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Chapter 1,659: Indebted Heart

At this moment, although Yin Luna Bayas felt dizzy, her thoughts were extremely clear.

Although Yin Luna mostly listens to Shade and Luvia's arrangements when making plans, her wisdom is not low. Otherwise, after the Battle of Pantanal, she would not have been able to use the "Wise Powder Stone"


"Why is the future you simulated not an extension of the present?"

She questioned, even though Shade's non-existent future was just a game, she still panicked about it. This panic even defeated the fear caused by the fact that the other party was an unknown relic:

"Are you really saying 'what if'? Tell me why Shade doesn't exist!"

In the girl's stern questioning, the light of the scale behind her became more restrained and profound.

The man who slowly rolled up the parchment took a small step back calmly:

"I am indeed assuming that this is indeed not a simulation of the 'future'. The protagonist of the stage. Even if you can view different versions of the script, how can all the scripts include the audience off the stage?"

Yin Luna frowned, and after just thinking for a moment, she fully understood what he said:

"There is no Shade... the audience off the stage... different versions of the script... Shade once asked me and others whether it was the sixth...


The dark golden scale behind her shook for a moment, and then became more stable. At this moment, the seventeen-year-old girl stood in the alley, as if she saw the river of time flowing around her, and the question was easily solved. Shade had been searching for more than half a year.

She pieced together the truth in just a few minutes.

The scale briefly turned into a rapidly rotating life ring, and the whisper-[real time] was added, and she already understood everything:

"Different scripts, either simulating the future, or simulating the past... You mean, the Sixth Age has experienced a reboot before? And more than once!"

She held her breath:

"Also, there is Luvia who never took the initiative to say that she was cursed by time. Luvia also said that Shade is a person outside of fate. Several restarts are related to Luvia? Now, it is not real

The Sixth Age?”

Her eyes were fixed on the man in front of her, and the smile on "If"'s face became even brighter:

"Yes, your intelligence is stronger than I thought. It's so easy to piece together the truth from the fragments. It's amazing, very amazing! Yes, this is indeed not the real sixth era. You are right, it is indeed restarted.

It happened more than once, but no matter who it is, they can’t tell you what happened.”

Yin Luna touched her nosebleed that was still bleeding, and the expression on her face became more serious:

"So why is there Shad in the Sixth Age this time? What does the new Shad mean to the world? What happened in the past Sixth Age? Why didn't the departed ancient gods and the old gods come to save the world?

This world on the brink of doomsday?”

"You can find the answers to these questions the next time we meet. Do you remember? I'm going to play three games with you, and this is just the first one. Please think carefully about what you have to do to survive in the complicated past.

In this "what if" game with only two games left, find the truth you want to know."

He put away the parchment roll and bowed respectfully to the girl in front of him:

"Thank you for everything you have done for this world, the chosen one of Balance. You are the most special among all the chosen ones, but you are the same as them. You are not simply good or evil, you are just

Do what suits your heart.”

"You want to leave? Then where will you show up next time?"

Yin Luna asked again.

"Fate will arrange everything, just like today's meeting. Oh, please hide my appearance from everyone. This is not a request, but for your own good. Once the people around you know about me, they will lose their last chance.


"what chance?"

The man shook his head:

"The opportunity to save the person you are in love with. He or she is on the road to the most tragic ending, and you, and only you, can... what you have been hiding all this time

There are more secrets than this, so concealing my appearance is nothing to you, right?"

He backed away slowly, his body fading and becoming transparent. Before his body touched the wall of the alley, he completely disappeared.

"What if... there are two more times left."

Yin Luna clenched her fists and took out her handkerchief to wipe the blood off her face. After the severe headache and dizziness got better, she walked out of the alley.

On the other side, the five-person team that had been busy all night had also left.

Priest Augustus returned to the church. Luvia returned the staff to Shade and had to go to work at the Prophets Association. So, Shade and Shade took Mia back to Saint Teresa Square and had breakfast on Silver Cross Avenue.

