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Chapter 1881 The four levels of authority of [Silver Moon Library]

 In front of the rain-dropped window, golden light traces spread along the veins of the leaves again, until all the light entered Shade's eyes.

He groaned and closed his eyes, digesting the complicated and scattered information. He covered his head for a while before looking up again, which made the cat beside him very worried.

"It's so complicated?"

Shade had already known the rules in the "Silver Moon Library" before, which divided different permissions based on the entry method. But this time, he finally knew all the permission types.

First, low-level permissions require a one-time ritual to open the Silver Moon Gate, which requires the three stone slabs in Shade's hand as keys. Entering the library in this way not only has the restriction of "only once a year", but

And although this can also browse the collection records in the library, the content that can actually be read is limited.

Not even Miss Daniste knows about these restrictions.

Second, with medium authority, the ancient Moon God Order controls the way to sacrifice and worship the moon, thereby obtaining the qualifications to enter the library. This is a gift given to believers by the ancient god, the Silver Moon Sage.

But this method is almost impossible, and it has been realized now in the Sixth Era. The site requirement is the "Dark Night Temple" in Randall Valley, but the problem is that opening the Silver Moon Gate requires piety.

The high priest of the religious order also conducts a standard set of sacrificial activities.

Among the knowledge given by the tree father, there was an explanation of the sacrificial and prayer methods. Although it was incomplete, it at least covered the general content. Even Shade saw the sacrificial scene of the ancient Moon Order in a sudden glance. Among them

The simplest requirement was a few hundred devout moon believers, but Shade had no idea where to find them.

Of course, this method also requires at least one of the three "Moon Slates" as a key.

"Can I be considered a devout high priest of the Order of the Moon?"

He looked at his reflection on the rain-dropped window glass and asked in his mind.

【Are you pious to the moon? Or, that is not piety, but】

"She" smiled softly, but did not say the word they both knew.

Third, high authority. The way to obtain this authority, which is what Shade is most familiar with, is to find the real door to the "Silver Moon Library" left by the ancient gods - just like the one in his home now

The same five doors exist.

To enter the library in this way, you need to meet the basic requirements, namely "Spirit Runes", "Spells" and "Utensils".

Among them, the "spiritual runes" naturally correspond to the moon. Scarlet, orange, silver, March, and related spiritual runes are all acceptable, but if the meaning deviates too seriously, the authority may be reduced, but this has nothing to do with Shade.

"Spell" Shade also knew that the spell was used when Miss Daniste used the ritual to call the door. Moreover, the knowledge given by the tree father also included this part:

"May the first silver moon protect me under the starry sky in the long night."

He chanted softly toward the window, and the result was just a "meow~" sound from little Mia.

The final corresponding "items" have different requirements for different places left by ancient gods.

For example, what Shade has come into contact with so far are the gold jewelry of the witches, the holy symbol of the "Hanging Judge", the statue of the "Primordial Crack", the black robe fragments of "The Walking Dark", the breath of death, and the wise man's pyroxene.

, fragments of the Heart of the Earth.

As for the "Silver Moon Library", as expected, the corresponding artifacts are naturally the three moon stone slabs.

"But I haven't heard of which force in the material world controls the entrance to the 'Silver Moon Library'. Otherwise, Miss Daniste wouldn't have to go through so much trouble to find it."

Muttering to himself, he then thought of the collapsed tower on Karas Mountain, which was the tower he guessed he might have fallen from in the spring of 1853:

"Will it be there?"

But Miss Danister has been there more than once to investigate. She is a thirteen-ring warlock of the moon system. If such a door really exists, there is no reason why she cannot discover it.

"It's really difficult."

In fact, the best way to find the space left by the Thirteen Ancient Gods is to wait for the chosen ones with corresponding qualifications to appear. For example, Iluna immediately knew how to enter the "Judge's Court" as soon as she became the chosen one.

Even if the chosen one is not the same as you, you can kill the chosen one to seal the "door" in the corresponding impermanence card, and then put it in your home. When dealing with the dark chosen one

, Shade did just that.

"But I don't know when the chosen one of the moon will appear."

He thought again of the three minutes he had "illegally traveled" in the Night Temple, and the conversation he saw between Siris and the long-haired Luvia (1335). In the sixth era of unknown time, Siris mentioned

, the Chosen One of the Earth was the second Chosen One to appear, and before that, Luvia had already witnessed the legend of the Chosen One of Silver Moon.

"I wonder who the chosen one of the moon will be this time. It can't be the last one, right?"

