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Chapter 172 The location of the relic

The doctor was still in his dream. The two people standing in the corridor listened to the sound of rain outside and discussed the finishing work for a while.

The night is getting darker, but Miss Louisa still looks very energetic:

"I will use my mind to write for a while, and write down tonight's experience and put it here. When the Zhengshen Church comes, I will understand what happened. The words written by my mind are similar to printed characters, so there will be no handwriting left."

"Miss Louisa, do you often 'cooperate' with the church like this?"

The stranger asked curiously, wanting to learn some experience.

"Not often, but by doing this, you can effectively avoid being asked to cause trouble by the church. The Academy of Thaumatology and the Orthodox Church are not hostile, but the church does not like us and thinks that we are always causing trouble..."

Judging from Shade's experience in just two weeks, it is difficult for him to disagree with the church's view.

"So, leaving appropriate clues can be regarded as giving the church an attitude, and the church will tacitly refrain from pursuing us."

"The relationship between us and the church is really..."

He flipped through the "Delarian Common Language Encyclopedia" in his head:

"It's really subtle."

"This word is really good."

The blonde girl praised.

Although the doctor said to give him twenty minutes, in fact by the time he woke up, thirty minutes had already passed.

Falling into a dream did not make Dr. Schneider tired, but made him more energetic. In the rainy summer night, the doctor's tone carried a brisk meaning:

"The fourth-ring warlock was suppressed by me."

He smiled at his two companions, saw eyes in the bottle held by Shade, and explained:

"Basically, after asking clearly, this eye is a secret-keeper-level relic [the Count's left eye]. The original owner of the eye was called Count Gellar, who lived in the late fifth era. After being assassinated, the eyes of the corpse were used by the witch

Obtained and made into alchemy items, and then became relics. The specific function is that when the magic eye looks into the eyes of any intelligent creature, the other party will receive a mental shock based on the difference in soul power and spirit between the two parties. To put it simply,

It is said that for people who are more powerful than the holder, the magic eye has no effect at all, but for ordinary people, it is not difficult to turn the opponent into a vegetative state at a glance."

"This kind of relic... is not very useful."

Miss Louisa was a little disappointed:

"If you are weaker than me, wouldn't it be more convenient for me to directly use thaumaturgy? How can I damage my own eyes and install such a thing... Forget it, it's all for nothing. Doctors and detectives, you can keep it.

Well, I'm not interested. I didn't provide the clues tonight, and I couldn't help, so there's no need to share anything with me."

"I said, tonight I only want the [fake Philosopher's Stone], everything else is yours."

The doctor shook his head, so the magic eye belonged to Shade. Of course, logically speaking, he also needed to give Miss Louisa a sum of gold pounds as compensation for the exclusive relic. After all, she also participated in the battle.

But judging from the blonde girl's attitude, it seemed that she had no intention of asking Shade for money. After all, she cared about Shade's other things.

Although the doctor's frontal combat ability is not outstanding, no one needs to doubt his ability to obtain information while dreaming.

"We can leave. The two relics [Mercury Blood] asked Ponton to take care of are ordinary items, used to make him think that he is still trusted. The Silver Eyes have long discovered that Ponton is embezzling the organization's property. This

Men are here to silence you."

The doctor, like Miss Louisa just now, kicked the sleeping man on the ground. He shook his head at Shade:

"I also interrogated him about his past. This guy specializes in doing dirty work for those with silver eyes. I would say that he should be executed directly with a steam cannon."

"Have you found any clues to the [fake Philosopher's Stone]?"

Shade asked again, this is the main purpose of tonight.

"No, but there are some clues. This guy knows more ordinary people who help [Mercury Blood] keep the relics. But in the next thing, detective, you don't need to participate. This kind of thing is too dangerous, and you are not suitable to act together."

Shade did not object, but nodded directly. The doctor was right. He came here tonight just to fulfill his agreement with Miss Bayas to "not take away any other relics except the [forged Philosopher's Stone]"

Promise of.

"So, have you found the hiding place of the Silver Eyed One?"

Shade asked Miss Bayas by the way. The doctor shook his head and picked up the short knife like Shade just now. Miss Louisa took a step back. Shade then understood and took a step back, then looked at the doctor.

A knife was inserted into the man's heart.

The doctor pulled out the dagger and threw it aside. The metal and blood drops fell to the ground, making a sound in the rain:

"After the silver-eyed man was injured by you, the injury cannot be treated by ordinary methods. He is now in a dilemma of declining strength and no longer trusts the people around him. This guy who does the dirty work doesn't know the location of the silver-eyed man. They exchange

Intelligence relies on secret communications."

