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Chapter 1,744 Night of Lunar Eclipse

 The light of the moon shines on the earth, and the big lake under the moon is still calm.

When Shade's figure rose from the lake towards the night sky, a black shadow the size of a grain of rice appeared on the edge of the three moons higher up, and spread towards other parts of the moon.

This speed was difficult to detect with the naked eye, but Luvia, who was in front of the astronomical telescope on the third floor of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, captured it immediately.

She left the telescope, determined the time with her pocket watch, recorded the time point, then looked at the telescope again, and quickly drew the shape of the moon on the white paper with the pencil in her hand.

Although she was busy with her work, the purple-eyed girl was still worried about Sha De, who should have returned home at this time, but still hadn't returned.


Suddenly I heard a cat meowing, turned around and saw little Mia appearing at the door of the room, lowering her head and meowing.

"Are you worried about Shade too?"

She asked softly, put down the pen and paper in her hand, took out the late night snack that Shade had prepared for her from under the upside-down food box, put it on the table for the cat to eat, and then quickly walked to the table and picked up her fortune-telling card.

. Without any preparation, he just randomly picked out one of them and frowned:

"This is...lover?"

"here we go."

Far North, St. Barons Comprehensive College.

As the ceiling in the center of the large library gradually became transparent, the astrology device also disappeared, and the starry sky in the far north was revealed behind the ceiling. Miss Danister raised her hand to direct, letting the starry sky continue to magnify until the three-wheeled

The eclipsed moon occupies the entire field of view, which allows people sitting on the sofa in the middle of the library to clearly see the changes in the starry sky.

The principal, Mr. Pigman, the librarian, Miss Danister, the professors from the School of Astronomy, and some students who were nervously preparing records, looked up at the extremely clear starry sky. The person who was there last summer,

The dean of the School of Astronomy, Ms. Molly Torell, who gave him a divination when he was a student and received the "Detective holding a blood-stained Rhodes card", laughed and joked:

"Obviously this is a library, but it has the best astrological equipment in the entire school. Even our School of Astronomy does not have similar equipment."

"There's nothing we can do about it. When the Fifth Era Academy was first built, this library was the original building, so it had the most hard work of Miss Feliana and Miss Olanode."

The principal "Silver Watcher" Mr. Andre Pigman, who wore a monocle, said with a smile that the name of "Miss Olanold" was only recently investigated and confirmed.

"This is the property of the library and has been since the Fifth Era, so there is no need for the Astronomy Academy to test me."

Miss Danister also said, and then motioned for people to concentrate on observing this total lunar eclipse, which is rare in thousands of years.

Professor Ragus, the deputy dean of the School of Astronomy, had already stood up and started explaining the lunar eclipse. All the lights in the library were turned off, and under the control of Miss Danister, a panoramic view of the starry sky at this moment was projected below March.

Professor Ragus clicked his throat, and then spoke in a loud voice:

"Professors and classmates, please pay attention, this is..."

The red-haired librarian was looking at the moon with a smile, feeling the impact of the lunar eclipse on herself. But suddenly her face changed, and she raised her hand, and a small leather book with a red cover flew from a distance and fell into the moon.

In his hand, the book was clearly fading.

"What's wrong?"

The principal asked softly, and Miss Danister stood up from the sofa regardless of the surprise of others:

"You guys go on, I'll leave first."

"Where to go?"

"Green Lake."


But the sorceress had turned into red light and shadow and disappeared from where she was.

"here we go."

Tobesk, Church of the Sun, top of the right tower of the church.

In the night wind, the ring magicians of the church were holding wine glasses, talking and laughing, looking at the starry sky. Mr. Hogg Rendell, the "Sunshine Sword", and Yin Luna in a brown coat stood together:

"Mr. Rendall, thank you for inviting me to come and enjoy the moon. It's really boring to be alone at home. However, I really didn't expect that I have only lived for 17 years. Not only did I encounter whales in the sea of ​​​​stars passing by the material world, but I could also see the impact

A total lunar eclipse of this magnitude.”

The seventeen-year-old girl praised, in fact, she originally wanted to go to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square to find Luvia. She was a little worried about Shade's situation. The lunar eclipse has a great impact on users of moon power:

"It's getting really messy."

"The epic of the chosen ones is moving forward steadily. Of course, the world will not be as peaceful as before. But let's not talk about work tonight, Miss Bayas. Why don't you let me test you on the meaning of lunar eclipse?

What other astronomical phenomena are there?”

