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Chapter 163 Four Questions

 Shade held the relic with one hand and stretched his right hand towards Miss Bayas. The latter stared at him and then looked at the phalanx.

In the shadow of the alley, the expression on her face changed subtly. It took her a long time to grab Shade's hand and hold it firmly:

"Detective, you must speak clearly."

The voice was no longer as relaxed as when he was talking to Shade about compensation a few minutes ago.

"Of course, I'm sorry...can you relax a little bit."

The opponent's hand is very strong.

"Hold on for a few seconds."

As he said that, the life ring behind Miss Bayas actually appeared. Shade thought there was still a fight, but not a single spiritual rune was activated. Instead, the life ring itself shone brightly.

The light shone towards Shade, and a golden scale phantom appeared beside Shade and Miss Bayas.

"Detective, you need to regain my trust."


Looking at the phantom of the scale, Shade immediately thought of Miss Anat's words that the ultimate manifestation of the chosen one is that the life ring turns into a weapon. Now it seems that although Miss Bayas has not yet succeeded, the power she has mastered has exceeded

More and more are coming.

"Detective, if you want me to continue to trust you, then relax your mind and don't resist."


Shade didn't understand.

"Good, evil?"

The sorceress holding Shade's hand asked. The light of the scale flickered in front of Shade's eyes, and the bright light illuminated part of the alley. Then, the scale almost immediately tilted overwhelmingly to the left.

The vigilant expression on Miss Bayas's face changed:

"Oh? Detective, I didn't realize that you are so kind... No, where did you come from?"

She looked at Shade doubtfully, and Shade had some guesses about this, probably because he had been here for too short a time, and this scale could only judge his experience in this world.

Miss Bayas's attitude obviously improved a lot, and her expression was no longer so serious. She asked again:

"Order, chaos?"

The scale regains its balance and then falls to the left at an even faster speed, as if someone were leaning against it with a finger:

"Huh? Such a strong sense of order? It seems that you have received a very strict education and are very aware of rules and order."

She glanced at Shade with the eyes of a magical animal, and relaxed her palms as if she wanted to let go.

"No, what I identify with is civilization."

Shade explained that at this moment, Miss Bayas's hand tightened again:

"Miracle, blasphemy?"

The scale shook slightly, but it quickly maintained its balance, tilting to the left unnoticeably. Shade had many contacts with the Good God [Creator of Innocence], and swallowed the evil god's divinity. In itself,

Yan Geng recognized the miracle, but the blasphemous divinity was still in his soul.

Therefore, the scale will maintain an almost balanced situation.

Miss Bayas frowned, but did not comment too much:

"Enlightened, whispered?"

Both of them stared at the scale, and then saw the scale slowly moving to the left, down to the left, down... It turned over and turned into golden light spots scattered in the air.


Miss Bayas let go of Shade's hand, and the overturned scale disappeared in front of her eyes along with the life ring. Shade was surprised by what just happened. She didn't expect that the "chosen one" had such interesting abilities.

The sorceress looked at Shade and asked seriously:

"Detective Hamilton, which holy son of the fallen old god are you?"

"Holy Son? What? No, no, no, I am just an ordinary person."

Shade quickly shook his head. He felt a little tired and missed his cat at home.

"Take me to your house."

Miss Bayas said, looking at the light of the gas street lamp at the entrance of the alley.


Shade looked at the girl with long brown hair in surprise.

"There are some things I want to talk to you about. I fully trust my ability, so I think our cooperation can continue."

The body was left there without being disposed of. Miss Bayas said that she had a way to conceal the matter, and then the two of them walked out of the alley one after another.

It was far away from Shade's house, so we finally boarded the taxi. Because of Miss Bayas's dress, the coachman glanced at Shade in surprise, as if he had misunderstood something.

It was nine-fifty in the evening when he opened the downstairs door of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square. Shade turned on the gas lamp in the foyer and invited Miss Bayas to come in.

During the journey, the two of them didn't say a word.

Returning home, Shade breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing the orange cat Mia happily running over to greet him, he felt extremely warm in his heart.

Miss Bayas sat directly on the sofa. She had been here before, so she was no stranger to it. Shade went back to the room and changed out of the expensive formal clothes before returning to the living room to talk.

"I am a correspondence magician. That's it. I didn't say it last time because I didn't want to be exposed in front of the church's magicians. If you want me to apologize for lying, of course that's no problem."

This is Shade's opening remarks.

"Understood. I also know about the situation of correspondence-training magicians. Don't worry, I won't report you."

Probably because of the four questions just now, Miss Bayas's attitude was quite good.

Shade stroked the cat on his lap, looked at her face, and asked again:

"Miss Bayas, now you know my identity as a ring sorcerer. But I am still willing to cooperate with you. As a ring sorcerer of the church, do you still want to cooperate with me?"

