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Chapter 1674: Kinship

While deflecting the attack, the two brothers quickly retreated and threw away their umbrellas. They stretched out their thumbs and index fingers of their free left and right hands to form a right angle. After joining together, they swept around.

Obviously they didn't see the two of them, but Megan felt like she was locked. But fortunately, the Shade cat in her arms could also cast spells:

"Space stabilizing halo."

Although I don't know what the other party wants to do, it must be spatial ability. The casting effect of the cat form is weakened, but it is enough to withstand attacks through a curtain of rain and a door.

The sense of space lock was lifted, and although the two brothers failed to fight back, they retreated to a safe area. So the three people and the cat watched each other's figure through a frosted glass door, and the witch gently reminded Shade:

"I feel the blood connection. They are the eight-ringed twins from the [Mirror Association]."

What Audrey and Megan could feel, the two brothers who were soaked in the rain outside the door could also feel it. They frowned slightly and looked at each other. Although they didn't speak, they already understood what the other party meant:

"It's the man and the cat from the island last week!"

Because the other party had two eight rings, the witch, and the men outside the door, because Shade could be praised by the "Mirror Hidden Man", did not take action first. The three people and the cat looked at the illusory objects on the other side of the glass in silence.

Light and shadow, listening to the rain falling.

Everyone knows the other's plan, but they also know that the other is still hesitating whether to really take action here. On this rainy morning, the remaining members of the Edwards family met again by chance in the gang territory of the slums.

, but there is no longer the sense of kinship that they had when they left the central island of Green Lake.

After a long time, the two people who were still outside in the rain because their umbrellas were damaged said:

"I don't know, what should we call you? Cousins, cousins, aunts and uncles?"

A smile appeared at the corner of Megan's mouth. She immediately understood that the other party had obviously sensed that the two relatives were here, and then misunderstood Shade's identity, but she did not correct it:

"If you are really Uncle Hohenheim's grandchildren, then you should call me aunt and him uncle. We are also twins. It seems that the family bloodline is really magical."

Shade Cat also understood the witch's plan, but he thought it was a good disguise.

"I don't know, are they descendants of Grandpa Edward, Grandpa Alphonse or Grandma Maria?"

The men outside the door asked again, which means that they actually don't know the situation of any other "relatives".

This time the witch did not answer, but asked her own question:

"Although I don't know what's going on with the family, I don't think joining the illegal ring warlock group is what Edwards' ancestors wanted us to do."

"Aunt, arrogance is the original sin. Please don't use your thoughts to speculate on us. You don't know our growth trajectory, nor do you know what our grandfather and father have experienced."

As they spoke, the two brothers, who were each blind with one eye, looked at each other again. Thick steam mist appeared in the rain curtain. The high-heat steam partially vaporized the cold rainwater, so that the water in the narrow alley

The steam mist is getting thicker and thicker.

Two eight-ring life rings appeared behind them, and then just like last time, the rings rotated orthogonally, almost forming a three-dimensional spherical shape.

So the phantom on the frosted glass door in front of Shade and the brown-haired lady began to squirm, and the glass door turned into a mirror, clearly reflecting the appearance of a person and a cat. In the mirror, the two brothers also walked into the mirror.

, and then tried to step out of the mirror and enter the room.

But the witch, who had been prepared for a long time, waved her hand forward. Shade only heard the sound like a zipper closing - there were no zippers in this era. Then the glass door that turned into a mirror was completely shattered, and the two brothers in the mirror were

The figure of the person disappeared.

This is not simply destroying the mirror, the witch seems to have used some kind of power to forcibly close the opened space. And this power is not at all like the witch's secret technique or the ability of the ring sorcerer.

[Yes, it is suspected to be the talent of the chosen one.]

The glass door shattered, allowing the cold wind outside mixed with raindrops to flow into the room. The beautiful lady with brown shawl hair took a step forward holding the silver cat and came to the door. Then she saw the twin men retreating back to the place where they were standing just now in embarrassment.


They did not use their ability to shelter from the rain and were completely soaked at this time, which made the two of them look even more embarrassed.

Without the obstruction of the glass, the three people and the cat can observe each other. The man and the cat turned into a woman and a cat. Although it was unexpected, it is not very strange if you think about it carefully.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org]

After all, the species and quantity are still the same.

"The family's prophecy is that everyone in Edwards will reunite in the family's hometown sooner or later. You are indeed strong, but obviously not strong enough. Also, what's wrong with your eyes? Come to see Barry with the bad eye, no.

Maybe you want to share your experiences on one-eyed life?"

