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Chapter 195: Five Letters

 In short, after three weeks, Shade finally completed all the adventures of the first time key and witnessed the final story of God. While the harvest was huge, it also meant that Shade could try to open the second key.

He got a key to the Fifth Age 3002 from Old John on Monday. After summarizing his gains, he tried to use the new key to open the door.

Then, just as he expected, the key could be inserted into a completely mismatched keyhole, but it could not open the lock. The rule of one week between using time keys is common to all keys.

Therefore, if Shade wants to explore the past time at the second end, he will have to wait until the early morning of next Thursday.

As for the relic [The Other Face] obtained from the maid, Shade placed it behind the hidden wall in the basement. This thing has huge side effects, but the containment conditions are very simple. Just don't let it touch the face of any intelligent creature.


While placing the relics, looking at the statue of the ancient god in the center of the circular space, Xia De clutched the wooden box containing the "white stone crystal". After thinking for a long time, he did not immediately try to open another space sign.

He was very tired tonight, and he was not sure whether long-distance teleportation would have a cooling time like the [Time Key], or whether there would be no need to wait like the last time "St Teresa's Square to St. Teresa's Square".

But if you run to a very far place and can't come back immediately, the cost of taking a steam train is also a big problem. There will be no one to take care of the cat at home, which is a big problem.

Therefore, Shade plans to wait until he has solved all the matters at hand and has time to travel long distances before trying the role of this statue of the ancient god. Anyway, the statue is here and will not escape because Shade does not use it.

As for tonight's most important harvest, the leaves representing spiritual runes and thaumaturgy, Shade didn't know how to use them. Soak them in water, eat them directly or stick them on your head. These are all possible.

In order not to damage the two leaves due to reckless attempts, he decided to find some reliable people to ask tomorrow.

After dealing with a series of troublesome matters in his hands, he finally ended this magical day.

Before I closed my eyes and fell asleep, I recalled what happened throughout the day again, and I was very sure that today was a very magical day even compared to the night at Lakeview Manor.

(Little Mia is running...)

On Thursday morning, when Shade went downstairs to get newspapers and goat milk, he found five letters addressed to him, which was a rare thing.

The first two letters were from Dr. Schneider and Miss Bayas respectively, asking about Shade's health. Both of them were at the door of Tobesk Station yesterday and saw the scene of Shade suddenly throwing himself to block the bullet. Although they saw it later

When he arrived, he was fine, but still a little worried, so he wrote to inquire about the specific situation.

The third letter was sent by Priest Augustus, and it was on high-end church-specific letter paper sprinkled with spices. He invited Shade to be a guest at Dawn Church this afternoon, and claimed that Bishop Owen had something to discuss with Shade.

"Um...about the commemorative coins?"

Sitting on the sofa and looking up at the coffee table, the commemorative coin with the bullet still embedded in it was lying there quietly. After yesterday's scene on the street, it would be strange if Dawn Church didn't want to do something.

It happened that there was nothing going on today, so it would be no problem to go to church in the afternoon. But he had to be careful to pretend to be injured, otherwise it might arouse suspicion about his identity.

The fourth letter was, as expected, a letter written by Captain Rades. Because Shade was accidentally shot, after catching the other woman related to the missing child, Captain Rades completed all the transcripts.

Yes. He only came out of Rydwich Field at eight o'clock yesterday, but he didn't feel like it was a waste of time.

The captain told Shade very excitedly in the letter that because he was considered a key figure in cracking this major case, he received news from his friends after leaving Ridwich Field. After the police department commended the case,

Once he can also receive the reward, the Royal Army will consider letting him return to his original unit and return to the front line as a captain.

Captain Rades was really so excited that his already poor words became even more distorted and difficult to decipher.

Shade looked at the letter in his hand and smiled easily. He was very happy for Captain Rades. The captain's current embarrassing life was caused by the "Relic". If he could return to his familiar place and return to himself,

life, then this is the best compensation the captain can currently receive.

The captain said in the letter that he planned to visit Shade tonight to express his gratitude. He knew that compared with the small things he had done, the detective at noon yesterday was the one who really made a big contribution. Therefore, he guessed that Shade would be very important recently.

I was busy, so I chose to visit at night.

The last letter was more like a note than a letter. It was signed by Shade's nominal boss, Mr. Anlos of MI6. In the note, he informed that he would visit St. Teresa Square at eight o'clock this morning to ask Mr.

Shade, don't go out.

"What would Mr. Anlos do to see me?"

