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Chapter 1,792 Rainy Day and Thunder (Pictures Included - Tifa)

 Shade maintained his illusion and wanted to follow him into the stairs, but when he passed the passage, he found that a simple warning ceremony had been set up here:

"Oh? This place actually hired a ring warlock to help arrange the ceremony?"

However, because the warning ritual was too simple, it was completely ineffective for Shade, who was proficient in illusion.

After passing through the dark and narrow stairs, we arrived at the hidden fourth floor. What's even more amazing here is that it's actually a large flat-floor room. The level of luxury decoration and the arrangement of furniture are even better than those downstairs, which makes Shade have to doubt.

Is this where this high-end brothel is used to entertain big shots?

As soon as Director Anlos showed up, he heard a voice from the southeast corner of the room:

"Anlos, you are too slow. Do you know how much it costs to rent here?"

It's a man's voice, and it's in Kasenlic.

Director Anlos pressed his hat and walked over with his men:

"You also need to be patient, Hikari Schnaud. If someone finds the two of us meeting like this, how much trouble do you think it will cause?"

In the southeast corner of the room, the floor protrudes into a two-level platform with a square table and stools placed on it. The single-layer glass of the windows on one side of the wall allows one to overlook the rainy Michaela Blast Furnace City from the fourth floor. According to

With the silhouette of the "Glass Blast Furnace" not far away, Shade could also determine its specific location in the city.

The person talking to Director Anlos was a tall and thin man that Shade had never seen before. He had a thick stubble, and it seemed that he deliberately kept that appearance. The strange tall and thin man should be the inviter of this meeting.

Because there were five or six of his men in this room on the top floor, but they all consciously retreated to another room separated by a wooden wall and did not listen to the next conversation.

The tall and thin Hikari Schnold shook hands with Director Anlos:

"It will indeed be a bit troublesome, but you said people will think that you, the director of MI6, defected to our Carsonlik, or that I, the minister of Gray Gloves, defected to your Delrayon?"

Shade was glad that no one could see his shocked look at this moment, and at the same time, he was also glad that he followed him.

Director Anlos waved his hand:

"It's a boring question. I wouldn't come to see you if it wasn't necessary. Sit down and talk. You know I can't stay here for long."

He motioned to the person behind him to hand him the briefcase:

"This cooperation is out of necessity, so we will get right to the point."

"Okay, regarding the fact that someone has been preparing for at least a year in advance to try to assassinate your Duke Carina, and the head of our negotiating delegation, Duke Simil, the current information is this."

Minister Schnold of Gray Gloves said, but he is not Shade’s boss. The ace agent "Grey Eagle" originally belonged directly to the royal family. Even if it is now passed down to "Grey Eagle II", it still belongs directly to Princess Margaret.


"Before discussing, are you sure it's safe here?"

Director Anlos asked while holding down the pulled out document. Minister Schnold nodded:

"It's absolutely safe. I hired those special people to set up a ritual to prevent anyone from sneaking in. Otherwise, why do you think this place is so expensive?"

As he said that, both parties took out the documents they had prepared, and the white document paper quickly covered the table. Director Dark Anlos and Minister Hikari Schnold stood up, almost lying on the table.

They exchanged and discussed every clue and information they had, while Shade leaned on the railing next to the high platform, watching the rain outside the one-way glass and listening to every word of their conversation.

Although it was raining, there was still weak sunlight shining through the glass on the faces of outsiders. Raindrops were hitting the windows intensively, and the leaders of the agents were also rapidly exchanging information. Shade stood quietly like this

Although all the information has been retained there, looking at the rainy scenery of the City of Glass outside and the quiet city, one can't help but sigh that everything has changed so quickly.

While listening to the information, he thought about the smiling faces of the girls around him, from Luvia to Tifa's smile. He knew he shouldn't think about this at this time, but the atmosphere on this rainy day was a bit too depressing.

The rain in spring is often not heavy, but once it starts, it cannot stop. This is a characteristic of the climate in the Green Lake area. When Director Anlos and the man carrying the suitcase behind him, they planted flowers in front of the door, using a side

When I walked out of the local high-end business place, which used the flower wall as a screen wall to block the sight of passers-by on Percival Avenue, it was already half past ten that morning.

The carriage stopped at the intersection waiting for the two of them. Director Anlos, who was always cautious, took a look around before putting away his umbrella and boarding the carriage. He was very cautious and signaled the carriage to take the assistant away first, while he pressed down

Hat, he walked towards Shade, who was holding an umbrella and looking up at the flowers in front of the flower wall with his hands behind his back.

"You don't seem surprised to see me here."

Shade did not look at his boss who came to his side. Director Anlos said with a smile:

"Now that the lady has come to this area, and you have also appeared, what is impossible?"