Megan asked deliberately. The twin brothers, each blind in one eye, were probably used to this kind of provocation and did not make impulsive actions:

"Men have the power to stabilize space, and you have the talent to close space. Sure enough, the family bloodline has magical powers that are different from those of ring warlocks. The twins' powers also complement each other."

They probably misunderstood Shade's "space stability aura" again.

"I don't know if your parents are still alive, but you obviously lack the education to respect your elders. Please call me aunt and my nephews."

She stood on the edge of the indoor doorway with a smile and said, while the one-eyed men with serious faces looked at the woman holding the cat more cautiously. After hesitating, the witch said again:

"Why are you looking for Bad-Eye Barry? If possible, we can exchange information with each other. After all, relatives have to take care of each other."

Although the three people and one cat here knew that the second half of the sentence was a lie, the existence of kinship did not make them fight like normal enemies. The twin men looked at each other again, with that almost telepathic power,

Let them know what the other person means:

"We are looking for Bad Eyed Barry because he has a connection with that island. Yes, the island is not deserted. Mr. [Mirror Hidden Man] believes that one of the ancestors of the family must still be on the island, but not

Know who it is."

The witch pinched Shade Cat's leg and signaled to him that she was not the kind of person who was good at communication. This was something both Granny Cassandra and Miss Swift said at Fort Midhill.

"We are looking for Bad-Eye Barry because of the water ghost incident. He raised water ghosts in Green Lake and had a conflict with us."

The silver cat said, and the twins frowned together. This was something they didn't know:

"Eye-eyed Barry has been transporting various goods to the island since he came to the local area more than 20 years ago. Some people have investigated this matter, but they have disappeared. There is no trace of a large amount of stored goods on the island.

There are reasons to believe that his ship sailed to the family's territory, but not to the island."

Shade and the Witch didn't know this news. In other words, Megan seemed to know something, but it was only confirmed by the twins' words.

The silver cat continued:

"Barry the Rotten Eyes is a believer of the evil god [God of the Deep Sea Drowned]. If you have investigated him, you should know that he was originally from the Coldwater Port on the west coast of Delarion."

"The Order of the Drowned?"

The expressions on the faces of the two brothers were even more surprised. Although the [Mirror Association] took the initiative because of the matter of the chosen ones, before this spring, the [Mirror Association] did not have any influence in the local area, so they did not know much about Bad Eyed Barry.

Probably not as good as Sha De at this time.

"Bad Eyes Barry is related to the strange rumors of 'Reunifiers' in the local lakeside villages. There is reason to believe that he is sending people to spread such rumors - the world will eventually return to a singularity, and the Reunifiers will

Lead everyone to survive."

Shade heard this rumor when he was looking for Bad-Eyed Barry in the tavern in Pukhov Village. At that time, he thought it was very strange, but he did not expect that it was actually related to the Edwards family:

"That's not right. I also know this rumor, but local villagers said that at least his grandfather's generation had this rumor. But Bad-Eyed Barry has only been in Green Lake City for more than 20 years."

The silver cat said, but the two brothers didn't know why.

The witch pinched the cat's leg again to give him a signal, so Shade also told the last message he knew:

"Barry the Bad Eye has a third ring, which is very close to the fourth ring. He is a ring warlock who is proficient in the study of the undead. The third floor is his laboratory."

The two brothers nodded, because their looks were exactly the same, so Shade could only tell them apart by the different eyes they had lost. The man who was blind on the right asked again:

"Look, isn't this exchange of information great? Why not share with us the information you found on the third floor. Aunts, uncles, and the blood of the family will definitely meet again. If you heard about the news that was recently circulated by the Prophet Association,

From the rumors, you know what kind of dilemma we are facing - our ancestors have been planning for so long and will not let us go. You and we probably won't believe that our ancestors just want to treat us to a meal and a few glasses of wine.


This time it was the witch who spoke:

"Just such an exchange of information is enough. We have never thought about cooperating with the [Mirror Association]. Moreover, even the Mirror Hidden People have come to the local area. Are you really just here to solve family matters? Do you think

Don’t we know, the epic of the chosen ones? Nephews, it’s not good to lie.”

She punctured the brief false peace and asked another question:

"I am willing to talk to you here because I want to wait for some people. But what do you want to wait for when you stand there in the rain?"

While he was talking, dozens of sorceresses emerged from the roofs of the two narrow alleys on the left and right despite the rain. Because the distance was too far, Shade didn't know what level those ladies were, but even if they were all in the middle ring,

Coupled with Shade and Megan, this number is enough to give the two eighth-ring warlocks an advantage.

This chapter has been completed!
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