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Chapter 1,697 Durut Giles (additional update)

"Are you always so good at talking?"

Megan changed from pursed lips to biting her lips:

"I'll tell you about my business next week. I'm waiting for a very important guest. As for what we talked about, it's actually nothing important. We talked about their grandfather and my father. After leaving the island

life. I also mentioned what happened recently. We all believe that no matter what the ancestor wants to do, it seems that he must have bad intentions now. Good people will not cooperate with cultists."

Shade, who had accepted a drop of the evil god's divinity, was too embarrassed to speak.

"These two brothers are very interesting. I will arrange for my subordinates to contact them again later. But first, I need to find out what their origins are - they were born as ring warlocks."

The promotion method of the Ring Warlock determines that it is impossible for a Ring Warlock to figure it out on his own after reading a few books. All Ring Warlocks must be backed by a certain organization. Both the Fulun brothers are both fifth rings, and their strength is not the same.

If it is weak, then it must have its own organization.

"They don't seem to be from the three major academies, let alone members of the church. And there are only a few of the well-known ring warlock organizations in the Willondale area."

"Just make your own decision. I will continue to contact Fulen Brothers. If it is not necessary, don't involve them in the Chosen One's affairs. People only know that the Chosen One is powerful, but they don't know the identity of the Chosen One.

How much responsibility and trouble I have shouldered."

Shade sighed. The three chosen ones currently alive, Yin Luna aside, Sister Devlin and the Guardian of the Earth, do not look like normal people.

"You really know everything."

Megan said with a smile, and moved closer to Shade:

"Then we agreed that next week we will confess our identities."

"Yes. It's agreed."

Shade nodded, and then prayed in his heart that he had better not make the atmosphere too embarrassing.

【Who are you praying to?】

"She" asked suddenly.


The carriage rolled over the stone road, making regular sounds, and the thumping of horse hooves seemed even more rhythmic in the light rain. The sorceress in the carriage asked Xiang De again:

"If one day something bad happens to me, will you protect me?"

"You asked that question Monday night. Yes, to the best of my ability."

Shade replied, then put her red lips on the side of his face. The shy brown-haired lady then sat back in her original position, folded her hands together on her legs, blushed and turned to look at the car.

The scenery outside the window. The earlobes are reddish, and the brown hair beside the ears is blown by the wind outside the window.

The two didn't speak again until the carriage stopped at the front door of the Green Lake Hotel. When Shade was about to stand up and say goodbye, he felt the badge on his chest heating up.

Looking at the young lady unexpectedly, the latter finally turned her head and made a small request:

"When we say goodbye this time, can you call me 'Audrey'? This is also my name. You can call me whatever you want from now on."

It seems that she has not forgotten what happened when we parted on Monday.

"Okay, goodbye, Audrey."


She watched Shade open the car door and hurriedly entered the hotel through the rain. The door closed and the carriage continued to move forward. She covered her hot face and began to worry about the arrival of other great witches from the Witch Council next week.

How on earth should we explain what happened to that man?

(Yin Luna is praying...)


Shade had just walked out of the basement and walked around to the entrance of the hall stairs when he saw little Mia standing on the third step and making a "fierce" cry at him. Of course, the cat's meow was actually soft and distant.

It's not as annoying as the stray cats that often call at night these days.

"What's going on?"

Shade bent down to pick it up, but little Mia turned around and flicked Shade's hand with her tail, then jumped up to the higher steps and walked towards the second floor.

【Cuddled other cats in the cafe.】

"She" gently reminded Shade. Only then did Shade understand. But it was actually very simple to solve the unhappiness of this cat with a very sensitive nose. He tidied up a little and called Mia to go out for lunch together. The cat pooped half

Half disgusted and half expecting, he walked toward Shade from nowhere, taking cat steps.

Shade didn't know why he could see such rich emotions in a cat.

【Before going out, wipe off the lipstick on your face.】

"Oh, I almost forgot about this."

While I was scrubbing in front of the mirror, I thought about the time key again. It will probably take two or three days or more before I can land on the island again, and a decision needs to be made as to whether I want to keep the time key until then.

If you stay, you may be able to buy valuable time; among the rewards for using the key, there is "powerful spatial perception" that can play a huge role on the foggy island.

"We'll decide tonight."

He thought to himself, picked up the cat who was looking forward to but disgusted at the same time, and then went out happily.

Today, Tobesk is still filled with heavy fog, and the sky is also gloomy. As expected, it started to rain lightly outside during lunch, causing people walking on the street to flee in a hurry.

Shade naturally had no shortage of rain gear among his toys, but after lunch he did not go directly to Professor Manning, but sent little Mia home first. Because of Professor Manning's unique hobby, Shade said nothing.

I will take Mia there.

