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Chapter 1,718 Late Shade

"I understand that even for her, I will hide it. This is my only chance to atone."

Durut Gilles clenched his fists and nodded, Shade waved his hand at him:

"As long as you understand. In addition, remember to go to the Three Cats Hotel at nine o'clock on Sunday morning to get the potion to lift the curse. After getting the antidote, you have to stay on the first floor for an hour."

"Yes, sir."

The man nodded immediately, but he didn't know that Shade wanted to find Sister Devlin and Priest Augustus, so that the nuns and priests could help find out what happened to Rust Edwards' soul.

He turned around to leave, but the passionate girls were still waiting for him to go back in the room. But he took two steps forward, turned around and looked at Durut Giles, frowned slightly and asked:

"Viscount Chris Rendall...a very familiar name...did he participate in the Tobesk City Riding Competition this spring? (Chapter 1551)"

Durut Giles was stunned:

"Oh, yes, I also went to the Edward III Arena to watch the game. But Uncle Rendell didn't get a good place, so no one would take the initiative to mention it in front of him."

Shade nodded thoughtfully, turned around and left.

The enthusiasm of girls is always hard to refuse, and the enthusiasm of Lecia and Dorothy makes foreigners intoxicated. Shade did not go to the banquet hall again, but turned into a cat and walked through Yodel Palace, and then

He returned to Lesia's bedroom. After knocking on the window in his cat form, the arm behind the curtain almost immediately grabbed him in.

He originally thought that he would be able to leave Yodel Palace after the banquet, but Lesia thought that Shade and Dorothy managed to get to her bedroom - this opportunity was really rare, and of course he could not leave like this.

Therefore, after the banquet ended that night, although Shade, his female companion, and other guests left the Yodel Palace, they later returned here on the carriage secretly arranged by Her Royal Highness the Princess.

I have to admit that the big bed in Lesia's bedroom is indeed very comfortable. Although it is a little too soft, you don't need to pay too much attention to such small things. Only the three of them know what happened in Lesia's bedroom that night.

However, the soft bed and soft girls did cause Shade to not get up on time early on Saturday morning.

It wasn't until Agelina entered the room to say hello to Lesia on Saturday morning that Shade finally said goodbye to Lesia and Dorothy and broke free from the "cobweb" woven by her long red and golden hair. To Shade

When they said goodbye, everyone no longer cared about what happened last Saturday night. They all felt that Shade's enthusiasm had not changed at all.

"The Red Butterfly Day ends this afternoon, Shade. Although we have a meeting in the afternoon, if you are okay after the meeting, we can meet again."

These were Lesia's last words to Shade. Agelina deliberately reminded that this afternoon, she and Miss Carina were going to take the train, so the group of people who were bound to see them off had no time to "continue".

Due to various reasons, in short, by the time Shade arrived at the Green Lake Hotel to see Megan, it was already 9:30 in the morning.

"If you don't show up, I'm leaving."

The beautiful lady behind the newspaper said, and after putting down the newspaper, Shade saw her somewhat impatient expression. Shade had indeed made her wait for too long. The two of them made an appointment to pick up the [Ring of Mind] today, but Xia De

De made her wait here for a full hour.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Shade, who was holding little Mia in his arms, said repeatedly that it was not that he had any intention of taking Mia out today, but that the cat had not seen Shade all night and would follow him no matter what this morning:

"I encountered something that I can't talk about, so I was delayed. How about I treat you to dinner at noon?"

"I don't really want to challenge you. You don't need... lunch? Is this a formal invitation?"

Megan suddenly asked again, as if her mood suddenly improved, and she tapped the side of the teacup with her fingers:

"Then let's set off as soon as possible. Our destination is the lake, and there's still a long way to go."

The carriage from Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals was already waiting outside. After getting on the carriage, Shade described the results of the four blood tests. Meghan had already guessed that her father was really of Edwards blood, so she had no idea.

Not surprised.

She also told Shade about what happened in Green Lake City in recent days. She seemed to have confirmed that during the period when Shade did not appear, he was definitely not in the city:

"As I told you last time, Minsk Todels, the Thirteen Rings of the Peace Church and the White Dove Messenger, has arrived here. In the past two days, the Thirteen Rings of the Church of Nature and the Church of the Sun have also arrived. It is the "Dream"

"Witch" and "Child of Light". In the past five hundred years, this is the first time that so many thirteen-ring warlocks have come to the Green Lake area. Adding in my ancestors and the mirror-hiding man, there are five at once.


"The church is still searching the island now?"

