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Chapter 1854 Breakfast at Rose Manor

 It was raining continuously, it was obviously early Tuesday morning, but the air was frighteningly depressing.

On the north shore of Green Lake, in the Rose Manor where Miss Carina is staying, in a window on the third floor of the mansion, Agelina is putting on makeup and washing herself in front of the dressing table made of three large mirrors with the help of the maids.

, but at this time, I also heard what my maids were talking about last night.

Agelina went to bed early last night, which is also her habit. The little princess still thinks that this can make her taller and have a better figure. Even though she is 17 years old now. And because of work, she cannot

The maids who had gone to bed early noticed something unusual in the sky last night:

"It didn't rain last night, but there were thick clouds in the sky, and the clouds were strange. It seemed like there were a lot of people walking around inside."

Agelina's ears moved:

"Keira, was there anything going on in town last night?"

"Your Highness, we heard that martial law was originally planned to be imposed in the city last night, but for some reason it was not implemented."

The tall maid replied, and Agelina knew as soon as she heard it that there must have been something abnormal last night, but it had been solved.

"Oh, Your Highness, there is other news. Some people said that at about ten o'clock last night, they saw the shadow of an angel appearing over the city."

The maid who was combing her hair behind Agelina said again. She looked at her little princess in the mirror and thought about it, but she couldn't understand what happened. But in short, everything is fine outside now, so no matter what happened last night

Nothing matters.

She was in a good mood and was thinking about what to have for breakfast later. The brown-haired maid who was picking shoes for Agelina in front of the shoe cabinet added:

"The gentleman last night seemed to have arrived at the manor around ten o'clock, and he never left."

"That gentleman" naturally refers to Shade, but when the maids talk in private, they usually don't call him by his name directly. Instead, they use words such as "that gentleman", "you know who it is" and "him (emphasis added)"

Named in such a way.

"Jane, are you sure it's him?"

Seeing Agelina looking at her with piercing eyes in the mirror, the maid said with certainty:

"It should be true. Although the gentleman was in a hurry and I didn't see his face, I'm pretty sure that Miss Servit was following him with an orange cat in her arms."

"Oh, why are you talking about such an important thing now?"

A smile suddenly bloomed on Agelina's face. She urged the maid behind her to take care of her hair as soon as possible, and then suddenly thought of another question:

"Since he didn't leave last night, where did he rest? At my aunt's place?"

"Probably not. Your Highness, please close your eyes."

The maid who drew Agelina's eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil said softly:

"Last night Miss Servit arranged for us to sort out the guest room in the manor. Yes, it's the one on the third floor. I think that gentleman spent the night in the guest room."

Now Agelina understood that Shade probably had something urgent to deal with, so he stayed at Rose Manor. Thinking of this, her mood became better, and she was even more looking forward to seeing Shade at the dinner table later.

After finishing washing, Agelina held up the hem of her skirt, and even after being reminded by her maid, she still hurriedly led them to the dining room of the manor. After the maid at the door opened the door of the dining room for her, she majestically

At the dining table, which was large enough to seat ten people, only the red-haired duchess sat at one end of the dining table.

Although Agelina and Cavendish were not the only ones to follow Miss Carina on this trip, the duchess only allowed Agelina and a few princesses to dine with her. Others were probably still there at this time

Wash and make up.

Miss Carina was holding a porcelain tea cup with black tea and reading a newspaper. There was no breakfast on the table in front of her, so she was probably still waiting for others.

Agelina then whispered hello to her great-aunt at the door, then walked to her side, and after the maid pulled out a chair for her, she sat down on her left side.

She was thinking about words and saw in the newspaper the following reports of the train breaking into the city last week and the assassination of the princess on the other side of the lake.

"Auntie, isn't Miss Servet here?"

"I asked Tifa to go to the kitchen and remind them not to forget to prepare more breakfast. You will see someone who will surprise you soon."

The red-haired duchess holding the newspaper in one hand said, looking at Agelina with her golden eyes:

"You came here really early today. You didn't have any rest last night, okay?"

Agelina shook her head quickly and asked expectantly:

"Is the familiar person the person from Tobesk?"


The duchess answered again and praised her great-niece:

"You don't seem surprised at all. That's right. A girl who makes a fuss about everything can't accomplish much."

The black tea was placed in Agelina's hand by the maid. She held the tea cup and took a sip. She felt that her good mood at this time was as good as the sunshine outside the window. Although it was raining outside.