He speculated on various possibilities, and an hour later, the first thing the middle-aged gentleman did after entering the door was to take out a thick envelope and hand it to Shade.

Shade pinched it and confirmed that if it wasn't filled with paper, it was definitely filled with banknotes.

"300 pounds."

Mr. Anlos, who was following Shade as he went up the stairs, said. Shade's hand holding the envelope suddenly exerted force, leaving traces on the surface of the envelope.

Foreigners have never come into contact with so much cash in this world, although the doctor's share of the money he plans to cash out from the college is not as large as this amount.

"The 100 pounds is a reward set by MI6 and the City Hall for you to solve the case of missing children. It was supposed to take a few days to give you, but I helped you get it in advance. The other 200 pounds is my personal thanks to you."

Shade stopped and turned his head in surprise to look at the middle-aged man standing on the stairs one step lower than him. The latter grabbed his hat and nodded slightly to Shade:

"Thank you for everything you did yesterday, Mr. Hamilton."

His tone was very serious and his expression was serious.

"It's my pleasure."

Shade also nodded slightly, and then continued to lead his boss up. Until now, the respect that this veteran kingdom intelligence officer had for Shade was finally not all because of Miss Carina.

Shade's MI6 identity is already firmly established and almost impossible to change unless he betrays the Kingdom of Delarian.

Mr. Anlos personally visited Shade not just to give him gold pounds. He brought a total of two pieces of news. The first piece of news was that the investigation into the serial disappearance of children in Tobesk was proceeding very smoothly.

This seems to be a huge human trafficking organization, and the important leader was caught yesterday. Currently, Ridwich Field and MI6 are conducting a nationwide investigation based on the intelligence in hand.

Even though everyone knows that it is impossible to find all the missing children, at least this disturbing incident is finally over.

The second news is also good news. Shade's "Order of Honorary Knight of Delrayon" has been approved. On Sunday night this week, the king will be in the manor owned by the royal family on the outskirts of the city, including Shade.

Awarded to people who have contributed to the "Missing Children Case".

In addition to Shade, there were two lucky gentlemen who received awards, but those were low-level Delarian Contribution Medals. One of them was an old agent from Ridwich Field, who had been in charge of this matter

The other one is the current Police Commissioner of Ridwich Field. The medal is actually not important to this gentleman with the title of Viscount.

"Why was it decided so quickly to award the award? Didn't this just happen yesterday? The royal family and the city hall made the decision overnight?"

Shade asked doubtfully, but he had no doubts about the slow speed of the official work.

"In order to appease people's hearts, of course, it is also to give Queen Diana a suitable reason to appear in public and to quell some rumors."


Mr. Anlos responded with caution:

"After yesterday's assassination incident, rumors that Queen Diana was shot and killed immediately emerged. The royal family needs to pay special attention to handling this matter, so there needs to be a suitable occasion for Queen Diana to appear...


"Mr. Anlos, I actually feel that there was something wrong with yesterday's assassination, and did the rumor spread too quickly?"

Shade asked, and then thought of what the black-haired maid said to stop Mr. Anlos yesterday.

"Is it true..."

He pointed with his finger in the direction of the kitchen, whose window could see the Yodel Palace.

Mr. Anlos showed a secretive expression:

"You can't talk nonsense about this kind of topic, Mr. Hamilton, don't speculate anymore, it has nothing to do with you. Also, your identity is an enthusiastic ordinary citizen, and your background of MI6 will not be exposed."

Putting it this way, the background of the entire assassination incident seems to be more complicated than outsiders expected.

"But why is it Sunday night again?"

he asked again.

"Again? Do you have anything else to do on Sunday?"

Mr. Anlos asked, and Shade shook his head. He just sighed that since he came to this world, Sunday nights never seem to be free. But fortunately, this time he finally doesn’t have to play Rhodes.

"Oh, remember to bring Rhodes cards. This high-level dinner will become very relaxing after His Majesty the King leaves. If the purpose is to make friends, Rhodes cards are a good tool. Since Miss Carina is like this

I think highly of you, so it’s helpful to get to know some friends... Oh, this black tea is really good."

Mr. Anlos sighed. Shade glanced at the tea cup and somehow thought of Detective Sparrow. When the former detective was alive, he probably would never have thought that his own house and his own black tea would entertain MI6 agents.


Mr. Anlos was also a busy man and left after staying with Shade for twenty minutes.

Then Shade also went out, and took Mia with him. First, he delivered a reply to the doctor and Miss Bayas at the mailbox on the street corner, and then went straight to the Prophet's Association with the cat in his arms.

This chapter has been completed!
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