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Chapter 1866 World Overlap

 Because of the Time Key adventure, Shade knew that in the Fifth Era, there were at least five continents: "East, West, South, North, and Middle", and there were many overseas islands such as the "Broken Islands". This can be found in other documents

can also be confirmed.

As for why there were only the Old Continent and the newly discovered New Continent in the Sixth Era, the academic circles of ring magicians have different opinions. But what is certain is that today's "Old Continent" has the most in common with the "Middle Continent" of the Fifth Era.

But there are also some characteristics of other regions.

If we use "space folding" to explain this phenomenon, it finally makes sense.

"The world is folding. Are there any signs that the cities in the north and south of Green Lake are overlapping?"

"Of course there is. Everything now is a sign. Of course, the most accurate sign should be that there are a large number of spatial anomalies in the city, and then there is the phenomenon of people arriving from the south bank to the north bank out of thin air, or from the north bank to the south bank without using any force.

.With this as a starting point, more and more people have experienced this "north-south transformation". Then the south city saw the scenery of the north city, and the north city saw the scenery of the south city. They walked out of the streets of Green Lake City and came to the Michaela Blast Furnace.

From the store in Michaela Blast Furnace City to the store in Green Lake City Hall, the order in the space of Green Lake City Hall collapsed step by step until it finally merged into one."

Iluna didn't know what happened to Dorothy yesterday, but Shade knew:

"There are already people coming from North City to South City."

Iluna nodded:

"I'm not surprised at all. In addition, according to the current observations of the Prophet Association, in fact, Laplace Klein Howard should have been repairing and maintaining the central island for so many years since he came to the area below us.

Even since the secrets of the Edwards family were gradually exposed more than a month ago, he has been maintaining the seal on the central island of Green Lake. Otherwise, the situation will deteriorate even more seriously than it is now."

The two didn't talk too much here, and Shade returned to Miss Daniste, and soon followed the professors to visit the believers of the old god [Yahua Gate].

She was a middle-aged woman about the same age as Dr. Schneider. As an ordinary person, she worked as a landlord and collected rent to support her life. It is actually not very accurate to say that she was a believer of the old god, because that god's

The Order had completely disappeared, and the women’s teachers’ teachers only accidentally discovered the remains of the Order, which allowed them to inherit the Order in a de facto sense.

Because he had just heard the most detailed information from Iluna, Shade did not pay special attention to the subsequent conversation between the professors and the middle-aged woman. After the meeting was over, he said goodbye to Miss Danister and set off.

Return to Green Lake Inn.

The professors at St. Byrons Comprehensive College did not have any major gains this morning. At least in Miss Denister's view, there are a few remaining in the college library related to the old god "Yaha Gate".

Records, even records about the protective shield covering the entire academy city in the early days of the academy's establishment, may have other values.

It was already noon when Shade returned to the Green Lake Hotel. When he met Dorothy on the third floor, Miss Sylvia had just arranged a special ceremony to stabilize the hotel room:

"It should be no problem. You can try the 'Laglai's Jump' here later and experience the power of the ritual. But this power of stabilizing space only includes this room. Shade, you don't want to let Lu

Miss Yisha has been staying in the room and not going out, right?"

The black-haired witch reminded.

"I do have this idea, but I respect Dorothy's freedom."

As he spoke, he looked at Dorothy. The blonde girl holding little Mia didn't care at all:

"When I was working on a manuscript, I didn't go out for many days. Anyway, it was raining outside, so I might as well stay in the hotel. I was not in a hurry to return to Tobesk. I would wait until the matter was resolved and then take a look around the local area.


Yesterday afternoon, Shade knelt down on one knee and "swore" to Lesia, which put her in a good mood, but there were still other worries in her beautiful blue eyes:

“But what about the other guy?”

Miss Sylvia may not understand, but Shade knows what she means. But as Lesia, she cannot stay in a small room without going out, so for the time being, she can only let Agelina and

Tifa, always by her side.

Lesia and Tifa secretly came to the Green Lake Hotel at around two o'clock that afternoon. Tifa was sent by Miss Carina to confirm whether the ritual core in the basement had been completed. The big witches were worried about this building.

The renovation plan of the hotel went very smoothly, and the most important part was completed in just a few days.

As for Lesia, it was Shade who asked her to come here through Dorothy. Shade didn’t say the reason, but Lesia definitely wouldn’t mind meeting Shade. Especially after what happened yesterday afternoon, Her Highness the Princess couldn’t wait to see her.

Stay with Shade all day.