Agelina didn't wait long, and footsteps in the corridor came from the half-open door of the restaurant. So Miss Carina also put down the newspaper and looked at the door:

"Here we are, I thought I would have to wait for a while. I haven't had breakfast with him for a long time. This negotiation is really troublesome."

Agelina immediately lowered her head and straightened her dress, then stood up with a heartfelt smile on her face.

She looked at the door. The maid opened the entire door, and the footsteps had completely reached the door:

"Good morning, Xia"

Halfway through her words, she looked at Lesia who walked in the door.

Lesia was quite puzzled by the expression on her sister's face at this time. She looked at Miss Carina, who had a smile on her face and didn't know what she was happy about.

"Why don't you keep walking?"

Shade's figure with a cat on his shoulder also appeared from the door. He asked curiously. Lesia, who was a little lazy, shook her head, took Shade's hand and sat down at the table together, and then looked across the way in embarrassment.

My sister is sitting down:

"Agelina was very strange just now. When she saw me, her expression first showed a smile from the bottom of her heart - it was like the smile of a royal private tutor when she secretly read a knight novel and discovered an interesting passage. This is

You can't fake it. Then, her expression turned into disappointment. I remember that she hadn't seen me for only half a month. Have I already bored my sister so much? "

As she spoke, she even touched her face. Agelina lowered her head and looked at the tablecloth, hoping very much that she was still in her dream, but fortunately Shade came to her rescue:

"Lecia, stop joking early in the morning."

With that said, he explained to Agelina:

"Lecia was still in Tobesk yesterday, and she only appeared here because of an accident. We found her in the city last night, and Tobesk has also contacted her, so that Yodel Palace does not have to worry. Fortunately,

There have been a lot of space transfers like this recently, and the church has been notified of this matter, and the church will probably send someone to talk to Lesia soon, it’s not a big deal.”

"Then, how do we explain to the people that my sister is here?"

Lesia is no small person. If she doesn't show up in Tobesk for a long time, it will definitely arouse suspicion.

"Today or tomorrow, let Lecia accompany me to attend the meeting, and then announce that Lecia was secretly sent to give me some secret orders from my nephew. There has been a rumor in the city recently because the negotiations have not yet yielded any results.

, both countries intend to suspend negotiations, so Lesia's appearance at this time will only make people suspect that the Yodel Palace has new ideas."

Miss Carina said that for Lesia, this is certainly not a big deal, but if she uses this excuse, she may not be able to return to Tobesk in a short time:

"It just so happens that I'm short of manpower around me, so it's a good idea to let Lecia stay and help me handle some things."

The beautiful duchess looked at Shade with the laziness typical of early morning:

"I am entangled in this negotiation, but this matter involves the national border and new trade routes in the future, so I have to be concerned about it. Now that Lesia is here, the pressure on my side can be reduced.

Agelina, you and Lesia should study more, your level of writing official documents is far behind not only compared to Tifa, but even compared to Lesia."

"Why do I feel that you are mocking me for not being as good as your head maid?"

Lesia asked, and the witch smiled without answering:

"In some aspects, you really can't compare."

Her eyes moved down from Lesia's face, the corners of her mouth raised into a smile, and she said again before Lesia understood:

"I saw how exhausted you were physically and mentally last night, so I agreed to let Shade accompany you. Little Lecia, the girls of the Cavendish family should know how to be grateful."

Shade, who was involved in the conversation, coughed and put the cat, who was looking forward to breakfast, on the high stool that the maid had just moved:

"Although Lesia's arrival is unexpected, since she is here, she will stay in the manor first. Agelina, do me a favor. Keep an eye on Lesia. If she suddenly disappears, please notify us in time."

Lesia did not object to this. She also knew that it was unusual for her and Dorothy to encounter space transfer at the same time. Agelina nodded quickly. Seeing the sadness on Shade's face, she knew that he had encountered it again.

There are other troubles.

The rain outside the window was pattering. Although the little princess knew a lot of things at this time, she was still on the verge of awakening. She was still an ordinary person and knew that she could not help him. The desire for power in her heart quietly emerged again, looking at Xia Xia across the table.

De, Agelina pinched her right hand gently under the table. Someone seemed to laugh in her ear, and she knew that the other self in her heart was becoming clearer and clearer.

This chapter has been completed!
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