"Yes, for safety reasons, everyone will be cleared after each investigation, and people will be arranged to land on the island after an interval of ten hours. But even so, once the space is lost, you will have to wait longer to return to normal. Yesterday afternoon, the church

It is suspected that we met the Mirror Hidden Man on the island, but there was no fight, and both parties were very restrained. I think it is unlikely that we will land on the island this week, but it will definitely be no problem to get the fourth key next week."

She said very confidently:

"In addition, people from the Prophet Association also arrived yesterday. They were sent directly from the headquarters of the Prophet Association. This time they were led by a vice-president of the Twelve Rings. If that is not enough, the current president of the Thirteenth Ring will also

Come on. With so many people, no matter how powerful my ancestor is, I’m afraid he won’t be able to hide it.”

She regards the "Mirror Hidden Man" as the enemy of her ancestors, which is actually true. Although the "Mirror Association" is not a good person, their purpose this time is also the secret of the central island of Green Lake.

"Actually, things are not that easy. Don't forget that there were demons around your ancestors."

Shade did not think that the enemy this time was just a simple Thirteenth Ring.

"Since the devil was mentioned, the place we are going to next might actually be related to the devil."

The carriage drove the two of them south out of the city. After crossing the countryside between the city and the lake, it did not go to the village of Pukhov, which Shad was familiar with, but to the northeast of Green Lake, which Shad had never been to.

Fang moves forward.

The smooth country road soon became bumpy and bumpy, until the carriage could no longer move forward. The two got out of the car and continued along the country road. Near eleven o'clock in the morning, a fork appeared in front of the road, and the tattered road signs pointed to the direction.

Their destination was the abandoned lakeside manor.

Maybe this place was once very prosperous, but now the bottom of the fence around the manor has been completely covered by weeds. The weeds in the courtyard cover the fountain, walking path, and swings, but the tree in the yard is still tall and tall.

Green moss climbed on the walls of the manor house, and in the darkness inside the glassless windows, it seemed like something strange was peering into the outside world. Desolate and gloomy, this was Shade's most obvious feeling about this place.

"This used to be the local resort manor of Earl Gaiman, and it was also the best resort outside the city. At its most prosperous, it hosted more than 100 nobles from the north and south sides of Green Lake for banquets at one time, but this was only five years ago.

That happened more than ten years ago.”

Standing outside the fence gate, Megan said to Shad, who was looking up at the mansion. Little Mia stood on Shad's shoulder and turned to look at the squirrel standing on the big tree next to the gate of the manor.

The squirrel looked at the cat and was frightened away by the cat's meow. This made the orange cat quite satisfied. It has never been afraid of things smaller than itself.

"How did this place become abandoned?"

Shade asked, reaching out and tapping the lock, then pulling off the chain and throwing it aside.

"In the autumn of 1801, Earl Gaiman accidentally fell off his horse and died. When his children divided the property, some accidents occurred that attracted the local church - blood stains in the basement and so on, you know. Later, after investigation, Earl Gaiman suddenly

He made a huge fortune and was able to build such a luxurious manor because he made a wish for something very dangerous. I didn't get a specific investigation report. I only know that shortly after the Earl's death, the Gaiman family fell into decline and the title was deprived of him.


The witch entered the manor in front of Shade and led Shade the way:

"Because of the precedent of Bad-Eyed Barry, I knew that my ancestors must be in the cities on both sides of Green Lake, and there are more traces. I asked my girls to investigate the strange things that have happened in the local area in the past hundred years, and then immediately discovered that Guy

The past events of the Mann family. Later, some definite evidence was found, proving that the [Ring of Mind] was once held by Count Gaiman.

But when I told you about the ring last time, I didn’t know the specific location of the ring. It may have been taken to the grave, it may be in the hands of descendants, it may be in this abandoned vacation manor, or it may be used as a

Ordinary items were donated to the city museum, or lay in the evidence storage room of the police station. Be careful..."

She waved her finger, and the black snake that swam in front of her suddenly flew up, and then the snake was divided into two parts:

"Fortunately, no one else has found the ring yet. Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals found his descendants, then pieced together the details, and finally locked the manor through an old photo. But we don't need to find it ourselves, I have already determined,

The ring is under the floor of the bedroom on the third floor."

In fact, she could send someone to get it, but she just wanted to be alone with Shade again, so she invited Shade to come with her.

Shade has explored many abandoned manors, and when he was in the Randall Valley, he also explored the Oxenfurt Manor in various states. The one in front of him, because it is far away from urban areas and villages, and because of its proximity to

The lake was invaded by water vapor, and its architectural structure and interior decoration were extremely dilapidated.

This chapter has been completed!
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