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Chapter 1594: Magic Potion, Snowflakes and Sugar

There is no need for gods or the boatman in the story to explain, everyone also knows why Shade is different from other "travelers", because Shade is the only one who is not in animal form.

Shade didn't want to explain, but said in a thankful tone:

"Fortunately, I have a boat of my own."

"But unfortunately, the traveler under the moon did not."

The god smiled and reminded, not giving Xia De a chance to get through:

"Travelers, you can choose to abandon your companion, or you can think of other ways. Or, you can try to challenge the boatman and gain control of the ship."

"It's impossible to challenge the boatman."

The witch said sensibly, her golden eyes shining in the light of the bonfire:

"The boatman reminded me of another kind of relic. This is something we can't deal with. Even if I don't turn into a unicorn, I can't deal with this kind of thing. And we can't abandon you."

She looked at Shade:

"Although I don't know exactly what you are, with you here, we will be safer in the event of a battle. Everyone will be useful until the end of the journey."

"Maybe we can think of other ways. Can we discuss it with the boatman?"

The old knight plucked up the courage to speak, but the god shook his head:

"The stubborn old horse tried to persuade the boatman, but it didn't work. The boatman has his own rules and it is impossible to break them no matter what."

"So, as long as I become the same as them, I can board the ship?"

Shade asked. The god smiled and said nothing, which meant that he was sure. The witch asked her maid to look through the bag that was obviously of abnormal volume, and then shook her head regretfully:

"Although I prepared a lot of things for various situations, I didn't expect..."

"It doesn't matter, then I'll go find it myself."

Counting the time, there are only a few minutes left before departure. The seven-day journey is currently on its second day. Calculating the progress, three time keys are enough for Shade to hear the end of the travel story.

"Sir, where are you going to find it? Do you want to try to go deep into this foggy jungle?"

The bard asked curiously, thinking that Shade had discovered something else.

"I want to go back to the place where I should go back."

He looked at the god, and the god nodded:

"Although it's a short story around the campfire at night, you should also take a proper rest. Maybe you want to communicate with each other, and we can rest temporarily."

Except for Shade, everyone had some extra food and drinks in front of them. It was not exquisite food, but dry bread, dried meat, cured meat and canned fruits in metal cans that travelers could easily carry with them.

The food that Shade gave everyone just now also disappeared inexplicably at this time.

The witch had a look of disgust on her face, but since these were gifts from the gods, she quickly put them away. The bard and the old knight accepted the food given by the gods with fear, and did not forget to thank them together.

What the witch cares more about is the changes in the story:

"where are you going?"

She asked Shade, who shook his head:

"I can't say this, but I will come back, madam. Just as you came here with the purpose of finding your missing friends, I also came here with my purpose. God said that we can all gain ourselves during the journey.

I’m curious about what I want..."

The unrealistic fantasy is "divinity", but the possibility is not very high. But even if it is not divinity, there are other things that Shade can accept:

"Now that the story can't go on because of me, I have to find a way to solve this difficulty. Please don't worry, I don't have any conflict with you."

"Can you leave the Lost Woods?"


Silk-like white mist has appeared around Shade, but mortals cannot detect it. This also proves that the witch Arela Andriana is different from Fiona in that she does not have the gift of time.

The young witch pursed her lips and looked at him, and suddenly asked:

"Can you bring me some information about unicorns? Although I am the unicorn in the story, I actually don't know much about them. In return, I can tell you more things

.The person I’m looking for is Clara’s sister.”

She glanced at her maid:

"Her twin sister, the witch, my apprentice, is also mine..."

"No problem. I will bring you that knowledge. But I also want to know some of your knowledge. If you can share it with me, maybe you can write it down."

Shade also said, standing up with his hands on the ground. Seeing him like this, others knew that he was leaving, so they all said goodbye.

They watched Shad walk towards the edge of the bonfire, and then the outline of his body became more and more shabby until he completely disappeared.

Looking at the bonfire again, the gods with their backs to the bonfire had disappeared. The witch sighed softly and looked at the two men:

"Knight, bard, after you have finished eating, tell me your specific identities again. I have something to tell you about the rest of the story."

The two men nodded immediately. To the men of the Fifth Era, high-level witches were more terrifying than ordinary kings.

The maid Clara asked her master worriedly:

"If in order to find my sister, I put you in danger..."

