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Chapter 1651 Remains, Coffin and Promise

After bidding farewell to Old John, Mia would definitely not be able to be brought along for the group action, so Shade and Priest August returned to No. 6 St. Teresa Square first, and then the two went to have dinner before heading there together.

Tobesk train station is located in the north of the city.

The priest changed out of the clergy robe he usually wore, while Shade was still dressed in his usual black coat.

As the sun set, the five people who came with their missions and secrets met at the entrance of the Tobesk train station. After looking at each other, they divided into two groups and entered the train station.

The light at the street entrance quickly dimmed, making the shadows of people passing by in a hurry continue to lengthen. The gas street lamps flickered a few times under the dim sunset, and were quickly lit in sequence from far to near, and then straightly outlined the north under the night sky.

The horizontal and vertical interweaving inside the pearl.

Trains come in and out one after another, and travelers pass by strangers. Although they may never meet again in their lifetime, they still don’t know how to cherish the miracle of meeting at this moment. Police officers patrolling in the station during special periods

Stopping and moving, but no one noticed, there were two ladies sitting on the bench on the far west side of the platform, and three men waiting at the edge of the platform.

The night has gradually deepened. The spring night is not very cold, but very gentle. It's just that the dust in the train station is a bit heavy and the smell is unacceptable, but these make the scene more realistic at this time.

The dim yellow gas lamp illuminated the five people waiting. The slowly passing train blew the clothes of the three men. However, they at the end of the platform did not join the train that was preparing to leave the station.

People's joys and sorrows.

The speed of the steam train that had just started was not very fast. The levers on the wheels made a rhythmic sound, and the whistle sounded long, which seemed to make the land where people have lived for generations tremble.

Bill Schneider, wearing a brown coat and a black hat, looked at the passing train in front of him. After the last car passed by, he lowered his head and looked at his silver pocket watch. There was a crisp sound of the watch cover closing.

, causing the two people around him and the two ladies sitting on the bench behind him to look at him.

"It's seven o'clock, there is still one hour. According to the requirements of the college, I can now tell you the information about the relic and the trouble we may encounter."

He said softly, and brought Shade and Priest August to the bench. Dorothy, who was wearing a black gauze skirt, and Luvia, who was dressed in men's clothing, both stood up and asked Dr. Schneider to sit down - Luvia herself was

Short hair with a shawl and tied into a short ponytail looks more neutral.

The doctor opened the briefcase he was holding and confirmed that the silence spell was still taking effect, and then said briefly:

"Tonight's pick-up target is an angel-level relic [the remains of the Nameless One]. The coffin is a special storage container made by the academy. The first requirement of the mission is that the coffin must not be opened under any circumstances."

He passed the black-and-white photo of the coffin to four people for review, and then continued:

"The earliest extant record of [The Remains of the Unknown One] comes from a stone tablet from the Third Age. Its original origin was in the early Second Age. The relic was lost in the late Fifth Age and was suspected to be a seal of some kind of confrontation. About three years ago

, the archaeological team of St. Byrons discovered its traces in the New World, and successfully obtained it half a year ago, and completed the containment a month ago. It passed through Tobesk, which is part of the containment measures. What we need to do is to preserve the coffin until

Once the sun rises."

He paused and said to everyone:

"I have rented a carriage and a warehouse in the west end of Tobesk, and we need to stay there for one night."

Tobesk West District is the industrial area of ​​Tobesk, and most steam factories and warehouses are concentrated there.

"What is our enemy?"

Luvia asked.

"Two parts. One part comes from the characteristics of the relic. We cannot know all the characteristics of the relic itself. What we can know is that after night falls, the relic itself will be in a relatively active state. During this period, its power may break through the constraints of the coffin and create space.

Dislocation, and attracting monsters that humans cannot understand.”

"Just kill the monster?"

"No, you still need to sprinkle salt on the coffin to strengthen the seal."

"That sounds like a weird superstition."

Priest August said in a low voice.

"Another part of the enemies came from the New World. In addition to the college, there were other people who also discovered the remains. They did not dare to directly confront the professors of the college in the New World, nor did they dare to fight the college's fleet at sea. But

After entering the hinterland of the civilization of the Old World, the academy encountered constraints, which gave opportunities to those ring warlocks."

The doctor handed this information to the other four people:

"But don't worry too much. The power of the academy cannot directly affect Tobesk. It is also difficult for those ring magicians from the New World to act in Tobesk. After all, this is the most important parish of the Five Gods Church. Therefore, the academy will only

Recruiting a team of our Ring Warlocks to participate in the operation represents the academy's trust in us."

Dr. Schneider is very optimistic:

"The enemies this time do not belong to the same organization. They may come together, but they may also be alone. After entering the northern realm of the Old World, Tobesk is the last place where they are likely to succeed, so there is still some pressure tonight.


He let everyone read the documents, and after five people signed the documents, the doctor passed the documents to the college through the poem manuscript pages he carried with him to prove the formality of the process.