Visiting a retired history professor with unique aesthetics and hobbies on a rainy day is often the beginning of a horror story. When Shade knocked on the door of the professor's house in Mao Tail Alley, he still thought that he would meet him again this time.

What a story.

The servant opened the door for Shade, and Shade saw the old professor in the living room.

Long time no see, Professor Manning is in good health and in good spirits. He is wearing a brown woolen shirt over a white shirt, looking at home. After welcoming Shade with a smile, he also asked him if he had changed from more than a month ago.

He completely recovered from his serious illness.

"Of course, I feel fine now."

"I never thought that people like you could get sick."

This refers to the Ringmancer.

"Some unexpected circumstances happened. It's okay. Professor, thank you for visiting me with a gift. I was asleep at the time. It seems that the maid received you, right?"

"It's okay, it's okay, you were sick at the time, I understand."

"There is also the matter of the honorary degree. I didn't have time to thank you."

After greetings, the business started. The two sat down in the living room. When Shade took out the pen and mentioned the name Durut Giles, Professor Manning showed a rather surprised expression:

"Giles, I know this young man. He is very talented. When he came to Tobesk three years ago, I met him when I was invited to give a lecture at the school. He was holding the Holy Law of Willendale.

Letter of introduction from Buri College. I just joined the Faculty of History of Tobesk University. I heard that he is a researcher. He is withdrawn and has few friends. Later he came to me to ask questions and we became acquainted."

The professor recalled, and then showed a hesitant look:

"Mr. Hamilton, what's the matter with Giles?"

"He is also a ring wizard."

Shade told Professor Manning the truth:

"He led a group of tomb robbers to rob a tomb in the Green Lake area. The group of tomb robbers had all died due to the curse... Well, there was still one who was still alive. I tracked them down and stole it.

This Giles was traced when he was carrying the funerary objects."

"The Ring Warlock, there is also a curse..."

Professor Manning took a breath of cold air. It could be seen that the last [Happy Dream Pen] incident left a deep impression on him:

"Fortunately, I corresponded with him most of the time, and he only visited three times."

"Professor, where is he now? I entrusted someone to investigate Willondale. His former colleagues said that he seemed to have disappeared from the beginning of this year and had no contact with his friends and colleagues in Willondale. He

Is... already dead?"

Shade is now afraid that he will be asked to dig another grave.

"Probably not. I received a letter from him last month."

Professor Manning immediately shook his head:

"However, he has indeed been in poor health in the past six months. He was seriously ill just like you some time ago. It took you half a month to recover, but he has never recovered. I have a wide network of contacts in the Tobesk archeology industry.

When Zhou had a dinner with his old colleagues, he heard that Giles had been asking for leave intermittently in the past six months."

Shade frowned slightly, it’s good that he’s not dead:

"That's probably the curse I'm talking about...Professor, where does he live? I'm going to find him now to check on the situation."

"Giles also lives in the university area, but it's a bit far away from here. I heard that he came to live with relatives, but I don't know why he is living in embarrassment."

As he spoke, the old professor clenched his fists and gritted his teeth:

"I'll go with you. It just so happens that I haven't seen him for a long time. If he doesn't want to provide you with information, I can help you persuade him. He is really a very talented young man. Although he stole from others

His tomb, but maybe there is still a chance to save him. I don’t want to excuse him, but I really hope he can get a chance to be redeemed.”

Professor Manning has provided help to Shade several times, and Shade also respects the professor. Therefore, Shade is willing to not subdue the other person as soon as they meet because of the professor's persuasion, but he does not want the professor to get involved:

"Professor, if you are worried, just wait for me here. I will bring him over. Something may not happen in a while. Although I am more confident than him, I may not be able to protect you."

Although Megan said that the other party was only a low-level warlock three years ago, she should not take it lightly.

"I can wait for you downstairs."

"Then why don't you wait for me here?"

Shade smiled and asked:

"And it's still raining outside... Let's do this. You write a letter and I'll bring it to Giles. If he sees the letter and wants to believe that you have helped him, then it will save you trouble. You

Prepare hot tea at home, and I promise to bring him here. Oh, I’m going to disguise my face later, I don’t want others to know who I am.”

The professor nodded and did not forget to say:

"Be careful yourself, or ask Louisa to go with you."

"I won't bother her for now, I can handle this matter myself."

Among the six districts in Tobesk, the University District has the smallest area, but even so, it is not easy to find the residence of Durut Giles. In Shade's imagination, the other party is a ring warlock.

Even if you have to keep a low profile for some reason, at least you will have your own independent apartment.

But in fact, he was as shabby as Professor Manning said, and he actually lived in a shared apartment building with others. It was a single room separated by wooden boards, and it was the worst type of accommodation in the university area.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org]

The apartment building is hidden in an alley in the southwest of the university district. If you walk one street further west, you will enter Tobesk West District.

