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Chapter 1824 The Door to Any Request

 The boy John just provided a valid clue, and after Shade shared it with the witch around him, Audrey also thought that the two missing boys might have encountered the door that occasionally appeared by the river.

So the two continued to walk forward, and after a while they came to the area pointed out by the boy. Megan shared the colorful mushroom potion with Shade, and they both dropped it into their eyes.

Because this is a diluted version of the medicine, it is definitely not as effective as eating the mushrooms directly, so they cannot fully see the black cracks in the air, they can only see some distorted light and shadow, and they cannot touch them because they cannot completely observe them.

Continuing to walk forward, he carefully observed the area on the river where a door might appear. Shade originally thought it would take some time, but he didn't expect that within five minutes, they both saw the door standing abruptly.

The streets are much higher than the river, and every mile or so, a small opening will be opened on the street on the river side, and steps will be laid to lead to the real river. This is not only to facilitate the transfer of goods, but also to facilitate the maintenance of the city hall.

river course.

At this time, at the end of the small dock at the bottom of the steps, a wooden door stood quietly in the thin sunlight, as if it was attracting people who saw it to open it.

"The Whispering Element."

Shade said softly, and Audrey nodded slightly:

"Yes, a relic. I'm not sure what it is yet. Let's take a closer look."

Go down the narrow stone steps and step onto the trestle of the small pier to reach the end. The door is a wooden door painted with white paint. It looks quite shabby and has mottled colors on the surface, but it blends in well with the environment.

The door had no keyhole, but had a slightly rusty golden door handle. Audrey thought about what it was, while Shade went around to the back of the door and saw that although the mottled details on the rear and front door panels were slightly different,

The shape is the same. On the door frame on the side, he found a line of engravings:

【Open and fulfill all your dreams.】

He translated these words and told them to Audrey, who was thoughtful:

"I've probably guessed what this is, but I'm not entirely sure. Open it, no, no, don't open it with your hands, don't touch it directly."

She made a move to pull the door open, but the door didn't move at all. Then she looked at Shade, who nodded. The chain from his sleeve flew out and grabbed the door handle. Then, with just a slight pull, the door was opened.

Light emitted from the door, illuminating the faces of Shade and Megan. The two of them widened their eyes together. Shade believed that what Megan saw and what he saw were definitely not the same scenery.

He saw the interior of his home through the door, which was the scenery of the living room on the second floor of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square. The furniture, layout and even the scenery of the square outside the window were exactly the same as at home. If it weren't for the "Desire" mermaid oil painting hanging on the wall

, it became a blank canvas inside the door, and Shade almost thought that this door was a door connecting space.

"I saw my own home."

Shade said to the girl next to him, and then asked softly:

"What do you see?"

"I saw."

Audrey opened her mouth subconsciously, but immediately and cautiously shut her mouth. She glared at Shade unreasonably, then closed her eyes, and Audrey turned into Megan.

And Meghan didn’t pay any attention to Shade’s topic just now:

"I know what it is. Location-type relic, Keeper level - [Response Door]. When you open the door, you will see the scene you desire most. Gold, silver, treasure, power, beauty, strength and wisdom, you can get whatever you want.

And they are all true. But the price is that you can only have them by entering the door, and once you step inside, you will never get out by yourself."

As she spoke, she looked at the scene inside the door:

"The information describes it as being like a big mouth. This door will randomly appear in any water-related scene, and has the ability to tempt people to open the door. Once the door is opened with skin contact with the door handle, even the surrounding

The warlock must also make an extremely difficult choice before he can break free from the urge to enter this door."

"These are all negative characteristics. Does the data say whether this door has any beneficial effect on us?"

Shade asked curiously, and Megan thought for a while:

"Can you really fulfill your wish? Or use it to kill people? This is too troublesome. Not all relics can develop so-called positive characteristics, so most relics can only be contained."

"Can this door be contained?"

Shade asked next, and Megan shook her head:

"After it stays in a certain area for a period of time, it will move on its own and cannot be stopped by any means. However, we can set up a ceremony on this small pier to drive away the idlers who may come by, or prevent them from seeing it.

Just like it is now. Of course, the best way is to report it to the church and let the church seal this door before it leaves."

"That's a good idea."

"In addition, if they are people who have just fallen into it, they will never be able to get out on their own, but those of us who have not entered the door can try to rescue them. Although this is not good for us, it should be able to make up for it.