The next step is to wait. As the fortune teller in the team, Luvia also conducted fortune-telling for tonight's action. Since it was related to angel-level relics, the results obtained were quite confusing and difficult to interpret, but at least she thought it was not

bad news.

At 7:50 in the evening, three loud gunshots at close intervals rang out from the east of the train station. Shade turned around and looked in that direction. Seeing that no one else was paying attention, he pretended not to hear it.

For tonight's action, he not only brought the black time key, but also the [Night Watch]. It was difficult to hide the long sword, so Shade wrapped the scabbard in the cloth and used it as a

Carry a long stick with you.

He was not worried about little Mia after being unable to go home all night. Lesia had already agreed to take care of the cat tonight. Dorothy had just given Shade a hint that Her Royal Highness the Princess had met Mia at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square.

Ya, and successfully used Shade's coat to bring the unhappy cat to Yodel Palace.

"Attention, the train has arrived early!"

The noise in the distance attracted Dr. Schneider's attention. He raised his right hand and spoke, so Priest August and the two ladies went to different directions to guard. Shade and the doctor, who were the highest in the team, continued to stand.

On the platform.

Not long after, the roaring train stopped smoking, and white steam rushed up to the platform from the bottom of the carriage. This was a freight train, so there were not many people picking up the station. In the steam, the first carriage was

The door was pushed open by Carla from the inside. The huge carriage was quite empty. There was only a wooden box placed in the middle of the carriage. Six ring warlocks who seemed to have lacked sleep surrounded the wooden box and looked at it with vigilance.


They are all in the middle ring, and two of them are even in the eighth ring. Shade is not sure who these people are, but they are definitely not correspondence students.

The group of people in the carriage nodded to the doctor, so the doctor took the lead in boarding the carriage to confirm his identity. After a while, he made a gesture to Shade below, so Shade also entered the carriage neatly.

"Final confirmation of cargo information."

The bald man wearing a black hat in the carriage said that he was tall and extremely strong. The two lowest-level five-ring warlocks opened the top cover of the wooden box that was not sealed.

There was hay inside, and when the hay was removed, a dark, metallic coffin was revealed.

The candle in hand, the kerosene lamp being carried, and the dim light on the platform outside the carriage illuminated it. The light was weak, but the extremely smooth black metal could reflect an extremely conspicuous light. The coffin lid could even be used as a

It was used as a mirror. To put it simply, this is a very high-grade coffin that has been polished.

Of course, Dr. Schneider didn't know what Shade thought about what he saw in front of him. He winked at Shade, so Shade, who had the strongest perception, stretched out his hand to touch the surface of the coffin. Although this coffin and the coffin on the central island of Green Lake were both black.

It's metal, but the feeling after touching it is completely different.


Even without closing his eyes, [Heart of Stone] was automatically triggered at this moment, allowing Shade to feel the sound of his heartbeat. The sound was more obvious than the noisy sound on the platform. At the same time, he was originally unable to detect any elements, contact

I immediately sensed the whisper.

【should be no problem.】

"She" said softly, so Xia De nodded, and the doctor came to the head of the coffin. After pushing aside the weeds, he saw with the help of the kerosene lamp carried on the side that there were densely packed 30-year-old coffins on the surface of the coffin.

slots, but at this time there are only seven slots containing diamond-shaped gray crystals.

He picked out one of them and threw it to the bald man wearing a hat, who let out a long breath:

"It's finally over. I won't take on this kind of mission again next time."

Every time a different team receives the coffin, one of the crystals needs to be taken out and given to the previous team. This is part of the containment ceremony, but Shade did not feel any changes in the coffin after the crystal left.

The bald man took a step back and away from the coffin, then threw the gray cloth salt bag tied with a string in his pocket to the doctor:

"You can keep it for use. Never use coarse salt, be sure to use refined salt. There is no need to save this money."

After that, he didn't say anything more to Shade and the doctor. Instead, with a smile, he greeted his companions and jumped out of the carriage and left. From their conversation, it seemed that they wanted to stay here for a few days for sightseeing.

They also rarely come to Tobesk.

After the group of people had gone far, Shade closed the lid of the wooden box and covered the polished black coffin. The doctor waved his hand in the distance, signaling to the priest August who was on guard outside to find the porter who had been found in advance.


In fact, even Shade can lift the coffin by himself, but now the workers in other carriages are unloading. If he carries a coffin out, it is equivalent to directly delivering goods to the church.

There was no incident in transporting the wooden box and the coffin inside out of the station. The carriage rented by the doctor was parked outside the station.

Speaking of which, Shade was also familiar with the style of that carriage. On the first day he came to this world, when the corpse carriers carried away Detective Sparrow's body, they used a carriage of a similar style, but this time

There is no holy emblem of the [Church of Creation and Destruction] hanging on the carriage.

The coffin was placed in a narrow and closed carriage, but there was no coachman in the carriage. For safety and insurance, Dr. Schneider drove it himself. The coachman's seat was wide and could seat two people. Priest Augustus sat in his


Shade and Dorothy entered the carriage together. Because there was a coffin inside, there was no room for them to stay on either side, so they stayed at the back of the carriage.

