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Chapter 1,635 Megan Edwards

In the night, even if there is no heavy fog, it is difficult to clearly see the person and the cat on the beach at this time. After Shade finished telling the story of his "battle" with the water ghost in the lake, the cat suddenly said:

"My ancestors probably also saw this lake on this beach."

"But they won't see it in cat form like you."

Shade was joking, but the sorceress didn't seem to find it funny:

"As you can see, the two eighth-level sorcerers who can cast spells together are not ordinary sorcerers."

The cat’s voice is very soft:

"The Edwards family seems to have a strange blood connection. I am almost certain that they are my two nephews. The person who hid the mirror was able to know the location of the cemetery, which probably has something to do with them."

"If they are really your relatives, then they are the eldest son of the fourth generation and the two grandsons or grandsons of Hohenheim Edwards. In this way, the sixth generation is complete, and the two descendants of the eldest son are [

Members of the Mirror Society], the twin descendants of the second son Edward are the aristocratic brothers of Willendale that I know, the daughters of the third son Alphonse are you and your sisters, and the descendants of the youngest daughter Maria are the two people you know.



The cat said softly, and then added:

"I won't introduce you to them. They are just ordinary people. I don't want to involve them easily."

"I see."

Shade nodded. In this way, among the eight descendants of Edwards who are now confirmed to be alive, except for the sisters of the uncertain witch Audrey, only the descendants of the younger daughter are truly ordinary people.

Even a family of ring sorcerers with a long heritage like Miss Aurora does not have such a proportion of ring sorcerers being born. The probability that more than half of such descendants are ring sorcerers is too exaggerated.


Cat continued, Shade couldn't see her expression:

"My name is, Megan Edwards."

"Isn't it Audrey?"

Shade thought suspiciously, but he was almost certain that the pharmacist lady at this time was definitely not lying. And the power of the witch felt while holding the cat was definitely genuine. Combined with the real great witch of the Sixth Age, he could only

It was thirteen people, the witch Audrey's perennial madness, and Megan's suppressed strength. He had almost guessed what kind of secrets the witch was hiding.


He pronounced the name:

"John Watson is not my real name either, but I can't tell you what my name is yet. My name...is actually quite famous."

"A man like you shouldn't be unknown."

Megan expressed her understanding. The brown eyes of the black and white kitten looked towards the foggy lake with Shade. At this moment, curled up in the arms of a man in the form of a cat, she actually felt a calmness she had never felt before.

She has always been alone, waiting for the unknown fate to arrive, but now there is someone accompanying her. Megan Edwards understands that she can only rely on herself, but she is still greedy for this moment brought about by "Cat in a Bottle"

, an inescapable sense of dependence.

“It’s really relaxing.”

The voice of my sister Audrey came to my ears. The two souls curled up in the cat felt the same way, longing for time to slow down a little. The restless mental power like a storm was gradually calming down at this moment. This and

The special man they were with had a strange, calming power like the silver moon at night.

She was about to ask what kind of hot thing was hanging on Xia De's chest under her clothes from just now, but before she could say anything, she felt Xia De's hand take away from her back. Then, he stretched out his hand.

There was a sound of being put into the pocket, and a tube of liquid that exuded an intoxicating silver light was held in front of the cat.

She looked at the wonderful liquid. Because her body became smaller, she used this wonderful perspective to look at the glass test tubes that she could usually hold four with one hand. The liquid with a slightly cold silver glow looked even more charming.

But it only took a moment for her to wake up from the intoxication, and then stood up on all fours, turning her head to look at Shade in disbelief:

"Pure moonlight water? So much?"

"Sure enough, I know what I'm selling, yes."

He shook the test tube slightly, which made Megan afraid that he would break the test tube.

"Drinking the moonlight water without any treatment has the power to restore a small amount of spirit, soothe the restless mental power, and smooth the fluctuations of the soul. While you are still in the form of a cat, drink some, so that when you change back to human form, you will

No need to worry anymore.”

Cat looked at Shade with shock in his eyes:

"Using the Moonlight Water in this way is like using the Philosopher's Stone as a waste of the Philosopher's Stone."

"It doesn't matter, I care more about your situation. Your current situation is very detrimental to your recovery."

As he spoke, he pulled out the stopper, waved his hand, and silver droplets of liquid flew out like a pearl necklace.

