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Chapter 1935 The isolated hotel

 The bonfires in the basement and the third floor have been extinguished. Shade, who once again threw out the small gold bars, lit two more bonfires on the first floor, separated a part of the "solar fire" from the lantern that stored the fire, and entered

Brand new two bonfire cores.

The warm light dissipated most of the fog on the first floor and made the originally humid air much drier. At least half of the lobby on the first floor of the hotel could be used.

The tables and chairs that were in the way were pushed into the darkness, leaving only a few to place potions, relics, alchemy items and other spare supplies. The unconscious girls were gathered together and placed on mattresses against the wall.

The tables are attended to by dedicated personnel.

After everyone who was still awake gathered together, they stood around three burning bonfires. The ladies looked at Shade with pairs of eyes. Shade didn't know when the people from outside the island would arrive, but these ladies in front of him were undoubtedly

His biggest support at the moment.

Shade also expressed his guess:

"At exactly 7:48, we all arrived at the central island of Green Lake from Green Lake City. In other words, this is not the island in reality, but another island. And on this island, due to the white

Affected by the fog, the ritual function of the hotel itself has been greatly weakened. Ms. Edwards has disappeared. The good news is that we have arrived on the island; the bad news is that once we leave the hotel, after trying, it will take a lot of mental and physical effort.

will be greatly increased, and the effects of thaumaturgy will be greatly weakened.”

This is very similar to the situation Shade encountered during his adventure in the past, only far less serious.

"In other words, we can only rely on ourselves in a short period of time?"

Lesia said with a pale face. Although she did not faint, her condition was not very good at this time.

Shade nodded:

"Lecia, you drink some magic potions, there is no need to save these. Yes, that fortune teller is really good at it."

He shook his head, and there was no need to think about this kind of thing now. Now that the big witches are not here, the highest level of the girls here is only tenth level. Although in ordinary events, tenth level is enough, but in the face of

This island has great malice towards outsiders like them who have no Edwards blood. If it really takes action outside the hotel, the ten-ring sorceress suppressed by the island may not necessarily be the opponent of Shade, who is less suppressed.


Although this is also the central island of Green Lake, it must be very different from the real island. The weird feeling of space distortion, as well as the distortion and weird feeling that absolutely does not exist in the real world, all illustrate the degree of danger here.


"But the good news is that we still have this hotel. Most of the functions of this stronghold can still be used. If it is just for self-protection, it is enough for so many of us to stay in the hotel."

Shade said, looking around at the different expressions on everyone's faces:

"Except for me, everyone else stays here. Gathered on the first floor, with Tifa as the commander and Miss Hayley Aurora as the deputy."

"No, this won't work."

The first person to object was Tifa. The girl in a maid skirt looked at Shade who was standing by the fire:

"They stay, I'll go with you."

"No, someone must be here to take care of the unconscious person, and someone must be here to respond."

Shade gave his reasons:

"We still don't know what's going on on this island. More than half of the people on this island are unconscious now. Don't we care about them? Moreover, I need a place where I can come back to rest at any time in case of danger, and this is the only place on this island.

A safe place. What's more, the great witches in Green Lake City are probably anxious to enter this island now. Once they appear, you need to inform them of the situation."

He touched his pocket. He originally carried two of the keys collected by Megan and Audrey, but now there is only one key left. This is definitely not the fortune teller's mistake.

Jia seems to be using this method to express that he is waiting for Shade to appear.

"Since you invited me, why not move me and Meghan together? What is he waiting for? Or is he also stalling for time?"

Judging from the current situation, although it may sound a bit arrogant, Shade still feels that instead of taking these girls who can't play much role together, it is better for him to directly penetrate into the depths of the island.

A loyal maid should not object to the plan proposed by her master. Tifa pursed her lips and looked at Shade, with a rare angry look in her dark brown eyes, but she did not speak again in the end.

Dorothy wanted to say something, but was pulled back by Lesia and she shut her mouth.

Agelina stood among a group of sorceresses quite worriedly. She knew that she was the last one who should speak. At this moment, the "resentment" for her lack of power and her own incompetence was boiling in her heart like boiling water. That kind of

The process of constantly tormenting her heart, like a clam enduring great pain, using its softest part to grind the gravel until it forms a pearl, makes the deepest part of her soul shine more and more.