The young girl nodded slightly, as if she had already thought about it on the way:

"Detective Hamilton, although I am dissatisfied with your initial concealment, I also know the situation of the academic ring magician... Our identities can indeed provide each other with a lot of convenience. If you want to continue to cooperate, I

I think it’s okay.”

"Speaking of identity, I am actually from MI6, but I can only get the certificate tomorrow."

Shade added, and the girl with long brown hair looked at him with strange eyes:

"The one introduced by Miss Carina? No, there is no need to explain, this identity is also very useful... After the four questions just now, I plan to trust you again. It is indeed good to have another friend like you.

Yes. But I hope everyone can be more open and honest."

"No problem, what do you want to know?"

Shade sat up straight. Under the gaslight in the living room, Miss Bayas actually saw golden cracks appearing on his body at a certain moment, but they were gone in the blink of an eye.

"Answer a question and we will continue to cooperate."

Thinking that it was an hallucination caused by fatigue, she stretched out a finger and shook it. Of course Shade would not disagree:

"Fair enough, please."

"Do you know...[the Truth Society]?"


Shade frowned. He really didn't know. Miss Bayas, who was observing his expression, finally breathed a sigh of relief:

"It's okay if you don't know."

"Is this your enemy too?"

Shade asked back. The brown-haired sorceress nodded and took the initiative to take the tea prepared by Shade. This meant that there was no quarrel between the two:

"Detective, I have a lot of secrets. The [Truth Society] is an organization composed of a group of lunatics, claiming to pursue the truth, but they are blind and ignorant. Of course, this has nothing to do with you. I will tell my story with them when I have time.

Let me tell you. This involves some ancient secrets, ancient ambitions, the power of the righteous god, my sunshine gun, some ancient stone slabs..."

It sounded like a legendary story. Shade thought for a moment and suddenly asked:

"Is the logo of the Truth Society you mentioned an equilateral triangle with a circle at each vertex and a man with wings in the center?"

"what is that?"

Miss Bayas shook her head.

"No, that's fine. In fact, I also have many secrets, and this is one of them. Oh, Miss Bayas, if you have a chance, can you help me go to the church library and look up this sign. Of course, be careful not to be fooled.

Discovered, because I’m not sure what it is.”

"No problem. The church library has a rich collection. If there is an answer, I will tell you."

She leaned back on the sofa at Shade's house, and it was only then that she finally relaxed:

"Detective, do you want to know the information I got tonight? Yes, just listen to me."

Her voice was very soft, and there was no hint of the strength she had shown in the alley just now. Somehow, Shade suddenly felt pity for this young girl. She was still too young, but she had experienced too many things.

After [Mercury Blood] was broken into pieces and lurked in Tobesk, Baron Hull, one of the sponsors of the organization, certainly knew some of the situation. Although Miss Bayas did not directly ask him about the seriously injured Silver.

The hiding place of the Silver Eyed One, but he found out who the person who might know the location of the Silver Eyed One was.

Miss Bayas still has a long way to go in her slow search.

After the organization was dispersed, they searched for items to synthesize the angelic relic [Mercury Blood], and some of them were hidden in the hands of ordinary people related to the organization. Baron Hull had two items in his hands, but the baron himself didn't know what they were.

Shade inquired carefully and found that there was no red liquid substance in it, but a silver doll and an emerald.

"Detective, I know you really want those two relics. But holding relics with unknown characteristics can only be dangerous. Regarding those two relics, I will report them to the church through my channels and let the church collect them.

If there is any bonus, I can share it with you."

Shade had no objection to her arrangement. The person who found Baron Hull was Miss Bayas, and Shade was responsible for leading him out, so they both contributed to this matter.

Although the [Forged Philosopher's Stone] was not found, Miss Bayas learned from Baron Hull a list of people who might hold the relic like him.

There were only two names on that list, one was Mr. Ponton, the owner of the special screw factory for steam engines in the east of the city, and the other was Mr. Roosevelt, the accountant of Star Grass Public Tobesk Nursing Home.

Baron Hull has met these two people and knows that they are inextricably related to [Mercury Blood].

"What I'm looking for is the [Fake Philosopher's Stone], I don't care about other things."

Xia De expressed his attitude, which was a prerequisite for cooperation.

"I can report these two names to the church one day later, that is, Tuesday. Before that, you can ask your companions to look for what you want. If you find it, it belongs to you, and if you can't find it, it belongs to the church.

.But you have to ensure that if it is not what you are looking for, don’t take it away, so as not to disturb those two people and make the church miss the next clue."

Miss Bayas is not a person who can abide by the rules. Even though she is a member of the Orthodox Church, she does not seem to care much about the Dawn Church's ring warlock regulations. But she is indeed a kind and upright girl. If she treats good and evil and order

Chaos divides the camps. Although she is in the good and order camp, she is very close to neutral.

This is probably also the characteristic of the "balanced" chosen ones.

This chapter has been completed!
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