Even in the fog of the dark night, these liquid droplets were bright and clearly visible. Megan watched the liquids swirling around her, but she was reluctant to open her mouth. It was not that she was unwilling to accept Shade's kindness, but that she felt

I have received enough kindness.

"Then let me threaten you. You are in the form of a cat now, and your physical strength is definitely no match for mine. Kitty, you don't want me to forcefully open your mouth, right?"

It wasn't until Shade said this that Megan was willing to open her mouth and let the big drops of liquid enter her mouth. Unlike Shade and Miss Danister, this eleventh-ring sorceress had nothing to do with her.

The power related to the moon, and such pure moon power enters the body. While the moonlight calms the restless spirit, the powerful spirit even makes the cat's eyes gradually turn silver-white.

This discovery stunned Shade. If he remembered correctly, the little Mia he saw in the dream of long-haired Luvia at the end of the year also had eyes of this color:

"That's not right. Doesn't little Mia have the blood of the 'Son of the Sun'? What does it have to do with the moon?"

While he was thinking, not only the eyes, but the entire cat held by Shade began to glow, and the cat's body temperature also began to rise at an alarming rate.

Shade understood that this was the effect of the transformation potion that was finally coming to an end.

So he quickly stood up, took out Megan's clothes that he had just put away and put them on the mat, and then put the glowing cat on the mat.

He turned his back to the cat and walked a few steps toward the lake shore, then stopped at a position where the cat could still see his back.

And he himself looked down at the wet boots in the lake water, and then looked up at the big lake at night covered by fog. He only knew that on the other side of the lake was the village of Pukhov, which he had visited once before, but at this time

There was no light in the village.

There seemed to be some unexpected horror lurking in Green Lake in the heavy fog. The rhythm of the rippling lake water slapping against the shore became even more terrifying in this silence.

He thought of "Desire" for some reason. The other party always seemed to like to appear in this kind of environment. Fortunately, the unknown relic did not directly appear to scare Shade at this time.

【Did desire really not appear? 】

"She" asked softly in Shade's ear, and then Shade heard the sound of a woman struggling and groaning from behind, and heard the sound of the white woman's body lying on the beach trying to get up.

Of course the voice had no color, but Shade really thought of the pure white appearance.

The clothes on the cushion were picked up, and Shade looked at the foggy lake with his hands behind his back. Then he heard the sound of clothes being put on, the sound of white feet stepping on the sand, and the sound of skirts.

and the sound of clothes shaking.

The man was looking at the lake, and the woman was getting dressed behind him. No one spoke during this period, until Meghan had sorted out all her clothes, and then she said softly:

"Okay, we can leave."

Xia De looked at the silent lake, but did not turn around:

"You guys should go first. I have some other things to deal with. When you finish handling the key to Orichalcum, you can still write to me. During this period, I will investigate the matter of the tomb robbers."

After the transformation, Megan Edwards, who had regained her true form, no longer used illusions to cover up her appearance. On the witch's beautiful face, her golden eyes looked at the man with her back turned, and the strange feeling in her heart became more and more...



She nodded slightly, but then asked:

"The face I have now is my own face. Don't you want to turn around and take a look?"

She touched her face and looked at the somewhat lonely figure looking at the lake:

"Just take it as part of my thanks to you tonight."

"No need to describe it to me."

Shade said to "her" in his heart, and then shook his head:

"When one day you are willing to reveal all the secrets of the Edwards family to me, I will know your true appearance. As for thanks, I just said that I don't need thanks."

The sorceress bit her lower lip and looked at the back without speaking for a long time. She did not say goodbye to Shade. Shade could only hear her footsteps gradually moving away. Then the three lights on the side dock were put away, and the steam

The sound of the engine appeared in the fog, then became farther and farther away until it disappeared.

He also sighed softly, and "she" in his ear asked gently:

[You don’t want to turn around and find trouble with the Mirror Hidden Man, do you? Consume the last of your divinity? 】

"I'm not that impulsive. Besides, don't you know exactly what I want to do?"

He lowered his head to look at the beach, turned his back to the lake, and looked at the entire island covered by fog at night:

"This island is polluted by this fog of unknown origin."

[Yes, the power of fog has completely changed this island in a hundred years. So...]

The soil and petals fell from Sha De's hands together, and the life ring appeared behind him. The bottom almost touched the sand, and the top was exactly level with Sha De's head.

He raised his hands and whispered the name:

"The power of the earth·healing aura!"

This chapter has been completed!
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