No one objected to Sha De's opinion, so Sha De closed his eyes again, perceived the space as much as possible, and then said to the girls:

"I can only confirm that our current location is close to the northern shore of the island. You have other tasks to stay here. Explore the surrounding terrain and determine from which direction. Wait a moment."

Shade frowned and looked towards the first floor window:

"We'll talk about it later. I feel like something is coming. A demon."

It's a rainy night outside the window, and with the thick fog, you can't see any specific scenery at all. But from the perspective of the "seeing demon", the darkness that is deeper than darkness, and the malice that is almost solidified, all represent

wearing the same thing:

"The stench of demons. It's low-level demons, as well as unknown monsters contaminated by demon's blood. It seems that in addition to summoning the demons in the labyrinth, he also summoned a lot of other things. Solve this first

Question, ladies, get ready to fight!"

Shade picked up the sword and stood up.

"Yes, sir!"

I have to admit that when more than thirty girls said this sentence together, they were quite energetic.

Although the plans made in advance did not anticipate that something as outrageous as the entire Green Lake Hotel would be moved to the island, there were still plans for how the hotel would defend itself after all the big witches left.

Now there is no need to defend the second floor, and the third floor was abandoned because there were too many windows. After working together to block the stairwell from the third floor to the second floor, and actually giving up the defense on the third floor, everyone came to this strange island.

The first battle has begun.

Shade is the one who knows demons best among them all, but he is not the one who knows how to summon and control them best. Tifa made a simple judgment and concluded that it was not someone controlling the monsters that gathered to attack them.

Instead, the sudden appearance of the smell of living flesh and soul attracted these monsters that were originally scattered around.

"Wait a minute, Xia, Xia De just said that there were many monsters surrounding them, and now he said that those monsters were originally scattered here. Does this mean that this island?"

Miss Hayley Aurora understood Tifa's words, while Shade frowned and nodded gently:

"Yes, I'm afraid the whole island is full of similar monsters."

The light of the bonfire lit by three clusters of sun fires was enough to illuminate half of the hall on the first floor. Except for Agelina, an ordinary person, Dorothy and Lesia who did not have witch powers, Shade and other girls surrounded the hall.

The bonfire was surrounded by three circles.

Shade and Tifa, Miss Hayley Aurora and Miss Decker are in the center. Everyone raises their hands and joins others. After activating the scratches on the floor, the ancient sun power shines on everyone:

"Oath of the Sun."

The ancient ritual passed down by the council gave them warm and continuous power. The hotel door opened, and the light of the flame broke into the darkness outside the door, illuminating the mist and pattering rain, and also illuminated the strange woodland scenery.

In the dark night, countless weird creeping figures wandered in the fog of the forest, like phantoms or moths disturbed by the light of the fire.

In front of the flames inside the door, Shade took the lead to walk out with the [Night Watch], followed by Tifa and Miss Hayley Aurora. Two girls with high rings and three girls with eight rings continued to walk out.

They did not move too far away from the entrance of the Green Lake Hotel, but stood on the edge where the firelight could illuminate it.

Shade held the silver sword that was already blooming with light in both hands. The tip of the sword was pointed upward. The light of the ancient runes engraved on the sword body lit up one after another as he took a deep breath:

"My heart is clear, and I can slay demons with my sword - Moonlight Slash!"

The brilliant silver moonlight shimmered in the fog, and the moonlight broke through the rain curtain, blowing the battle whistle for this island in the dark night that no outsider had set foot on for a long time.

It is not convenient to activate all the functions of the hotel in the city. At this time, as the ritual core in the basement burst out with an even more amazing light, the densely packed runes on the outer wall of the hotel lit up together as everyone at the door launched an attack.

The arrows shot by the girl who bent the bow and set up an arrow penetrated the bodies of those black monsters. A steady stream of bright red fireballs followed the floating girl's hand and bombarded all directions. The girl from the Aurora family raised her hand and condensed water into ice.

Using ice as a sword, the follower of the Space Witch waved his hand, and several invisible cuts cut through the sky.

With the long sword attached to Silver Moon, as Shade went deep into the fog, the two witch apprentices cooperated with the sorceresses at the window to clear out the enemies attacking the Green Lake Hotel from directions other than the door one by one.

Although the rain on the island is not as heavy as in the city, the sound of fighting in a corner of the forest is still easily drowned in the sound of rain.

PS: Picture of this chapter "Green Hotel in the Forest"

This chapter has been completed!
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