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Chapter 1,670 Investigation on a rainy day

Although Shade was unclear about the actions of the local church, he remembered other progress in his investigation:

"The investigation on the tomb robbers is basically over. Specifically, only two of the tomb robbers who left the island are still alive. One is an ordinary person and will probably not live until the end of this month, and the other is a ring warlock.

I currently only know the name and am still investigating other circumstances."

The witch frowned slightly;

"Are the lost burial objects of Rusty Edwards, the eldest daughter of the second generation who died young, still in their hands?"

"I asked, and most of them were sold by them. A small number of them were sent back to the island in order to lift the curse, and were buried in the woods leading from the dock to Green Lake Town. Yes, the property was stolen.

They were infected with a curse, but I don't know what the curse is."

He explained in detail the whole process of his search for the tomb robber. The witch listened attentively, and when Shade finished speaking, she said regretfully:

"So, I want to take revenge, but I can't find anyone?"

"That guy who is about to die, you really have no way to take revenge other than letting him die two days in advance. But that low-level warlock might still be alive. Even if the low-level warlock can't lift the curse that ordinary people can't resist, he can't.

There is probably no way to alleviate it.”

"Well, I'll leave this matter to you to help investigate. As for today, are you interested in going with me?"

The beautiful lady asked Xia De.

"It's raining outside, where are we going?"

"Deal with the matter of Bad-Eyed Barry. Since this man is a cultist, no matter what he does locally, we cannot keep him."

The witch said that Shade felt that the temperature in his chest was weakening, which meant that the soul that dominated the body opposite had changed again. Therefore, although the "injury" was recovering, the witch seemed unable to maintain the soul dominating the body:

"He has many strongholds in the local area, but he has been at the Ivy Club all day today, meeting with some Kasenlik businessmen to discuss business. We can take the opportunity to visit his lair, and maybe we can make some unexpected discoveries.

If you didn't show up today, I originally planned to leave these things to my followers, but since you are here, let's go together. I think you should also want to see with your own eyes what he is doing.


Shade nodded. He had no objection to this arrangement. He was just worried that it would waste the witch's time. But Miss Megan Edwards was very willing to go with Shade:

"It's nothing, anyway. Besides, you've helped me so much, and I..."

She did not continue, so Shade took his dice and stood up to leave:

"What kind of business do those Carsonrick merchants want to do with Bad-Eye Barry? Smuggling?"

Megan smiled:

"Yes, drug smuggling. Specifically, those Kasonlik businessmen were hired by Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals and were specifically responsible for holding him back today. So, we have plenty of time to investigate. This is just a small matter and can be solved by Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals

If it’s a problem, it’s not a problem.”

The hotel waiter held an umbrella for the two of them and took them to the carriage parked at the door. The carriage drove into the rain, which would probably continue for a long time.

The whole city became wet in this rain. After the ancient streets were wetted by the rain, it felt more like entering an ancient time in the past than ever before.

Speaking of which, the scenery of Green Lake City when it rains is actually better than the normal foggy appearance. If you want to develop tourism here, it would be very good to use the "ancient lakeside city" as a selling point.

In Megan's preliminary investigation, five locations worth investigating were selected for today. They did not include the casino that Shade had been to, but included other properties of "Bad Eye Bally's" in the city.

On the carriage, Megan handed the investigated documents to Shade. Shade glanced at him briefly and was surprised that the other party was so rich: "Including fixed assets, he also has a net worth of at least 200,000 pounds, right? Green

Isn’t Hu City very poor?”

"There is no inevitable connection between the poverty of Green Lake City and the poverty of gangsters."

Megan said, and then reminded Shade to read the following pages:

"Our schedule today is very tight, and we may not be able to visit all places. There are three locations in the city of Green Lake, one location in Michaela Blast Furnace City on the south side of the lake shore, and one location in the lake. I suggest starting with

Start in this city, then go to the City of Glass, and finally go to the lake. If you don’t have enough time, you can choose one of the latter two places to go. When the investigation is completed tonight, we will directly deal with the cultist."

"Of course...casinos, brothels, black boxing, smuggling...if he is not a ring warlock and doesn't have to be influenced by the ring warlock's thoughts, maybe he can unify the underworld in the entire Green Lake area.


Although ring magicians have powers beyond ordinary people, running these illegal industries requires more than just strength.

"Maybe he was shot in the dark and died in an unknown alley."