Yes, only Dorothy.

Miss Writer not only makes a lot of money, but also has very flexible working hours. It is a perfect profession. Although it is okay to stay up all night, after returning home, the blonde girl still wanted to catch up on her sleep and took Shade to rest with her:

"Look at your appearance. When you turned into a cat and held down the coffin just now, you looked like there was nothing left to love in the world. It really scared me. I know this is the influence of the relic, so I took a short rest.

Well, Shade, don’t you have the thaumaturgy of [Moon Dream]?”

Dorothy's tenderness made Shade unable to refuse, so they slept from eight o'clock in the morning until noon on Friday. And what woke them up at noon was not Xiao Mia who wanted to have lunch or the crowd of people having sex outside the window.

, but a knock on the door downstairs.

"Who is the one?"

The writer yawned and sat up. Shade, who had woken up from the dream of the moon, felt that he was fine, so he put on his slippers and went downstairs to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, standing in front of the lively square background, it was Yin Luna. The seventeen-year-old girl looked uneasy. After entering the door, she even reached out to touch Xia De's arm to confirm that he was not a phantom but a real existence.

Only then did I feel truly relieved.

"What's wrong with you? Are you in trouble?"

Xia De asked with some confusion, Yin Luna shook her head:

"That's right, I want to hear you talk about the way to meet the 'Lady of the Lake'."

Shade was a little surprised, but still nodded:

"No problem, but since you want to go to Huntington City to meet the angels, do you need me to accompany you?"

"No, no, I won't go there myself, but I will go there in the next story... I want to keep it a secret for now, okay?"

She pursed her lips and asked Xiang De.


Shade didn't ask any more questions, but told Yin Luna about his experience of entering the "Lake of the Cherubim". Yin Luna even took out her notebook to record it, and after writing it, she returned to her usual demeanor:

"Are you okay last night? There was a lot of noise. I went to participate in the investigation early in the morning, but the church has found no clues so far."

"Of course we are fine, but we didn't expect that the angel-level relic would almost break through containment. Now that relic has been taken away from Tobesk, there will be no problem."

"That's good."

Yin Luna nodded. Because of her strange mood, she didn't even say anything about having lunch with Sha De. Instead, she waved goodbye with concern and prepared to leave.

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"Yin Luna, are you really okay?"

Shade grabbed her hand and asked worriedly, but Yin Luna still shook her head:

"Of course it's okay."

Shade looked at her suspiciously and said nothing. The seventeen-year-old girl's face turned red because of such naked gaze. In Shade's ear, "she" said softly:

【No obvious problem is detected. She is in a special menstrual cycle.】

"I don't need to know this."

Xia De responded in his heart, and then said to Yin Luna:

"Feel sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

She asked doubtfully, and then she saw Shade lowering his head and holding her finger in his mouth. Yin Luna and Emilia Bayas swore that even when she faced the unknown relic just now, she was not like this now.

Nervous. She felt like her face was about to explode with heat, and even her limbs were trembling due to shyness and excitement.

The voice in Shade's ear said again:

【There is no obvious problem. Maybe, you should have some confidence in her.】

Shade nodded slightly and moved Yin Luna's fingers away. Although he knew that what he did was inappropriate, it was at least better than forcefully kissing Yin Luna:

"Yin Luna, if anything happens, you must tell me and Luvia. No matter what trouble you have, we will help you solve it, yes, any trouble."

"I know, you don't have to tell me this so seriously."

The girl's face was flushed, and her thoughts had already wandered to nowhere. As for the "what if" thing, it was temporarily forgotten.

Shade was still a little worried, so he suggested:

"Have you not had lunch yet? Let's go eat together in a moment. Oh, Miss Dorothy Louisa is going with us. Yes, she is my team member, the woman who wrote "Hamilton Detective Stories"



Yin Luna nodded again, the emotions filling her heart completely covering up her troubles.