He paused:

"But if I saw you in that building in front, I'd probably be really surprised."

That’s why Xia De didn’t choose to show up there:

"Do you mind telling me the situation? Or I can go directly to the lady and ask."

Dark Anlos thought for a moment:

"Find a quiet place to talk."

The two of them almost immediately looked at the building behind the screen wall, and then shook their heads together:

"There is a Victory Carrier Hotel nearby. Go there."

The Victory Carrier Hotel is the temporary residence of Professor Boulanger and the three believers of Eros. Compared with the building covered with flower walls and screen walls, the Victory Carrier Hotel is undoubtedly a truly serious place.

On a rainy Tuesday morning, there were not many people on the first floor of the hotel. Shade and Director Anlos chose a seat against the wall, which was far away from indoor lights, so when the waiter brought their tea, they looked ordinary.

It took Director Anlos to take off the hat.

"I just met with the people from Gray Gloves."

Director Anlos lowered his voice. He was not sure how much Shade knew, so he simply said from the beginning:

"Did Ms. Carina tell you about the third party in this negotiation?"


"Since we started discussing the border and trade routes in the Pantanal last year, some people have been planning to intensify the conflict between us and Kasenliq by assassinating members of the negotiating team. Some time ago, the city of Tobesk was still

Starting from the unidentified noble who met the mysterious figure, we have now got the exact information that the assassination targets are the lady and the Duke who leads the Southern Kingdom team."

He left Shade some time to think:

"We must not let down our guard just because the other party is a united mob. Some of their people are among us. The old continent has been at peace for too long. Now, even a spark will ignite sensitive explosive barrels. There are too many people

I hope we can change the current order. Besides, we have moved too fast in recent decades, and there have been too many things that should have been dealt with long ago."

Outsiders also understood MI6's judgment on current events from their boss's tone and expression:

"I have known the importance of this negotiation for a long time, but it has actually progressed to this extent?"

"Peace is a rare era, and war and disputes are the norm in civilization."

Director Anlos whispered:

"Those of us who listen to thunder in silent places can best understand the undercurrents hidden under the smooth water. Both sides of Green Lake, Green Lake City and Michaela Blast Furnace City will definitely leave their names in the history books in the future."

Shade nodded slightly. Both of them were silent for a while, and then Shade asked:

"Although this is not my task, can you tell me what are the main difficulties we are facing now?"

Director Anlos nodded cautiously, but then shook his head, his eyes staring at Shade:

"There are also people with extraordinary abilities among the other parties."

He spoke very cautiously, and his voice became even lower:

"You should understand what I'm talking about, but those with extraordinary abilities just hide behind the scenes because they are afraid of the church's rules and do not dare to leave directly."

For example, the Ring Warlock from [Tyranny Club] appeared during the shooting at the banquet last Friday.

"These people will not take the initiative, but their existence itself can provide convenience for ordinary people. This is the most difficult point of the investigation, but fortunately, whether it is the Sixth Bureau or Gray Gloves, there are also some people with extraordinary abilities.

People as helpers.”

“Since we know for sure who exists, why not turn to the church for help?”

Shade asked again, Director Anlos shook his head slowly:

"We maintain a tacit understanding that as long as the church does not come to an end, no one can cross that line. Once the church comes to an end, you have to know that the Five Gods Church will not consider the interests of Delarion and Kasenrik. They only want to

Catch the unruly people. But both Delarion and Kasonric think they can benefit from handling this matter."

"So... now not only do we maintain a tacit understanding with each other, but the church also maintains a tacit understanding with everyone?"

Shade summed it up.

"The church is like a god, watching everyone coldly from above, playing 'games' within the rules, and waiting for the rules to be broken. People always don't like to let such a superior being directly intervene.

It’s your own business, so you must keep a good handle on it.”

If it weren't for Shade's excellent hearing, he might not be able to hear a single word clearly at this moment.

"In fact, it has always been like this. In this era of strange power, the secret service must not only grasp the boundaries between itself and ordinary citizens, but also grasp the boundaries between ordinary and extraordinary. This is very difficult, very difficult.

Difficult, even harder than walking a tightrope in a circus. Carefully walk through the misty alley, only looking at the figure you want to pursue in front of you, and not paying attention to the strange things in the mist. Yes, yes, this is us,

That’s why we are the country’s trump card.”

This ordinary-looking middle-aged man, the light in his eyes at this moment is simply terrifying:

"So, even if everyone knows that there is a special existence in such a thing that can shake the world order, they can only acquiesce that they don't know anything and wait for the other party to make mistakes. In the case of Green Lake, third-party forces

, is about to cross the line!”

This chapter has been completed!
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