This kind of apartment specifically rented to students in the university area generally has a small area, but is quite crowded. However, it is Wednesday afternoon, and most of the tenants are not here, and Shade is not willing to let others know that he is here, so

After disguising his identity and arriving at the door of No. 12 Nottingham Lane, he closed his eyes to make sure there was no heartbeat behind the door, then pretended to take out his key and poke it into the keyhole.


The keyhole rotated automatically, and Shade walked in without blushing or heartbeat.

The lighting in this house was very poor, and it was even darker inside on a rainy day. Shade was always paying attention to his surroundings and climbed up the narrow stairs from the first floor to the third floor. After turning into the corridor, he found the door with the number "3" on it.


He closed his eyes again and listened. There was someone in the room behind the door. So, Shade held his breath and knocked on the door twice——


When the crisp knocking on the door sounded in the dark corridor, Shade felt a little eerie inexplicably.

【Not inexplicable.】


Then he saw an almost completely transparent spirit body floating out of its head and upper body through the wall. The spirit body looked like a little girl. She tilted her head and looked at Shade.

When Shade also looked at her, the girl's soul face showed an expression of extreme shock, obviously not understanding why Shade could see her.

She quickly retracted into the wall with a whoosh - the onomatopoeia was Shade's imagination, but then he really heard the panicked sound of getting up and footsteps inside the door, and the footsteps were closer to the side with the window.


The locked door was pushed open by Shade. When he entered, his hands directly pressed against the wall of the room. Blood-red thorn bushes immediately sealed the door and the only window in the room.

The young man with a pale face and wearing a nightgown stood desperately at the window and looked back at Shade, while the soul of the floating girl gloated next to him:

"Giles, Giles, you are in trouble!"

"I know...ahem."

The man who looked to be in his thirties coughed twice and did not dare to test what the blood-red thorns were. He walked back to the bed and sat down dejectedly, and then looked at Shade with bloodshot eyes.


"what are you up to?"

"Before I say what I'm going to do, can you explain why you want to run away?"

Shade asked while standing at the door, basically certain that this was what he was looking for.

Durut Giles was speechless for a moment, so Shade looked at the soul floating next to him:

"Are you... Rust Edwards?"

When the name was spoken, the little girl's soul froze for a moment, then she clapped her hands and said:

"You know me, you know me!"

There is something wrong with her intelligence level. Even if she becomes undead, she shouldn't talk like this.

Looking at the pale man again, there was more despair in his tone:

"Are you from Green Lake?"

"That's true, but I'm from Tobesk."

The stranger who owns a house in Saint Teresa Square said, and then introduced himself:

"You may have misunderstood my identity. I am not from the Edwards family, nor am I hired by anyone."

He took out Professor Manning's letter and the pen he picked up from the bottom of the lake:

"In order to find a burial object, I traced it from the Randall Valley to the City of Glass - Michaela Blast Furnace City. Then I found clues on the central island of Green Lake, traced it all the way to Green Lake City, and eliminated the local gang leader.

Later, I found Willendale through your pen, then learned that you were in Tobesk, and finally found Professor Tiris Manning."

He himself feels that this process is complicated, but absolutely worth it.

The man sitting by the bed looked up at his lost pen, and then looked down at the letter:

"City of Spring - Randall Valley, that's a big city in the southwest of the Old World. I've never been there. Why did you... wait, what did those tomb robbers sell?"

He didn't know that the phalanges were being sold to Randall Valley.

Xia De breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the other party could communicate:

"It seems that what you encountered on the island is more complicated than I thought. Professor Manning said that you are very talented and asked me not to do anything to you. I respect this old gentleman, so please come with me

Go to the professor's place."

As he spoke, he also introduced his relationship with the professor:

"He met me when he was young, and we helped each other a little. But just because I respect Professor Manning doesn't mean that I'm really kind to you, so don't play tricks on me."

The man had finished reading the letter at this time, but he did not make a decision immediately. Instead, he looked at the soul floating around him. Rusty Edwards, the eldest daughter of the second generation of the Edwards family who died young, was thinking.

After a while:

"Go with him, go with him!"

"I will go with you."

Durut Giles nodded to Shade.

"Don't move yet, let me see what curse is on you."

After saying that, he walked over and held the other person's hand. After frowning slightly, he determined that this was the same kind of curse as the mad tomb robber in Green Lake City who had only one breath left. This curse was rooted in the soul, constantly consuming the life force and vitality of the cursed person.

Will. Even Shade can't figure out what this weird curse is.

"It's very troublesome. Let's talk about the curse after we meet the professor."

He asked Durut Giles to change clothes and find shoes, and the latter obeyed obediently. While waiting, Shade asked curiously:

"Speaking of which, what is your relationship with this... little lady?"

It was not a curse that bound the two of them, it was more like the soul of Rusty Edwards, who died young, stayed with him voluntarily.

This chapter has been completed!
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