There will always be worries, big and small, in life. For Yin Luna Bayas, the small happiness is enough to overwhelm those worries at the other end of the scale. She never asks for much, but if someone tries to take away the people around her who are loved

If she values ​​something, then even a good-tempered girl will definitely show her strength.

In fact, Yin Luna and Dorothy knew each other, but they were not very familiar with each other. The seventeen-year-old girl knew the relationship between the female writer and Shade, and Dorothy could certainly see Yin Luna's attitude towards Shade.

The lunch time that day was quite pleasant. As a fan of "Hamilton Detective Stories", Luna Yin was very happy to have lunch with Dorothy. Plus Shade was also there, which was simply two joys superimposed on each other.


During lunch, Xia De also briefly explained last night's actions to Yin Luna. When talking about Xiao Mia, Xia De also looked at it worriedly, worried that a night of sleeplessness would have an impact on the cat's health.

But in fact, little Mia was squatting on the high stool with great interest at this time, waiting for Shade to feed her, and she didn't look tired or sleepy at all.

"It probably sleeps too much."

Shade reached out and touched the cat's little head. The cat squinted its eyes obediently and made a "meow" sound.

The lunch venue was a private club in the city, which Dorothy took the two of them to. Of course, there was reason to suspect that the money would be recorded in Lesia's account in the end. The security here was very high, so it was okay

Talking about some sensitive topics. Seeing Shade touching the cat, Dorothy smiled and said to Yin Luna:

"You haven't seen the cat that Shade has transformed into, have you? It looks really good."

Yin Luna showed an interested look, and Xia De immediately shook his head:

"Don't look at me like this. I will never change. If you want to see a cat, you can change it yourself."

The writer lady smiled broadly:

"Shad, transformation depends on talent. Do you need me to repeat the content of the second-year basic spell course at St. Byrons? The transformation masters under the ring magician system are divided into two categories. One category is born with extremely high abilities.

Transformation talents and corresponding spiritual runes, and the other type imitates Dru Yin from the ancient era, following the way of nature and living closely with animal companions, thereby obtaining the corresponding transformation ability."

"In my opinion, Shade should belong to the latter category, and little Mia is his natural spirit."

Yin Luna said while holding a spoon, and asked Dorothy if she wanted to add the scene where the detective turns into a cat into the story.

"It is indeed a very interesting plot. Unfortunately, the detective stories I write generally follow non-supernatural rules."

The blond girl felt sorry, but she had a pleasant conversation with Yin Luna. After lunch that day, when Yin Luna was going back to Blackstone Security Company, the two of them exchanged business cards. Dorothy even invited Yin Luna to have a meeting.

I can go out with her to collect materials at some time, and Yin Luna is also very happy to receive the invitation.

Shade found a taxi for Yin Luna and saw her off at the door of the club. When the girl with long brown hair waved goodbye to Shade and the blonde writer at the window, she had already made her decision.

No matter what, no matter what the cost, she must hold the hands of those she cherishes and loves. The balance of the scale is controlled by her, and she is the one who leads everything. The protagonist of the stage must pull everything, the brand new

The story script must not be a tragedy.

[Current world·Sixth era, Universal Calendar 1854, New Year, the month of sowing. The sound of horse hooves gradually fades away, and the spring sunshine is warm. The departing child of destiny has already made a choice, and the love and sour emotions are like light feathers.

The fluctuating strings. On the stage of unknown destiny, new possibilities are added because of you. This is a story that has never been told before, and this is a choice that has never been made before. O foreigner who is caught up in love, you

How on earth are you going to repay the heart you owe?】

Shade, who was holding Mia and watching the carriage drive away with Dorothy, was suddenly startled:

"Huh? Wait, what did you say? Why are you saying this now? I just had lunch with Dorothy and Yin Luna. What do you mean by saying this to scare me? This meal is very important


He looked around, fearing that an unknown relic would suddenly pop up, or that the evil god would appear in Tobesk again.

But this is just an ordinary urban street, everything is fine.

At least for now, everything is fine.

This chapter has been completed!
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