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Chapter 1,667 Angry Kiss (please vote!)

The dim yellow light of the candle suddenly turned into a faint blue at this moment. As the whispering elements of the relic spread to Dorothy's body, the originally heaving chest gradually calmed down. At the same time, Dorothy's face was rosy.

His face quickly turned pale.

A cold wind blew in the bedroom with the doors and windows closed, causing little Mia to look around with vigilance. In Shade's sight, Dorothy's body emitted an extremely weak white light.

As the white light left the "dead" body, a pure white transparent soul appeared above the body.

The lower body of the soul still overlaps with the body, but the upper body sits up. As for this kind of soul that has no resentment and is not infected by special powers, five-ring warlocks like Luvia can't see clearly. Only Shade can see it completely.

to the appearance of that soul.

"how do you feel?"

Shade asked Dorothy, and the female writer's soul was looking at her hands in surprise. When she heard the voice, she looked up at Shade:

"Can you see me? This feeling is really wonderful. It is different from the ordinary soul leaving the body. I can feel that the instinctive impulse wants me to 'keep going'. Is this death? Loneliness, coldness, and being with each other

You seem to be separated by a thick barrier of alienation..."

Luvia couldn't hear her voice either, and to Shade's ears, the two of them seemed to be talking through a thick layer of glass, which made Dorothy's voice very dull.

"Ten seconds left."

Luvia looked at the pocket watch in her hand and reminded, Shade hugged the cat tightly to prevent it from running around, and also reminded Dorothy:

"Have you had enough experience? This is enough. Come back soon."

"Yes Yes."

The transparent soul of the blonde girl smiled and said to Shade, but the soul did not lie back, but looked into Shade's eyes:

"If Lesia and I swap each other now, do you think she will appear in my body or swap places with my soul?"

Shade frowned:

"Dorothy, this is no joke, come back quickly, you promised me."

But the blonde girl didn't look like she was joking at all:

"I don't want to stay in a state where I can only see Lesia once every 21 days for the rest of my life. There will always be changes. I'm sorry, Shade, I lied to you."

She bit her lip gently:

"Originally we couldn't meet in any way, but you allowed us to meet and know the wonderful feeling of touching each other and almost merging souls. So, we are hungry for more...Sorry, Shade, I

Guaranteed, this is the last adventure to solve our problems..."

"Xia De, what are you talking about? It's been twenty seconds."

Luvia looked at Shade doubtfully, but found a surprised expression on his face:

"Dorothy, wait!"

The next moment, even Luvia saw the red butterfly pendant hanging on Dorothy's body shaking violently. In Shade's eyes, Dorothy's soul appeared for a moment, and then

Her soul did not disappear, but Lesia's soul sat up from Dorothy's body.

They had obviously communicated about making such an attempt, so the princess's soul didn't seem surprised at all. As she "got up", the two souls overlapped.

Fortunately, this is just an overlap in position, not the completion of the fusion of the two souls. The expressions on the overlapping souls of Lecia and Dorothy were confused for a moment, and then the two souls showed painful expressions at the same time.

[It's not the day of the red butterfly, they can't touch each other, so...]

After "her" gentle words fell, the vibration of the red butterfly pendant almost seemed to be dancing on the bed. And the escaping light spots had already flown upward from the surface of their souls, which was clearly a sign that their souls were about to leave.


Although Luvia could only see the shadow of the Soul Mold Lake, she noticed the body lying on the bed. The fake death was turning into a real death. And Shade, who had felt that it was dangerous to do so from the beginning, had also

Act quickly:

"False immortality!"

His right hand held Dorothy's hand on the bed, and his left hand took out the pink bottle from his pocket. The cork popped open with his thumb, and under Luvia's surprised gaze, Shade took out all the contents in the bottle.

The essence is gone in one drink.

The huge spirit poured into his body, and then the tightly drawn curtains in the bedroom melted, revealing the snowflakes flying in the night sky of the small town outside the window and the vast starry sky.

The silver moonlight slanted into the room from the window, but the scene in the bedroom did not change. Even after drinking all the essence, Shade could not open the mystery lock with all his strength. But fortunately, Dorothy and Lesia are not real now.

already dead:

"Mysterious Lock-Sleeping Princess!"

He dropped the bottle and the cat, and then, while still holding Dorothy's hand, he leaned over and kissed the pale blonde girl on the bed. The kiss evoked a real miracle, and he was [

False immortality] temporarily maintained the state, and finally completely escaped death.

And "she" also reminded Shade that this still requires paying a price:

[Outlander, your spell "Library Search" is sealed. 】

After the kiss ended, Shade stood up straight again, covering his head and feeling dizzy, but found that the souls still had not returned. The souls of Dorothy and Lesia still overlapped, although the two souls no longer escaped the light.

point, but the pain in his expression did not ease at all.

Shade reached out and was about to take out the book containing the cherubim feather that could be used three times to separate the soul, but "she" gently reminded:

[They haven't merged yet, they just can't be separated. Give them strong stimulation so that their numb souls can feel the difference. 】


He bit his finger and almost fell down after squeezing out the blood. After being supported by Luvia, he waved forward:

"Soul whipping!"

This magical technique was originally invisible, but in Shade's hands, the blood turned into a scarlet transparent long whip and was thrown forward, hitting Dorothy and Lesia head-on.

This harmless thaumaturgy can only bring severe pain to the soul, and even the corrupted powerful soul-guardian cannot bear this kind of pain, let alone Dorothy and Lesia.

So in the girls' cries of pain, the two souls were successfully separated. Dorothy's soul lay down and returned to the body, while Lesia's soul disappeared. Thick steam mist appeared above Dorothy's head, and then died.

