. If you hadn't been introduced by Edmund, you wouldn't have heard this from me at all."

Shade thought for a moment:

"Grandma Natalie, I do have a piece of orichalcum in my hand, but I don't have it with me. If the other party has information that I am interested in, I think this transaction can go ahead."

"Well, I need time to contact her. Please come to my place again at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. I should have a reply when I think of it."

Shade nodded and pointed to the products in the catalog:

"Is this item in stock now?"

That is not a relic, but a derivative of the Keeper-level relic [Eye of Sorrow]. The relic itself is a rare magic eye. After replacing the eyes of the Ring Warlock, it can use vision to interfere with the emotions of other individuals. And the magic eye will be used in the future.

When used by an individual, a special liquid similar to tears will be secreted.

This kind of liquid, called "painful tears", can make the user plunge into great sorrow. The refining of some potions requires liquids with similar effects, and Shade bought it for the ink of Miss Dorothy Writer.

It is prepared by oneself and mixed with a special liquid, which can further release the emotions contained in the written story, thereby enhancing the effect of thaumaturgy.

This chapter has been completed!
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