There are gaps in the description of this relic. As you can probably guess, few people are willing to meddle in such nosy matters."

But Shade can also see that Meghan is willing to do this, and curiosity should play a greater role than kindness.

"How to do?"

"Guess what the person trapped inside the door desires, and then throw the corresponding desire into the door, and you can temporarily reveal a scene that does not belong to your desire."

She gave an example:

"For example, if someone wants food, then we throw delicious food at the door. But this method cannot save those people whose desires are too abstract."

For example, if Shade was trapped in it, it would be difficult for him to imagine what he would have to throw in to save himself.

Shade had a lot of toys with him, so he first threw some cooked food and fruits, but the scene inside the door did not change. Then he threw out a lot of coins. When the coins clattered to the floor,

The interior of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square in Shade's eyes finally changed.

It was a shabby house with only a table and a bed on the four bare walls. But the floor, bed board and tabletop were covered with banknotes, coins and gold bars and gold bricks.

The whole room became splendid and magnificent, but the seventeen-year-old boy lying on the body of a thin boy and gnawing on it seemed out of place in this scene.

He turned around when he heard the sound of the door opening. The dried blood around his mouth made his face extremely terrifying. When he saw the door being opened and a familiar city outside, a tall seventeen-year-old boy rushed out. Shade and Mei

Gen made way for him, allowing him to rush towards the steps leading to the street. Then Shade asked the thin soul that appeared behind the boy, the boy whose corpse was eaten:

"How did you die?"

"He strangled him to death."

Soul said dryly, Megan added:

"Didn't lie."

The "Bully Hansen" mentioned by the boy John had stumbled up the seven or eight steps when he suddenly heard the sound of breaking through the air behind him. Because he had been trapped in the door for too long, his stagnant thoughts could not

Let him react immediately.

When he realized the danger and lowered his head, what he saw was dark chains coming out of his chest.

Pink crystals appeared around the penetrating wound, and without even leaving a wailing cry, the cannibal boy's body exploded into a pile of pink crystals.

The chains sizzled, and the dark souls were bound and flew back. The souls corrupted by the whispering elements were not infected by the pink crystals under Shade's control.

With just a slight flick, the soul was thrown into the door again, and then the door was closed.

Shade sighed, drawing a crack in the air, and the gap of death opened. The soul of the thin boy bowed slightly to Shade, and then walked towards the beach behind the crack, illuminated by the dark moon.

Megan did not comment on Shade's behavior. This great witch of knowledge and wisdom looked curiously at the slowly "healing" crack:

"You opened a gap in space! You can still do this kind of thing in Green Lake now. Wait! Is this a real death? It's incredible!"

She looked surprised:

"If I hadn't met that nun, I would definitely have thought that you were Death's chosen one. To open this kind of passage requires not only power, but also authority. Death is willing to let you use its power, otherwise you will be considered a witch.

The emperor is not qualified to intervene in real death. How did you master this kind of power? This is completely unimaginable in our era."

"This story is a bit long. It was from last autumn. Let's talk about it when we get back."

The chain retracted into Shade's sleeve, and the closed door stood motionless by the river. The two left here while talking. As for the crystallization after the physical explosion, it had quietly melted into the air.


Being able to go out for a walk before dinner can indeed help improve your mood. At least when Meghan and Shade returned to the cruise ship together, the bad mood affected by the family stories had disappeared. However, considering the family banquet tonight,

Meghan, who originally didn't plan to dress up, decided to prepare some clothes.

As for Shade, what he was most worried about was that Dr. Schneider, who also lived in the Green Lake Hotel, met two brothers from the [Mirror Association] who came to the hotel for a banquet. The two brothers' blindness was directly related to the doctor. Although Shade

He was very sure that the two brothers together could not defeat the current doctor, but he was very worried that if they had a conflict with the doctor, they would ruin the plan of the doctor and Shade to find the devil.

In short, the sun sank to the west, and the cloudy Green Lake City ushered in another evening. More than half of the spring had passed, and the days were getting longer and longer. When the carriage carried Shade and Megan to the hotel, the streets

The gas street lights on both sides have not been lit yet.

The scheduled party time was half past six in the evening, but it was only six o'clock when Shade and Megan arrived.

This chapter has been completed!
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