Thinking about it in a good direction, the decline of the power of the nine-ring warlock Silver Eyes gives Miss Bayas a chance to take revenge; but thinking about it in a bad direction, Miss Bayas may have to find this cautious guy.

More difficult.

The three of them were dealing with the aftermath. Miss Louisa was telling the story of tonight using thaumaturgy (reading and writing), and Dr. Schneider and Shade were searching the body together.

After the doctor checked the body's pockets, he glanced at Shade with some confusion.

"Doctor, what's wrong?"

Shade looked at him strangely, thinking he had touched something strange. The killer did not bring a wallet when he went out to work, so Shade had only touched 3 shillings in change so far.

"There is something I shouldn't tell you because it is very dangerous. But after all, you brought the initial information about this matter, so I shouldn't tell you."

The doctor hesitated to speak.

"Then tell the detective that the magic eye just now was ineffective on him, which already explains the problem."

Miss Louisa encouraged her, gesturing with her fingers in the air, and large blocks of text continued to appear on the paper.

The doctor thought about it and thought it made sense, so he stopped searching:

"Oh well."

Shade looked at him, and the doctor's words rang out after the thunder:

"I know where [God's gift box] is."

He looked at Shade, and Shade looked at him. It took him a while to understand the meaning of this sentence, and he asked tentatively:

"You mean, you discovered the location of that sage-level (level 2) relic?"

Although this box does not seem to be directly related to what Shade experienced, it can also be said that the beginning of everything seems to be this box. If it were not for this relic, [Mercury Blood] would not have come to the Trust.

Beske, the next series of things will not happen.

After nearly three weeks of life and adventure, the news of [God’s Gift Box] came to Shade again.

"Yes, detective, I can tell you the specific location, but you have to understand the difference between greed and aggressiveness. Tobesk is not peaceful. After Lakeview Manor, did you know that there was an evil god last Saturday night?

It almost brought a certain neighborhood of this city into..."

Shade turned to look at Miss Louisa, who pretended to be interested in the "story" she had just written.

Seeing the strange movements of the two people, the doctor continued to say this, but looked at them hesitantly:

"Although the Orthodox Church has blocked the news, I heard some information from August. At that time, a high-level warlock used an enlightening mystery to confront the gaze of the evil god head-on. At the cost, he saved a street of people.

....Although it is incredible, I have seen even more incredible things in Lakeview Manor..."

He paused:

"It can't be you, right?"

Shade and Miss Louisa just wouldn't look at him.

"Detective? Writer?"

Dr. Schneider shouted in a low voice. Seeing that they still had this attitude, he stood next to the corpse and lowered his voice just enough to cover the height of the raindrops hitting the window. His eyes widened and a look of astonishment appeared on his face:

"Oh! My God, it's you!"

In short, although there were some minor accidents, the three people's joint operation on this rainy night on Monday went smoothly. Not only did no one get injured, the doctor even got the next clue about the relic [the fake Philosopher's Stone]


What is even more valuable is the news of [God’s Gift Box].

Just like the information provided by Miss Carina at the beginning, [God’s Gift Box] cannot be moved due to some special reasons, so [Mercury Blood] still refuses to leave even when the silver-eyed person is seriously injured.

Tobesk region.

About a year ago, that is, in the winter of 1852 in the universal calendar, taking advantage of the early stage of the third round of steam pipeline renovation construction project in Tobesk City, clues to the ruins were discovered from the ancient document "The Book of Wishes for the Dead".

[Blood of Mercury] secretly excavated underground in Tobesk, and actually found the remains of the early Sixth Age buried deep underground in this city. The remains are about 1,000 years old.

The man who had been killed by the doctor didn't know what was specifically in the ruins. He only knew that the [God's Gift Box] was found in the ruins. This relic was firmly fixed somewhere in the ruins.

position, it cannot be separated from the base on which it is fixed, even by the magician's means.

Therefore, as the leader, the Silver Eyed Man took the risk and let most of the organization's manpower sneak into the big city of Tobesk in an attempt to complete the production of the so-called angelic relic [Blood of Mercury] in the ruins.

Although the dead man did not know the specific situation in the ruins, he learned the specific location of the entrance to the excavated ruins by quietly following members of his organization. He did not want to monopolize the relics, but was just curious about the secret.

The location of the entrance was very familiar to Shade. It was only one street away from the alley where he accidentally discovered the statue of the old god "Vampire Duke Lauel".

This chapter has been completed!
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