A ring appeared close to the ceiling, and new spiritual runes were condensing.

After confirming that Dorothy's soul had returned, Luvia quickly removed the two coins to prevent other accidents. Shade leaned over and pressed his forehead against Dorothy's forehead——

【never mind.】

Dorothy also opened her eyes at this time and looked at Shade who was close to Chi Chi. Her face suddenly turned red. But seeing the look in Shade's eyes, she was too afraid to speak.

Shade stood up straight and said to the purple-eyed girl who looked at the two of them worriedly:

"I'm fine. The thaumaturgy just now consumed too much, but I just need to take a few breaths. You can take care of Dorothy here for the time being, and I'll go to Yodel Palace."

Luvia did not ask Shade the reason for doing this, but nodded lightly:

"Leave the house to me."

After saying that, he saw Shade running out anxiously, while Mia stood on the bedside table, staring at Shade's leaving figure with wide eyes.

"Now, you have pissed off Shade."

The gas light was turned on, Luvia walked to the bed and opened the curtains, and then said helplessly to the blonde girl who was trying to sit up on the bed. The latter looked away from his new soul rune whispering - [Dead], and sipped

I don’t even know how to apologize:

"Shad looks really angry."

Silver Cross Avenue, Yordle Palace, Lesia Cavendish's bedroom.

The bright gas lamp illuminated the luxurious bedroom, but the princess's bedroom was not as peaceful as this night. Two of the two princesses' four personal maids were watching the door, while the other two were spreading hot tea and towels on the bed.

Lying there was Lesia, and beside the bed stood a somewhat panicked Agelina.

Lesia had already woken up at this time and was comforting her sister by the bedside:

"It's okay, don't worry so much, it was just an accident."

"But you clearly just now..."

The little princess said worriedly that although she was usually dissatisfied with her sister in some aspects, she also knew that this was one of the few relatives in the world who truly cared about her. She wanted to ask her questions until her sister could rest for a while.

, whether to go to Shade or Aunt Carina, but before they could say anything, both of them heard the cat meowing outside the window.

"Cat? Outside the window? But this is the third floor."

Lesia was startled, and then told Agelina to open the window. When the window opened, the little princess saw a beautiful silver-haired cat getting in.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org]


She was surprised and wanted to catch the beautiful cat, but the cat had already jumped off the window sill and returned to human form in the air. Shade didn't say a word, but faced Ajie who retracted his hand in embarrassment.

Lina nodded, then walked towards the bed with a serious look on her face, as if she wanted to punch someone.

Neither Lecia nor Agelina had ever seen Shad so angry.

Even though she knew that Shade would definitely not be violent, Her Royal Highness the Princess on the bed still shrank into the quilt, then lowered her head and raised her eyes to see Shade walking to the bedside, leaning over and pressing his forehead against hers.

After a moment of silence:

[No problem. But unlike Dorothy Louisa, she approached death far away from her body, so her mental loss was greater and she needed a good rest.]

Shade breathed a sigh of relief. When he stood up straight, he even felt that his whole back was soaked with tension.

Agelina stood by the window not knowing what to say, while Lesia said timidly:

"When you brought us back just now, one of our unimportant spells was sealed... Moreover, we all obtained the whisper - [Dead Man]."

The use of [Sleeping Princess] requires both parties to pay a price, so they also have their spells sealed. As for the spiritual runes, Shade already knew it before leaving home.

[Their fusion tendency has been intensified because of tonight's actions. If you don't want their souls to completely fuse, they should avoid this behavior in the future. 】

"Her" tone was still so gentle, like the warm night wind blowing under the moon in the endless wilderness at night, soothing the emotions in Xia De's heart.

[At the same time, this "experiment" has also yielded results. The close contact with two overlapping souls just now confirmed the specialness between Dorothy Louisa and Lesia Cavendish, which is a natural phenomenon.

No external force is intervening.]

"Natural phenomenon? What kind of natural phenomenon is this?"

However, Xia De has no time to think about this kind of problem that he will definitely not understand for the time being.

"You have a good rest tonight."

He said to Lesia on the bed. The red-haired girl sitting on the red soft mattress nodded carefully:

"I know, Shade, right..."

"Tomorrow you go to Carina's place to meet me. Take Agelina with you."


She nodded again and looked at her sister, hoping that she would say a few words to ease the atmosphere in the room. As for the maids, they were trying their best to pretend that they did not exist, and they did not want to be involved in this matter.


So Agelina hesitated and found a topic:

"Good evening, Shade... Do you want to stay here for the night?"

After finishing speaking, he realized what he was saying. While complaining about himself in his heart, Shade shook his head tiredly:

"No, I'll go home and rest. Agelina, take care of your disobedient sister. Lesia should have some requiem tea and ask the maids to make a pot. If there are other situations tonight,

Send someone to Saint Teresa Square to call me immediately."

"Okay, please leave it to me."

Agelina nodded quickly. Shade walked up to her and gave her a hug gently. Then he jumped to the window and turned into a silver cat when he landed on the window sill without turning his head.

He jumped down from the third floor.

Agelina touched her blushing face and stuck her head out of the window, just in time to see the silver cat getting into the evergreen fence of the garden, an area not illuminated by the gas lamp. She reached out to close the window, and then,

He asked the maid outside the door to make tea, and then returned to the bedside.

Her sister, who had always been strong and courageous, was sitting on the velvet four-poster bed, looking unhappily in the direction that Shade left:

"He seemed really angry with me."

Agelina knew that she did not have to answer this question.

This chapter has been completed!
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