However, Shade's arrangement for her was very strange. He asked Lesia to tell Dorothy upstairs, and asked Miss Writer to hold Mia and stand at the window, while he and Lesia held an umbrella in Green Lake.

Had a short walk in the street outside the hotel and discussed Saturday's Red Butterfly Day.

Now that the situation in the Green Lake area is precarious, the Day of the Red Butterfly can only be postponed temporarily, which Lesia and Dorothy can accept. However, they still don't know what Shade called Lesia to ask for this afternoon.

What to do. Because after that, Shade sent Lesia to Tifa and Miss Sylvia in the basement, and then asked Dorothy in the upstairs room not to stand in front of the window.

He himself hurried into the rain again and stepped onto the carriage parked across the street.

"They are candidates, but their ranking is not high. Your pair of butterflies should be ranked ahead of them."

The purple-eyed girl who had been waiting in the carriage for a long time gave the answer:

"After I saw them at the same time, I could immediately draw this conclusion. However, now that what you guessed from the beginning has been verified, are you going to do something about it?"

"Preparations have been made a long time ago. I have a way to separate souls. When the time comes, even if they really want to perform the Chosen Ceremony, I will forcefully separate them."

If Lesia and Dorothy perform the ritual, it means not only that they are entangled in fate, but that their fused souls may never be separated again.

"Just think about it yourself. Today is Thursday, and you may not be able to see me before the end of the weekend. On Saturday, the association's large-scale divination ceremony will begin, and I cannot easily leave the camp by the lake."

"I understand, you also need to pay attention to safety."

Shade gently hugged Luvia. The purple-eyed girl hummed and at the same time clearly saw Dorothy on the third floor still looking out of the window boredly at the scenery outside.

This afternoon, Shade stayed at the Green Lake Hotel to learn about the new functions that the soon-to-be-completed renovation would give to this building, so that he could effectively use this important stronghold in the event of a war.

Tifa left with Lesia at around three o'clock, and in the evening, Miss Sylvia, who was in the hotel, and Audrey, who arrived at four o'clock, entered the [Witch Council] for a meeting. And one day

Throughout the afternoon, there were intermittent strange noises in the city. Someone seemed to be fighting in the distance, but the distance was too far. Shade could only guess that the church had encountered an enemy.

Before the meeting of the Great Witch ended, Shade met Sister Devlin first. It was at five o'clock in the afternoon. Shade was in the room listening to Dorothy talk about Lesia's recent preparations for promotion to the sixth ring.

, at this time there was a knock on the door, and after opening the door, the blind nun wearing a silver eyepatch was seen standing outside the door.

Shade welcomed her unexpectedly. Of course, Dorothy still remembered the amazing nun she saw when she yawned out of the bedroom last time at Shade's house. Therefore, she has always been very good at communicating with strangers.

The female writer actually stuttered when greeting the nun, which made her face even redder:

"I'll go to the kitchen downstairs to serve black tea."

As for Sister Devlin's visit, apart from explaining that Granny Cassandra and the others will arrive tomorrow, and the number of ring warlocks from the [Spiritual Order] other than her who are coming with her, the more important thing is that she is at the shore of Green Lake,"

Look what you find when you look toward the island:

"The first fire is on the island."


Shade explained the information he received from Mr. Nicholas Green and from the Old God believers in the morning;

"For so many years, what has maintained the stability of the island space is the First Fire and the 'kerosene lamp' described by old Mr. Green. The latter should be some kind of powerful relic or magical item, but that is not important. Since the flame of the First Fire is here

, let it return to the flame in your hand. After that, I will use the mystery lock here to seal the central island of Green Lake just like sealing the [Chasm of Life and Death]."

Under normal conditions, even if Shade has obtained enough spirit to open the Mystery Lock, he may not be able to seal such a troublesome thing. After all, the Mystery Lock is not omnipotent, and Shade only has six rings. But when he is promoted, he uses the divine infiltration spirit rune.

For a brief moment after that, he was almost in the same state as when "divine overflow", fully able to achieve the seal.

Not to mention, [Night Watch] and [Stand of Yectrasil] can greatly enhance spellcasting abilities, and the latter, because it is wood itself, has special enhancement effects on abilities related to "trees". This is a dream.

What Rapunzel said in .

Sister Devlin would not doubt whether Shade could do this. She just sat on the sofa and nodded slightly. For some reason, even in such a small room, when she spoke, she seemed to be in the empty sacrificial hall.


"I can 'see' with my eyes that the spatial instability of Green Lake has reached its limit. It will take up to ten days to solve the problem here."

This chapter has been completed!
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