Amidst the sound of rain, the two got off the car at the corner of Roget Street near the Duin River in the west of Green Lake City. The carriage stopped on the side of the "Green Lake City Bank". This kind of regional bank has some storefronts.

It's shabby, but it looks like the newest building on the whole street.

Roget Street is the location for bulk commodity trading in the city. Because it is close to the river and is convenient for transportation, Bad-Eye Barry ran a warehouse here, which was also a relatively formal type of business for him.

The reason why Megan thinks this place is suspicious is because some inexplicable goods similar to "pig feed" often appear on the warehouse's shipping list that she obtained through special channels. In addition, Barry is interested in making money here.

There are not many, or even very few, warehouses where contraband is handed over. That's why Meghan chose this place.

"There's no need to get out of the car in a hurry. Although I brought you here, there's no need for us to do it ourselves."

The lady with short brown shawl hair said, looking at the man sitting opposite in the sound of rain, and raised her eyebrows slightly:

"Are you short of money? You have been paying attention to Barry's income just now."

"I can't say I'm short of money. I don't have much expenses myself, but my cat eats a lot. And most of my daily expenses... the girls pay for me."

Speaking of which, he wanted to sigh. He could afford small expenses such as meals and gas bills, but for clothing and various household items, Carina and Lesia always went to St. Teresa Square without his permission.

No. 6. He didn’t even remember how many pieces of clothing he had bought with his own money since he came to this world.

Meghan pretended not to care and asked:

"You are enjoying this feeling, being popular and having people pay the bills."


Shade shook his head:

"Of course I don't enjoy it. It would make me feel like I owe others. I prefer to make my own money and spend it myself. Moreover, spending women's money will make me feel that my self-esteem is damaged."

He looked at the rain outside the car window:

"I remember every time they were nice to me, and I always felt that I owed them. So, even if they sometimes do wrong things impulsively, I will forgive them..."

Megan breathed a sigh of relief:

"If you have time, you can introduce me to your friends. I think they are also some interesting people."

She didn't care about the girls around Shade, because she obviously thought that no one could compare with her.

"There will be a chance."

If Miss Carina leaves this week, she will definitely be able to go to Green Lake City next week.

While they were talking, three running carriages hurried past their carriage in the rain. Megan motioned to Shade to stop talking, and then asked the coachman to turn the carriage around so that they could see the door of the warehouse from the window.

The three running carriages stopped next to the warehouse, and then five or six men in black got out of each carriage. Including the coachman, a team of nearly twenty people rushed into the warehouse.

The sound of rain suppressed the sound of gunfire under the silencer, and at the same time did not let the smell of blood spread. From the small window of the carriage, it was not possible to clearly see what happened in the warehouse, but Shade could imagine it.

This was different from the investigation that Shade wanted. He looked at Megan in surprise, and the latter explained:

"I won't kill people casually. Bad-eyed Barry attaches great importance to this place. Here are his confidants. They are people who would waste bullets if they were killed by bullets. As for those rude men in black, they are not my people. Barry II

He came to the local area from Coldwater Port more than ten years ago and has occupied so much territory among the local gangs. There are many people who want his life. I just need to spread the news."

The group of men in black who rushed into the warehouse were very efficient, and they all came out in less than ten minutes. They got back into the carriage, and then the running carriage left again. The rain washed the ground without leaving any traces.

But Megan still didn't let Shade get off the car. After waiting for a while, another carriage stopped in front of the warehouse. The witch's followers, two girls with six rings, walked in. After they gave the signal, Shade

The carriage she and Meghan were riding in finally stopped at the door of the warehouse in the rain. The girls from the Sixth Ring Road were holding umbrellas and waiting for the two people in the carriage to get off in the rain.

"You see, we don't have to do everything ourselves, we just have to show up when the time is right."

Megan said.

Shade got out of the carriage first, but he just took the umbrella and didn't let anyone else hold it for him. He turned around and looked at the lady with brown shawl hair looking at him at the door of the carriage, so he stretched out his hand, and Meghan showed satisfaction.

With an expression on his face, he took his hand and got out of the carriage. The girls on the side had expressionless faces, obviously they already knew something before setting off.

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It was a humid rainy day outside, and the smell of damp earth in the air was enough to cover up the smell of the blood of the three people lying in the yard. But once inside the warehouse building, because there were no windows for ventilation, the smell of blood was completely lost in the humid and hot environment.

Can't cover it up anymore.

This chapter has been completed!
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