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Chapter 1809 Demons, Gods and Soothsayers

 The corpse fell to the ground with a heavy sound, and then the flames of the bonfire exploded, and tens of thousands of coins rushed out again, forming the face of the devil. It stared at Shade and the young witch with wide eyes:

"Look at you, you actually killed your own companions."

But it is not meant to condemn the behavior of the two people:

"Actually, I can also recycle corpses, but corpses can also be exchanged for coins."

As soon as Miss Higgins raised her hand, the boy's body spontaneously ignited and was burned to black charcoal in just a few seconds:

"Although he wants to murder me, I will not give his body to the devil. This is the difference between me, an elegant, noble and perfect witch, and a despicable guy like him."

But she kept the boy's remaining two coins. She originally wanted to share one with Shade, but Shade waved her hand and refused:

"Think of it as compensation for trying to murder you."

Miss Higgins snorted but did not refuse.

"If you don't give me the body, can't I take the soul? He came back just now, but he promised to sell his soul to me!"

The laughing demon inhaled sharply, and the boy's frightened soul appeared in the black mist, and then flew uncontrollably towards the mouth made of coins.

Shade and Miss Higgins frowned at the same time, and the chains of sin flew out again, tying the ankles of the soul. Miss Higgins prayed softly, and countless golden cross symbols flew out from her back, pulling Shade away.

, Granny Miles, the boy's soul and the witch herself were protected.

It is the consensus of all ring warlocks and witches not to let the devil take away any soul. Even the enemies who have a deep hatred against themselves should not become the devil's prize after death. It has nothing to do with good or evil. This is after experiencing the third era.

It is the shared responsibility of all intelligent beings who possess extraordinary powers.

"You can't take him away."

Miss Higgins and Shade stood side by side:

"Even if he agrees to sell his soul to you, we can buy him back. He still has two coins left."

Shade pulled the chain with all his strength at this time, and the power that sucked the boy's soul away did not weaken at all.

"Two? Do you think so little of the souls of your own race?"

The devil asked in the firelight. Flames shot out from the cracks of the coins, but they could not break the witch's shield.

"So how much do you want?"

Even though he knew that asking this question would mean falling into the devil's trap, Shade had no choice but to ask.

The devil then laughed:

"This is the fairest trading place. 50 coins. His soul full of malice and hatred is worth 50 coins."

Upon hearing this figure, Shade knew that neither he nor Miss Higgins would be willing to pay the money.

"Throw two coins to it."

Shade said to Miss Higgins, then he held the chain in one hand and wrote a contract in devil language in the air with his left hand. This is the content of the "Demon Book of Malbas":

"This is the deposit. When I come back next time, I will buy his soul. If I can't buy it, you take his soul away and I won't get the deposit back."

"Deposit? Great, I like that word! It's fair business!"

Two coins were sucked away by the demon, and then it dispersed into thousands of coins and returned to the bottom of the bonfire.

The boy's soul was not temporarily free because of this. He kept struggling like when he was sucked away in the air, and was fixed in the space. Shade took back his chain and didn't care about him anymore. Instead, he looked at the witch and the boy just now.

Grandma Miles closed her eyes and said:

"I really want to leave this time."

I just deliberately left early in order to seduce the boy who must be nearby to show up, but now the time has really come:

"I will handle the matter of the soul. If you really can't buy it, then let him pay the price for his actions."

Shade sighed, and Miss Higgins nodded:

"It has to be like this. People always have to pay the price for their actions."

Shade said to the old woman again:

"Mrs. Myers, please save your last memories for next time. If something unexpected happens then, I can also help."

"Okay, after waiting for so long, there is no need to wait for the last time. I myself also want to be mentally prepared. I just saw the story of me and him in the past, and I am already very satisfied."

The old woman also nodded. She and Miss Higgins both thought that Shade did not want to miss the exciting part, but in fact, Shade was still thinking about the god who had not shown up yet.

Granny Miles's wish will be realized soon if nothing happens, and the boy has also realized his wish to obtain the power of revenge. As for Miss Higgins, she is probably the one who will gain the most after obtaining the mithril mine. Next time

Come here, Shade will not only try to get the soul back from the devil, but also make the god show up.

There must be ways for Shade to obtain information in the market, and these ways are probably related to that god. In fact, outsiders have probably guessed where the god is, and the only thing left is to let him appear voluntarily. And the devil,

It should be a good way.