The two clinked their glasses, and the red wine in Mr. Rendell's hand swayed with the juice in Yin Luna's glass.

"This does not trouble me. When I was training in the Holy See, my grades in ancient Chinese were not good... The sun and the moon are the supreme beings that symbolize the light of the world. They cycle alternately to maintain the material world.

Various basic rules. Once a solar eclipse or a lunar eclipse occurs, it means that certain rules can become obsolete in a short period of time."


"Sunshine Great Sword" smiled and nodded, looking in the direction of the distant Midhill Fort:

"Fortunately, the chaos at the boundary between life and death happened last fall. It would be really bad now... However, there are also problems in the Green Lake area. The chaotic space is affecting the entire material world.


"Yes, and it is said that the three major colleges have also sent letters to students around the world, warning ring magicians to pay attention to the unusual space phenomena around them, saying that these phenomena will become more frequent after the lunar eclipse. Since last year,

The number of chaotic areas of space in the material world is increasing rapidly, and the number of ordinary people we count who have been inexplicably teleported to distant places is also increasing."

Yin Luna sighed softly, having an ominous premonition in her heart. She always felt that Xia De would encounter something very dangerous tonight.

"Has it started yet?"

Green Lake City, at the entrance of the Green Lake Hotel, the lady who was about to push the door to enter looked at the night sky unexpectedly. The carriage window, the street gas lamp and the dim light of the hotel window all illuminated her figure, and her beautiful face was

Doubtful look:

"So fast? I thought it would take dozens of minutes."

However, she did not continue to observe the night sky, but opened the door and entered the hotel directly.

It was already after ten o'clock in the evening, and there were only a few guests still dining on the first floor of the hotel. The hotel owners, Mr. Soren Green and Miss Helena Green, were checking accounts and bills together behind the counter. Today is the Sowing Moon.

On the last day, this is what must be done.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Soren Green subconsciously raised his head and wanted to say a welcome sentence, but when he saw the breathtakingly beautiful lady, the words were stuck in his throat again.

The lady who came in didn't want to talk to the man at all. She came to the front and back of the counter and said to Ms. Helena Green:

"Has John Watson, who lives on the third floor, been around since this evening?"

Staring at the woman in front of her with golden eyes, Ms. Green somehow blurted out the customer's privacy that should not have been revealed:

"No, ma'am. He went out in the morning and never came back."

Then he realized something was wrong, covered his mouth and took two steps back. Mr. Green reached for the pistol under the counter and wanted to protect his sister, but was stopped by the red-haired lady:

"Don't be so nervous, I am his...lover."

She looked at the twin siblings behind the counter with deep meaning:

"I heard that he was in trouble with another woman in the local area, so I came to see...that woman, isn't she some of your relatives? For example, an aunt?"

Mr. Green immediately put down the pistol under the counter, looked at his sister and took a step back to let her answer. Of course they knew the relationship between Megan and "John Watson", and they had naturally heard of that powerful man.

The Ring Warlock has his own lover in the field.

"This lady...this..."

The woman wearing glasses had never dealt with this kind of thing, and she didn’t know what to say for a moment:

"Our aunt, and Mr. Watson, they are..."

Fortunately, Carina Cavendish, who had disguised herself, did not press them any further. While Ms. Helena Green hesitated, she turned around to look at the hotel with interest, and then suddenly looked towards

In the direction of Green Lake, she noticed an unusual element reaction:

"Don't tell anyone, I've been here before."

As he spoke, he made a spell-casting action, then turned around and left the hotel. Hearing footsteps, the door of the carriage parked at the door of the hotel was opened, and Tifa's voice came from the carriage:

"Miss, have you found it?"

"It seems that the fight started over at Green Lake... I took you off the train and flew here in advance. I originally wanted to give him a surprise."

She did not step onto the carriage, but waved to Tifa:

"But this can be considered a surprise. You go to the train station and wait for Agelina and the others to enter the station. I want to see what trouble Megan caused to Shade again."

Although the best observation location for this lunar eclipse is in the middle of the Old World, this rare astronomical phenomenon can actually be observed in other areas of the Old World. Residents on both sides of Green Lake learned about the upcoming lunar eclipse from newspapers in advance.

will appear, so many people did not go to bed early tonight, but waited to observe this rare astronomical spectacle.

Naturally, the ring wizards of the churches around Green Lake also looked up at the three-wheeled moon with black shadows during their mission.

But soon, while feeling the world-wide changes in spirits and elements caused by the emergence of unique astronomical phenomena, they saw a scene even more amazing than the moon.

This chapter has been completed!
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