Fourth, in addition to low, medium and high permissions, there is also a "special permission". If you want to have special permissions, the way to enter the "Silver Moon Library" must also be special.

This part of the knowledge given by the tree father is quite little. Shade analyzed it based on his own understanding. The general meaning is that the ancient god [Silver Moon Sage] personally left some entrances, such as the moon on the night of the lunar eclipse.

These entrances are only open to special objects.

Special permissions do not necessarily have more choices than high-level permissions, and high-level permissions do not mean that you can obtain all knowledge at once by entering the library. Regarding the building built by the "Silver Moon Sage", it encompasses the material world.

Shade didn't go into the library of all records himself. He only relied on the knowledge given by the gods. In the end, he still didn't understand much.

He pressed his fingers on the glass in front of him and slid down along with the falling raindrops:

"What's more, my purpose is not just to enter the library. It is possible to see the original moon debris in the library by touching it."

Shade didn't need to think about it to know that the remains of the moon in the library were not something he could touch if he wanted to. Maybe it was the same as the special rules of other places left by ancient gods, requiring Shade to sacrifice a drop of divinity, or something else.

Special items can achieve this purpose.

Moreover, the reminder I got when I left the library last time was, "It's possible to see him", which means it depends on luck.

As a result, the difficulties before Shade are more than mountains. Even if he now has three drops of divinity, there is still a difference between a glass of water and the ocean in terms of truly seeing "him".

【If you are so persistent in wanting to see ‘him’, what will you do if you do? 】

"She" suddenly asked in Shade's ear. Shade did not answer immediately, but picked up the cat on the window sill:

"Of course it is."

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a knock on the door from outside, and the big witches who went to the meeting finally came back.

Miss Sylvia and Megan both looked a little tired when they came in. After they sat down, the maids who had been waiting brought hot tea and snacks. They did not talk to Shade about business immediately, but let him talk for a while.

After waiting for a while, Miss Sylvia took a break and opened the portal to pick up Miss Benanis from the other side of the lake, while the Duchess was on her way:

"Let me tell you when we are all together, something big is really going to happen this time."

"Do your meetings always take so long?"

"It's quite short this time. Some time ago, we had a meeting until five o'clock in the morning. Carina complained to the Speaker, saying that not getting enough rest would make her skin worse, so the Speaker allowed it. If the meeting lasted too long,

, just adjourn the meeting temporarily and leave the unimportant issues until everyone has time to discuss them the next day."

Miss Sylvia explained, and Meghan also helped explain:

"But we usually don't have so many things to discuss. That situation is very special."

Shade was a little curious about what they said in the meeting today that caused them to be so nervous. But since he had to wait for Miss Benanis and Carina to come over, he also had the patience.

The witches' maids brought snacks and tea, and the cat held by Shade struggled to indicate that it wanted to eat:

"Speaking of which, I would like to ask a question. May I ask in the fifth era, 1576?"

He pushed back the time and found that Mrs. Miles in 1576 looked to be in her sixties or seventies:

"Did any major events happen in the material world between 1500 and 1577 of the Fifth Era? Especially major events related to demons?"

It is shameful to say that since he understood that the time adventure that Tree Father asked him to experience will definitely not be recorded in history, Shade is no longer interested in investigating the historical background of the time key in advance. Therefore, for the "

"Black Mist Camp-1576" key, he used it without any investigation.

Although it seemed that no investigation would affect anything. But he still wanted to know what caused the hardships that Mrs. Miles and Mr. Jackman encountered.

Miss Sylvia did not answer, but looked at Megan. The great witch of "knowledge and wisdom" pondered for a moment:

"Interesting question. Before answering, Shade, can you tell me why you ask this question?"

"Of course, it's the time key you gave me."

He briefly described his unique "time investigation" experience. Miss Sylvia knew these things, so she held a teacup and helped Shade fill in some details.

This is the first time Meghan has heard of these things:

"I've never heard of it. So during the Battle of Pantanal, those ancient witches, and your founder of St. Byrons, Ms. Myrna Feliana. Wait, Carina followed me mysteriously

Isn’t it a joke to say that she has the secret of being a demigod witch? Is it also because of you? This unique gift of time. Are you the chosen one of time?”

PS: The picture in this chapter is "The Rite of the Silver Moon". This picture is the author's most satisfying illustration.

17/20. Thank you again for tipping two Silver Alliance Leaders @ idle streamer. There are still 3 days left for the update, so stay tuned.

In addition, although I know it is unlikely, I would like to say in advance that if there is a Golden Alliance, it will still be updated with 10 chapters, not 100 chapters, so please consume rationally.

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