Of course, Shade also maintains considerable curiosity as to whether Granny Miles can really reunite with her lover who left her hometown in the long past.

So after saying goodbye to the two ladies, he turned around and walked into the black fog. As he walked forward, the glowing white fog gradually replaced the black fog, until Shade walked out of his bedroom door and saw Thursday morning.

At home, he saw Luvia holding little Mia waiting for him to come back.

Having just listened to Grandma Miles telling her love story, Shade also recalled his own love story. At this time, seeing one of his heroines, he couldn't help but smile on his face.

"You seem to be in a good mood. How come you didn't get into trouble this time?"

asked the purple-eyed girl holding the cat.

"No, the trouble this time is too big, but it doesn't matter."

Shade thought for a moment:

"Just ask the doctor to take care of the rest. However, I want to ask you about a relic, a relic used for divination."

"you say."

The girl with purple eyes looked at him curiously, and the cat in her arms finally took the opportunity to escape.

"If nothing else happens, the relic should be of unknown level (level 0). I only know its name in the previous era, and I'm not sure if it is still the same now. The relic says "Pull through the fog to see the truth",

The relic was called, [Destiny Base] at the time.”

The next moment, Luvia's whole body rushed towards Shade.

This is not an exaggerated metaphor, the purple-eyed girl really pounced on her. Except in the bedroom at night, Shade had rarely seen her so emotional.

The purple eyes widened, and her hands grabbed Shade's front:

"The brass crystal ball base, have you seen the [Destiny Base]?"

"Yes, don't be so excited, oh, little Mia, Luvia doesn't want to hurt me, don't stretch out your claws."

He took out the transparent book in the color of the sea of ​​​​stars from the air, opened it and held it in front of him to show the appearance of the relic. But this time, the objects in the book were extremely blurry, but Shade's memory was obviously very clear.

"This is it! It's really the [Destiny Base]!"

Seeing the vague appearance of the relic on the page, the excitement on Luvia's face became even stronger:

"Where did you see that? Where did you see that?"

"Black Mist Camp, but I definitely can't find it now. But I am convinced that this relic has a lot to do with the old god - the Golden Lord. Although the [Golden Lord] has left in the fifth era, maybe his followers


The purple-eyed girl held his head and gave him a deep kiss:

"I want to go to the association! If I can find this relic with the help of the association, wait for good news!"

She kissed the side of Shade's face again, then waved her hand to grab the coat on the rack and rushed out of the room.

Shade followed and caught up with Luvia in the foyer downstairs:

"Don't run around on the road, be careful on the road."

"I know, Shade, you may not understand the significance of this relic to the diviners."

The smile on her face caused by excitement was quite bright:

"Even if it's just a clue, the association is willing to exchange it at any price except for the Impermanence Card. Detective, Knight, you really brought great good news this time. [Destiny Base] is the ancient god. Today

Stay home tonight, take a shower and wait for me."

She bit her lip with a charming look in her eyes:

"I will reward you tonight, but this is not repayment. I think you deserve it. The young gentleman who has locked us with love, just wait. I am going to the association."

Then there was another kiss.

Shade was stunned for a moment, not because of the kiss, but because of Luvia's words just now:

"Lock up love?"

A similar description was made by Sister Devlin not long ago.

"It's just a metaphor. Don't take it so seriously. I'm not a writer who is very good at choosing words and sentences like Dorothy. But it's not so much that you locked us in, it's better to say that we locked you in by various means. For example,

I locked you with my oath that night."

The purple-eyed girl waved goodbye with a smile on her face:

"I really have to go to the association, Shade, see you tonight."

"Okay, see you tonight. Be careful on the road."

He opened the door and sent Luvia out, waving to her goodbye.

After Luvia had gone far, Shade closed the door. As soon as he turned his head, little Mia followed him and squatted on the stairs looking at him.

Shade looked into Mia's eyes, touched his chest, and stood in the foyer without returning upstairs immediately.

[What are you thinking about? Are you loyal to love and guilty? Or, what you just got, about the reason why you came to this world? 】

"She" asked gently:

[The old woman’s story is indeed very heart-warming. This is probably love.]

"Lock up love, lock up love"

His eyes were looking at Mia, but the cat clearly felt that Shade was not looking at it.

PS: Please vote!

The two illustrations in this chapter are both of Luvia. I don’t know which style you like.

Asking for votes again!

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