In order to prevent the five of them from being restrained together because they were too concentrated in case of danger, Luvia did not get on the carriage at the end. She would follow the carriage from a distance shortly after it left. In this way, no matter what happened,

She can handle four people.

Of course, Luvia didn't just run and follow the carriage. She borrowed the bone whistle from Yin Luna that could summon a skeleton horse that could move on any terrain. The bone whistle could only be used by Yin Luna herself, but she was in Panta

Gnar gained wisdom, and after modifying the bone whistle, he was able to lend it out for a short period of time.

Thaumatology will summon the power of shadow and death to hide Luvia's whereabouts in the dark. This highly mobile mount will be very helpful for tonight's operation.

"Then we'll see you later!"

Shade waved to the girl with purple eyes, and Luvia turned and left. After everything was ready, Schneider told him to grab the carriage, and the carriage carrying the four people and the coffin set off. Shade and Dorothy helped

Standing on the side wall of the carriage, the rear door of the carriage was never closed, looking backwards at the night and the street scene receding, while Dr. Schneider, who was sitting on the coachman's seat in front, looked around very vigilantly.

Tobesk at night is more peaceful and peaceful than ever. This seems to be another ordinary night in this city. The arrival of spring has made people's nightlife longer than usual, but as the night becomes more and more

It was so deep that almost no pedestrians could be seen on the road.

The fog in Tobesk tonight is thicker than in the past few days. The carriages running on the streets are like ghosts in the fog. The starry sky is obscured by the fog, but you can still see the three moons. Today in March

It is the moon phase of the waning moon, which is suitable for physical and mental healing spells. Of course, although the moon phase cycle has an impact on a magician like Sha De, who uses the "moon" as the core system, Sha De has always only felt the moon phase.

With my own enhancement, I have never felt the suppression of certain spellcasting abilities by different lunar phases.

"Speaking of which, Dorothy, did you know there's a lunar eclipse at the end of this month?"

Although the atmosphere was tense, Shade still felt it was strange not to speak. Therefore, while his eyes were still paying attention to the rear, his mouth had already opened.

The carriage was very small, and although there was a strange smell inside, the smell of Dorothy's perfume could also get into Shade's nose. The perfume used by Miss Writer was very high-end, and although Shade couldn't name it, he could feel it was the same as Lesia's.

The perfume is very similar.

"A lunar eclipse? Yes, I heard what 'she' said. Regarding celestial phenomena such as lunar and solar eclipses, the church must communicate with the kingdom in advance to prevent incidents that attempt to disrupt social order due to astronomical phenomena."

Although she lowered her voice, Dorothy was still worried about being overheard by doctors and priests, so she did not mention Lesia's name directly. She moved slightly closer to Shade and noticed that Shade's nose moved a few times, and there was something on his face.

He also smiled.

"It's like this. I'm going to learn a powerful magic called [Black Moon Talisman] during the lunar eclipse. The book says that during the lunar eclipse, except for [Black Moon Talisman] and a few other moon magic related to destruction and ending,

Outside of surgery, most lunar thaumaturgy will be suppressed, which is a low point for a ring magician like me. I very much hope that I can stay at home safely that day."

The writer's green eyes turned towards him slightly:

"Generally speaking, it means that you will definitely not be at home that day. Speaking of which, the last Red Butterfly Day was the closing of the City Riding Competition, which was the third day of this month. 21 days later it will be around the end of this month.

It’s better to postpone it until the day of the lunar eclipse..."

Starting with the phrase "The Day of the Red Butterfly," Dorothy's voice was almost a whisper:

"Lecia and I are both curious whether we can 'defeat' you when you are at your weakest... Oh, Lecia, don't laugh, don't you think so too?"

It seems that she is using her new power to communicate with Lesia at any time.

The "she" in Sha De's ear chuckled for some reason, like the gentle wind blowing in the long night, which made Sha De's energy more concentrated:

"Dorothy, to be honest, I don't think the lunar eclipse has a great impact on me. However, people I know in Randall Valley, including a nun who wears an eyepatch, all think the lunar eclipse is important to me.

..... Of course there is no problem with the day of the red butterfly, but the specific date of the lunar eclipse cannot be determined yet. Luvia told me that it will take a few days to determine... Oh, why are we talking about this now?

?Now we are on a mission."

Hearing Shade say this, Dorothy immediately laughed again. But as soon as her smile appeared, the two people who were close to the coffin immediately saw that the scene outside the carriage changed from the night street scene of the city to that of the city in an instant.

It became a dim moonlit path in the forest.

The whole transformation process was extremely smooth, as if the street really connected to the forest.

"Doctor, the scene has changed!"

Shade hurriedly reminded and threw the salt bag to Dorothy. The doctor's steady voice sounded from the front:

"The power of the relic has been leaked. According to the information given by the academy, we are now located in Tobesk and the forest at the same time, in a state of spatial overlap. I will slow down now to prevent hitting the wall. Please solve the problem as soon as possible."

This chapter has been completed!
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