"There is no mistake in divination. This divination card that was mixed into my deck at some point will definitely guide us to find her."

[Impermanence·Space] was carefully taken out by the witch from her pocket. She did not realize the specialness of this card, but she firmly believed that the direction pointed by the card was correct:

"I will find your sister and bring her back to us. Clara, this is my promise to you."

(Little Mia is running...)


As soon as Shade walked out of the door, he heard the cat meowing. This was undoubtedly Mia's dissatisfaction with him for not taking it with him.

Because only three seconds had passed, Mia was still holding the sausage in her mouth stupidly. Shade smiled and bent down to pick up the cat. He was quite satisfied with this time key adventure. The degree of danger was not high, at least from the looks of it.

It was not as high as the "Eternal Night City" last time, and the companions I met in the past this time all looked very normal, so in Shade's opinion, this was probably another banquet with the "God of Butterflies"

"An adventure of similar difficulty.

"You seem to be in a good mood."

The blonde girl came out of the kitchen carrying a plate and said.

"The adventure went well, although we encountered some minor difficulties... Speaking of which, Lesia, can you meet Miss Carina today?"

Shade asked.

So far, the two cases he has encountered of humans turning into harmless animals were from witches. The most recent one was the witch Cloyin in the snowy mountains. She was too embarrassed to lean directly against him to keep warm, so she turned into white.

The cat huddled in his arms. But unfortunately, Shade was still unable to contact the petite witch in the past, let alone what secret witch technique she used at that time.

Another time humans transformed into harmless animals happened last year. The cause of the incident was that Priest August took out the potion known as the "Cat in the Bottle" and asked Shade to help purify it (Chapter 291). Later.

The bottle of half-finished potion was sold to Miss Carina through the black market. Miss Carina then found the potion master in the [Witch Council] to complete the preparation. One-sixth of the finished potion was given to Ogu

The priests received them as payment, but according to Shade's knowledge, they had been consumed by the priests in their experiments.

As for the potion in Miss Carina's hand, it was to test whether humans could be like little Mia, who was turned into a toy by Shade and brought to the past time, so Tifa drank it. The potion was very effective, Xia De

De still remembers the scene of the snow-white cat squatting in confusion on white stockings, shoes, hairband, long skirt and underwear (Chapter 559).

"Even if you want to flirt with my aunt, there's no need for me to deliver the message for you, right?"

Lesia was joking.

"I want to ask her for help. I want to find a very high-end potion called 'Cat in a Bottle'. The potion can temporarily turn humans into cats. She once asked someone to help prepare the semi-finished potion. Maybe

She can still get me another bottle."

Shade explained, and Her Royal Highness the Princess nodded in agreement:

"There is a meeting in the House of Representatives in the afternoon that she needs to attend. I will tell her then. The meeting will last all afternoon. She will come to you probably in the evening. Don't forget to come back."

"no problem."

Shade nodded, helped Lesia pull out the chair next to him and sit down, and then asked:

"I just gained something new, do you want to see my new skills?"

"New skill?"

The blonde girl nodded curiously, and then saw that the ceiling seemed to melt, revealing the stars and the silver moon. At the same time, snowflakes fell piece by piece in the "small" restaurant, and after falling on Mia's cat food,

The cat that was licking the goat's milk sniffed it and turned around to lick the snowflakes.

"Isn't this your mystery lock [Match Girl]? This is nothing new..."

Halfway through her words, Her Royal Highness the Princess realized that Shade's highly intelligent cat would not take the initiative to eat snow. So she stretched out her hand to catch the snowflakes, and then her small tongue came out to lick the palm of her hand, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

stand up:

"It's sugar, and it's pretty good quality white sugar."

Noticing Shade looking at her mouth, she patted Shade again with a blushing face:

"Dorothy has a nice tongue, doesn't she?"

"Yeah...ahem, I mean, now I can turn things I think of as food into candy. White sugar is not unusual at all, look at this."

He waved his hand to make the flying snowflakes fly to the empty bowl in front of him, and quickly gathered a large ball of loose snow. Shade stretched out his hand and gently touched it, and the snowflakes actually fluffed up like cotton. In the blink of an eye,

It filled the entire bowl.

Shade stopped the cat that was charging towards him, and while it meowed dissatisfiedly, he motioned for Lesia to have a taste.

This chapter has been completed!
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